Week 17
Mon 22nd Apr - Sun 28th Apr 2024
Last updated
Mon 22nd Apr - Sun 28th Apr 2024
Last updated
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: PeterE [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], PeterE, guillermolucero, jay05|judithW, 5oundwave5, Boaz, Clement Umoh, CollyPride, Grace Rachmany, Iain, Photogee, CallyFromAuron, WaKa, Billy, Duke, hogantuso, EstherG, PureRelativity(Curtis), Haley, lord kizzy, Elizabeth Cusma, Nebula1224
Purpose: Regular weekly get-together for the Ambassador Program. Discussion of community-wide issues; sharing of updates and info; and in the last meeting of each month, an update from each Workgroup on what they have been doing
Town Hall Number: 94
The Ambassador Town Hall is a recurring event happening live on the Ambassador Zoom channel https://www.youtube.com/@SNET_Ambassador each Tuesday at 19:00 UTC.
00:00 Introduction 00:51 Ambassador Program Overview 01:16 Mentions - Moderator Workgroup, Q2 Budget Deadlines, Core Contributors 03:30 Latam Ambassador Guild 11:30 Latam Ambassador Guild’s Goals And Objectives 28:30 Duke On The Creation Of An African Guild 32:40 Introduction To The Global Ai Ethics Initiative 38:50 Mechanism For Governance Funding 53:42 Elizabeth’s Introduction 01:01:11 Discussions On The Merger 01:04:00 Conclusions
topics covered: AI ethics, GEI, Global AI Ethics Initiative, Token merger, Governance, funding, Supervisory Council, Decentralization Blueprint, Decentralisation Blueprint, LatAm, moderator workgroup, Q2 budget, deadlines, core contributors, regional expansion, Creative Commons, Elinor Ostrom, Ostrom, Decentralization, African guild
emotions: participatory, informative, Ambitious, forward-looking, new initiatives, enthusiastic
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Peter [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], Felix, CallyFromAuron, PeterE, guillermolucero, SucrenSpice, LadyTempestt, others unknown
Purpose: Weekly GovWG Meeting
Next steps on Contributors' decision-making tools. Blocker: suggested tools (e.g. CitizenOS) may not fit greatly, particularly as they support voting rather than consent decision making. Suggestion to look at https://colony.io/
Next steps on Q2 2024 Budget decision process
Continued discussion of the idea of a Governance Sandbox to test governance tooling.
Kickstart new Moderators' Workgroup. Blocker: uncertainty on how to currently start a new WG
Q2 2024 budget for this Workgroup (see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DeUB6ytoOeG6SOHwhJxe-vII_mXmkjdxG1iD-f5B2Sc/edit?usp=sharing)
We should separate Gov Sandbox from the current decision-making processes at the Core Contributors.
[rationale] Tool testing should be done by Guilds/WGs themselves before being suggested to the full Core Contributors decision-making process
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Suggestion to look at https://colony.io/ as a decision-making tool
[rationale] It appears to allow a consent process, rather than voting, so it would fit the approach we are currently experimenting with.
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Q2 2024 Budget approval process to be done in the same way as we did for Q1
[rationale] Tho we want to make small improvements based on retrospective about Q1
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
GovWG will take initiative to push for introducing & supporting setup of the new Moderators WG, and will include Moderators budget in Governance WG's Q2 Budget allocation.
[rationale] because we agree such a WG is needed, and it is unclear at present how it should be set up
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
We will use this doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MuKE2SOKiQs08te-lZcb5hn66163oOLSx0MSGO4WZz4/edit?usp=sharing to ideate on the Moderators WG
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Q2 budget for Governance WG - we will ideate on this async in this spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DeUB6ytoOeG6SOHwhJxe-vII_mXmkjdxG1iD-f5B2Sc/edit?usp=sharing.
[rationale] because we didn't get time to discuss it properly in the meeting. Felix has started, by budgeting only for the sessions (~40$ per session), but he has not yet included any follow-up tasks or async work; so we need to think about what should be included.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
On the question of how to set up a new WG in general, we will try to follow the ideas in this draft doc from Onboarding WG https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qT7C3Kb99tM5PzGej3GxCK-hhxlY5LEXnShNspixj24/edit and see how well it works.
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
[action] add ideas to the budget spreadsheet for Governance WG's Q2 2024 buddget [assignee] all [due] 30 April 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Decision Making Process, consent decision making, Governance sandbox, Core Contributor, decision making tools, governance tools, tool testing, citizenOS, colony.io, moderator workgroup, new workgroups, Process for agreeing new workgroups, Q2 2024 budget, budget approval process
emotions: speedy , concise, friendly
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Guillermo [facilitator], Onyeka [documenter], 5oundwave5, Vasu, Peter, Curtis, Rojo, William, WaKa, duke peter
Purpose: R&D Discussions
Working Docs:
Final Q1 report and deliverables status
Budget Request presentation for R&D Guild Quarter 2.
