Week 32
31st July to 6th August 2023
Last updated
31st July to 6th August 2023
Last updated
Not this week
This Workgroup focuses on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework on the Andamio platform in collaboration with Gimbalabs and Governance Guild.
Description - We looked at all our lessons and identified improvements [Action] - Refine our current lessons and turn them into markdown Insight - To turn into markdown, copy all text and pictures in PBL Google Docs and paste in https://stackedit.io/app Learning - stackedit.io will turn the pictures into working links.
Description - We looked at current structure and updated Miro board [Action] - Peter will do PBL Module on Permissions
Description - We discussed feedback forms for the PBLs Insight - Having feedback forms for each lesson and a general form for whole course can be useful [Decision] - Completing feedback forms should not be mandatory.
Refine our lessons and turn them into markdown.
Sucre [facilitator], Peter, Tommy, Kenichi, Vani [documenter]
See https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVM5jyehQ=/?moveToWidget=3458764560782272677&cot=14
[ACTION] Vani and Sucre to tweak the email and then post a new version in Discord for comments (done) [ACTION] Vani and Sucre to include a suggestion on how to phrase what the process is to be formally accepted as an Ambassador in the new draft of the Onboarding email. All to comment. [ACTION] Once the new Onboarding email text is agreed, Peter will share his list of 300-ish people with Sucre so they can be contacted. (done) [ACTION] when emails go out, they will be BCCd [ACTION] Name of the “Ambassadors Only” meeting changed on calendar to “leadership session”, for clarity (done) [ACTION] We will give a heads-up to WG and Guild leads that new prospective Ambassadors might attend their meetings, and they should be welcomed. [ACTION] Sucre, Ash and Vani will continue to do 1-2-1 contacts [ACTION] We will meet again on 3rd August and see how it feels to meet weekly (done) [ACTION] Vani to liaise with Tevo re access to account to be able to start meetings (done)
Yes, except for 1) adding a link to Instagram at the end 2) wording the “You applied a while ago” line at the start, so we can add it to those for whom it’s relevant 3) sorting out the Dework task about sign up to Dework and adding a wallet - it shouldn’t ask people to DM Felix, etc [ACTION] Sucre (and Vani if needed) to fix these things then it can go out
Not enough time to discuss
Was mentioned last meeting that new people are not always feeling welcomed.
Part of it could be fear that someone unknown who turns up in a Zoom meeting is a spammer. Should we circulate a list of the Zoom names of new people, so WG leads can keep an eye out for them?
Or do WG leads need a bit of training or ideas on how to welcome new people? (e.g. saying Hi rather than just ignoring)
How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities.
Description - We need an alternative to people sending wallets to Felix [Decision] - We will use Google form in "My first Bounty" task [Action] - Google form needs to be added to task
Description - Informed Ambassadors in the call that no gimbals will be allocated to tasks without task points Insight - There are tasks that don't need gimbals, like monthly subscriptions
Description - We need better reporting on how the budget is spent each month. Insight - Upgrading the treasury dashboard can solve this problem.
[Action] Implement the google form for wallet collection [Action] Start work on the Treasury Dashboard
No summary provided
No summary given
Kenichi [facilitator] [workgroup lead], Slate [documenter], Devon, Mikasa
The meeting commenced with introducing a new member, Devon, who was guided through the copy-editing test to join the writers' team.
Kenichi introduced the use of Substack for creating individual portfolios, and Medium for community-based publishing under the name of SingularityNet.
[decision] Consistent Deadlines: The workgroup decided to set consistent deadlines for article publication and Twitter threads. [decision] Article Backlog: The team currently has at least 5 articles pending publication, ensuring that content is available even during holidays or periods of reduced writing activity. [decision] Generating Ideas: The group will brainstorm articles and thread ideas during SingularityNet town halls on Tuesdays. [decision] Incentives: The workgroup agreed to incentivize participation and contributions to the meetings, to value the time and effort of the participants. [decision] Review Process: The team will review articles together and make comments before publishing. [decision] Publication Timing: Articles will be published on Fridays after the meeting when everyone has reviewed them. [decision] Reward for Scribbler Role: Kenichi proposed rewarding the scribbler role for joining calls and contributing, and all participants agreed to this. [decision] Meeting Incentives: A rate of 10 USD per hour for meeting calls will be offered as an incentive for participants. [decision] Documentation task recognition: Slate's previous week's meeting summary will be rewarded as a recurring task on Dework. [decision] Contribution System: The workgroup will discuss implementing a contribution system to evaluate individual contributions during the next meeting. [decision] Urgent Tasks: A system for urgent tasks on Dework, with delivery within 24 hours, was proposed. [decision] Recurring Tasks: The team plans to assign individuals to recurring tasks for 2-3 weeks, which may include tasks related to milestone publications and ecosystem updates. [decision] Educational Series: The "AI and Beyond" educational series was proposed, and a graphic with title "Ai and Beyond Educational Series" will be used. [decision] Mindplex Articles: Slate's article on "Synthesis of Art and Altruism" will be the second article on Mindplex, while the first article will cover "Introduction to the Ambassador Program."
Kenichi reviewed the progress made on the Mindplex Episode 11 article.
The next meeting will focus on
finalizing the contribution system and
discussing AI and Beyond tasks.
Finalize the contribution system for evaluation in the next meeting.
Create AI and Beyond tasks on Dework for review in the following week.
Complete and publish "Introduction to the Ambassador Program" as the first Mindplex article.
Complete and publish Slate's article on "Synthesis of Art and Altruism."
Review the progress of Mindplex Episode 11 article.
Brainstorm article and thread ideas during SingularityNet townhalls on Tuesdays.