Week 19
May 1st 2023 to May 7th 2023
Last updated
May 1st 2023 to May 7th 2023
Last updated
This meeting was facilitated by headelf and TheFreysDeFi
Education Guild Agenda 5.1.2023
What is The SingularityNet ambassador program's role as educators in the SingularityNet ecosystem?
-Internal guild education versus external. Are they really separate processes? How do we reduce our internal time to learn process?
-Is this endeavor limited to within the Guild or do we develop partnerships to assist? How do we engage Institutions of Higher Learning to assist us? Does the guild create a platform or process to make it easy for institutions to onboard without guidance(open source) or do we embark on an invitation style onboarding?
How can workgroups enhance the process of education.
-How do we engage AI/AGI tooling to assist us in developing the best education program possible?
As we engage on these topics perhaps we keep in mind our decentralization ethos and commitment to open source.
There are many more topics to be discussed that should be added to the agenda, but due to what is expected as heavy and in depth discussion the agenda is initially limited to these four questions and introduction.
Hosted by SucrenSpice
13 participants
The meeting discussed the onboarding process for new recruits, including having a Getting Started channel, a monthly meetup, and a quiz. They also discussed having a pre-meeting to answer questions and introduce the program. They concluded by agreeing to pin the Getting Started link in the channel and to follow up with those who had already expressed interest.
The group discussed the idea of having a 30 minute hangout before the town hall every two weeks, as well as the possibility of creating a channel for people who have completed the first task. They also discussed the use of badges and NFTs to reward people for completing tasks. Finally, Fly suggested making a video to explain how to do the first task.
The group discussed how to organize steps for newcomers to the program, suggesting that they read an article and take a quiz to earn rewards. They also discussed setting up an automated email to introduce people to the program and filter out those who don't make the first step of joining the squad. Finally, they suggested that people read the Getting Started channel and have their information in a sheet.
The group discussed the need for documentation and scalability when onboarding new members, as well as the idea of having different levels of ambassadors and name tags to differentiate between newcomers and existing members. They agreed to have a meeting next week to finalize their ideas and to involve Tev in the process. They also discussed tracking the time spent on the effort.
Hosted by Tevo Saks
We Prioritize critical Ambassador Activities and cover process changes
Going through Priority Topics and checking what needs to be done next with a related topic.
1 Create Task process for Writers Workgroup(WG) Governance framework action item - Figure out permissions for writers' workgroup to have a medium account to post articles
2 Video Workgroup Structure action item - Let's incentivize members to audit the workgroup structure
3 Create meta standard for the onboarding process in modules action item - Keep baseline process simple
Discussion about Meeting Summaries and a need for learning to be good facilitator
We document the meetings in the way we feel most comfortable with and share the summaries in a dedicated Discord channel.
Connect with Facilitators Collective Work on action items created under agenda items
Hosted by Peter Elfrink
Welcome at the weekly Ambassadors Incubation Workgroup. Join us to get direct insights and updates from the Ambassadors program, meet and connect with community members and find guidance and support for becoming a member of the SingularityNET Ambassadors program.
Iain, Stephen, headelf, Peter E, Felix, Freys, cran, rojo, sucren, kenichi, ericS, blankgodd
Direction of Incubation Workgroup, AI Tools budget, New Ambassadors
2 hours
Yes to $200 budget for AI Tools, Yes to 4 new Ambassadors: Freys, Sucren, Kenichi, Stephen
Fly suggested using a paid account for the AI community tools, and Stephen mentioned the potential cost implications. The group discussed the pros and cons of using open source versus closed source tools, and the possibility of having multiple accounts for different purposes. They also discussed the possibility of having a sign up form for community members to propose ideas and topics for the incubation meetings.
Fly proposed a cap of $200 for AI tools and Tommy Frey suggested that the same amount should be allocated for work group leads, with a minimum number of hours put in. The group agreed and decided to move on to discuss group leads and rewards.
