Week 39
18th September to 24th September 2023
Last updated
18th September to 24th September 2023
Last updated
Ambassadors Discord event channel
Headelf [facilitator] [documentor], Felix, Fly, Osminimum, Peter, Roberto, WaKa, Tuso, Daemon Sprites. Later, Ese Williams, Fuji.AR.
Educational videos for outbound-facing ambassadors using AI video and/or Knowledge Graphs, about the sNet ecosystem.
Osminimum shared an AI video he created. Suggested we do videos on what we do. He is using Runway, Midjournry & OGI??. Peter suggested we pipeline white papers and feed Invideo. Suggested we prefer tokenized ones over others since most of the roadmap is done. Suggested Sdao, Nunet & Hypercycle.
Someone suggested Sophiaverse, another S Dao Studio (if still extant).Headelf suggested focusing on one and multiple parties make video to then compare styles, etc so we have consistency. He said we may have more but using ten as the number of current spinoffs.
Fly suggested that each person make a video on project of their choice and we compare.
Daemon Sprites said GPT3 was good to use to self-educate. Then discussed his NFT project.
Roberto talked about Gimbalabs, Andamio and PBL (project-based learning) as a great learning process. Headelf acknowledged and indicated that we have a Dework PBL Workgroup.
Felix noted that each sNet Workgroup is different and has own processes.
Headelf reiterated for first-timers that the past Education meeting(s) were about creating a series of educational videos for more advanced or involved Ambassadors to level them up to public presentations. These videos were not for onboarding as we have an Onboarding workgroup. The concept had been to make one on each spinoff then have a test and to certify. Fly mentioned he did not like tests and preferred experience. Headelf suggested perhaps hold a AMA like in a Dissertation.
Daemon asked why we would need to educate people, suggesting that if they were Ambassadors they should have self-educated and suggested using AI and Chat got for them to self educate. He then suggested we bring experts in like Gimbalabs and use PBL.
Peter suggested we could do educational focus groups on various education for Ambassadors.
Roberto asked what does media training (previously discussed by Headelf as one potential) have to do with education. We should focus on just delivering the message. Education should use their SLT (student learning techniques). That Ambassadors need to learn how to just deliver a message.
Felix raised the question of what is sNet and relative time, Past, Present and Future. What is the genesis of sNet and its history, suggesting this might be the focus of ambassador education. Headelf who was also scribing indicated he warped into a Paradigm shift and had focused on that and lost some of the context of the convo including Peter's, Roberto's and Felix's. Ai is more than the Marketplace. The why of AGI and Singularity.
Headelf brought up in answer to some strong opinions from Daemon about what the Ambassador program and the Ambassadors should be functioning as, that we have not figured it all out. He made a statement that the sNet in transparency and decentralization had no rules when it started 1.5 years ago, no mandate per se, no guardrails, and a light hand on the tiller. He checked with Felix, Rojo, Fly and Peter who were there at the beginning. They concurred. The sNet program is in constant development. Felix stated that decentralization did not mean no rules.
It was towards the end of a very lively and spirited convo that there were plenty of educational needs and we had multiple workgroups to help.
1.5 hours.
Do we discontinue the initiative because Ambassadors should self educate? Do we focus on Onboarding education? Do we continue with outward focused Ambassador education? [Action] Document and concurrent convo to continue in Discord, and follow up next week.
Aggregating Ambassador Program assets and relevant information under GitBook
Meeting Video Summary:
Description - Going over workgroup roles, activities and rewards Insight - Presentation recording: https://youtu.be/igzWMULf4bg Insight - Meeting Summary video includes more answers about Workgroup that got raised later in the session [Decision] - We meet again in 2 weeks [Decision] - We will try to do most of the data collection work async Insight - You can suggest changing the meeting time using the when2meet link https://www.when2meet.com/?21161533-9RDo9 [Action] - Share awareness of this workgroup goal and tasks with all the other Ambassador teams Learning - Need a role to analyze and organize the provided links and assets Learning - May need more than one content aggregator to have better coverage of workgroups.
Description - Shared a way how we could organize collected information under different questions and topics to make it easier to have an overview of the Ambassador Program [Decision] - We will try the presented approach Learning - Before organizing assets, we need to analyze the resource and decide if it is relevant for sharing in the GitBook. Insight - After organizing information we can see the overview of collected data and move on to writing and uploading tasks Insight - Presentation Recording: https://youtu.be/v8VBBAL7PzI
Description - There was confusion about this workgroup purpose and then we talked about specifically how the crucial assets are being made in the Ambassador Program Insight - Ambassador Program members do not have the capacity to react and address complaints in a timely manner Insight - Due to the current unclear set-up and purpose of workgroups, it's not clear how to contribute.
[Action] Spread information about this workgroup to other workgroups and ambassadors [Action] Recommend Ambassadors to watch these workgroup presentations.
Not this week
Town Hall #66
see full recording above for those.
this Thursday we'll have Deep Funding Ideafest, at both 9UTC and 19UTC.
