Week 2
Mon 6th Jan - Sun 12th Jan 2025
Tuesday 7th January 2025
Governance Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: PeterE [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], PeterE, CallyFromAuron, CollyPride, AshleyDawn, LadyTempestt, osmium, LordKizzy
Purpose: Weekly Governance WG meeting
Input needed:
We noted that some WGs haven't yet added to the draft End Of Year Report - we'll give reminders in Town Hall tonight, and on Discord.
There's only been 2 responses so far to the Googleform about what WG Sync Calls should be covering. We'll give reminders in Town Hall tonight, and on Discord; and hopefully discuss in Governance meeting on Thurs 9th or Thurs 16th when we have more input.
Retrospective on Q1 consent process:
We noted that GovWG meeting on Tues 14th is scheduled to be the retrospective session on the Q1 budget consent process.
Peter has yet to DM Core Contributors who didn't take part in the Q1 budget approval process, to find out why they didn't. He'll do it as soon as poss.
We will also ask Tevo if he has data on how many Core Contributors did take part this time (it's hard to tell from the Googleform responses, as people submit one per WG so it is hard to see how many unique consenters there were).
We noted it could be interesting in the retrospective to consider overall patterns of how consenters took part (e.g. were there fewer objections than last time? Were objections similar to last time, or different? Were there people who blanket unapproved all WGs, like there was last time?)
Documentation of Governance WG meetings
We agreed it's not an entry-level task.
We agreed the low-ish price ($20) might be putting people off doing it; people might also be put off by feeling that summaries need to be very detailed
We noted that there is still quite a bit of work to do on the backlog of summaries from Q3 and Q4 - there are people working on it, but $20 feels very low, as backlog work is harder since it's not fresh in the mind
We discussed whether people should be able to document meetings they were not present at, and concluded that while it's better if you were there, it's OK to work from the Read.ai transcript (though not from just the Read.ai summary, as those are often very inaccurate)
We agreed that to make documentation less onerous (especially for the backlog work) it is OK to focus on decisions, action items, and who was present
We agreed to raise the price (see "decisions")
Next WG Sync Call date
Next call is supposed to be Thurs 30th Jan at 10:00 UTC - is this too early in the day? Peter will ask in Town Hall tonight about preferred date and time - possibly move to Weds 29th at 13:00 UTC
WG unspent budget / budget reserves
We outlined the current process (unspent budget used to be clawed back by Treasury - but since Jan last year, it has not been. Anything that a WG doesn't spend, becomes part of their WG reserves and they can still use it.)
Should there be a time limit on how long a WG has to use budget that was allocated to a particular task? And if they want to change what they use it for, how should they do that?
How to avoid gaming the system (e.g. submitting a quarterly budget to do amazing things, to ensure consent; but then changing it to less impressive things in the first week of the Quarter)
We agreed on a suggested approach based on a "change request" process if a WG wants to make major changes (see "Decisions" below) and agreed to submit this as a potential new Treasury Policy.
Discussion Points:
Input needed for End of Year report
Input needed for Googleform on what WG Sync calls should cover
Retrospective on Q1 budget decision process
Documentation of GovWG meetings
Next WG Sync Call date
WG unspent budget / budget reserves
Decision Items:
We will raise the price of backlog summaries to $30 per summary. Current summaries will stay at $20; but if AGIX price goes up by the end of Q1, we will give a bonus to documenters
[rationale] Backlog work is more onerous, and can take a lot of time, so price should be higher - and we do have leftover budget to cover it in Q3 and Q4 budgets. But our Q1 budget has allocated $20 for documentation - so we cannot raise this price unless we know AGIX price is high enough.
[opposing] none
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Suggested process for WG budget reallocation:
If the changed budget line is 0-5% of a WG's total quarterly budget, the WG can change this at their own discretion without any consultation (1x per quarter)
If it's 5-35% of the total quarterly budget, the WG should submit the suggested change to #decisions-to-be-made Discord channel, tagging @Core Contributor, and there will be 1 week for any objections to be registered. (If no objections, the WG can go ahead: if anyone objects, we didn't decide how that should be processed. Discuss in a Governance meeting?)
A 35% + change request needs to be included in the WG's budget proposal for the following Quarter (note that it would be separate from, and in addition to, their budget cap for that Quarter. So if a WG has a cap of 5k AGIX for Quarter 2 2025, and has 1k AGIX unspent from Q1 that it wants to reallocate, it will therefore have a total of 6k AGIX to work with).
