Week 35
Mon 26th Aug - Sun 1st Sep 2024
Monday 26th August 2024
Strategy Guild
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Ayo [facilitator], Effiom [documenter], Ayo, Effiom, Gorga, Yemi, Photogee, Merryman, Billy, Tuso, Ese Williams, Mikasa, Eric Davies
Purpose: Strategy Guild Workshop Feedback Session
Other media: Link
Working Docs:
INTRODUCTION - The purpose of this meeting is on the Strategy Guild Workshop Feedback, the Rest of Q3, the Q3 Report, and the Q4 Budget.
ACTION ITEMS CHECKBOXES FROM THE LAST MEETING - This was led by Ayo, items DONE were closed and others were left OPEN:
Everyone to contribute to the Strategy Guild Working Document [OPEN]
Core members should indicate interest in facilitating the new sheet in the working doc [OPEN]
Effiom to draft and share last meeting summary [DONE]
YemiSolves to share the final report of the Workshop Sessions [DONE]
Adopt Last Meeting Notes - 19.08.2024 [DONE]
ONBOARD NEW MEMBERS/CORE MEMBER ROLL CALL - Since the last meeting, 3 new people (Merryman, Mikasa, and Ese) have indicated an interest in becoming core members of the Strategy Guild.
Having met all the requirements, Cjfrankie was welcomed as a core member of the Strategy Guild.
THE STRATEGY GUILD WORKSHOP GENERAL DISCUSSION AND FEEDBACK - Participants shared feedback on the Strategy Guild Workshop.
Feedback from Gs/WGs Representatives
Feedback from participants is to be shared via form feedback:https://forms.gle/26PQLtzKGqGb7FNNA
STRATEGY GUILD WORKSHOP REPORT PRESENTATION [YEMI SOLVES] - The Workshop documenter shared insights from the workshop sessions which are captured in the report.
Report: Strategy Guild Workshop Q3 2024: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ObqjPMxOiIldhyYtTwZ2XmhiI5PKtxdJ67DWh9rAImU/
DISCUSSIONS ABOUT THE NEXT STRATEGY GUILD WORKSHOP - This would be properly discussed when drafting the Strategy Guild Quarter 4 proposal. Feedback from representatives would greatly inform this discussion.
REST OF Q3, Q3 REPORT AND BUDGET DISCUSSIONS - Due to time constraints, this agenda item was moved to the next meeting.
A.O.B - Ayo expressed gratitude to the participants and provided an overview of the plan for the next sessions.
Decision Items:
Participants are to share the solutions from the workshop at their respective meetings
[rationale] Video WG, Writers WG and Marketing Guild representatives who were part of the workshop proposed these solutions
[opposing] None
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Q3 Report and Q4 budget discussions moved to 02.09.2024 agenda
[rationale] Due to time constraints, this agenda item was moved to the next meeting
[opposing] None
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Continue the conversation on the Strategy Guild Workshop adoption, impact, and Feedback system
[rationale] This conversation should be async preferably
[opposing] None
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Continue contribution to the Guild’s working document [status] todo
[action] Core members should indicate interest in facilitating the new sheet in the working doc [status] todo
[action] Draft and make meeting notes available [assignee] Effiom [due] 2 September 2024 [status] done
[action] Add Q3 Report and Q4 budget discussions to the 02.09.2024 agenda [assignee] Ayo [due] 2 September 2024 [status] done
[action] Create and share feedback form with Gs/WGs representatives [assignee] Yemi Solves [due] 27 August 2024 [status] done
topics covered: Guild Membership, Workshop Feedback, Core membership, Q3 Report, Feedback Form, Workshop Report, Q4 Proposal and Budget, Feedback System
emotions: inclusive, funny , interesting, interactive
Tuesday 27th August 2024
LatAm Guild
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: Guillermo [facilitator], Ines [documenter], Ines [translator], Guillermo, Ines, Martin Rivero, Caue
Purpose: Address token distribution issues, MetaPool partnership status, and coordination of decentralized AI governance content for upcoming live events.
Working Docs:
Agenda item 1 - Agenda Item 1 - Token Distribution and MetaPool Collaboration - [carry over]
Martín raised concerns about not receiving his tokens while on vacation in Europe, even though Caue received his. There was no response from Andre regarding this issue. The team also discussed the status of the live collaboration with MetaPool, which is still undecided. Despite this, the decision was made to prepare the space and content in advance, with Rous confirming that MetaPool had yet to make a final decision.
