Week 23
Mon 29th May - Sun 4th Jun 2023
Last updated
Mon 29th May - Sun 4th Jun 2023
Last updated
(Slide 4 to 7)
Felix & Vanessa
Swarm Treasury team went thru Dework tasks and moved finished ones to “in review” A small team of 3 did some work on rewards algorithm in DeepFunding - experimental way of working using a small sprint team, it worked quite well. Created follow-up tasks for the Governance doc: writing a version 1.1, (JP will do it, which will also onboard him) and categorising/clustering the comments (see doc in the task here )
Felix had call w Jeremy Pitt from Imperial College London: he has 3 PhD students who might be interested in collabs Also had call w Mihaela Ulieru Task to create supervisory council proposals is live also task to create Governance round proposals Meeting admin - e.g. invites, agenda template and slide deck - have been created
Felix set up a Miro to visualise the Governance doc Stephen, Vanessa and Felix are drafting a Governance WG proposal, inspired a bit by the rchives WG approach There is a doc aimed at developing Governance learning, to collate info on “governance knowledge” - all to add to it https://docs.google.com/document/d/119Yi8lhR-fuXuStqHqWvM-ZypQQe1dBwZfitWapXTkQ/edit?usp=sharing Joining call today is also an open task - will be assigned retrospectively
Having 2 rounds open simultaneously that are both to do with governance - how can we make it clearer to people?
How best to facilitate community engagement with Governance? There can be barriers. Governance affects whole ecosystem, but it needs a high level of knowledge
Do you have to be a specialist - maybe yes on some things, and maybe people don’t have time to deep-dive on everything - so we deep dive, and share what we found?
Can we include both “deep dive” topics and ones that people might find more accessible?
Incorporate material on decision-making methods that Process Guild has been doing? “Decision-making methods” could be a good starting point for governance discussion?
There is already governance happening in the community - maybe this workgroup identifies and crystallises that? “Look - you’re doing governance there!” and think about how to develop it? “Bottom up”, unlike how governance work usually is
No voting method or decision-making process is perfect, so variety is important. For example: Kenric’s doc suggests constitutional committee should be consent based, and dReps move to quadratic voting model
Cardano’s CIP-1694 is designed to centralise under a plutocracy. It’s not a first step to decentralisation. We’re being asked to buy into something that is not positive; and it’s not being made clear what it is
We need hypotheses, not implementations anything on governance needs to be framed as a proposal not an ideology we need to see the thinking behind governance changes, so people know what they are. we need to discuss alternatives to the things that are proposed, e.g. constitutional committee we need to define a hypothesis, and collect data to falsify or prove the “experiment”
More exploration on the idea of meritocracy? Governance is sticky - we are worried that one system, once introduced, will stay. Could we develop some little hypotheses on different governance frameworks, and small groups could investigate them? Create some bounties for starting these discussions?
We could use Dework’s functionality of upvoting - the most upvoted will become tasks (altho this embeds voting as a practice - that’s a governance system, so we shd be aware we are doing it)
We Prioritize critical Ambassador Activities and cover process changes
Meeting notes: link
Description - How do we do decisions in Ambassador Program, what methods and models we could help us?
Action - each guild creates their own hypothesis on a decision making methods they use or are using
Decision - we will gather more knowledge and educate each other on different decision making models in the next Governance Workgroup sessions
Description - This workgroup is Establishing or maintaining processes to help community members to efficiently collaborate together
Decision - We start analyzing Writing Workgroup onboarding instead of Ambassador Program onboarding
Learning - Ambassador role currently is a leadership position that would require knowledge of leading workgroups
Description - Action to review and feedback give feedback to Archival Workgroup
Proposal Learning - Participants were unaware of this Dework task when its only posted in meeting Summary as action, shared in Process Guild meeting and listed on Miro Board
Decision - Will introduce new parameter 'Dework Action', for future Dework task derived from Process Guild meetings
Description - Alternative method to make easier to read meeting notes and make sense of discussions and its evolution, the downsides are loss of accuracy which date discussions took place
Decision - This method will not be used to so it will be easier to archive and have a time trail
Description - Administrative task to give more freedom and access to Miro capabilities for Ambassadors Action - Buy License for ambassador account
Next elegant steps (general action items) Continue learning about decision making methods in the context of using them in Ambassador Program
How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities.