Q2 R&D Guild Objectives: Best practice
Governance SandBox
Operations: Update. Improving R&D Manager tools. Introducing R&D GitHub Projects.
Onboarding: New proposal for development from Duke
Conclusions Q1: what we can improve?
Discussions on Q2 budget proposal
Discussions on adding Contingency to the budget
Final discussions on Q1 report and deliverable
Updates on development from Rojo & Guillermo
Discussions on Helping on the MeTTa documentation and playground page Q2 R&D Guild Objectives
There was a suggestion to use the meeting summary tool to prepare agendas for meetings
The social media dashboard will be ready for testing at the end of Q2
We decided to add the "Research on inclusivity for individuals with disabilities in SingularityNET ecosystem" proposal from Duke into our budget for this quarter
[rationale] Majority of members felt it was an important research that should be included and implemented in Q2
[opposing] A member felt the proposal was coming too late in terms of budget planning and submission, therefore it should be moved to Q3
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We decided to add an amount for Contingency to our budget for Q2
[rationale] This budget will be use to assist in the METTA project for the Foundation or any other workshops or surveys that come up in the quarter
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Rojo to continue building the back end and conduct backend testing of the social media dashboard with members of the project who manage the social media account. Once that is done, then build the front end [assignee] Rojo [due] 3 April 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Guillermo to assist the other teams to get some deliverables [assignee] Guillermo [due] 3 April 2024 [status] done
[action] Curtis and Rojo to create a document for showcasing our progress (deliverables) in the guild [assignee] Curtis, Rojo [due] 3 April 2024 [status] done
[action] Guillermo to have a call with Ubio on providing assistance to the multilingual project [assignee] Guilermo [due] 11 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] Guild members to add their contributions to the docs [assignee] All Members [due] 17 April 2024 [status] done
[action] Ubio, WaKa, Rojo to add their contributions to the R&D _ Q1 Proposal Report _ Template. [assignee] Ubiodee, WaKa, Rojo [due] 17 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] Lordkizzy to share his doc on ways he could contribute to the R&D Guild [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 24 April 2024 [status] done
[action] Rojo to add Duke's proposal to the budget for Q2 [assignee] Rojo [due] 1 May 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Guilds , Budget , Tool Development, Proposal, AI tooling, API, deliverables, Meeting Summaries, Budget Request, Q2 budget, Social media Dashboard, social media, meeting summary tool, agenda creation
emotions: Collaborative, productive, Thoughtful , speedy , Welcoming
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], Slate, Clement Umoh, Photogee, GorgaSeagian, Peter, malik, osmium, WaKa, SoundWaves, Billy
Purpose: Google Classroom showcasing by Slate, VR model showcasing by Gamers' Guild
Working Docs:
Google Classroom test run , Gamers' Guild presentation by Gorga and Malik
Slate apologised for being late
Then he showcased working of ACP in terms of Google Classroom and how we can integrate it in it
Then he invited everybody to take the assigned quiz and check the resources
So far Google Classroom seems to be the best option for introducing ACP
Then Osmium shared some insights from Tevo regarding Andamio
Then at the end Gamers' Guild showcased their work and collected information regarding Education Guild which will be integrated inside Ambassador Program VR
Everybody really liked the initiative and the presentation
Reach out to Fetch and Ocean
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Hold vote for educator role [assignee] Slate [due] 26 April 2024 [status] done
[action] Reach out to Fetch and Ocean [assignee] WaKa [due] 1 May 2024 [status] todo
[action] Present teams app presentation [assignee] esewilliams [due] 1 May 2024 [status] in progress
topics covered: ACP, review, platform, Fetch, Ocean, Google Classroom, gamersguild, representation, Roblox, Andamio,
emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike, speedy
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: Tevo [facilitator], Tevo [documenter], Tevo, André, Gorga Siagian, 5oundwave5, SucrenSpice
Purpose: This Workgroup focuses on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework on the Andamio platform in collaboration with Gimbalabs and Governance Guild
Miro board: Link
Other media: Link
Differences between Andamio Version 1 and 2
Current problems to be solved in Version 1 and 2
We will try Version 2 once it's ready for testing
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We continue to use Version 1
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Check on Andamio Version 2 updates before next meeting - Tevo [assignee] Tevo [due] 7 May 2024 [status] todo
Ideated on lessons we could make in the session
What should the scope of Dework PBL be?
We use meeting time to create a lesson about how to create a Nami wallet
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Add Nami Wallet lesson from Google Doc to Dework PBL Course https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KoYG8INC5aupcJpDlwOu8tVQSRD0UlF1Pt8pQGMn5g4/edit#heading=h.d4ti2to33mpw [assignee] Tevo [status] todo
Should we group wallet registration options together?
