Week 46

Mon 11th Nov - Sun 17th Nov 2024

Monday 11th November 2024

Treasury Guild

Agenda item 1 - Guild Management - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Low participation at start time of meeting

  • We go over the meeting time and still a lot of agendas unexplored

  • Assigned Core Activities to do before next meeting

  • There are practically no funds for documentation budgeted in Q4

  • How to address Translation WG Budget overspend?

  • Q1 2025 Treasury Guild Proposal Draft: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dxcnnRhG_kFBmtvlmuiZ-Ddx_tcCeT9wq0_InuSkeGs

Decision Items:

  • We will not reallocate funds to Translation WG from Treasury Guild nor Marketing Guild.

    • [rationale] We will not reallocate funds to Translation WG from Treasury Guild nor Marketing Guild. We considered the promise of our Q3 proposal to fund these and the fact that currently Treasury Guild has no funds for themselves to even reward core activities. Using our remaining leftover budgets we would like to allocate for reporting, proposing and updating core contributor list. In Quarter 4 we did not budget ourselves to cover other WG budgets. Marketing Guild disagreed to fund from their budget.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Meeting Summary and Review [assignee] Tevo, LadyTempestt [due] 15 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Draft Quarter 4 Treasury Guild Report [assignee] Effiom, LadyTempestt [due] 15 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Draft Quarter 1 Treasury Guild Budget Sheet [assignee] Onize, Effiom [due] 15 November 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - How do we go about using Marketing Guild's content calendar to publish Treasury Guild call outs and updates? - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • What reminders or call outs should we share forward?

  • Who will update the content planner/liaise with Marketing Guild?

  • What information do we already outreach?

  • What have our current target audiences and channels been?

Decision Items:

  • SubZero will be our Marketing / Content Calendar representative from Treasury Guild

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Request more information from Marketing Guild: What's the expected output from the Content Planner? Why are two representatives required, what are their roles? Who is paying for the tasks? Why do we need to give representatives' emails? [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - How do people feel about current Treasury Operation outcomes and bi-weekly issues with transactions? - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • The process is transparent and we can get access to see how the process works and what the challenges are

  • I like that everybody can have the chance of doing operations

  • New people should NOT take entire meeting time to process contributions

  • We should distinguish skilled operators from new operators

  • Could we process more often if we are not able to do them in the specified meeting time?

  • Could we try creating a workgroup for treasury manager code review and development?

Decision Items:

  • Start having again more detailed development updates before meeting starts

  • Have stricter rules on how long we train new operators to allow enough time to create bundle transactions

Action Items:

  • [action] Those who are interested in learning Excel visual basic scripting language, let us know in Treasury Guild Discord channel [status] todo

Agenda item 4 - Allocation and Categorization Analysis - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • New policy to help establish categories and budget allocations for each category https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-tAwCD3vrXNSbUdQApljTVMfFGVDJo6PBdM39CO73Uk

  • We shared examples of how budget allocations are calculated and how the averages affect results

  • What has Governance WG discussed trying this quarter?

  • What kind of limits have we proposed or tried to introduce before?

  • How do we implement limits for next quarter?

Action Items:

  • [action] Provide feedback to new policy to implement it https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSev-uthFleaINLCJivcNWT4TWjTfx4AwbH1kSkKNrgM9dTxsg/viewform [assignee] all [due] 16 December 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Miro Board, Translation WG, Marketing Guild, budget categories, treasury operators, training treasury operators, training, content calendar, Q4 2024 quarterly report, Q1 2025 budget

  • emotions: wide-ranging, Discursive, reflective, well organised

Wednesday 13th November 2024

Research and Development Guild

Agenda Items:

  • Welcoming new Members and Introduction

  • Review of last meeting summary Action Items

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: EC-Entity-Connections, W3CD-Web3-Contributors-Dashboard, CSDB-Collaboration-Skills-Database, Social-Media-Dashboard, Reputation-System-using-SoulBound-Tokens-SBTs

  • R&D New Metta Coder lab

  • ASI summit

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: Governance Dashboard

  • Q1 Budget and Tier system

Discussion Points:

  • Review of last meeting summary Action Items: Lordkizzy went through the action items for the previous meeting and we had a brief introduction for new members