Action Items:
[action] Guillermo to explore DAO participation and the benefits for MetaPool and SingularityNET [assignee] Guillermo, Martin Rivero [due] 19 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Identify if SingularityNET LATAM can access Near Foundation funds through grants or another channel [assignee] Guillermo, Martin Rivero [due] 18 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Prepare for the first live stream on September 4 [assignee] Ines [due] 26 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Plan the Argentina event with Solana on August 29 [assignee] Guillermo [due] 25 August 2024 [status] cancelled
[action] Continue designing the decentralized governance topics for discussion [assignee] Guillermo, Ines, Martin Rivero [due] 25 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Follow up on Martín's missing tokens [assignee] Guillermo [due] 28 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Prepare content for the live space with MetaPool, regardless of their final decision [assignee] Guillermo [due] 28 August 2024 [status] todo
Agenda item 2 - Strategic Communications - [carry over]
Twitter Account and Portuguese Content Strategy. Caue was tasked with managing the Twitter account in Portuguese. The team agreed to publish the same content as the previous day on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Portuguese. They also discussed hosting a Space X (audio-only event) once a month and brainstormed potential names for the space.
Action Items:
[action] Replicate and translate content across channels [assignee] Ines [due] 25 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Manage the Twitter account in Portuguese, publishing content on Tuesdays and Thursdays [due] 28 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Finalize the name for the monthly Space X event [assignee] Guillermo [due] 28 August 2024 [status] todo
Agenda item 3 - Planning Future Spaces and Events - [carry over]
The team reviewed the topics and schedule for the upcoming live streams and events. Each topic will focus on decentralized AI governance and related themes: Decentralized AI Governance (4/9/2024 - Guillermo) Biotechnology & Rejuve-AI (2/10/2024 - Martín & Ines) OpenCog Hyperon / Artificial Intelligence (6/11/2024 - Ines) They also discussed the importance of spreading SingularityNET compute decentralization globally and revisited the idea of creating collaboration and consensus systems instead of traditional voting systems.
Action Items:
[action] Invite participants for the first live stream space on September 4 [assignee] Ines, Martin Rivero [due] 21 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Write a blog post about the growth event and Ambassador role [assignee] Martin Rivero [due] 25 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Create FAQ section for the @SNET_Latam Community page [assignee] Martin Rivero, Guillermo [due] 1 September 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Complete pending crypto information segment [assignee] Ines, Guillermo [status] done
[action] Prepare content for upcoming spaces on AI governance and biotechnology [assignee] Martin Rivero [due] 28 August 2024 [status] todo
Agenda item 4 - Operations Sub-Group - [carry over]
Members discuss and explore options for collaboration systems over voting systems.
Action Items:
[action] Operations tasks with regards to live stream plans [assignee] Guillernmo, Martin Rivero [due] 26 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Explore options for collaboration systems over voting systems [assignee] Martin Rivero, Guillermo [due] 28 August 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Roles, Content Calendar, Educational Content, Live Stream, Team Work, Multi-language Communication, Event Planning, Decentralization
emotions: Collaborative, Team Work, Strategic, problem-solving
Wednesday 28th August 2024
Research and Development Guild
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Guillermo [facilitator], lord kizzy [documenter], AJ, Advanceameyaw, Clement Umoh, lord kizzy, Yemi Solves, guillermolucero, Nengi, Ese Williams, osmium, CollyPride, Kenichi, barnabas
Purpose: R&D Updates and Discussions
Working Docs:
Agenda Items:
Welcoming new members and Introduction
Review of last meeting summary Action Items
UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: EC-Entity-Connections, W3CD-Web3-Contributors-Dashboard, CSDB-Collaboration-Skills-Database, Social-Media-Dashboard, Reputation-System-using-SoulBound-Tokens-SBTs
Follow Up > New Operations System Deployment: Announcements and Follow Up actions, Draft and Set Voting System for Community to select Q4 new proposals, Discuss further upgrades and Challenges
Kenichi on NDA for the Legacy project.
Discussion Points:
Review of last meeting summary Action Items: Lordkizzy went through the action items for the previous meeting
Guillermo gave an introduction to the new members on the updates from the guild so far.
UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: AJ and Advanceameyaw gave updates on the Collaboration Skill Database; they presented the work done so far visually, and requested for feedback on whether it would be suitable to add existing data to the database, should individuals be allowed to share re edit their data, also who are the individuals that would be granted the admin access for the projects and so on. Lordkizzy gave some clarity on the scope of the project and suggested that the existing data should be differentiated from the new data, admin access should be granted to the Onboarders, WG leads and the Development team. AJ and Advanceameyaw also requested two more weeks from the initial deadline for development and testing.
UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: Kenichi gave updates on the Legacy System. He spoke about the necessity of having an NDA for the project; he also mentioned that work is ongoing on the landing page so that WGs can incorporate all the work they have been doing, and a presentation will be done in the next call showing the skeletal system showing the wire frame with some UI on the Legacy System.
New Operations System Deployment: Guillermo gave a brief summary on the new system and some suggestions were made for the voting process. Kenichi presented some concerns on the clarity of the announcement that was posted on our social media.
Decision Items:
We decided that workgroup leads, development team and the team of onboarders will get the admin status to the data from the Collaboration Skills Database
[rationale] Workgroup leads and the team of onboarders can use this data to onboard new members into the program
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Lordkizzy to meet up with Duke about the presentation of the Ideation Project on Impact of Lingual Differences [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 4 September 2024 [status] todo
[action] kenichi to present the skeletal framework for the Legacy system. [assignee] Kenichi [due] 4 September 2024 [status] todo
[action] Team members to update the Repository with documentation of the progress so far [assignee] AJ, Advanceameyaw, Kenichi, Rojo, WaKa [due] 28 August 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Guilds, Tool Development, AI tooling, contributors, Operations, Deliverables, Presentation, Documentation, voting, skills database, access
emotions: Casual, Collaborative, speedy , Welcoming, Thoughtful , Organised, Friendly
Dework PBL
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: malik [facilitator], effiom [documenter], Celiwe, effiom, Ekom, eric davies, Gorga Siagian, lord_kizzy, malik, Mapula, Prefina, Slate, SubZero, tevo
Purpose: This Workgroup focuses on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework on the Andamio platform in collaboration with Gimbalabs and Governance Guild
Meeting video: Link
Miro board: Link
Other media: Link
Agenda item 1 - WG Introduction and New Members onboarding - [resolved]
Discussion Points:
Introduction and overview of Dework PBL course
2 new members (Ekom and SubZero) introduce themselves
Importance of Dework in task management within the Ambassador program
Treasury operators are required to take the course
The future of Dework PBL WG
Action Items:
[action] New members to explore course content and share feedback if any [status] todo
Agenda item 2 - Review Process Guild Quarter 2 Report - [resolved]
Discussion Points:
Q2 Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cgDDAvaKOKf6oqIOGDu1pRW0yIP3XFQxJ_3UFmNhTQM/
Was the document previously reviewed?
Any other adjustment to be made to the report?
Decision Items:
Q2 Report draft was updated during 17.07.2024 meeting, and final review was done async
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
It was agreed that the review process for the report has been done
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Q2 Report to be submitted with Q3 report [status] todo
Agenda item 3 - Reviewing Quarter 3 Report for Process Guild and Dework PBL - [resolved]
Discussion Points:
Process Guild Q3 Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tGaPbBiID3Rf10pGD2J_AjfKDXwupVBRhRwx9seSF7A/
Explanation of the Guild's view in Treasury Guild Dashboard
How can other Gs/WGs opt in to use the Zoom import feature?
Concerns with adding Miro links in report; people can delete information
What is a notable decision?
Decision Items:
Before submitting a report, we will get feedback from WGs currently using Zoom export feature
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Mention the availability of this feature during Governance call to get other WGs/Gs to participate
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Action Items:
[action] At the end of Q3, update the dashboard to capture the reallocation of funds from Process Guild to Dework PBL and Knowledge Base WG (KBWG) [status] todo
[action] Add metrics on how many Zoom imports were done [status] todo
Agenda item 4 - Dework PBL WG Q4 Budget discussion - [carry over]
Discussion Points:
Suggestions on Q4 deliverables
Should we group suggestions based on similarities or keep them separate?
How do we select Q4 deliverables from the suggestions?
Should we share only Dework report or wait to review KBWG report before submission?
Which Discord channel should the poll be created in?
