Week 21

15th May to 21st May 2023

Monday, 15th May 2023

Education Guild

Hosted by

Broadcast Ideation

Hosted by

Tuesday, 16th May 2023

Supervisory Council Community Call

Governance Workgroup

Hosted by Felix Weber


General Q&A on Governance WG, brainstorming on Ambassador governance in context to the SCDAO, Working on the Ambassadors Governance Framework document Meeting notes:\

Miro - https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO0WVUBA=/?moveToWidget=3458764554558935426&cot=10

Read.ai - https://app.read.ai/analytics/meetings/01H0JDR20MWJ4078ABANGW2H9A?utm_source=Share_CopyLink

Dework task - https://app.dework.xyz/singularitynet-ambas/gov-wg?taskId=2a159c1f-7dfa-4432-b6de-b2a61e070e07

Agenda Item

Introduction, Q&A on general Governance Workgroup purpose & function --> Action: - Felix to create a slide deck to introduce the weekly Gov WG Calls

Agenda Item

brainstorming on Ambassador governance in context to the SCDAO --> Action: - Organise a follow up meeting with previous SC

Agenda Item

Ambassadors Governance Framework document --> Action: - Stephen to create a wrap up version of the initial Governance Framework Document - Felix to continue exploring machine readable tracking of document evolution process

Next elegant steps (general action items)

- Gov WG continues the Gov WG Calls on a weekly basis

- create a Agenda for next Gov WG call

- onboard new members from outside the ecosystem to the Workgroup

Framework document



Archiving comments

GPT Prompt

File upload to GPT

Generate a Js script that creates a button with the text ‘Submit File’ and inserts it into the DOM before an element with the class ‘.flex.flex-col.w-full.py-2.flex-grow.md:py-3.md:pl-4’. The button should have a green background color, white text color, 5px padding, no border, 5px border radius and 5px margin. The script should also create a progress element and insert it into the DOM before the same element. The progress element should have a width of 99%, height of 5px and a grey background color. Inside the progress element, there should be another div element representing the progress bar with a width of 0%, height of 100% and blue background color. When the button is clicked, it should create an input element of type ‘file’ that accepts ‘.txt’, ‘.js’, ‘.py’, ‘.html’, ‘.css’, ‘.json’ and ‘.csv’ files. Once a file is selected, using an async it should be read as text and split into chunks of size 15000. using async Each chunk should be submitted into a conversation by doing the following: async function submitConversation(text, part, filename) { const textarea = document.querySelector("textarea[tabindex='0']"); const enterKeyEvent = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, keyCode: 13, }); textarea.value = Part ${part} of ${filename}: \n\n ${text}; textarea.dispatchEvent(enterKeyEvent); }. The progress bar should be updated after each chunk is submitted within the for loop as follows progressBar.style.width = ${((i + 1) / numChunks) * 100}%; and should also check if chatgpt is ready with this code: chatgptReady = false; while (!chatgptReady) { await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); chatgptReady = !document.querySelector( ".text-2xl > span:not(.invisible)" Once all chunks have been submitted, the progress bar should turn blue.

Organic Governance Through the Logic of Holonic Systems

Ambassador Townhall - 48

Hosted by Peter Elfrink

Process Guild

Hosted by Tevo Saks


We Prioritize critical Ambassador Activities and cover process changes

Meeting notes: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO0WVUBA=/?moveToWidget=3458764554100697794&cot=10

Agenda Items

Archival Workgroup

  • Action - Audit workgroup proposal further as it's now more updated

  • Decision - Each workgroup defines its own reporting

  • Decision - Proposers can describe their reporting method but is not mandatory

Process Modeling Workgroup

  • Action - Workshops start taking place every Wednesday 15:00 UTC

  • Introduce Facilitators Collective to share us facilitation best practices

  • Decision - Keep item in backlog to hear further updates in future from Strategy Guild

Create a visual representation about Writers workgroup onboarding model

  • Decision - Keep item in the backlog to hear further updates in the future from Process Modeling

Workgroup Workshop around SingularityNET Decentralization Report Design phases

  • Decision - Seems to early to work on this atm Set Up Ambassadors Miro Account

  • Decision - We will create an Ambassador Miro Account

  • Action - Copy over SingularityNET related boards from Swarm to SingularityNET

Next elegant steps (general action items)

  • Action - Have a discussion, how do we govern ourselves, (decision making models)

Wednesday, 17th May 2023

Incubation Workshop

Hosted by Cran and Fly


slysyl, iain, stephen, headelf, peter, felix, freys, fly, cran, syntronix, rojo, vani

Agenda Items:

Open discussion based around what people perceive as the point to the SNET Ambassador Program

Length of Meeting: 1 hr

Goal and or Action Items:

To provide a setting for questions, opinions, feedback, and ideas for the open discussion topic.

Brief Summary:

We had an open conversation about what everyone sees the Ambassador Program as and becoming.

Here’s some various parts of conversation:

Peter - “The way I open the Town Halls is that the program is about spreading the word on SNET. We need some refinement. I’ve been thinking about how spreading the word is one thing, then what? We need to fill in that blank space. Give people a framework or guidelines connected to SNET community.