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: Teams are currently working async on their projects and will give an update at the end of the month

  • R&D Guild Metta Code Lab Initiative: Guillermo didn't have the chance to speack with the METTA team due to the event in Bangkok and he shared the full folder on the METTA libary: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EpETWEyKp2EaEIHopotWb7kCkupCZ8KF?usp=sharing, we also had discussion on the early topics for the METTA initiative in Q1 2025

  • Follow up on the CSDB: Advance spoke on the progress so far on the hosting and suggested having the call with the onboarding workgroup early, to round up the changes at once, so lordkizzy noted he was going to host the session within the coming week, guillermo also spoke on the deadline for redeployment (25th Nov) and asked the team if they were still on track on the deadline, and the team hopes to meet the deadline, tho AJ suggested for an extra week, we also spoke on the hosting charges for heroku and he is going to disburse the funds to Advance

  • ASI summit: Vasu gave updates on the event and highlighted his communication with influential figures

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: Governance Dashboard, lordkizzy gave an update on the call he had with Guillermo on the governance dashboard where we looked at some features for the tool, like a space in the dashboard for constructive criticism and also how to extract this data

  • Q1 Budget and Tier system: members gave their views on the tier system and the guild's allocation. We noted the previous challenges faced within the guild in terms of compensation for project work and took a vote for more funds

Action Items:

  • [action] CSDB team to finish and get ready for redeployment by 25th of NOV [assignee] AJ, Advanceameyaw [due] 20 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Lordkizzy will schedule a call with representatives from the onboarding work within the week. [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 20 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Guillermo to disburse the $24.46 expense from the R&D treasury. [assignee] guillermolucero [due] 19 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Lordkizzy and guillermo to have a call to discuss on the governance dashboard project [assignee] LordKizzy, guillermolucero [due] 20 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Guillermo will create a spreadsheet for team members to sign up for facilitation roles in future meetings. [assignee] guillermolucero [due] 20 November 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Tool Development, AI tooling, Deliverables, Presentation, Documentation, Operations, Metta, Q1 2025 budget, budget tiers, budget cap, governance dashboard

  • emotions: Casual, Welcoming, Thoughtful, Friendly, Collaborative, productive

LatAm Guild

Agenda item 1 - Communications SubGroup - [carry over]


In line with the X Spaces program for Q4, we will have the third space on Thursday, November 14 (22:00 UTC). In this space we will address the topics of transhumanism and biotechnology, in addition to reviewing some milestones achieved by Rejuve AI, which is part of the SingularityNET ecosystem and is a real use case with great importance. Martín Rivero presented a document that includes a philosophical introduction and technical topics, while Inés will contribute her perspective on transhumanism and Dani will participate in the discussion. Guillermo suggested improvements in the structure of the content, and it was agreed that all participants can make comments until the event, highlighting collaboration and flexibility in planning. The importance of document translation was also discussed, with Daniela Alves confirming the sending of a translation into Portuguese and the need to humanize translations.

Decision Items:

  • The SNET_Latam ambassador team will participate in X Space #3, which will be led by Martín, Inés and Daniela, with the space open to participate in the conversation.

Action Items:

  • [action] Guillermo will open the space, then Martín will guide the development of the points defined in this meeting according to the attached document, Inés, Daniela and Sergio will participate in the conversation. [assignee] SergioBenaR, guillermolucero, Martin Rivero, Daniela Alves, inesgav [due] 14 noviembre 2024 [status] in progress

Agenda item 2 - Operations SubGroup - [carry over]


At the previous meeting of the SNET_Latam ambassador team, the registration of contributions for each team member was determined, which will be done using the documents prepared by Guillermo.

Decision Items:

  • Core contributors of the Latin American Guild must fill out the contribution forms for the first half of November.

