Week 29
10th July to 16th July 2023
Last updated
10th July to 16th July 2023
Last updated
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This Workgroup focuses on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework on the Andamio platform in collaboration with Gimbalabs and Governance Guild.
Description - Andamio platform has several opportunities to navigate between lessons and PBL modules Insight - presentation video: https://youtu.be/GiCF6ikbchY Learning - There is currently missing an arrow button to jump from onboarding lessons into BBK lessons
Description - We are trying to make it easier for others to get involved in the group Insight - presentation video: https://youtu.be/GiCF6ikbchY?t=226 Decision - Those who are active contributors in this workgroup get rewarded for participating in Dework PBL Workgroup Decision - Guest facilitators are rewarded 20$ per hour Insight - Due to Ambassador Program changes we don't need to keep track of the monthly budget and have room to do more work if the opportunity presents itself
Description - Temporary solution until we have our own image bank Decision - Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zaNZ1QFbYgZWP6HHGRmaJhV7u95XsIfl Insight - Use folders to make it later easier to find images Insight - also markdown files could be added here
Description - We reviewed the lessons distributed 2 weeks ago Action - Upload draft markdown files to Andamio Insight - Most draft lessons will be broken into smaller lessons Insight - many nested links are required because the Dework platform has many features. Insight - we currently have 5 draft lessons with relevant information + How to create tasks + Describe account Overview use cases + How to Create Spaces + Templates + Basic principles expected to manage tasks Dework Action - Create Google Form to provide Feedback for the PBL Modules, https://app.dework.xyz/singularitynet-ambas/dework-pbl-workgroup?taskId=c7b3b9c6-6457-431f-bff0-cb62b082467f Action - Work on the lesson review feedback provided in today's meeting notes
Next meeting on 19.07.23 we create Andamio Guides and get support to set up local instances.
Establishing or maintaining processes to help community members to efficiently collaborate together
Video Summary:
Description - We looked at the expectations for meeting prep and summary work Insight - We learnt that we can clarify expectations as we go.
Description - Creating matrix table for workgroup types and their requirements Decision - Changed the names for workgroup types Decision - We added description columns for workgroup types and requirements Action - how do we repurpose existing workgroups which lose a lead and going through the metrics to complete it? Insight - Guilds might be separate from workgroups; we will revisit guilds when we are done adding content for workgroups.
We continue hashing out matrix table.
Cran, Fly
cran, fly, headelf, felix, syntronyx, freys, sucren, eszter
Onboarding (Sucre), SWAE Proposal (Eszter), Incubation Proposal Ideation
2 hrs 15 min
Onboarding WG will send out emails to remaining interested people in the program
Incubation WG will work on a Fund Request / Proposal, field feedback for these topics
1) Onboarding: email follow-up where some solutions were one-on-one outreach via Discord, more open and casual sessions (game night, informal meetups). Onboarding will work towards emailing remaining interested people. We discussed having at least one monthly scheduled meeting that's structured around onboarding. Onboarding meets bi-weekly, Thursdays @ 1pm UTC. Town Hall pre-party event is still 30min before Town Hall every Tuesday @ 6pm UTC
2) Eszter's Swae proposal (Research project on organizational life-logging/organizational memory, which was initiated in a conversation with Eszter and David Orban) and began answering some of the questions: https://proposals.deepfunding.ai/collaborate/03853891-57b6-454f-98c2-8242d48ebb3e
3) Fund requests / proposal for Incubation. Conclusion is for work groups to just go ahead and experiment which we will work towards.
4) Eszter came in for the final hour. Discussion on LLMs mainly (Felix) and light discussion on Eszter's Swae proposal .
Miro (Team Link): https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMBZi88o=/?moveToWidget=3458764559289498274&cot=14
SucrenSpice,Peter, Vani, Atmosphere
Intro and recap of last meeting
Feedback from to-do items
Onboarding - Problems and Solutions
Welcome video and How to use Dework video being done by the video workgroup are still in progress.
SNET Ambassador Gitbook and the Getting started channel are also undergoing some updates.
Onboarding Problems And Solutions
Several causes were raised on why new applicants were not seen participating in workgroups and meetings.
Proffered solutions to these causes were equally given and are to be implemented in the coming days/weeks.
Follow-up emails and one-on-one outreach to individual applicants on Discord.
Invite new members to give feedback on the program.
Update the “getting started” Discord channel to show clarity on how to get involved.
Give roles on Discord after they show interest and participate.
Invite new members to join the Pre-Townhall meeting for games/quiz night.
Discuss starting a design/graphics workgroup in the next Ambassadors workgroup meeting.
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