Group Wallet registration lessons into Module 101
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Before we start the main topics of course we expect students to have Cardano wallet address (identity)
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Learning Requirements is Module 102
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
And rest of lessons go to Module 103
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] What do we do with Assignment lessons? [status] todo
[action] Update Course Structure [assignee] Tevo [status] todo
topics covered: Course structure, wallet, Nami, scope, scope of Dework PBL, Andamio, Andamio version 2, Andamio updates, expectations, expectations of learners
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: duke peter [facilitator], LadyTempestt [documenter], Vanessa, SucrenSpice, duke peter, LadyTempestt, 5oundwave5, ToneTech, cjfrankie, Colleen, daniel effiom, Clement Umoh, Olokoji, Photogee, Franklin, Billy, Gorga Siagian, lord kizzy, Aguboss
Working Docs:
Minutes of the last meeting
Action Items from the last meeting
Recap of Treasury session last week
Update on creation iof Onboarding Journeys
Context setting doc for Q2 budgets
Onboarding session on 16th May
Gorga’s proposal on educational content for the SNET ambassador program.
WG town hall updates to give on 30th April.
Minutes of last meeting (11th April) agreed
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We agreed that last week's Treasury info session was great and very useful; and that the edit of the video of gthe session should include the material on the token merger
[rationale] Because although it makes the video less "timeless", it is important information
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
We decided that our Onboarding session on 16th May will include a walk-through of the Discord server, which will be recorded in advance
[rationale] To ensure it doesn't acidentally breach anyone's privacy by showing something, on a video that will be shared on Youtube, that anyone might prefer not to be shared that way
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Next steps for Onboarding Journeys - the scripts will be changed so they are a 3rd-person narrator; info will be added on barriers that may be faced by the female character because she is female
[rationale] 3rd person is better because if we use 1st person, it could give the misleading impression that these are real people rather than composites; and it would mean we need to recruit appropriate voices to voice them
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We briefly discussed Gorga's proposal on creating educational materials, and agreed that perhaps it would be best as a collaboration between Oboarding, Translation, and Education guilds, probably in Q3
[rationale] Because it addresses mainly education and translation issues, and Onboarding can't fund it this Quarter
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Gorga asked if he could be paid to be a mentor to new member Franklyn, but the group decided against it, but noted that Gorga, llike all of us, can still help Franklyn even without officially being his mentor
[rationale] because Gorga himself is quite new to the program, and doesn't yet have enough knowledge to mentor someone effectively.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
There was a bit of tension in the meeting with people misunderstanding each other, especially about who was offering to do which tasks
[rationale] There is a certain amount of competition to be assigned paid tasks
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] At onboarding session on 16th May: LadyTempestt will facilitate, Gorga will document, LordKizzy will run the Q&A, and Clement will prepare a video walk-through of Discord. [assignee] LadyTempestt, Gorga Siagian, lord kizzy, Clement Umoh [due] 16 May 2024 [status] todo
[action] CJ FRankie will make a graphic to advertise the Onboarding session [assignee] Cjfrankie [due] 2 May 2024 [status] todo
[action] For next week, LordKizzy and Photogee will edit and upload the video of the Treasury session from 18th April [assignee] lord kizzy, Photogee [due] 2 May 2024 [status] in progress
[action] LadyTempestt will come up with ideas for this Quarter's survey [assignee] LadyTempestt [due] 2 May 2024 [status] todo
[action] Everyone to look at and comment on the 2 "context-setting" documents on decisionmaking (one for the Q2 Budget decision, and one for the Naming decision) in time for next week [assignee] everyone [due] 2 May 2024 [status] todo
[action] Peter to give Gorga the "Onboarding workgroup member" tag in Discord, since Gorga has attended 3 consecutive meetings [assignee] Peter [due] 2 May 2024 [status] todo
[action] Sucre to reach out to Education WG about Gorga's education proposal [assignee] SucrenSpice [due] 2 May 2024 [status] todo
We need to adhere to orderliness in our weekly meetings, not speaking over each other.
Onboarding Journeys
topics covered: context-setting docs, Q2 budget decision process, survey , Onboarding sessions, Education Guild, onboarding journeys, Proposals, Discord, Discord walkthrough, privacy, Education material, Video upload, Treasury
emotions: informative, concerning, tense
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: jay05|judithW, Rafael Presa [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], jay05|judithW, Clement Umoh, Rafael Presa, Kenric Nelson, Juan Pablo Barea, XyrisKenn, Boaz, Billy, ben, PureRelativity(Curtis), Duke, 5oundwave5, Ale Marin, Jan Horlings, Haley Lowy, WaKa, Sucre n Spice, Daniel, Robert Bedoya, oep, Headelf, others unknown
Purpose: DeepFunding Town Hall is a fortnightly meeting led by the SingularityNET Ambassador community, where we share updates, presentations & conversations about topics that relate to Deep Funding and SingularityNET.