Action Items:

  • [action] Daniela, Martin and Sergio will present their contribution records in their individual documents [assignee] SergioBenaR, Martin Rivero, Daniela Alves [due] 15 noviembre 2024 [status] in progress


  • topics covered: content calendar, X spaces, contribution, contribution tracking, core contributors, transhumanism, biotechnology, rejuve.ai, philosophy, translation

  • emotions: Collaborative, Strategic, Task-focused, teamwork, philosophical

Education Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], AndrewBen, AshleyDawn, Ayo, Clement Umoh, esewilliams, Gorga Siagian, Kateri, tee, hogantuso, Zalfred

  • Purpose: Regular weekly meeting of Education Guild, covering project-based ppdates

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Budget Caps discussion

  • CCCP Core Contributors Certification Program

  • Education Guild Website Wiki / CCCP Integration

  • Ai For Beginners

Discussion Points:

  • Slate started the meeting by greeting everyone

  • After the introduction part, everyone's opinion was asked in regards to the proposed budget caps for Q1 2025. There were mixed opinions: some liked it, some didn't, and most had concerns on certain aspects of budget caps

  • Ai For Beginners - Points to Note:

  • All the scripts were reviewed and feedback was given on each report by Slate, approving the ethics script and leaving suggestions on the rest

  • Ese also notified that the video production will soon be beginning after the scripts are good to go

  • CCCP (Certification Program) - Points to Note:

  • There are a total of 15 days left and the certification program will be ending by the end of November

  • Ese notified that the announcements have been going out regularly and a live demo will also be showcased by her soon

  • Slate notified that if nobody is able to complete the certification, the top 3 runners up will be rewarded with certifications and rewards.

  • Education Guild Website Wiki / CCCP Integration - Points to Note:

  • Slate had a call with Franklyn and Gorga regarding the website design, and they have finally finalized the design of the website

  • A brief overview of the website design was given by them, explaining each aspect

  • Data scraping of data on sNET ecosystem projects has also started

Decision Items:

  • Gorga and Franklyn to start data scraping for the site

    • [rationale] everyone agreed

Action Items:

  • [action] follow up with ese regarding the scripts [assignee] Slate [due] 20 November 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Osmium to work on the Webinar Series Document [assignee] osmium [due] 6 November 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Franklyn and Gorga to update the Website pages [assignee] Franklynstein, Gorga Siagian [due] 20 November 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Ese to make announcements regularly for CCCP till the deadline [assignee] esewilliams [due] 20 November 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Gorga and Franklyn to continue data scraping for the education wiki / website [assignee] Gorga Siagian, Franklynstein [due] 30 November 2024 [status] in progress


  • topics covered: CCCP, announcement, wiki, education website, spinoffs, data scraping, core contributors, certification, budget caps, Q1 2025 budget, webinar series

  • emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike.

Thursday 14th November 2024

Onboarding Workgroup

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Agreeing the minutes of the last meeting.

  • Facilitation and documentation next meeting.

  • Town Hall Updates: Cjfrankie suggested an update on the topics to share - he will cover the upcoming skillshare session on Monitoring and Evaluation scheduled for November 21st. Vani also suggested sharing a link to our quarterly report and budget, which will be submitted before the Town Hall updates.”

  • Onboarding journeys survey

  • Skillshare matrix and collab with R&D: R&D Guild has had some internal discussion about the Skills database collab with onboarding WG, and will set a date for a discussion session with Onboarding WG.

  • Research project: Kateri and Ayo have done three group interviews each. They are documenting the responses, and will share them once it’s finished.

  • Quarterly report for Q4 2024

  • Governance update: We had a brief discussion about the newly implemented tier/budget cap system for WG budgets, and everyone seems to embrace the idea.

Decision Items:

  • Following a discussion on the new budget cap/tiers policy, the onboarding workgroup has embraced the allocation of 8.5k AGIX. It is close to our planned budget, but we noted that a couple of small cuts to our planned budget have been needed.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Cjfrankie to publicize the upcoming skillshare sessions on “Monitoring and Evaluation” and “Decentralized Governance.” [assignee] CJFrankie [due] 21 November 2024 [status] done

To carry over for next meeting:

  • Onboarding Journeys Survey — at the next meeting, we’ll be looking at the responses gathered from the Onboarding Journeys Survey form.


  • topics covered: skillshare matrix, onboarding journeys, Q4 2024 Quarterly report, Q1 2025 budget, Governance, budget caps, budget tiers, Town Hall update, skillshare sessions, monitoring and evaluation, M&E, decentralized governance, collaboration skills database, R&D guild, publicity, decentralization research, Decentralization

  • emotions: speedy, productive, Collaborative

AI Sandbox/Think-tank

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Meeting Coordination and Introductions: Lord Kizzy welcomed everyone and waited for Clement to join the meeting to begin his presentation on Google LM Notetaker.