If a WG has unused budget at the end of a Quarter that they still intend to use as originally planned, they don't need to do anything special - they just do the work as and when they can.
[rationale] - To enable WGs to respond to changes that emerge out of their work, and to reallocate unspent budget if they find they no longer need to do the tasks they originally got the money for, but something else.
To prevent WGs losing budget that they have secured simply because they have realised there is a better use for the money.
To prevent gaming of the system.
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
The above policy suggestion will be discussed in Town Hall and in the Gov WG Discord channel, and then will be submitted as a potential new Treasury Policy
[rationale] The Treasury Policy process seems like the best way to ratify and agree the idea.
[opposing] none
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Action Items:
[action] Peter to DM Core Contributors who didn't take any part in the Q1 budget consent process, to ask why they didn't [assignee] PeterE [due] 14 January 2025 [status] todo
[action] Peter to raise items from this meeting in Town Hall later today (Requests for input on End of Year Report and WG Sync Calls; sharing info on proposed new policy on WG budget changes) [assignee] PeterE [due] 7 January 2025 [status] done
[action] Vani to ask Tevo if he has info on how many people took part in the Q1 budget consent process [assignee] CallyFromAuron [due] 9 January 2025 [status] todo
topics covered: End of Year report, Workgroup Sync call, core contributors, retrospective, participation, consent process, Q1 2025 budget decision, Workgroup reserves, change request, WG budget changes, Documentation
emotions: Discursive, Good natured, interesting, progress made
Wednesday 8th January 2025
Education Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], Gorga Siagian, esewilliams, AshleyDawn, Kateri, Zalfred, hogantuso, frosh, photogee, Clement Umoh, osmium, LordKizzy, Malik
Purpose: Regular meeting of Education Guild. Covering: Happy New Year Greetings - Follow-up from Projects - Task Assignment based on pending tasks - Certification Program next steps discussion.
In this meeting we discussed:
Happy New Year Greetings
Follow-up from Projects
Task Assignment based on pending tasks
Certification Program next steps discussion
Discussion Points:
Slate started the meeting by greeting everyone and giving best wishes for the new year to everyone
The meeting started with warm welcome from everybody, and how their holidays went
Then the meeting set off after this, getting updates in regards to the ongoing projects. The first update was from Ai For Beginners project
Ese notified that the project is ongoing and we have all the scripts ready for the videos, only the SEO and Graphics part is left which will be selected in the coming weeks
There was a pointer in regards to the videos which were posted in the education guild channel; ese notified that those videos will be going through a last set of adjustments before getting published
Slate notified ese to create a specific sheet for this purpose so all the videos can be tracked
Then afterwards the discussion on the webinar series started on which clement, photogee and ese are going to be working on moving forward and will be providing an initial document
Then Osmium notified that he is working on the governance framework series project and that vanessa is working by his side, and they will soon be having updates in regards to this
There was also a discussion in regards to the certification program updates, Slate notified that the certification program will now be launched on the website for more public to accesss it and before making more resources we should wait for franklyn's update
Decision Items:
Certification Program Resource Creation will start after the website creation maybe near to it
[rationale] most Agreed
[opposing] nil
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Action Items:
[action] Ese to create a single google sheet document for the AI for Beginners [assignee] esewilliams [due] 15 January 2025 [status] in progress
[action] Photogee, Clement and Ese to work on Webinar Series Document [assignee] esewilliams, Clement Umoh, photogee [due] 15 January 2025 [status] in progress
topics covered: CCCP, announcement, website, Ai for Beginners, design, Task Assignment
emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike.
Archives Workgroup
Type of meeting: Monthly
Present: Stephen [QADAO] [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], André, CallyFromAuron, Stephen [QADAO], LadyTempestt, Gorga Siagian, PeterE, Clement Umoh, AshleyDawn, esewilliams, LordKizzy, Effiom
Purpose: Regular monthly meeting of the Archives WorkGroup in the SingularityNET Ambassador program
Meeting video: Link
Decision Items:
Gorga presented Gamers' Guild's representation of Archives WG in Roblox. We agreed it was great, but suggested some minor tweaks to which NPC is in each room. We commented that
like a knowledge graph, this is a visual way of representing structures and connections. The conversational interface in the game may be useful for structuring questions about the archive - e.g. a gamified way to explore a knowledge graph
it would be amazing in the long term if the Archives itself could be integrated with the game, so that in the Archives room, a player could actually access and search the Archives.
