Week 25
12th June to 18th June 2023
Last updated
12th June to 18th June 2023
Last updated
David Orban , Ester Galfalvi, Felix Weber
Call this morning where we dove into the issue of missing frameworks and processes for experimentation within the SingularityNET Ecosystem. It seems like our main challenges are related to coordination amongst ecosystem entities and participants. In addition, we're coming up short on community capacity to effectively operate experimental infrastructure. On top of that, securing financial resources to support framework operations and coordination is proving to be a bit of a challenge too.
We found some common ground during our discussion on several points:
Yes indeed, we're seeing a noticeable void in frameworks and processes for "experimentation at Snet" ^^ It's crucial that our experimentations are thoroughly documented and archived, making information readily accessible for all interested parties While it's important to have frameworks and standards, they shouldn't be forced upon anyone. Instead, they should act as guides for successful experimentation We're all for borrowing great ideas! Let's look at other ecosystems, both within and outside of the DLT world to discover already existing frameworks and processes for conducting experiments, and glean what we can Any efforts towards brainstorming and implementing frameworks should be viewed as a collaborative team effort amongst SingularityNET entities and participants
Next Steps We'll kick-start a "Problem Statement" document. The idea here is to clearly define our current issues and to pinpoint the critical questions that we need to address before we dive into solution mode.
This week's Educational WG meeting was replaced by a CIP-1694 community workshop; documentation coming soon.
Felix Weber
@CallyFromAuron, @Stephen [QADAO], @Kenric, @Peter E, @Slate
Weekly Governance Workgroup call to discuss and align on previous and next steps.
1) Check-in on previous tasks in the Dework space recognizing the yet low engagement from community members taking initiative on GovWG tasks. This evolved into a conversation about the lack of community capacity within the, as yet, fairly small singularitynet ecosystem (compared to larger DLT communities such as Cardano, Polkadot, Mina etc) Important takeaway from this part is that we recognized the need for collaboration on governance topics with other DLT ecosystems, which would allow us to take a more chain-agnostic approach and to scale up community governance capacity through collaboration.
2) Governance baselines We discussed initiatives to start building some very first basic research on SingularityNET’s governance baselines. This underpins our emerging thinking on “experimental” approaches - without an understanding of the baselines (i.e. what we have now), we have nothing to compare with when we change something. So defining baselines would need to include both factual and qualitative info What are the elements of “governance” in general? What do we include when thinking about how sNet is governed? What is the "status quo" of governance at SingularityNET? How well is it working, and what effects is it having? Further, we work on a first Problem Statement on as-yet-missing frameworks and processes to conduct, document, measure and archive experiments within SNET.
A Pol.is survey aims to get additional insights and feedback: https://pol.is/85b5cmb8cx
3) Ambassador Governance Framework Document We briefly checked in on the cleaned up version of the Ambassador Governance Framework Document. Governance Framework - SingularityNET Ambassadors
Ideas on next steps for the document include: Sending out the Document and ask community to mark the parts which could be deleted from the document for now, with the goal to get the document a bit smaller. Planning a public event to work on resolving the comments in the original doc. The top 4 or 5 issues (i.e. the ones with the most people commenting) would have its own breakout room, and one of us would facilitate discussion, using the “cluster” of comments on that issue as a starting point.
4) Action Items
Start research on the current governance at SingularityNET
Start research on the best fits for later collaborations with other DLT ecosystems and communities
Start planning an event to work on the comments in the Governance Framework document
Work on the open tasks from last week
We prioritize critical Ambassador Activities and cover process changes
Video Summary:
Description - Introduce ABCD To-Do list strategy to sort topics on miro board Action - implement the ABCD To-Do list strategy for next Process Guild session and try it out Insight - this strategy could be used to weed out agendas without having to discuss them Insight - this strategy could be used to remove tasks from board by delegating them to different teams
Description - Cardano innovation fund starts with 50mil ADA fund, do we want to participate? Action - Establish a workgroup/team to hash out the proposal ideas and potential proposals Action - Continued bridge-building from SingularityNET to Cardano (Swarm proposal) Insight - linear not multi-stranded proposals are most likely to get funded this time Insight - SingularityNET had its own Challenge Setting in Fund7
Description - we test if using a point allocation system to generate a heatmap of interest based on the differences and similarities in point distribution, the decision-making model can capture individual preferences, highlight areas of consensus and divergence, and facilitate a collaborative decision-making process. Learning - process did not highlighted areas of divergence very well nor highlighted them Learning - process helped to facilitate a collaborative decision-making process Learning - process is most likely to capture individual preferences Learning - process is most likely to highlight areas of consensus
Think about when you want to have Summer vacation?
