Week 16
April 10, 2023 to April 16, 2023
Last updated
April 10, 2023 to April 16, 2023
Last updated
Ambassador TownHall #43 was hosted by Peter Elfrink.
Miro Board Link: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO0WVUBA=/?moveToWidget=3458764551016447119&cot=10
Incubation discussed rewards for prior contributions to the Ambassador Program. See the slides above.
We discussed using Marketing Guild as an example from November - March. The spreadsheets included in the above slides highlight treasury disbursements up until present date. For Marketing, see:
We came to the conclusion to reward Fly you fools and crandano for 5 months of the Marketing Guild & Felix and Tevo for prior contributions for the Ambassador Program since April 2022. 1,875 AGIX / month / person (5months cran and fly; 12months felix and tevo) This is roughly 43.7% of the Ambassador monthly rewards currently moving forward per month. We recorded the conversation and please ask any questions. Strategy discussed reward budget allocations for the various areas of the Ambassador Program.
See the doc here:
This is finalized for the next 3months keeping in mind that Miscellaneous budget has a lot of padding from previous unused rewards in the program. We then discussed Felix's Governance Framework document here:
Please make suggestions to the document over the next week. We will then discuss this document during Incubation on April 19th. Thanks everyone for coming and all the patience as we lay the foundation for the program