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Stephen showed updates to the AI workflow issue https://github.com/SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive/issues/233. He's working on a presentation on philosopher Robert Stalnaker's idea of context (possible worlds, centred worlds), and how this might relate to an ethical approach to the use of AI
[rationale] An LLM needs to be used in a contextualised way in order to be fully ethical - Stalnaker's approach to context could be a useful way to look at this, and could give an interesting angle for our didactic work.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Stephen presented recent work on LLM development https://github.com/SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive/issues/241 . We agreed that while it is easy to take a "snapshot" of flat-file data and feed it into Langchain or similar, there is no guide to forming a semantic query. So how do we structure our data to prepare it for interfacing with generative AI?
This will be the next phase of the work on this issue - we are now pivoting to a graph structure to give better context and dimensionality.
You create an instance (in the cloud, for scalability, if you have a large dataset)
Import is from a CSV file, but you an also integrate graph sources and other sources
It creates nodes (data entities)
You can then design your own conceptual schema/framework on top of this layer, to define what the edges are that connect the nodes. (Multi-dimensional - there might be many connections depending on context).
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
André, meeting tool redesign: he has added some new names to the controlled vocab for people's names; and is planning to design something for the process of approving new names and updating where we have a wrong version of a name.
He's also updated the timeline folders for 2025 (atm this can't be automated, but it does only need to be done annually so not too bad), and fixed a caching bug which had been causing the dashboard to sometimes display older (non-updated) versions of summaries.
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
We discussed our tag taxonomy https://github.com/SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive/issues/133, and whether our (deduped) set of tags could be a layer that sits on top of our data
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We noted that given current low-ish token price, we're not able to start the proposed initiative to create a skilled documentation team. We'll review this next meeting.
[rationale] We had this in our Q1 budget "if token price rises sufficiently above $0.55" (the exchange rate at which Q1 budgets were calculated). Price hasn't risen enough.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We briefly discussed the plan to further develop an AI ethics policy for the Archives.
[rationale] Transparency in the use of AI, human oversight, contextuality, and accountability are obviously key elements; so are auto-didacticism and learning resources (can people teach themselves to understand what is being done when AI is used in recordkeeping?)
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Action Items:
[action] Vani to approach DeepFunding, to ask about the issue raised in our November meeting about documentation of DF Town Hall: i.e. sometimes timestamps are not great, and additional work needs to be done to document the sessions in a meaningful way - could DF itself could make any further contribution to the work, e.g. by paying someone from the Town Hall team to add the documentation to the summary tool?
and discuss how the Archives dovetails with documentation that DF is doing itself, such as https://community.deepfunding.ai/ [assignee] CallyFromAuron [due] 15 January 2025 [status] todo
topics covered: RAG retrieval process, knowledge graph, Tag taxonomy, meeting summary tool, graph rag, Robert Stalnaker, philosophy, Gamers Guild, Roblox, visual, context, controlled vocabularies
emotions: interesting, wide-ranging, didactic, Friendly
Thursday 9th January 2025
Governance Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: PeterE [facilitator], martinsoki [documenter], PeterE, CallyFromAuron, AshleyDawn, LadyTempestt, LordKizzy, martinsoki, Duke, Sucre n Spice, Clement, Effiom
Purpose: Weekly Open Governance meeting
Compulsory participation in Governance:
Should we have compulsory participation for individual core contributors?
We noted that we give core contributors the right to take part in the decision making process but it doesn't have to be mandatory. (The call contributor tag is given based on their participation and not based on personal request).
Should we make it compulsory for workgroups to take part?
Should a workgroup have to be present in the objections-resolving calls?
If any workgroup puts forward a proposal and there is an objection, it is important the workgroup is present to respond and discuss the objections. We noted that even if the workgroup lead isn't available, a representative from the workgroup should be present in the meeting to discuss the objections.
Should it be mandatory for a workgroup to be present during either Governance calls or workgroup syncing calls?