Tommy Frey suggested a verbal vote to elevate four people to the ambassador role, which was agreed upon by the group. Stephen and Kevin recused themselves from the vote due to being on the ballot. Rojo suggested an anonymous vote on a platform such as Poll Maker to ensure no one felt coerced. Tommy Frey suggested referring to the notes from the previous vote to ensure clarity.
Tommy Frey suggested that the four new ambassadors be voted in as a group, and the group discussed the implications of this decision. They also discussed the process of becoming an ambassador and the need for transparency. In the end, they decided to vote in the four new ambassadors as a group, but to also discuss the process of becoming an ambassador further.
What are the things in Ambassador program that need “incubation”?
How would you (community) like to contribute to the incubation workgroup:-
Community members propose ideas and topics on a signup form during the week, which are then covered during incubation?
Community members propose ideas and topics at the start of each incubation meeting?
Leaders of Incubation come up with topic for community contributions?
Do you have any more tools we want to use?
How should accounts be managed?
Each Ambassador has a paid account?
A paid account open for all Ambassadors?
One paid account for Ambassadors; one for wider community?
Do you have any more tools we want to use?
Goal: a solution until we look at the budget again by beginning of July
In previous discussion we agreed to reimburse rewards at 1,875 AGIX/mo
Should we use this as a solution for the quarter as we experiment with new Guilds and Workgroup Leads?
Leads could also not be capped to not double dip into other rewards within the program (ie: ability to do tasks)
Do you believe an hourly rate of rewards is more appropriate?
What amount?
1,875 AGIX/mo rewards is equivalent to $562.50. At $10/hr that’s 13hrs/wk. At $15/hr that’s close to 9hrs/wk. $20/hr is 6.5hrs/wk.
With the upcoming election and call for proposals on the Swae platform, how can we self organise?
Who will make a proposal on the swae platform?
How can we incubate people “stepping up”?
Hosted by
Strategy Agenda for May 3, 2023
Overview of how to Facilitate an effective meeting - POV leading to a BEST PRACTICE of Facilitating a Virtual Meeting.
The Governance Document
Treasury Guild - Contribution Management and Treasury Fee
Hosted by Tevo Saks
17 Participants
Are Activity lists correctly submitted? Action - Ambassadors check again which participation Dework tasks are missing that can be added to the activity list
Decision - We continue auditing and distributing these rewards in the Ambassadors Workgroup
What can and should be recorded? Decision - We will continue using the Activity List for Ambassadors for at least 1 more month
Next elegant steps (general action items)
Work on newly created action items as a priority
Create and start an Ambassadors Workgroup to deal with the ambassador-only related agendas
Tevo Saks and Felix Weber discussed how to reward ambassadors for their work, with a maximum of 4,154 Agx per month. How to track the work done by ambassadors and avoid double dipping. They also discussed how to record tasks done for work groups and how to calculate rewards.
Tevo Saks proposed to create a task list for meetings and activities, and to use Excel to aggregate data. They discussed how to track hours and how to make sure everyone is credited for their work. They also discussed how to make sure that all meetings and activities are tracked and that no hours are missed.
Tevo Saks proposed that rewards should be calculated monthly, with a maximum of 4,154 AGX per ambassador. They discussed the possibility of a flat rate, as well as budgeting per ambassador for their projects. They also discussed the need to define what activities should be rewarded and how to track work without the hour mindset. Finally, they proposed a session with the ambassadors to set out the process and get all the ambassadors on board.
The group discussed the difficulty of tokenizing their work and incentivizing ambassadors, and agreed to experiment until the end of the quarter. They decided to report their work monthly, with ambassadors encouraged to do it weekly and aggregate their tasks into one task. They also discussed the need to hold a work group to simplify the process.
Tevo Saks proposed two projects to get work groups going and discussed the rewards system for the projects. Stephen suggested a project-based approach to project management and proposed his own project proposal. Tevo Saks suggested that the rewards system for the projects should be discussed and that the projects should take priority over work groups for the next two months.