Town Hall Number: 31
00:03 Intro 02:56 Understanding The Funding Proposal Process 08:57 Understanding Funding Allocation Based On Available Budget 12:06 Platform Evolving For Better Connections 17:54 New Project Funding Details 20:26 Craft Concise And Detailed Descriptions For Your Project. 25:40 Key Factors For Increasing Chances Of Funding 28:13 Opportunity For Revenue Sharing With Deep Funding Program 33:50 Payment Upon Completion Of Milestones 36:31 Understanding Project Descriptions And Ideation Is Key To Increase Chances Of Funding. 41:26 Building Alignment With Sponsors Is Crucial For Funding Success. 43:42 Importance Of Demonstrating Past Work And Project Roles 48:29 Significant Growth In Sales And Projects With Deep Funding 51:07 Networking Is Crucial For Successful Funding. 56:02 Utilizing Previous Experience And Partnerships In Singularity Net Proposal 57:58 Diverse Experience In Ai Development And Funding Process 1:01:57 Showing A Personal Connection To The Project Is Most Successful For Getting Funded. 1:03:54 Different Proposals Focused On Varied Areas For Better Community Appeal 1:08:12 Build Connections Through Teamwork And Discord 1:10:27 Visibility And Trust Are Crucial For Funding Success 1:15:19 Understanding The Two Levels Of Proposal Reviews 1:17:45 Quality Assessment By Community Experts 1:22:37 Deep Funding Requires Alignment With Singularity Net's Mission And Vision 1:25:05 Deep Funding Aims To Create A Community Of Builders
This Town Hall was mainly a discussion of the proposal submission process, and how to maximise your chances of getting funded in Deep Funding round 4
topics covered: proposal submission, deep funding round 4, Budget , Deepfunding proposal platform, revenue sharing, AI marketplace, milestones, networking, personal connection, Discord, visibility, trust, alignment, mission and vision, Singularitynet mission, Rewards
emotions: monologue, in depth, detailed, step by step
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], devon [documenter], malik, hogantuso, Zalfred, Photogee, killy, 5oundwave5, oep, lord kizzy, AndrewBen
Purpose: The meeting focused on task assignments
Working Docs:
Slate outlined weekly meeting agenda
Malik, as the social media manager, provided updates about social media
Tuso, as the task manager, provided task updates.
Discussion on eligibility criteria for different tasks
Discussion on the seniority of members
[action] Task Management [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 24 May 2024 [status] todo
[action] Social Media management [assignee] Slate [due] 24 May 2024 [status] todo
[action] Meeting summarizing [assignee] killy [due] 24 May 2024 [status] todo
[action] Townhall summary Edit [assignee] malik [due] 24 May 2024 [status] todo
[action] Town hall Edit [assignee] hogantuso [due] 24 May 2024 [status] todo
[action] Facilitation [assignee] Zalfred [due] 24 May 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: social media management, new people, Videomaking, Task Assignment, task eligibility, seniority
emotions: Friendly, Casual, positive, speedy
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Kenichi [facilitator], Cjfrankie [documenter], Kenichi, Cjfrankie, Mikasa, LadyTempestt, Kareem, Gorga Siagian, ines gavina
Purpose: The meeting features discussions centered on podcasts.
The meeting began with Kenichi’s warm comment on the first “We Are Reading” article from Inés. Questions regarding the relief of workload arose. This is where the Scribe role comes in handy: Scribes can assist with the writing of budget proposals, and more! We want to spice up the Friday trivia sessions to make it more interesting and fun; Kenichi will incorporate other genres like music, sports, movies, and more. Kenichi shared information about the implementation of a poll to enable Trivia players to choose the next genre or area of focus - for example, if "movies" gets more votes in the poll - expect to see movie questions in the trivia - Awesome right? Our first podcast is set to commence next quarter. In this regard, we need:
Audio-visual specialist
Writers (available)
Analysis and promotion person
Social media manager (available) Kenichi introduced the idea of “Soulbound Tokens.” They will serve as proof of participation; individuals can use them to see the Writers' Discord channel etc. Kareem shared an update on the brand assets. Kenichi introduced the latest WWG’s “Scribe” in the person of Cjfrankie.
We plan to use Notion for better management of the podcast activities.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Kenichi to submit the updated version of Q2’s budget [assignee] Kenichi [status] done
topics covered: Scribe role, Graphics, Notion, Trivia sessions, roadmap, Credential system, Soulbound tokens, Loyalty points, Q2 budget, podcasts, workload
emotions: informative, insightful, interesting