We noted that workgroups should prioritize coming for Workgroups Syncing call. It is not mandatory but to encourage workgroups to participate, we suggested we propose to reward the Workgroups that send a representative to all 3 Workgroup Syncing calls in a quarter and note that one person can only represent a maximum of 2 workgroup. While for the governance calls, we are not mandating or proposing anything for now but we encourage workgroups to participate in order to know what is going on in the ecosystem.
Discussion Points:
Compulsory participation in Governance for individual core contributors
Compulsory participation in governance for workgroups
Compulsory workgroup participation in the objection-resolving calls of workgroup budgets
Decision Items:
We decided to propose a positive reward system for workgroups that attend three workgroup syncing calls in the quarter, instead of a sanction for those who don't. The funding for this would come from reserves. We will post this suggestion in the Governance Discord channel and ask for unput - if no significant objections, we will go ahead
[rationale] To encourage participation in the monthly syncing calls
[opposing] none
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Action Items:
[action] Martinsoki to post the proposal on the Governance Discord channel regarding the positive reward system for workgroups that attend three workgroup syncing calls in a quarter [assignee] martinsoki [due] 9 January 2025 [status] todo
topics covered: Workgroup Sync call, core contributors, participation, compulsory participation, consent process, Governance WG
emotions: progress made, Thoughtful
AI Sandbox/Think-tank
Type of meeting: Sandbox
Present: osmium [facilitator], Kateri [documenter], AshleyDawn, Gorga Siagian, Kateri, advanceameyaw, martinsoki, LordKizzy, TheFreysDeFi, PeterE, Clement Umoh, osmium
In this meeting we discussed:
Meeting Coordination and Introductions: Lord Kizzy welcomed everyone, and Osmium gave a presentation on the overview of the AI Tools Exhibition, talked about the mission, and highlighted the key takeaways and how relevant it is to the Ambassador program.
Showcasing the first presentation of the exhibition made by Advancemeyaw AIRTABLE AI: Airtable AI is a tool within Airtable and Airtable is a cloudbased collaboration plattform. It combines database functionalities with spreadsheets or any form of data. It is widely used for organizing and managing data and collaborating on data based on project or task. https://www.canva.com/design/DAGbkFCuaPo/sZzWOF2E83QWZvI6E-hEyg/edit?utm_content=DAGbkFCuaPo&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
a) Overview of the toolset [Detailed Description and Use Cases]
b) Architecture and Technology Stack [Library or repository of the framework of AI model or visual or graphical representation of the architecture through diagrams or flow chart]
c) Demonstration [live demo or tutorial/ video walkthrough]
d) Outcome Report or Results and Impact [ illustration through case studies or showcasing measurable results eg. key performance metrics]
Questions were asked and clarity was made on the operation of the ARTABLE AI
Membership tag: The voting of the membership tag has ended on the channel and the tag name with the highest vote was SANDBOX/THINK-TANk. Lord Kizzy noted that he was going to meet Peter with the names of the members that should be given the tag and also said that those interested to become a member and have the tag needs to attend three meetings in a row or attend five meetings in a quarter.
Budget allocation and project showcase planning: Suggestion for Think tank was around the theoretical debate, round table discussion but the potential for AI think tank is fast and we need to operate on our blueprint. AI sandbox project showcase: This is to showcase tools that were created by community members within the ambassador program, the person or ambassador gets to educate the community on the use of the tool.
Action Items:
[action] Lord Kizzy and Osmium to make up the roadmap and showcase it in the next meeting [assignee] LordKizzy, osmium [due] 16 January 2025 [status] todo
[action] Lord Kizzy to reach out to Peter with the list of members to be given the SANDBOX/THINKTANK Discord tag [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 16 January 2025 [status] todo
topics covered: AI TOOLSET EXHIBITION, AIRTABLE AI, membership, Discord tag, roadmap, budget allocation, planning
emotions: welcoming, informative, interactive, educational
Friday 10th January 2025
Video Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Zalfred [facilitator], LordKizzy [documenter], Zalfred, AndrewBen, killy, frosh, osmium, Slate, devon, hogantuso, LordKizzy, Malik
Purpose: The meeting focused on weekly updates and tasks distribution
Discussion Points:
UPDATE FROM THE TASK MANAGER A quick update from Malik on various tasks assigned within the week. He highlighted that there wasn't much activities due to the holiday and that the townhall edit video has been edited and sent to the review team
Update from the Social Media manager, Andrew Ben noted that he was on transit and won't be able to give the update
Town hall updates: Zalfred gave the updates from the previous town hall. He noted that there were some conversations around crypto scams and a discussion around a new policy on how WGs can make budget changes mid quarter.