More information about ACP (Ambassador Certification Program)
Exploring LMS platforms other than Andamio to develop PBL course content
Decision Items:
We cannot focus on all the suggestions in Q4, we need to streamline using a poll
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Keep suggestions separate to enable use get feedback for each from the community
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Create poll in Dework PBL channel about proposals we are willing to do, and invite Core contributors to choose which idea they prefer
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
We will wait for community feedback before we start drafting proposal to help us choose a focus direction
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Proposed meeting to review draft on 04.09.2024, time for call would be communicated
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
On 05.09.2024 we will finalize Process Guild Q3 Report and Q4 proposal
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Action Items:
[action] Draft proposal based on poll feedback by 02.09.2024 [assignee] Tevo [status] done
[action] Improve on drafted proposal async [status] todo
[action] Schedule call for live review of proposal on 04.09.2024 [assignee] Tevo [status] done
[action] Create poll with the suggestions for Q4 deliverables in Dework PBL discord channel and invite Core contributors [assignee] Tevo [status] done
topics covered: Dework, dework PBL, Miro Board, Lessons, Andamio, feedback, poll, zoom import, Q3 2024 Quarterly Report, Q4 2024 budget proposal, Q2 2024 quarterly report
emotions: decisive, interactive, planning, Collaborative, interesting
Education Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], Clement Umoh, Slate, osmium, SubZero, esewilliams, Yemi Solves, kateri, King David, WaKa, devon, Kenichi, Malik, Gorga Siagian, Franklynstein
Purpose: Regular weekly meeting of Education Guild, covering: CCCP (Core Contributor Certification Program) quizzes cheat-free - budget discussion for various projects - Education website
Working Docs:
In this meeting we discussed:
Making CCCP (Core Contributor Certification Program) quizzes cheat-free
budget discussion for various projects
Education website
Discussion Points:
The meeting started with discussion of cheat-free quizzes for CCCP
Then Slate started off the discussion regarding budget request for Education Guild
CCCP Automation cost was added to the budget request and explained by Slate
Outreach task was added for CCCP
Wiki website for Education Guild and CCCP integration was explained by Slate and added to budget request
Ai For Beginners project budget was added and explained by Ese
Decision Items:
Outreach task addition for CCCP
[rationale] most of the group agreed
[opposing] Nil
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Project management addition to Ai for beginners
[rationale] nil
[opposing] nil
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Task creation on Dework for Ai For Beginners demo video [assignee] Slate [due] 30 August 2024 [status] done
topics covered: Presentation, Task Assignment, CCCP, Ai for beginners, Q4 2024 budget, wiki, education website, quizzes, cheat
emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike.
Thursday 29th August 2024
LatAm Guild
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: Guillermo [facilitator], Sergio [documenter], Ines [translator], Guillermo, Martin Rivero, Sergio, Clement Umoh
Purpose: Adjustment of operations for September, the final month of Q3
Working Docs:
Agenda item 1 - Agenda Item 1 - Operations Q3 - [carry over]
The team discussed the need to optimize task development, including documentation and role assignments, to ensure timely progress and the achievement of Q3 objectives. Community members showing interest and participating in activities will be considered when assigning roles to avoid delays. Starting today, Sergio will assist with meeting summaries.
Action Items:
[action] Prepare for the first live stream on September 4 [assignee] Ines [due] 26 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Continue designing the decentralized governance topics for discussion [assignee] Guillermo, Ines, Martin Rivero [due] 25 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Follow up on Martín's missing tokens [assignee] Guillermo [due] 28 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Prepare content for the live space with MetaPool, regardless of their final decision [assignee] Guillermo [due] 28 August 2024 [status] cancelled
[action] Divide tasks for members of the workgroups Q3/Q4 [assignee] Guillermo, ines ganina [status] todo
Agenda item 2 - Marketing Strategic Communications - [carry over]
The team finalized plans for the upcoming X-Space on September 4th. Although the initial idea stemmed from discussions with MetaPool, this first space will be developed solely by SingularityNET. X-Spaces will occur monthly, with additional biweekly spaces when relevant news or events arise to update the ecosystem. First X-Space re schedule on September 12th, 21:00 UTC | 18:00 Arg. Topic: Governance and Global Ethics: "Governance and decision-making systems in relation to AI developments and advances".