Freys - “Biggest thing I heard from Peter is spread the word then what? I know some people are more focused on governance and various aspects. Not everyone wants to be interested in the same thing. We want to supplement each other. I want to see things go with education getting people used to and working with AI and AGI tools in their daily lives.”

Rojo - “I see this on two layers. Abstract: I see that our role as a community as organized community members. Show the public the skies and heavens of the AI. Also show them the depths of hell which is something disregarded heavily. By showing two sides of the story we make sure more people are involved. Stay close to heaven. Be vigilant that it can be used against them. On a practical and applied front I see our role being the main funnel that gets people involved. You don’t have to be a dev, make videos, or articles to be involved.

Felix - “What changed from my perspective a lot is when SingComDAO started. The responsibility of not only figuring out our own governance but also the larger governance of the community. The Ambassador Program is able to build community environment around not only their own program but also the whole ecosystem.”

Stephen mentions community building and the need to build first in relation to capacity. Alex brought up a website idea for the program.

Strategy Guild

Hosted by Tommy Frey


Tommy Frey, Fly, Crandano, Peter, Alex, Felix, Iain, Rojo, Sly Sly, Stephan, Vanessa, FreyDeFi.


Formation of Best Practices for Virtual Meetings P2.

Length of Meeting 1 hour +.

Brief Summary

The meeting started with a 5 minute video by Tommy view on need for Agendas, and why setting expectations for a meeting is important.

Discussion followed about this topic of agenda setting, pros vs cons. The meeting changed direction when Alex brought up Protein folding and a need for one place for data. The meeting then changed into a discussion about web site development. The recording and official meeting ended after approximately 1 hour. An informal discussion on the same topic lasted about an additional 30 minutes.\

Process Modelling Workgroup

Hosted by Tevo Saks


Establishing or maintaining processes to help community members to efficiently collaborate together

Meeting notes:


Video Summary:

Agenda Items

Roadmap and rewards Action - invite all ambassadors for next week session

Decision - splitting workshop into 4 week cadence: plannig, drafting, sharing and refining model

Decision - all facilitators get rewards attending meeting

Decision - we rotate facilitation and meeting related activities

Retrospective Rewards Action - Create meeting items under Swarm Dework Space

Project priority agendas Decision - we start with Ambassador Onboarding Process Mapping

Next elegant steps (general action items)

Prepare for next session

Thursday, 18th May 2023

Treasury Guild

Meeting Summary

Context: How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities.

Meeting notes:


Agenda Items

Retrospective rewards for Fly (David)

Action - Create a single Dework task that has total cost in the Dework title to reimbursed Decision - Peter will buy an adobe premiere license under SingularityNET ambassadors email Decision - We don't reimburse individual member service and license costs unless agreed on beforehand


Action - Create a list of subscriptions services we need for ambassadors and workgroup leads Result - read.ai is now implemented, integrated with Zoom and licensed

SingularityNET Ambassador Program Stake Pool

Action - Prepare Workshops for multiple timezones Thursday 29.06.23 08:00 AM UTC and 17:00 UTC

Transaction Fees for metadata

Decision - If we run into issue that we get too big metadata again this month we start lowering the threshold of holding contribution and participation rewards from 4 weeks to 3 weeks and repeat the process back to 1 week if we still get too big metadata for collecting non financial contributions.

Next elegant steps (general action items) Work on newly created action items as a priority

Writers' Meeting

Thursday Zoom session: 15:00-15:42UTC

Kenichi welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for everyone to share their writing workflow and availability. Mikasa, Slate, BlankGodd and hufi umer shared their writing preferences and Kenichi suggested they share their availability in the chat. Shared a link to a miroboard to help visualize the workflow and plan for further meetings.

Kenichi explains that editors' roles are assigned based on the content editing and copy editing tests taken, and supporters are people who track the progress of tasks and provide resources if needed. They also have a temporary suspension policy if tasks are not completed on time.


Discussing Writing Workflows and Time Management: Understanding individual writing workflows Establishing a workflow for writers and editors to collaborate on articles.: Utilizing the editor role in the writers' workflow Discussion of workflow and criteria for becoming a scribe or editor: Areas of Focus Task Assignments Explaining the concept of support tasks in the workflow

Action Items:

Create a Miroboard to visualize and document workflow Reassign tasks depending on the urgency of the task.


How can we utilize the editor role in the writers’ workflow? What are the criteria for becoming an editor?

DeepFunding Town Hall

Hosted by Jan

Friday, 19th May 2023

Video Workgroup


Headelf [facilitator] [documenter], TheFreyDefi [Co-host], Agus, Cjfrankie.

In this meeting we:

Rojo had an emergency. TheFreysDefi picked up and started hosting the meeting. Headelf took over. Some discussion on videos in the pipeline, and awards. Agus had a concept for a Spanish onboarding video. Group thought it was a good concept. SlySly and CJ had posted videos: decision was deferred until Rojo was back.


[decision] Decided to defer decisions until Rojo is back

Action items:

[action] Make NFTs for Video WorkGroup members.

Writers Workgroup

Hosted by Kenichi

Last updated