  • While waiting for Clement to join, Osmium gave an introduction to what AI TOOLSET EXHIBITION is. He reflected on the purpose behind including this segment in the first half of AI SANDBOX sessions, and walked through the key takeaways.

  • LordKizzy showed AI Sandbox/Think Tank's Q1 2025 budget allocation of 5K AGIX and asked participants if they agreed with it. He also highlighted the impact of the allocation on our activites. In the discussion, Gorga said that the approval of the budget allocation was waiting on Lordkizzy to finish attending the Governance WG meeting and send a note to the channel on how the budget allocation system at the Governance meeting would be. Sucren argued that the budget allocation must be decided, whether it is approved now or not, and can send a message to Vani regarding the budget allocation decision how.

  • Showcasing the second presentation of the Toolset Exhibition series, made by Clement on Google LM Notetaker: A dynamic approach to meeting notetaking. Clement shared the link to the presentation https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UupX-2mUK3Ods5FdYTxFLWauGyzpafaD/edit#slide=id.p2 where he highlighted

  • a) Overview of the toolset (Detailed Description and Use Cases)

  • b) Architecture and Technology Stack (Library or repository of the framework of AI model or visual or graphical representation of the architecture through diagrams or flow chart)

  • c) Demonstration (live demo or tutorial/ video walkthrough)

  • d) Outcome Report or Results and Impact (illustration through case studies or showcasing measurable results eg. key performance metrics)

Decision Items:

  • We decided to change the documenter for this meeting from Advancemayeaww to Gorga. Advancemayeaww will document next week's session.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Lord Kizzy to join the Governance WG call to understand budget calculation for each workgroup, and make a note of budget concerns in our Discord channel for discussion [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 14 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Gorga to share the meeting summary in the Discord channel [assignee] Gorga Siagian [due] 14 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Members who want to document meetings should indicate their interest in the Discord channel [assignee] All Members [due] 21 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Lord kizzy to create a repository for the next call where members can submit code and documentation for the AI tools [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 28 November 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: AI TOOLSET EXHIBITION, Google LM Notetaker, meeting notes, documentation

  • emotions: Welcoming, interactive, Thoughtful, informative

African Guild

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Duke [facilitator], Kateri [documenter], Clement Umoh, advanceameyaw, CJFrankie, Eric Davies, martinsoki, esewilliams, Sucre n Spice, Ayo, Effiom, Onize, Duke, Tee, AJ, Elahvmadi, hogantuso

  • Purpose: The African Guild weekly meeting and progress updates.

  • Other media: [Link](http://singularitynet.africa/ | https://www.instagram.com/snet_africa?igsh=cDEzMWNmemFqdjVp | https://www.linkedin.com/in/singularitynet-africa | https://medium.com/@singularitynet.africa | https://x.com/Snetafrica | https://t.me/+5oS0y-KXEJczY2Y0 | https://www.youtube.com/@SingularityNet.Africa)


Kickoff: The African Guild meeting began with Duke welcoming everyone. He highlighted the fact that we haven't done greetings in different languages for some time now. We glanced over the minutes from the last meeting summary and no comment was raised.

Update on Marketing Initiatives: CJ Frankie highlighted that there is no current update for now and they are still on it. Duke said that they need this to be completed before the end of this quarter.

Research on indigenous tooling: Onize stated that the research began in the last part of Q3 and is tailored to African needs to foster African engagement in the SingularityNet ecosystem and wider AI ecosystem. The research was carried out through a survey that was sent out to people both in and out of the sNET ecosystem to have a broad grasp. The major three issues raised were that 1) people needed more education on what AI was doing to mitigate their fear, 2) people wanted to see how advancing technology makes good health care and 3) people wanted to see how developers will use the tool to make advancing technology. The issue encountered doing the research is that a lot of people don't like to fill long surveys. In conclusion, Onize suggested that we should focus on tools that will educate the public, tools that will help health care professionals and we should create co-pilot assistance that would help developers and the public at large in an African way. Duke appreciated the team but noted that the recommendation suggested was good but generic, and that the Guild is looking for recommendations for tools that African Guild can create which will benefit the SingularityNet ecosystem.

