Week 30
17th July to 23rd July 2023
Last updated
17th July to 23rd July 2023
Last updated
Peter, Syntronyx, and TheFreysDefi.
The meeting opened up with Peter and Alex discussing the excellent work done by Alex on creating an education course using google apis.
Thefreysdefi joined and discussed his absence and reasoning. He also thanked the community for stepping up in his absence. Many thanks.
Alex created a short course – short in usage time, but lengthy in development – to begin what could end up turning into SingularityNet University. https://storage.googleapis.com/alexsnyderselearningportfolio/SingularityNet/story.html
The discussion then turned to how to build out this concept into an ecosystem-wide initiative. This type of education format could be used to create learning modules for all ecosystem partners and projects. We also discussed using this method to help with onboarding users to the Snet marketplace both as consumers and creators.
There was discussion on incentivitization for users after testing, but we hit a roadblock on how that would work as not to be gamified.
Discussion went further into adoption of the Snet platfform by educational institutions and governments. This touched on The Department of Education and how to get in front of decision makers. We discussed the various departments, grant funding, and The Office of Technology Education that helps foster technology usage within education. This was a lengthy discussion
We went on to discuss how we would appropriately build out this initiative and what steps would need to be taken next. We settled on the need for a deepfunding proposal and discussed how it would be proper to proceed further, how funds should be appropriately used, and what is deemed proper for an ambassador guild funds request.
We agreed a project or creation of “something” would be needed to facilitate our goals. Peter recused himself from being a part of any deepfunding proposals as he is an employee. He did however support the idea. We also discussed involving other ambassadors.
It’s agreed further steps are needed to plan this out.
How can we improve the process? How should we display our problem (or other) statements? What platform?
Don’t bring people to governance - take governance to people.Use the tools that people like and are familiar with.
What is our change process; how do we support continued evolution? Are we expecting fixed, finished documents that people can only read and not change? In this decentralised space maybe our governance documents need to be much more fluid - which would have a big effect on our governance, since most of us are used to the idea that “governance” does involve quite fixed things?
Decision: on the Governance GitBook, we have listed key issues from the Governance Framework document, and a link to a Google Doc for each one where people can discuss and comment without needing to grapple with Git.
ACTION: We will post GitBook link in Discord https://catalyst-swarm.gitbook.io/snet-ambassador-governance-framework/, explain what we are inviting people to do, and ask people to contribute their thoughts via the linked Google docs
ACTION: Felix, Stephen, Slate, and Vani will get together to plan an event with breakouts to discuss the different topics in the Governance framework doc
See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pORhk41M5sSHn6drCxoynEaDgVK5ITfcCgEFpS1aBw0/edit?usp=sharing
Why are we building governance and who is it for? Is it a product?
Language of governance for chains is often derived from public policy - idea of a “digital nation” - but reflecting on CIP-1694 shows that people use CORPORATE governance as a model.
How do we frame change as an experiment? We need to be collecting experimental data on how well a change worked, i.e. ask stakeholders what effect it had on them. There’s also ethics around people’s informaed consent to be part of the “experiment”.
Is “problem and solution” structure worth questioning too? It’s not an asset-based approach to focus on what is wrong - sometimes need to focus on what is good and how to amplify it. Also it falsely sugests that “problem and solution” are a matched pair, when actually there are many solutions to a problem, and which one you pursue can be political, or driven by resources, etc.
ACTION: Contact Eszter re: the “governance baseline” issues that we were discussing in the 16th June meeting.
We have done quite a lot of thinking and planning and structuring; we have the info on Gitbook and the associated Google docs… now, we need to focus on making sure people know about it and can join in.
No summary given
We Prioritize critical Ambassador activities and cover process changes
Description - How do we protect our spaces and data from bad actors? Insight - Zoom Account license under SingularityNET Ambassador Account Insight - All Zoom Accounts rooms have waiting rooms Insight - Workgroup Miro Boards spaces are separated into Learning - Workgroup Miro Boards can be easily found using Miro Map Miro Board Action - Add Miro Map Miro Board under your account favorites or bookmark it to have access to all the other SNET Boards
Description - How do we accept proposals and distribute rewards between the proposals? Decision - We differentiate proposals between Internal and External proposals Decision - We don't require full community consensus to accept proposals Decision - We will experiment having a Dework Space for all proposals Action - Create Dework Space and Proposal Suggestion template Insight - Process Modelling Workgroup is creating Proposal Matrix table to help with context setting by differentiating types of proposals Decision - Proposals should define Maximum Resource Cap to proposal that can be asked every month
Try to create proposal for the spaces you are creating.
Not this week.
This Workgroup focuses on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework on the Andamio platform in collaboration with Gimbalabs and Governance Guild.
Agenda Items
Description - We are helping members to set up the Andamio environment so they can play around with displaying the content they create. Learning - Do not use the command git rm -f * without thinking through what it does. Insight - we accidentally deleted all the previous Tevo Dework PBL content and structuring work Action - Recreate the Dework PBL lesson structure on the new forked repo and push the changes for other PBL members Insight - When building your own products start by forking the original repo instead of cloning it Insight - Every project living in GIT repos will eventually need some planning on how to distribute and update the data. Insight - Published previous learning video between Gimbalabs on How to use the Andamio platform
Let's get our Dework PBL lessons ready for next meeting.