We focus on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework. One of the main platform being used for this project is Andamio.
Intro Video:
1) Workspace
Description - Development workspace to update website Decision - for the first updates will be using localhost to draft content to website Action - Update the website with markdown files before next workshop session Insight - Gimbalabs is working on Andamio architecture automation
Description - Markdown is a lightweight markup language to add formatting elements to plaintext text documents. Action - Create Google Form to capture requirements expected we expect from markdown files that are uploaded to website Action - Include opportunity to opt in into workgroup activity in the Google Form Insight - https://kenbod.github.io/markdown_github_01/basics.html
Description - An estimated roadmap to develop one module of content to in an effective impactful way Action - Distribute module tasks asynchronously Insight - One module may take around 6 weeks from creation to completion with the workload of estimated 8 hours (does not include 3 meetings we use for review and feedback collection)
Description - How do we want to organize our menus and navigation? Insight - After we have completed Dework PBL module we should look into how we want to navigate between the content that other workgroups in different communities create
Tevo will work on newly created action items as a priority Next session will be held 28.06.2023 13:00 UTC (same link).
Establishing or maintaining processes to help community members to efficiently collaborate together
Description - Process Modelling Workgroup internal tasks Demonstration - Use Process Modelling Dework Task to recognize time it takes to model process Insight - Slate signed up to become Process Modelling Workgroup facilitator last week and has been added to the queue for meeting prep and summary
Description - Presenting process map on the Task Lane Framework Action - Tevo to refine Publishing process Insight - currently 39h to get out 1 article. Insight - Still no newsletter, but we made a process for it. Learning - Possible publishing role, right now a scribbler is handling it.
Identify next workgroup to create process model and do some housekeeping.
Cran, Headelf
cran, sucrenspice, rojo, slysyl, headelf, stephen, felix, slate
Ideating on minimum requirements to be an Ambassador and the Q3 Budget.
2 hrs
Requirements to be an Ambassador and Q3 Budget ideation require more hashing out in next week's meeting
We started the meeting ideating on minimum requirements to become an Ambassador. Ideas were brought up like creating a SNET Ambassador Token similar to the function of Gimbals that represents contribution, and having a minimum threshold. The conversation on this topic throughout the meeting was brought up a few times. Should there be other roles besides Ambassadors? What if someone wants to just contribute content creation and doesn't want to mentor, attend events, or represent the community?
We then dived into the Q3 Budget and broke it into sections. Each section had Pros, Cons, Thoughts & Ideas.
Certain parts of the budget, like Round Table, Mentors, and Show Assistance, could be looped back into the Ambassador and Task percentages.
How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities.
1) Treasury Budget Rules
Description - Ideation and clarification how are we going to manage rewards going forward Decision - Treasury is split predictable fund requirements and unpredictable fund requirements Decision - Predictable Fund Requirements split into two categories: Workgroups/Guilds and Roles Decision - Treasury Guild will no longer audit individual tasks under 100 USD Decision - If an individual task is 100 USD or more, Treasury Guild will check if the Task creator or reviewer has Ambassador or Workgroup Lead role; if not, reward distribution will be skipped and audited tag removed. Action - Organize existing budget requiring elements (workgroups, guild, roles, etc) under respective fund requirements Insight - Predictable Fund Requirements Insight - Adjusting Tooling to 0.5% of budget from 5% to match with expected requirement
Continue treasury discussions and refine each predictable fund down to specific rule
No summary given
No summary given