Tool update by Advanceameyaw: Advanceameyaw explained that tool explores on numbers. He said that math is everything; we know famous AI tools like chatGPT but the other aspect we don't know, like mathematical models involved in it. This tool aims at bringing simplicity to the whole numbers and mathematical concern. He noted how math started from Africa by the Egyptians and we have to get to the core of our foundation. It will help our understanding and without mathematics there is no understanding of the universe.

Q4 A.M.A Session Update: Onize said that they have reached out to the speakers and have sent them their itinerary and the date as being fixed for 29th November, 2024. Duke noted that the A.M.A is for everyone both in and out of the ambassador program and he encouraged us to invite our friends.

We welcomed new members and introductions were made.

Q1 2025 budget: Duke said that there is a consensus in Governance WG to have a system of tiered budget caps in the new quarter with the intention to help us mitigate the delay usually experienced in the budget consent and budget fitting process. So the African guild was initially given a cap of 8,500 AGIX which is equivalent to 5,270 US dollars at the selected exchange rate of $0.55. Due to the budget allocated we will need to focus more on operational tasks such as our recurring weekly meting tasks; our project and workshop sessions; and others. Duke has requested an additional 1,500 AGIX to increase the total to 10,000 AGIX, but it is still pending. The finalized budget fitting will be presented to the Treasury before the 25th of November.

AOB: Tee inquired about the research document, expressing interest to follow-up in the research. Duke said that the research has been concluded and also noted that we are taking a bit of a slow down on conducting more research because we have already done quite a number of researches in the pipeline. And we are now full blown into our implementation phase. So all of the outputs that we have already gathered from our previous quarter research will now be used in Q1 of 2025 where we are now implementing.

Decision Items:

  • It was decided that if the marketing initiative tasks is not completed before ending of the quarter it may not be useful to engage with again

    • [rationale] Because it needs to be implemented

Action Items:

  • [action] Duke to chase Ayo to get a clue on how many people will volunteer their presence in the BUI event run by Kenichi. [assignee] Duke [due] 14 November 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Sucre to translate articles from Ubuntu and AI events. [assignee] Sucre n Spice [due] 7 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Sucre to continue the migration of tasks from Dework to GitHub, aiming for completion by the end of the quarter and reaching out for necessary GitHub IDs. [assignee] Sucre n Spice [due] 28 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Ese, Clement, Ayo and Onize to prepare and finalize the plan for the Q4 AMA session (it’s on the agenda) [assignee] esewilliams, Clement Umoh, Ayo, Onize [due] 21 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Ayo (team rep) to update on the research for developing Indigenous AI tooling. [assignee] Ayo [due] 21 November 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Clement to clarify email permission for accessing the meeting summary folder [assignee] Clement Umoh [due] 21 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Focus group to carry out budget fitting so that it could align with the budget allocated to the guild [due] 21 November 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: AMA Session Updates, community engagement, Marketing initiative, indigenous tooling, Tool Development budget caps, Q1 2025 budget, timeliness,

  • emotions: informative, Thoughtful, new people present

Friday 15th November 2024

Writers Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: CJFrankie [facilitator], Cjfrankie [documenter], cjfrankie, LadyTempestt, Gorga Siagian, Emmanuel Isaac, Mikasa, AJ, AshleyDawn, Evelyn Robert, LordKizzy, devon, OEP

  • Purpose: Weekly meeting of the writers' workgroup

  • Other media: Link

  • Working Docs:


Kick-off: The weekly WWG meeting started at 3:15 PM with a welcome greeting from Cjfrankie. We began by reviewing the action items from the last meeting, including the publication of the November 9 ecosystem digest on Substack (see https://snetambassadorprogram.substack.com/p/singularitynet-ecosystem-digest-november-197). Cjfrankie encouraged everyone to read, subscribe, and engage with the newsletter if they haven't already.