Meeting notes: link
Decision - Ambassador rewards are rewarded once monthly activity list are provided under Treasury Guild Space (can be empty)
Decision - Ambassador rewards are distributed with same transaction as other community contributions
Decision - Ambassador Monthly Rewarding will take place 30.05.23 for those who have provided Activity List and get max rewards
Action - Connect with Ambassadors who has not reached monthly quote of 64 hours Insight - Working towards lowering percentage of Ambassador rewards under 50% and not rewarding ambassadors with flat amount
Decision - We will have more discussions about this trough the week Insight - Majority in the call agreed to unlock double tipping
Description - Ambassador role descriptive meaning and rewarded contribution does not seem to align
Decision - We keep the role and move towards to reduce the scope of requirements by creating new roles
Insight - Leadership role should be introduced Insight - Overview of the Infrastructure Contributors (George Lovegrove research)
Next elegant steps (general action items)
Learn about Ambassadors "who wants to work on what?"
Fly, Cran, Headelf
fly, cran, sucrenspice, peter, sly syl, headelf, callyfromauron
Last week quick highlight, branding discussion, pros and cons to current Budget
2.5 hr
We started the meeting highlighting last week's meeting about bringing on people to host workshops, presentations, AMAs into Incubation.
Introduced a document for writing peoples names, contact information, status of reaching out to them.
We began touching on branding. Topics included role names.
We were interrupted by trolls which took up the remainder of the meeting.
Felix saved us.
Conversation went into how to prevent it from happening to Miro moving forward.
Headelf brought up Budget points and was discussed for the final 30min or so.
Getting input from current Writers Workgroup about their membership onboarding / lifecycle
Meeting notes: link
Video_Summary pending
Description - current onboard process has been developing, with tests created to ensure contributors are skilled enough for their responsibilities
Insight - test can be redundant for someone already showing initiative and skill
Action - consider second path (writing task submitted) to validated skill for scribblers
Learning - working group is in early phase, 4 articles done now
Description - we recognized there is much more process to be found in production, publishing and promotion
Decision - model these additional processes too
Action - 5 acknowledged processes to be modeled
Insight - there is a bottleneck in editor workflow, may be possible to scale this role with more contributors (if/when needed based on volume)
Learning - Roles have characteristics and capabilities as success factors
Process workgroup will model processes for 5 discovered activity areas (onboarding, meeting ops, publishing/promotion, article creation, results reporting)
SucrenSpice, Peter, Headelf, Eszter (Esther from SNET Foundation)
Length of Meeting: 1 hour
Email to be sent to applicants
Guilds and workgroups overview (Ambassador Handbook)
Interview or Quiz for applicants
Need for a channel for new members in the program (Great Filter)
After reviewing the email drafts, Draft 2 was chosen to be sent to applicants of the ambassador program for now, just to clear the backlog. Draft 2 and Draft 3 will be merged and used in the future after a welcome video has been created. A script for the welcome video is to be written by SucrenSpice and a video created by a member of the videos workgroup.
Workgroup leads should pin a brief summary about the workgroup in each channel as soon as possible. The Ambassador gitbook would be updated and would include an overview of the guild and workgroups in the program.
A Miro board to be developed showing the process/ steps of onboarding Onboarding process could potentially be discussed in next week’s Process Guild or Ambassador Work group meeting.
Agenda Items not discussed would be moved over to the next meeting.
Rojo [facilitator] [Documenter], Lilycupcake, SlySyl, SucrenSpice, Agus, OEP, Cjfrankie.
Voted for using the Summon platform.
Voted on Agus’s proposal for a video in Spanish.
listened to a proposal by Agus for social media management.
Made a welcome video for the onboarding workgroup.
Brainstormed about future videos’ topics