The group discussed the process for creating a new work group, the importance of incentivizing people to join, and the need for a weekly or bi-weekly meeting to discuss tasks and expectations for ambassadors. They also discussed the need for a code of conduct and the possibility of using two different treasury systems. Finally, they agreed to create an ambassadors-only work group in the Discord and to archive the conversation when the tasks are solved.
Hosted by Jan Horlings
Rojo [facilitator] [documenter], Lilycupcake, Sucren, Agus, OEP, Cjfrankie, headelf, Syntronyx, Fly, Crandano, SlySyl, Stephen, Slate, TheFreysDefi, Linda.
Discussed workgroup progress (projects, social media,…)
Discussed and voted for CjFrankie's proposal.
Agreed to cancel the intern role. Membership will now be obtained if your submission to a video workgroup task was approved.
Discussed the adoption of the Summon platform in future workgroup meetings.
Discussed making an NFT for the workgroup.
[decision] Discussed and voted on CjFrankie's proposal: it was accepted
[action] Using Summon platform.
It was proposed to create a video for the SingularityNET Quarterly Update, with a budget of $100 for successful submissions. A video that would give an overview of the progress made in the past quarter, as well as the plans for the upcoming quarter. Also include interviews with team members and community members, as well as clips from events and other activities.
The Ambassadors discussed abolishing internships and transitioning to a system of judging people by their work. They discussed using the Summon platform for voting and creating NFTs for work group members.
Medium blogpost: SingularityNET Operations, Q1 2023 update https://blog.singularitynet.io/singularitynet-operations-q1-2023-update-fa1060d75c8a
Summon platform https://summonplatform.io/
Saturn NFT platform https://saturnnft.io/
Hosted by Kenichi
17 participants
5th May 2023\
Kevin, Stephen, headelf, crandano, Mikasa, blankgodd, OEP, Sucrenspice, Cjfrankie, Hogantuso, David, Matt, Slate.
Opening a Medium account for the Ambassador Program
Review the article draft on the Cogito protocol.
Discussion on the payment structure moving forward
Brainstorming on new areas of focus for the coming weeks
Welcoming and onboarding new members, administering the Content Editing and Copy Editing Tests
LENGTH OF MEETING: 1 hour, 5 minutes
Assigned blankgodd to the Cogito Protocol article task on Dework, which he would be following up with the second article to cover the demo itself.
Assigned Mikasa to the Cogito Protocol thread task on Dework and copy editing of the article draft
New member—pupil: Cjfrankie, taking the tests to gain the Scribbler role
Ambassador Twitter accounts
Put new tasks on dework:
Draft: [Article]
Congrats to Sucrenspice for being the first female ambassador!!
Draft: [Article and Twitter Thread]
On SophiaDAO & Sophiaverse
Hypercycle Launchpad
Mikasa’s Medium Article - Friday (Kenichi)
shifting this to Saturday to go out with Rojo’s interview. Due to the increase in the number of ambassadors, we would need an article next week to reflect that and also use that opportunity to announce our first female ambassador
Supervisory Council SWAE - Saturday
New Ambassadors, New Workgroups - Sunday
The meeting started off with us discussing the available drafts ready to be released and a quick review of the Cogito Protocol draft by Blankgodd, which led to us taking a few minutes to address the payment structure to find common ground and a fair system of remuneration for our scribblers. Everyone had really insightful comments, ideas, and thoughts about this. We revisited a spreadsheet with information on a viable payment plan, which we would be using moving forward, with additions from Headelf to make the first task for each scribbler free and based only on task points to serve as a base for future works and a chance to assess their skills and level of dedication.
We also discussed ideas for more articles and possible writeups, a few of these ideas are active tasks open to applications for scribblers.
Slate shared his idea for a possible article to educate future scribblers on the essentials of a good and quality-based article, which is being addressed, and I’ll be looking forward to helping and supporting him to make the idea a success.