Roblox Walkthrough: The meeting featured LordKizzy, OEP, and Devon — the Gamers' Guild members - asking questions about WWG to help them build the WWG workspace in their Roblox game of the Ambassador Program. With screen sharing, LordKizzy showcased the video workgroup modules and sections that have been built on Roblox; he also had some interaction with some of the WG members on the platform. The presentation was paramount and interesting indeed! It gave us an insider perspective of how the platform works and how the WWG will be built on Roblox. More on Roblox: Immediately, Devon took to the floor to ask the workgroup some questions like:

‪What does the writer's workgroup do? Cjfrankie describes the WWG as a group of people passionate about writing who bring clarity to complex topics. We often use an 'explain like I’m five' (ELI5) approach in our articles to make them easier to understand.

‪What platforms do we use to publish our work? We make use of platforms like Medium and Substack.

‪What is our onboarding process like? Cjfrankie described the WWG onboarding process as a test-based process, where aspirants gain access through a simple text document. The scribblers (writers) then review the test, and if it meets the threshold, the aspirant receives the scribbler tag—that’s it!

‪Does the WWG pay for attending meetings? Cjfrankie clarified that scribblers earn points for attending meetings. Additionally, participating in WG activities like documentation and suggesting articles also allows Scribblers to accumulate points. These points are calculated at the end of the month, and the monetary value is then sent as a reward to the Scribbler.

Who is the WWG lead, and is there a form of hierarchy in the workgroup? ‘Kenichi, of course', said Cjfrankie. ‘The workgroup doesn’t have a strict hierarchy. After the lead, we have Scribes and Scribblers; no one is ruled over by another. The roles simply distinguish our responsibilities. For instance, Scribes have higher responsibilities and recurring tasks, while a Scribbler may suggest articles, write articles, and attend meetings', Cjfrankie added.

How do you want the WWG logo to be designed? Cjfrankie suggested that we have a logo of a book with a floating pen, which basically describes what the workgroup does. Gorga also mentioned that having a library would make a lot of sense, too. Last but certainly not least, we listed all the active members of the workgroup, namely Kenichi, Lady Tempestt, Mikasa, Cjfrankie, Ashley, Gorga, Ines, Devon, Slate, AJ, Emmanuel Isaac, Evelyn, and Eric Davis.

Exploring Web3 Publishing Platforms: After the Gamers Guild completed their presentation, we had a short session on Web3 publishing tools. Emmanuel Isaac presented on Arweave, Mikasa shared documentation on Lens, Cjfrankie discussed Mirror, and Evelyn showcased Warpcast. The purpose of this research is to determine the next platform we should try out. We want to understand how they work, how DAOs can use them, and their pricing structures.

Action Items:

  • [action] Kenichi is to finalize the Q4 report before the next meeting, as we are only a few weeks from the deadline. [assignee] kenichi [due] 22 November 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Mikasa will follow up with Cjfrankie to discuss the unification of the content calendar from the Marketing Guild. [assignee] Mikasa [due] 22 November 2024 [status] done

Learning Points:

  • Mirror, Lens, Warpcast, and Arweave as Web3 publishing platforms for DAOs to take publishing to the next level.

  • Roblox Studio is used for creating, designing, and scripting interactive 3D games and experiences within the Roblox platform.


  • topics covered: Web3 publishing platforms, Medium, ecosystem digest, Mirror, Warpcast, Roblox, Video workgroup, Scribes, Scribblers, Points system, Arweave, hierarchy, responsibilities, logo, Gamers Guild, Substack

  • emotions: engaging, insightful, Welcoming, informative, Collaborative

Video Workgroup

Discussion Points:

Task Manager Update (Tuso)

  • A brief update from Tuso as he expressed his excitement on getting the role. He added that he hasn’t done much yet, besides setting up and bracing up for the month.

Social Management Update (Rojo)

  • Updates from the Social Media Manager. Rojo announced that we’ve been posting out our regular videos and a couple of shorts and we’re doing pretty well on that.

  • Rojo affirmed that the analytics have been quite stable although not much growth in the past days.

  • He added that there were no interactions on our Mastodon account so far. He suggested that we need to publicize our Mastodon account to the SNET community so we can get more interactions and push our contents further .