Decision Items:
Host monthly X-Spaces with biweekly updates as needed
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Replicate and translate content across channels [assignee] Ines [due] 25 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Manage the Twitter account in Portuguese, publishing content on Tuesdays and Thursdays [due] 28 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Finalize the name for the monthly Space X event [assignee] Guillermo [due] 28 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Develop Program for X space Sept 12 Governance and Global Ethics: "Governance and decision-making systems in relation to AI developments and advances" [assignee] Guillermo, Ines [due] 9 September 2024 [status] todo
Agenda item 3 - Planning Future Spaces and Events - [carry over]
The team reviewed the topics and schedule for the upcoming live streams and events. Each topic will focus on decentralized AI governance and related themes: First X-Space on September 12th, 21:00 UTC | 18:00 Arg. Topic: Governance and Global Ethics: "Governance and decision-making systems in relation to AI developments and advances" Second X-Space on October 26, 21:00 UTC | 18:00 Arg. Topic: Impact of AI on Biotechnology OpenCog Hyperon / Artificial Intelligence (Date TBD - Ines) They also discussed the importance of spreading SingularityNET compute decentralization globally and revisited the idea of creating collaboration and consensus systems instead of traditional voting systems.
Action Items:
[action] Invite participants for the first live stream space on September 4 [assignee] Ines, Martin Rivero [due] 21 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Write a blog post about the growth event and Ambassador role [assignee] Martin Rivero [due] 25 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Create FAQ section for the @SNET_Latam Community page [assignee] Martin Rivero, Guillermo [due] 1 September 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Prepare content for upcoming spaces on AI governance and biotechnology [assignee] Martin Rivero [due] 28 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Create call2action material for the X-Space call [assignee] Guillermo [due] 9 September 2024 [status] todo
Agenda item 4 - Governance Sub-Group - [carry over]
The team reviewed pending decisions related to governance, particularly the development of a token within the Cardano ecosystem. Martín has been exploring different platforms for this, but a final decision has not yet been made.
Decision Items:
Continue evaluating platforms for token development and finalize the decision at the next meeting
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Explore options for collaboration systems over voting systems [assignee] Martin Rivero, Guillermo [due] 28 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Schedule a governance meeting for September 10th to finalize the platform selection for token development [assignee] Guillermo, Ines [due] 9 September 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Content Calendar, Educational Content, Q4 Roadmap, treasury guild operations, X-Spaces, Token Development, Governance, AI ethics, Live Stream, Team Work, Multi-language Communication, Platform Evaluation
emotions: Collaborative, Strategic, Task-focused
Friday 30th August 2024
Video Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], Hogantuso [documenter], malik, killy, Zalfred, lord kizzy, oep, Slate, SubZero, LadyTempestt, Hogantuso, osmium
Purpose: Weekly updates
Discussion Points:
Updates from Social Media Management: OEP gave the updates for the week, and indicated that we made three long videos posts: the SNET ECOSYSTEM UPDATE, DWORK PBL and AI QUANTUME and more engagement for the Zealy and letting us know we need more short videos for the YT shorts. He also mentioned plans on how to post during the week and to drop the schedule.
Updates on Task management: Zalfred gave the update for Task management for the week, as he has created tasks within the week been able to assign tasks to Rojo on the ecosystem update; also training and documentations / operational call between lord kizzy and Rojo; also malik reaching out to him for auditing the task.
Updates from Lordkizzy: Lordkizzy gave a brief insight on the review team in order to make it easy for posting. He also presented the quarterly report for Q3, and the Q4 Budget proposal, and spoke on the new operations system currently been ideated by Rojo.
Updates on Zealy: Devon presented the report on the current development from the Zealy and mentioned that he has got the editorial role, We all ideated on how to manage payment for the next sprint
Updates from the Zealy discussion: Lordkizzy indicated that there might be a need for a second reviewer but we have not yet concluded on that as there's no budget allocation yet for it.
Discussed the review on the KPI sheet on the content.
We also discussed the video animation, and the payment plan for the video work group looking through various video animation platforms as we are all yet to decide on the tool in use.
Decision Items:
We decided that we upload content in the workgroup chat if there be any review, then the team would check out review before approval.
[rationale] this would aid better communications
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Devon to receive payment from the video work group, not the writers, for last sprint
[rationale] the payments would come from the writers WG point system
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Rojo is drafting out a new operation system in order to get tasks adequately done by members. [assignee] Rojo [due] 6 September 2024 [status] in progress
[action] members should reach out to our social links and engage with our contents [assignee] All Members [due] 6 September 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Weekly updates, Budget Reduction, Budget fitting, Zealy Updates, Rewards, Video production, Task Assignment, Contingency, Tasks format, Zealy KPIs, review team
emotions: Casual, productive, Organised, Thoughtful, warm, decisive, Friendly, interactive
Marketing Guild
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Ayo [facilitator], Eric Davies [documenter], Ayo, Eric Davies, Photogee, gorgasiagian, esewilliams, Advanceameyaw, Aguboss, kateri, Olokoji, Cjfrankie, Kareem, hamzat, malik, SubZero, lord kizzy
Purpose: Marketing Guild weekly meeting
Discussion Points:
Progress with the Foundation: Updates on follow-ups and the content engagement campaign.