Blankgodd also opted to do a deep dive on NuNet.
Kenichi discussed the need for a Medium account, and the possibility of writing for MindPlex magazine. He also mentioned that the first publication would be released when the Medium account is created, likely sometime next week. He encouraged everyone to take a look at Mind Plex for news and community content.
Kenichi proposed a reward structure for writers in the Writers Work Group, where articles between 500-750 words would be rewarded with 50 USD in AGX, articles between 750-1000 words would be rewarded with 75 USD in AGX split between two people, and articles over 1000 words would be rewarded with an additional reward. Tommy Frey suggested discussing topics to write about and Kenichi proposed rewarding writers for Twitter threads related to articles they wrote.
Kenichi has been leading meetings for the SingularityNET Ambassador Program and has proposed a structure for compensation for writers. Kevin suggested lowering the rewards at first and then increasing them based on quality. Matt suggested passion should drive the conversations more than monetary gain. Cran suggested that the group should chill and work together, and Hogan asked if there were any sleepers.
Hosted by Crandano
15 Participants
Attendees: headelf, fly you fools, crandano, sucrenspice, kenichi, rojokaboti, stephen, thefreys, matt
Fix meeting calendar links, Onboarding content creators to WG meetings, Discussion of social media account needed (Medium, Substack, Mindplex), Social Media Workgroup Length of Meeting: 1 hr Goal and or Action Items: Kenichi to setup Medium, post first article (about Ambassadors by Mikasa), Zoom links fixed on Calendar for Video/Writers/Marketing, Tweets discussed for the following week
We began the meeting with a quick discussion that all members of a workgroup hold equal ownership of said workgroup. Let’s all work on holding each other accountable and following up with each other with reminders and keep in mind that bootstrapping anything takes time.
The discussion did a dive into rewarding writers with a light discussion on rewarding editors. This is an old document but the Payments for Articles part on page 2 could be useful: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1syEn1BOEXbfx8DTCdXemq4lcQS-mm8ff0uQyv1YKByE/edit#gid=0We
We discussed meeting soon between Kenichi, Fly, Cran, and any others interested to hash out rewards for writers and editors in preparation for next week’s Writers Workgroup. We touched on Onboarding having their first meeting over this last week and moving forward. Finding content creators within the email list to get these workgroups populated. Sucren is going to create a when2meet so we can hash out a weekly Onboarding meeting moving forward. A Social Media Workgroup was brought up, and headelf had an excellent idea that we take time within the Marketing Guild to hash out social media for the next week, which we did and will do moving forward.
Mikasa’s Medium Article - Friday (Kenichi) Supervisory Council SWAE - Saturday New Ambassadors, New Workgroups - Sunday Mon-Fri, regular meetings posts each day (edited)
The Ambassadors SingularityNET and cran discussed rewards for contributors to the Writers Work Group, including a possible leveling system and payment structure. They also discussed the importance of setting a precedent and ensuring quality of work. Tommy Frey suggested having a meeting to discuss the rewards further and Matt S suggested creating clothing with Sofia art.
Kenichi is working on a content planner for Twitter, and Tommy suggested creating a 15 minute agenda item in the Marketing Guild chat to create a schedule for the following week for social media. Stephen suggested creating tasks for people to do and reviewing them the following week.
The meeting discussed creating a reward system for content creators, creating a weekly SingularityNET update, creating a monthly update over the ecosystem, creating a content creation kit, and creating a landing page for newcomers. They also discussed creating a tweet for the Supervisory Council Sway platform post, creating posts about the new work groups and new ambassadors, and creating a video for the one year anniversary.
Hats, Shirts, etc
-Sophia Branded Clothing with Sophia Quotes and pictures
-Clothing designed by Sophia and siblings. Exclusive and to be given away in contests or via participation. Limited Edition maybe
-Various ecosystem apparel promoting projects. Deepfunding, etc
-Snet Ambassador Guild branded gear for representatives.