Also Thursday, at 17UTC, there is a Supervisory Council Election AMA with Dr. Ben Goertzel. For all events see the public calendar.
We had a consent check on implementing our Code of Conduct document, which can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_r_ODS-hgFfsvneZiysAZTCfMcwoK6mVsbuasJVW9aw/edit
We went over the document and there were no objections, so it will be implemented!
Andre, Stephen [facilitator], Peter. Vanessa
1 - GitHub Project Board - Stephen
2 - Close out Fund Requests for Quarter 3 2023 - All
3 - Quarter 3 Report for Archives Workgroup - Vanessa
(assisted by claude.ai)
Reviewed the draft archival workflow design document, provided updates based on the new database interface being developed. Discussed whether bounties for uploading meeting summaries to GitBook are needed. Talked about potentially incentivizing workgroup leads to use new meeting summary templates, through a small bounty. Mentioned doing a town hall presentation to get buy-in on using the templates.
Ambassadors GitBook
Archive Gitbook - August 2023
Archival workflow design- LLMs to create archival finding aids
Meeting Summaries from Ambassadors TH
Quarter 3 2023 report for Archives WG
Archive WG Budget - Quarter 3 2023
How to archive Archive Group Meetings
Archive Gitbook - September 2023
Archive GitBook Backlog
Safeguards against data loss in Discord
Publicising Archive WG meetings
Bounties for Archiving meetings
Guidance notes/templates for meeting facilitators
Tool Development - September 2023
Governance GitBook
Not this week
Not this week
Not this week
TheDeFreys, Peter, Osmium, Fly, Headelf [facilitator]
Conflict resolution
A long convo started as the group ideated on what is a conflict resolution, definitions, guardrails and goals.
Definitions were first. What is meaning of ‘Conflict’. What is meaning of ‘Resolution”. We discussed ‘Decision Making Process’. Fly brought up the subject of ‘what body will deal with this’? Headelf suggested we table the ‘body concept’ and work on definitions. Peter brought up the COC and process. Osmium defined from google or dictionary - Dispute is the active disagreement between people with opposing opinions. Accepted. Resolution - ‘coming to terms’. Question from DeFreys is How will we handle? Peter suggested that a conflict in a WG be handled within that WG. If cannot be scale it up to The Round Table(wip). DeFreys pivoted to a question of a Violation to the now extant COC. What to do. He suggested a board for conflict resolution and other issues that works within the particular group then have an appeal process with 1.the Two people to attempt to handle with the WG leads. Question then was raised by Headelf if/should WG leads or all Ambassadors have conflict resolution training. Cannot force someone to get training was noted. The convo on training needs and requirements and possibility of outside resources was long and consumed the rest of the meeting with no consensus. We did put together a rough draft of a CR document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1beMEt9XmPvHNaH08Rh5_taTI0QhHcyy15Q6XcXXDWUI/edit?usp=sharing
1. 45 hours
[Action] All to make comments on Conflict Resolution document.
Vani {facilitator] Sucre n Spice, Tevo, Headelf [documenter], LadyTempestt, Onyeka. Hogan joined later.
a. Getting Started Discord channel (needed work)
b. Ask Video WG for 7th Sept onboarding session edit (in the works)
c. Sucren to pass Hogan’s comment on to Rojo about increasing engagement; (done)
d. Peter to join translation session next week to discuss entry level tasks. (in the works)
The document GETTING STARTED CHANNEL / overview was shared, discussed, and edited live.
Suggestion: Pin the edited doc to the Getting Started channel in Discord in full text form, and also share it on social media etc.
Question from Onboarding session on 7th Sept: should we create a FAQ?
Discussion - is the text simple enough, does it get the proper message across. A big concern was - if the frequently asked question of, ‘How do I become an ambassador’ was/is properly answered in the edited document.
Vani asked the newer (to the ambassador program) participants if they had suggestions and Onyeka input a question about tasks, types and how to get assigned to one. This was incorporated into the document in the FAQ section. LadyTempestt asked how to apply for tasks on Dework. This was added to the FAQ. section of the document.
Discussion and editing stopped with 10 minutes left in the meeting time
Vani brought up some ideas to help people and asked for suggestions.
Tevo suggested having requirements for workgroups to explain their process as each workgroup is independent and may have differing requirements and procedures.
Sucre n Spice suggested that each Discord channel should put up a post about how to get started in that channel.
She then asked LadyTempestt how she found it to get involved with Writers Workgroup. LadyTempestt indicated that she had taken the scribbler test, then DMd Kenichi, and she had found the onboarding process easy. Onyeka also took the test and is waiting on Kenichi to get back in touch with him.
Some more discussion followed on how to get onboarding explanations for each Guild or Workgroup to educate the Explorers and Level1 Ambassadors.
Some pushback on the time it was taking to get onboarded with Writers Workgroup.
[Decision] Vani or Sucren to create a Google Doc to ideate async, ready for next Onboarding Meeting.