Communications Department: Submission of the monthly report on activities and outcomes.
Decision Items:
Rewards for members who fail to complete their tasks for a consecutive amount of time will be re-evaluated and allocated to the members who stand in for them.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Budget management was passed to the operations team with the anticipation of a potential budget cut for the marketing guild proposal.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Drafting a community survey for this quarter has been decided.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Lord kizzy to work on Q3 Marketing Guild quarterly report [assignee] lord kizzy [status] in progress
[action] Ese to work on content engagement campaign [assignee] esewilliams [status] in progress
[action] CJ Frankie is tasked with preparing documentation on the number of people we have on the SingularityNet Discord and the ratio of those who are active. [assignee] Cjfrankie [status] in progress
[action] Aguboss is to work on the Contributor Spotlight for last week from Onboarding WG, Archives WG for the next session, and WG and Guilds Spotlight for the month. [assignee] Aguboss [status] in progress
topics covered: Rewards, Budget, Q4 budget, Q3 budget, Q3 quarterly report, Roles, survey, Marketing, Marketing Guild, Foundation, SingularityNet Foundation, content engagement, uncompleted tasks, Discord, Contributor Spotlight
emotions: Collaborative, warm, Thoughtful
Writers Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Cjfrankie [facilitator], Ines [documenter], Kenichi, cjfrankie, LadyTempestt, devon, Gorga Siagian, Advanceameyaw, Nebula, King David, Emmanuel Issac, Evelyn Robert, Merryman, Kareem, Ines
Purpose: Weekly meeting of the writers workgroup.
Working Docs:
The meeting kicked off with Guillermo Lucero opening the call; he welcomed everyone and then left the meeting. A couple of minutes later, Kenichi arrived and joined the conversation, which was facilitated by CJ Frankie. We started by checking the action items from the last meeting.
After CJ Frankie, Lady Tempestt, and Inés Gaviña commented on the importance of creating a team-based Q3 budget and improving our proposal submission for next quarter, Kenichi shared the Q3 budget draft in the Writers WG Discord channel; see link here WWG Q3 Report: DRAFT: WWG Q3 Report. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cqzXDc73Fx1eZdQlEA8lj9YBag-h6Zj9Si9bI18hQLY/edit?usp=sharing
Kenichi highlighted that the whole Ambassador Program is dealing with budget constraints due to token depreciation, and stated that we wouldn’t be able to add much to the budget. He also shared that the proposal was still incomplete and in a draft state and that every WG member could comment and share their insights and ideas for it.
Lady Tempestt insisted on the importance of sharing the budget-writing process as Kenichi cannot have eyes on everything, and how he could share numbers and metrics so that different WG members could help him write reports. On the other hand, Kenichi expressed the impossibility of sharing certain ambassadors' accounts with everybody and that writing the budget proposal requires technical information that can only be found on the Ambassador Zealy and Substack.
Lady Tempestt shared her interest in hosting the SEO workshop and stated that we wouldn’t need too much budget to do it, with 100 or 200 USD would be enough. Kenichi believed that as we are a writers' group we should be focusing on writing and discussing topics and subjects. Kenichi suggested that maybe the Marketing Guild was interested in hosting such a workshop, although he warned about how the Marketing Guild is still starting to organize itself and is not able to amplify our articles yet.
Lady Tempestt also shared her concern on how we are not publishing How-to articles. Kenichi answered that the WG was always flexible and open to new ideas as with Inés’s We Are Reading series. Kenichi suggested Lady Tempestt bring her ideas into the Discord and share them with the WG.
Kenichi also shared his concern regarding the new Zealy sprint, and his reflections and ideas on how to avoid the continuous bot intervention. He said that the backbone of the Zealy Quest is to onboard new members to the Ambassador Program and with the multiplication of fake accounts and members joining again and again the dynamic is not working. He shared the idea of reducing the points in each quest and reducing the points on the onboarding task to avoid bots and fake accounts. Inés Gaviña asked Kenichi if the LATAM Guild could share quests with the Global Zealy Sprint and Kenichi said that would be a fantastic idea.