Workgroup lifecycle: the processes of establishing or maintaining workgroups to serve the community
Description - Discussed practicalities of Miro-based task management for meeting rhythms Learning - it's difficult to do task management simply by making sticky notes in miro - layout makes a big difference in understanding. We continue trying to communicate direction and intuition for meeting-preppers that will result in clear responsibilities and understanding of needed meeting-related activities and how to do second-level task-management. Decision - Iterated "housekeeping" area to clarify "this-meeting" tasks vs "next-meeting" tasks, and handoffs between responsible contributors week to week. Description: when prospective members don't do their parts, our workgroup doesn't work Insight - prospective members can't gain active status except by actively contributing Insight - reinforced need for developing some engagement flow for prospective members
Description - We focused discussion on the Seed workgroup - how a workgroup gets started and becomes adopted to its larger organization Insight - a workgroup should have a purpose clearly connected to its org's mission/strategy/gaps/pain-points Insight - Important to have feedback on workgroups - esp. if there is a budget - so it can continue, refine itself, stop itself or continue separately from the org. Decision - Recommend periodic check of purpose and impact and budget based on Workgroup activity/results Insight - We're developing a lightweight framework for workgroup lifecycles, leaving things flexible for people to act with autonomy while connecting their intent to impact on org-level needs.
Action - Next Week: evaluate workgroup & program strategy / formation elements - same as Seed Group?? Action - Next: adopting metrics and impact measurements for different types of workgroups.
Cran, Fly
cran, fly, headelf, peter
Going over topics such as leadership and roles
1 hr
Open discussion on what role leadership could play in the Ambassador Program, leading up to the Strategy meeting (see below) which followed and further explored roles.
We started the meeting with an exercise on leadership name ideation and open thoughts on what leadership could look like in the Ambassador Program.
The group discussed Pros and Cons of leadership roles.
Discussion took place that there would need to be some incentivization for a leadership role. The program could potentially benefit from someone or some people totaling full-time to help with the program and see initiatives through and safeguard certain things like email communication (kind of have a final look at what goes out from the main email and comms).
We lightly talked about Grace Rachmany coming to the following week's Incubation meeting on July 26, 2023.
Peter, Fly, Crandano, Kenichi, Headelf
We had an open mic type ideation and spitballing style discussion. We discussed the need for a bit of hierarchy in the Ambassador program vs none. It was discussed and recognized that many people start as lurkers and some remain. Fly brought up and discussions were aimed at current Ambassadors that lurk in meetings, listening or multitasking and not participating. It was discussed how Read.ai could be gamed. Future strategy sessions will discuss and ideate around Fly's concept on the need for active participation. Discussion was pivoted to the need for direct and transparent communication with the foundation in part to help develop SingComDao. This brought up the Round Table as a solution. Peter suggested the Round Table could be the original Ambassadors. Discussion revolved around shrinking it to as small as 5.
Headelf pivoted the discussion to Ambassador roles and names stating that humans need to feel they belong. The discussion settled into a consensus of four roles with the following names (we believe better role names are needed); New-bee for post lurkers; Trusted for first level Ambassador after a yet-to-be-defined process.
Discussion focused on Dework Task Points after looking at Gimbals and a new SNET Token due to a strong suggestion by Kenichi. The consensus was Dework TPs could only be earned and not purchased; Work Group Leads - a more involved Ambassador with more TPs; Ambassadors - the senior level and higher reputation with more TPs. An elevated leadership position for Ambassadors in the Round Table was discussed.
Onboarding was a major problem and hurdle. An issue was brought up by Kenric in an earlier meeting due to an email he received. He was confused by the letter and thought he had been elevated to the Ambassador role. Sucre-n-Spice had sent approximately 7 of these emails out during the beginning of July. This ‘not managing expectations’ had major concern to the attendees. We discussed and came to the consensus that ALL future Ambassadors had to complete a formal request that would be reviewed - perhaps by the RT. Or initially by the current Ambassadors for simple majority consensus. This way there would be a process the applicant was involved with on a voluntary basis and we would gain some insight. We also discussed the need for a more formalized Onboarding into the Ambassador program. Crandano will initiate and head a formal new Ambassador onboarding process. This will be via the new FR process. Sucre should continue with in channel onboarding process and head of the WG. This will assist her with a formalization of the process and a mentoring by several ambassadors. The group decided to use Peter's Telegram group as an experiment with this new application and Onboarding process slated for the first week in September. There were other questions and discussions on a legal wrapper and need for legal advice about what the Ambassador program is legally.
Another serious member concern was around conflict between individuals. Peter and Headelf expressed concern and apologies for not recognizing and talking about the issue(s). This was another reason for the need of a Round Table so any issues can be handled. No member of the Ambassadors should ever feel ignored, slighted, humiliated, bullied, harassed or made to feel less or unsafe. Our role as Ambassadors is to elevate, mentor and befriend our members and all of Snet and all of humanity. We need to be solid here and with each other so we can evolve Benevolent AGI. I [Headelf] ask any one with an issue - whatever it is - to DM me or if the issue is with me DM Peter. Let us work out whatever the issue is. And, a reminder we do have a Tuesday Ambassador-only unrecorded Zoom each week so we can discuss private issues and concerns in a safe environment.
1 hour 30 minutes.
1. Four Ambassador levels. Names to be worked by the community. 2. Formalized application to apply for Ambassadorship. 3. Onboarding process to be formalized headed by Crandano. 4. Experiment process of system with onboarding Telegram group as Ambassadors. 5. Further exploration, discussion and understanding of developing the Round Table.
Not this week.
How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities.
Description - Creating a place to store all Treasury Management-related documentation and information Decision - We will be using Ambassador GitBook for that Action - We will continue to add more relevant information, we did not cover all required elements Insight - https://snet-ambassadors.gitbook.io/home/group-1/treasury-management Insight - a lot of participants were present when we went through the rules and moved them to GitBook. There seems to be very little misunderstanding of what the rules mean. Insight - In this meeting, we created Budget Overview, Introduction to Fund Request and Auditing sections.
Continue updating and wording Treasury Documentation. Does anybody want to help facilitate Treasury Guild sessions?
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No summary given