14:02 UTC
[Action] - Doc creation by Vani on Workgroup specific onboarding concepts to make it easier for Explorers and Level1 Ambassadors. See Onboarding WG - how can we support other WGs to onboard new people in their meetings
[Action] Tidy up Getting Started doc. Post the doc in Discord for editing. Then post to Discord channel.
the meeting scribe was Headelf who did add some titles that were not actually used in the meeting, such as Explorers and Level1 Ambassadors for clarity purposes.
How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities
Description - When we audit tasks we select a few tasks to be looked at that where there are mistakes or questions about costs. We found this method to be good way to provide a feedback loop to improve our task recognition. [Decision] - We agreed that Treasury Guild can start holding off task rewards when we notice mistakes or high costs. [Decision] - Treasury Guild will notify assignees of the reasons for holding off rewards in the Treasury Guild channel. [Decision] - If possible we clarify rewards async in Treasury Guild Channel [Decision] - alternatively we bring these issues to the Treasury Guild call for collective discussions. [Decision] - When Dework PBL runs out of the initially requested budget and we have not reached the monthly Ambassador budget limit, we will double the rewards for Dework PBL workgroup contributors. Insight - Sometimes tasks do not have an accurate amount of task points because of previous templates or task duplications, which then gives a false warning to the Treasury Guild about the time spent and funds requested. Learning - Use Dework Templates instead of duplicating tasks Learning - Do not assign task points to Dework templates Insight - There is no point in changing Dework tasks moved to done. Most of them are already rewarded Insight - Some Workgroups use a bad date format that requires manual updates from Treasury Guild. See previous Treasury Guild Video for correct formats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Dg9AotLULU [Decision] - all Gamers Guild fund requests will have to be discussed before automatically rewarding [Decision] - All Townhall video editing tasks by Fly will be held in backlog until further clarification Insight - Do not use dollar cents in Dework task names; instead round them to the whole number [Decision] - We will allow each workgroup to have its own tool license costs, even if they are the same tools.
Description - Sharing updates related to changes and new features to the Treasury System Insight - We have updated the Dashboard view on the live website: https://treasuryguild.com/Singularity%20Net/Singularity%20Net%20Ambassador%20Wallet?tab=report Insight - If you use "Week Nr" in Task name it will convert the contribution date into the last date of the given week Insight - for a more detailed view and historical information we use the Power BI dashboard
3) Ambassador Program Dashboard Analysis
Description - We now have several different views to visualize our collective contributions [Decision] - We will hold Incubation Guild's rewards until further discussions [Action] - Change the total USD calculations in Power BI into total AGIX calculations [Action] - Create a workgroup drill-down view similar to the Participants' view in Power BI [Action] - Add total budgets and current status to the overview page for dashboards Insight - almost all workgroups and guilds are using USD indication to reward participants Insight - Almost all workgroups have increased their rewards to 20$ per hour or more Insight - Current operations are not sustainable and can not be continued as is Insight - Archives Workgroup rewards are not included in the Dashboard because they are sending fund requests quarterly
We will continue discussing the next quarter's budget in the Discord Ambassadors Forum "Treasury budget Discussions".
Not this week
Not this week - replaced by DeepFunding Round 3 IdeaFest. See playlists: New projects: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_2LlWfxxoe1ZcSRPJeryCBgyrwK__Kz Ideation: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_2LlWfxxoely_Hvy-DmLri1IOwogjOV
Tooling: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_2LlWfxxod3djRT1H7OlzgYaPv_VytV
Marketing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_2LlWfxxodKFagoOew8d3OjM9qxwYlU
Request For Proposal https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_2LlWfxxodRwDFDmuuZrf0GSaQBU7OB
No summary given
Kenichi [facilitator], Mikasa [documenter], Devon Hardy, Nwobi Onyeka, Peter, Judith, Slate
Sharing updates New tasks ideas Onboarding new members Agenda document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vS-Kp-r2MBVJRcjKFEO7qF-1hdp00zFJyaZRp1UTaY4/edit?usp=sharing
Four (4) articles were published last week, and Mikasa's article on Zarqa got good reviews. We do not have any tasks on the Dework board right now.
Slate talked about his article and shared insight into the resources Devon brought a new task idea: the gamification of the new Sophiaverse_based species of Neoterics
After submitting a task on Dework, there will be a proofreading and editing time slot on Dework. The links to the original and edited articles can be found in that slot. Each Scribbler is to publish their edited article on their Medium page and an announcement Tweet on their Twitter account.
Judith was greeted, and she gave an idea to use https://answerthepublic.com/ for efficient research. Kenichi gave her the breakdown of the workgroup and how to go about the onboarding tests.
Judith and Onyeka asked questions on how articles are written, scheduled, edited, and rewarded. Kenichi gave a brief explanation of how a content planner is used in scheduling our articles and only Scribes and Kenichi have access to the final editing of articles.
Great meeting.