Budget fitting and the Tier system

  • Lord Kizzy announced that the video workgroup will have to rule out a lot to fit into the new budget cap/tier system. He added that all recurring tasks will face a 15% cut, ruling out 10 short videos and 4 long videos, and there will be no room for new members in Quarter 1 2025.

  • Deliberations around the number of videos to be produced ( both long and shorts)

  • Deliberations on what budget elements should stay and what’s to be ruled out.

Deliberations on changing the workgroup reward system:

  • Malik suggested that our reward system be shifted to AGIX and not USD anymore.

  • Rojo agreed to this adding that our workload could be rewarded hourly in Agix.

  • Many other concerns were raised concerning the implication of changing the workgroup reward system.

  • Tuso and a few others opposed the motion of basing the rewarding system on AGIX, stating reasons as to why that should not stand:

  1. The fluctuations of AGIX prices

  2. ⁠The video WorkGroup might end up outrunning our allocations.

  3. ⁠More work, less reward factor and others.

  • LordKizzy and Malik stressed that the either way, the allocation wouldn’t be enough to cover the VWG operations.

  • Malik opined that we could try rewarding our tasks both in USD and AGIX. LordKizzy commented on the complexities that will follow. He added that it would complicate things to the task manager and the treasury guild.

  • Although an inconclusive discussion, we resolved at holding a poll on the VWG channel to decide the fate of the house.

Clarity on Osmium's ASI video proposal Deliberations on accepting Osmium's Video proposal Kizzy added that due to the budget constraints, it might be an uphill battle at the moment. The house agreed that Osmium's content be shared to the WorkGroup for a review and that will determine his rewards.

Decision Items:

  • Tier system

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Budget Fitting

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Q4 2024 Report and Q1 2025 Budget Proposal

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Publicity of the Mastodon account across our various Socials [status] todo

  • [action] Creating a poll to decide how we will base our reward system (AGIX or USD) [assignee] Malik [status] todo

  • [action] Prepping the Q4 2024 Report [assignee] LordKizzy, Zalfred [status] todo


  • topics covered: Budget fitting, Reward system, rewards in AGIX, rewards in USD, token price fluctuation, Q4 report, budget tier system, budget cap, Mastodon, ASI video proposal,

  • emotions: productive, informative, Organised, Thoughtful, repetitive

Marketing Guild

Discussion Points:

  • Mascot Design Voting Transparency: Ayo emphasized the importance of ensuring transparent access to voting results for the mascot design competition.

  • Zealot Publicity: Ese announced that publicity efforts for the Zealot initiative would commence on Monday.

  • Marketing Budget Cap and Tiers: Kizzy presented the current budget cap, highlighting the limited allocation to the Marketing Guild — approximately half of the proposed amount. He also criticized the guild's lack of involvement in governance meetings. Ashley suggested that the budget cap should be reviewed and adjusted regularly to ensure alignment with priorities. Ayo proposed merging some guilds to optimize resource allocation and collaboration.

  • Guild Membership Redundancy: Kizzy pointed out the issue of redundancy within the Marketing Guild and suggested removing inactive members to improve efficiency.

  • Ops taskforce & facilitator reward: Ayo raised the need to review ops taskforce and facilitator's reward to ensure it aligns with his contributions.

Decision Items:

  • It was decided that the budget allocation process will be revised to discontinue auto-payments for members who show minimal or no participation in the Marketing Guild, ensuring funds are better utilized to support active contributors and initiatives.

    • [rationale] Given the Marketing Guild's already limited funds, it is essential to optimize resource allocation. Discontinuing auto-payments for members with minimal or no participation ensures that the available budget is directed toward active contributors and impactful initiatives. This approach enhances productivity, maintains accountability, and maximizes the effectiveness of the guild's limited financial resources.

Action Items:

  • [action] Kareem to provide clarification on the mascot design voting process, ensuring transparency and access to results for all members. [assignee] kareem [status] todo

  • [action] Marketing Guild to present the budget cap discussion to the larger house for consensus and alignment on fund allocation strategies. [assignee] all members [status] todo


  • topics covered: Budget, Q1 2025 budget, budget cap, budget tiers, Rewards, Governance, transparency, voting transparency, mascot, redundancy, inactive members, membership, Zealot

  • emotions: frustrated, Deliberative, differing opinions

Last updated