Week 35
21st August to 27th August 2023
Last updated
21st August to 27th August 2023
Last updated
Hosts : Vanessa
Date of Meeting : Wednesday, 23rd August 2023
Attendees : Andre, & Vanessa
Agenda :
1 - GitHub Project Board - Vanessa
2 - Tool Development Screen share - Andre
Establishing or maintaining processes to help community members to efficiently collaborate together.
discussion of differences between workgroup (ad-hoc) vs program (clearer process & skills and outputs) discussion of principle for autonomous initiative-based creation of seed-stage group (not needing permission) and with our program's recommendations providing guidance for groups wanting official recognition & funding support Insight - Onboarding workgroup may have additional onboarding requirements from workgroup types Insight - Workgroups and Programs need at least 1 communications channel (fpr Seed workgroup it's optional) [Action] - prep templates/examples for groups wanting to get started [Action] - Prepare new design for matrix table with less sticky notes
[Action] - Next meeting we will cover roadmap section.
Ethics continued
Discord voice
PsychonautGuy, Tevo, Fly, Headelf [host]
1 hour due to hard stop.
Convo began on Leadership and its meaning. Tevo indicated Leadership is an individual trait and it is not used enough. Fly thought it is an abstract form. Consensus after a more in depth convo was that term “Leader” is acceptable. Regarding ethics itself, Tevo stated first rule sb “Do no Harm” in line with medical ethics. Questions arose including: How is that implemented. Headelf thought that “Be Nice” should cover most social ethics. Other thoughts included: Show Respect; Equity; Fairness; Equality but more. More in depth convo ensued and waxed philosophical but with an inclusion of reality. Notes or highlife soundbites include: Speak the truth; Do unto others…; Create a Good Leader Guide; Be a nice person.
Sucre’nSpice [facilitator], Headelf, Vani [documenter], Tevo, Slate, Devon
Onboarding Workgroup minutes, 24th Aug 2023
agreed as a correct record
all done
Slide deck for Onboarding session - particularly, how to communicate to new people that they are invited to take the initiative, the idea that things are in flux and might change, and the roles and levels, which are not yet fixed.
Date for Onboarding session - decided on Thurs 7th Sept, 14:00 UTC
(briefly) improvements to Getting Started channel
[ACTION]: All to continue to use GETTING STARTED CHANNEL to add info that should be there.
[ACTION]: WaKa and Demonix to continue to work on improvements to Getting Started (unclear if they want to use the above doc or not)
[ACTION]: All to tweak the slides for the Onboarding session between now and next week’s meeting: especially the slide on Ambassador rewards.
Rojo [facilitator] [documenter], Agus, DevonHardy.
Discussed workgroup progress (projects, social media,…)
Decided to take a clip from the end of Town Hall about what's happening every week.
Decided to reach out to connect our socials to SNet socials.
Decided to make visuals for Instagram highlights.
Decided to put the same content on Twitter and make Twitter our main social media account
[decision] Take a clip from the end of Town Hall about what's happening every week. [decision] Reach out to connect our socials to SNet socials. [decision] Make visuals for Instagram highlights. [decision] Put the same content on Twitter and make Twitter our main social media account
[action] Take a clip from the end of Town Hall about what's happening every week. [action] Make visuals for Instagram highlights. [action] Put the same content on Twitter and make Twitter our main social media account.
Meeting cancelled.