Goals for Q1: Lordkizzy spoke on reaching out to ecosystem spin-off projects for collaboration on video creation, he also spoke on how we could raise the level of engagement on our content through the zealy platform and also said he was going to need a representative from video wg for a call to structure the collaboration
AOB: Devon asked if the task assignment was meant to be done in the present call but zalfred addressed that we were on holiday for the previous weeks and assignees will continue work on january as agreed in our previous call
AOB: ECOSYSTEM Update Videos: Zalfred and Killy proposed creating the leftover ecosystem videos
Decision Items:
We decided that Zalfred and killy will work on the leftover ecosystem videos
[rationale] Those videos need to go out as soon as possible
Action Items:
[action] Osmium to present the videos from Bangkok [assignee] osmium [due] 17 January 2025 [status] todo
[action] Lordkizzy to submit a short report on the video workgroup achievements to Peter [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 17 January 2025 [status] todo
topics covered: Video Edit, Q1 2025 goals, Ecosystem Update videos, Zealy, Town Hall Videos
emotions: Friendly, speedy , Collaborative, Thoughtful
Marketing Guild
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Ayo [facilitator], Eric Davies [documenter], Gorga Siagian, AJ, TheFreysDeFi, Ayo, Clement Umoh, CJFrankie, LordKizzy, AshleyDawn, kareem, osmium, Eric Davies
Purpose: Marketing Guild weekly meeting
Working Docs:
[Meeting Agenda](Hey Guys/Gals/Else Happy New Year Folks The Ney Year opens today at the Marketing Guild First meeting underway https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q4YWqKesJkbS2kBDbeg9LaoGSTko3y418bxM14v32Q8/edit?usp=sharing)
Discussion Points:
Retrospective on Q3 and Q4 Performance: Ayo initiated a reflective discussion on the Marketing Guild's performance over the last two quarters, encouraging members to share both successes and areas for improvement.
Meeting Attendance and Task Completion: C.J. Frankie emphasized the need for consistent attendance and timely task completion to improve collaboration.
Zealy Campaign Review: Gorga acknowledged the success of the Zealy campaign but stressed the need for better planning to avoid last-minute execution.
Mascot Initiative Review: Kevin clarified that while he wasn’t the originator of the Mascot Initiative, he found it valuable and appreciated the team’s swift execution of the mascot contest.
Guild Progress and Areas for Improvement: Kizzy highlighted both the guild’s achievements and areas for improvement, such as enhancing the content calendar, improving attendance, and providing compensation for extra efforts.
YouTube Channel Guidelines: Kizzy introduced YouTube channel guidelines covering purpose, collaboration, feedback, and admin responsibilities
Attendance Review: Kizzy summarized attendance reviews, noting that some members fell below 20%, and C.J. Frankie asked about the fate of members with less than 70% attendance. Ayo reiterated that consistent availability is essential to retain roles, and inactive members may lose their positions.
Task Force Update: Kizzy announced the inclusion of Ashley as a sixth Task Force member, enabling fairer compensation despite some role adjustments.
Role Compensation Feedback: Kizzy presented an upgraded role distribution and compensation sheet for feedback.
AI and Media Initiatives: Kevin highlighted plans to use AI and media to support Ghanaian athletes, establish a global podcast, and empower West African talent.
Decision Items:
We agreeed that the cutoff for attendance review is set at 70%.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We agreed that some members will take on a Task Force role, while some will assume a Core Member role based on performance and popular opinion.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Kizzy to create a sheet for Core Members to indicate role swaps and check available positions. [assignee] LordKizzy [status] todo
[action] Cjfrankie to compile a document summarizing activities and accomplishments from Q3 and Q4. [assignee] CJFrankie [status] todo
[action] Kareem to prepare to present the governance document during the next call. [assignee] kareem [status] todo
topics covered: Rewards, Budget , Roles, Zealy, Quarter 1 2025, attendance, retrospective, Ghana, Ghanaian athletes, Ambassador YouTube, Mascot
emotions: Collaborative, Thoughtful , productive, warm, interactive
Last updated