Kenichi commented he found some inconsistencies within the reviews of the Writers WG tests, he felt that sometimes reviewers are afraid to put low numbers in the test and he suggested we shouldn't be afraid to put low numbers on tests that are not up to the level of the Ambassador Program.
Updates: Although still facing low engagement, the Spanish and French X accounts are finally activating themselves and starting to create content.
Feedback on Eric Davies's not-approved test; writers shared with him the importance of proper research and thorough reading of the test objectives.
Action Items:
[action] Inés Gaviña to submit the AI Nurse article on Dework [assignee] ines ganina [due] 2 September 2024 [status] done
[action] Point system distribution call: Lady Tempestt to attend, to help Kenichi track the distribution of the Points System. [assignee] LadyTempestt [due] 3 September 2024 [status] done
topics covered: Points system, Peer-review, Q3 Report , WWG Test, SEO Workshop, Q4 Budget Proposal
emotions: respectful, proactive, cooperative
Saturday 31st August 2024
Gamers Guild
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], devon [documenter], Gorga Siagian, Photogee, hotasiro, martinsoki, kateri, malik, Merryman, CollyPride, SubZero
Purpose: The meeting focused on budget allocation for various tasks.
Discussion Points:
Slate discussed the meeting agenda.
The budget, including some new tasks (Retrospective Guidance and Support for WG Creators; Collaboration with Sophiaverse Testing; Deep dive into platforms such as Decentraland & Sandbox; Main Game Aspect Development; Map Creation of VR) was then discussed.
Retrospective Guidance and Support for WG Creators - Unlike mentoring, which offers one-time guidance, this task focuses on rewarding those who assist workgroup creators in developing specific elements, such as creating a designated room in the building for them.
Collaboration with Sophiaverse Testing - This task focuses on integrating the Sophiaverse dialogue system into the Roblox platform, testing the dialogue system, and having each member create a report on their findings.
Deep dive into platforms like Decentraland and Sandbox to assess their suitability for VR creation. Participants will test these platforms and compile a report, as Slate noted their similarities to Roblox.
Main Game Aspect Development - This task focuses on rewarding the enhancements made to the main VR Game other than WG creations like the cafeteria, gym, and similar features.
Map Creation of VR - Slate introduced a small city VR map which will include the Ambassador program university. The players will spawn in the city and will be guided to the university. To develop this city, two WG creators will be selected based on their performance to aid Slate in modeling this city.
Slate discussed asset creation, noting that members can create up to 8 assets each month. He also highlighted the two assets created by Gorga that were approved by the members.
Slate showcased the quarterly report by Lord Kizzy
Slate explained the dialogue system Doc that Berick shared. The system uses a JSON file structure to manage dialogue layers, reply information, and choices. Slate mentioned that while Roblox lacks certain features like emotion systems available in other game engines (e.g. Unity), the system still supports essential dialogue elements like choices and flowchart design. Slate noted that some advanced features, like history tracking and valence settings, are not supported in Roblox but are available in other engines.
Slate mentioned the potential benefits, including recognition, financial rewards, and increased budgets for contributors who will test the dialogue system effectively.
Slate also demonstrated the health system within Roblox, detailing how health can deplete and be restored through various means.
He also showed the working tutorials for each separate deliverable on YouTube.
Decision Items:
Quarter 4 Budget got finalized
[rationale] as it was the final meeting before the budget submission.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Department Creation - Education Guild [assignee] malik, hufiumer69 [due] 14 September 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Department Creation - Treasury Guild [assignee] martinsoki, scare-crow [due] 14 September 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Department Creation - Archives Workgroup [assignee] GorgaSeagian, kateri [due] 14 September 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Department Creation - Dework PBL [assignee] rebel, Photogee [due] 14 September 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Department Creation - R&D Guild [assignee] oep, CollyPride [due] 14 September 2024 [status] in progress
Game Rules:
Capture the Flag: The first team to capture three flags wins. Red Team: devon, hotasiro, Blue Team: Sub zero, zaif malik,
1st Red Team
topics covered: Roblox, metaverse, department creation, work updates, Collaboration, mentorship, Dialogue Systems, Animation, sophiaverse, Q4 2024 Budget, Q3 2024 report
emotions: Friendly, Collaborative, Deliberative, informative
games played: capture the flag
Last updated