Week 44

Mon 28th Oct - Sun 3rd Nov 2024

Monday 28th October 2024

Treasury Automation WG

Agenda item 1 - Month of October Development Updates - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • 28.10.2024 Development Updates video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0k4TPL6VcwA

  • The completion of main functionalities with ongoing testing for the JSON generator

  • We finalized the process map for data movement directions

  • We addressed issues regarding format consistency, fixed quarterly totals, and JSON generator fee date bug

  • Features that were not implemented but were addressed differently

Decision Items:

  • Most of the development for the JSON generator moving forward will be around the User Interface

    • [rationale] because the main functionalities are now in place

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Conduct end-to-end testing for JSON generator functionality to ensure readiness. [assignee] Tevo [due] 25 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Update the duplicate recognition feature to scan across the entire transaction history [assignee] Tevo [due] 25 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Implement and test database changes to align with the updated treasury system requirements [assignee] Tevo [due] 25 November 2024 [status] todo

Discussion Points:

  • Plan for a complete overhaul, including a database update for enhanced functionality

  • Creation of a filtering option to handle over-budget tracking which caused new bugs requiring fixes

  • Improved role configurations, the manage files panel UX, and updates done on the Participation Rewarding sheet

  • Simplification of task/group reward assignments and addition of a new column for recognition status

  • Overview of Backlog Updates like bundle transaction fitting

  • Using API for Zoom mass import participants

Decision Items:

  • We agreed to build Zoom API for mass import and seek developers to work on the project

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • The new Excel overview for the Bundle Transaction sheet, and a snapshot of the overview task, will be done after all the updates to the Treasury Manager

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Bundle Transaction fitting - Automation of submitting multiple bundle transactions feature is no longer necessary.

    • [rationale] Automating would mean some form of standardization but for now, it is easy to customize it in Excel

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Create and share a form for developers to apply for building the Zoom API [assignee] Tevo [due] 25 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Update Data Mapping and Research Views [assignee] Tevo [due] 25 November 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Finalization of Quarter 3 activities and tasks - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Quarter 3 Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JuUjsLn6gXH4iHE9w3sv_pJnwzA4uWiHk8Q9ladP-qg/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.cy5465ix7fj6

  • Estimated development time resource for backend

  • Estimated development time resource for Excel

  • Documentation went 1 hour over the estimated time

  • Should we move the outstanding Q3 documentation items to this quarter or fund it from Swarm?

Decision Items:

  • The budget for preparing meetings came from Treasury prep allocations

    • [rationale] We did not budget for it in this Workgroup's budget

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Based on the outcome of Q3, the actual results will be relevant when budgeting for the next quarter

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Agenda item 4 - Q4 Plans and Deliverables - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Q4 Deliverables that are being carried over due to resource constraints

  • Adjustments to the Q4 budget: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19q6KtuU8F7PQLW1sTMEDxCYFI3ig1sOeUbdf2Bm5kLY/edit?gid=1852063843#gid=1852063843

  • Established a new metadata standard with the potential for future adjustments based on overhauls and testing outcomes

  • Update done to include meeting duration into reward calculation for Contribution vs. participation tooling

  • Overview of Zoom import manager Q4 tasks

Decision Items:

  • GitHub API, import of Github tasks to the Treasury Manager, and creation of a tool to automate generating Core Contributor lists are being carried over to the next quarter

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Add the completed task to the deliverables map [assignee] Tevo [due] 25 November 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 5 - Workgroup Project Management - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Meeting Summary for the 28.10.2024 session

  • When should we reward participation?

  • Looking ahead into Q1 2025

Decision Items:

  • Reward development contributions right after they are done and also reward participation after meetings

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Valola will draft the meeting summary and Effiom will review and publish it in Discord [assignee] Valola, Effiom [due] 4 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Draft Q1 2025 proposal and Q4 2024 Report - Effiom, Valola, and Advance [assignee] Effiom, Valola, advanceameyaw [due] 25 November 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: JSON generator, duplicate recognition, end-to-end testing, database, Treasury system, date formatting, API, API development, API Readiness, budget filtering, participant import, Zoom API integration, Q4 2024 roadmap, metadata standard, participant rewards, participant reward management, task group assignment, UX

Wednesday 30th October 2024

Research and Development Guild

Agenda Items:

  • Welcoming new members and Introduction

  • Review of last meeting's Action Items

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: EC-Entity-Connections, W3CD-Web3-Contributors-Dashboard, CSDB-Collaboration-Skills-Database, Social-Media-Dashboard, Reputation-System-using-SoulBound-Tokens-SBTs

  • R&D New Metta Coder lab


Discussion Points:

  • Review of last meeting's Action Items: Lordkizzy went through the action items for the previous meeting and we had a brief introduction for new members

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: going forward updates on development will be given monthly rather than weekly

  • R&D Guild Metta Coder Lab Initiative: Guillermo shared the survey form for members (https://forms.gle/y6FiaCLQzJKpTeDF7), he also shared some documents for members to add their inputs (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iyTYXeXyzc-jMOKxggCMQJbtCR1uHH9FInS6CTCwDNU/edit?usp=sharing, https://docs.google.com/document/d/17n3zU9ZBwgPiw1f8ExaPgh7Ma9-H00QNz-oUgE5QNdQ/edit?usp=sharing).

  • Follow up on the CSDB: lordkizzy and guillermo hosted a call with the team to discuss the challenges and expectations for the project, we also discussed the collaboration of this project with Onboarding WG and also the integration with the WEB3 dashboard and reputation system

  • Fetch AI/SOLANA COPA AMERICA: guillermo explained about the Fetch AI/SOLANA COPA AMERICA and its applications with AI agents, he also gave a presentation

  • Ambassador program's Content calendar: Subzero informed the group that they will be needing two participants from the R&D GUILD to have edit access on the content calendar, the names will be sent out to subzero after the call

Action Items:

  • [action] Clement to give the guild's monthly townhall update [assignee] Clement Umoh [due] 29 October 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Guillermo to share the Hackathon pack to the R&D Guild channel [assignee] guillermolucero [due] 6 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Lordkizzy to schedule a follow-up call with the teams to discuss the integrations of projects [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 6 November 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Tool Development, AI tooling, Deliverables, Presentation, Documentation, Operations, Metta, Metta Coder Lab, survey, Hackathon, Fetch, Solana, Copa America, content calendar, Marketing Guild, onboarding WG, Collaboration Skills Database

  • emotions: Casual, speedy, Welcoming, Thoughtful, Friendly, Collaborative, productive

Thursday 31st October 2024

Onboarding Workgroup

In this meeting we discussed:

  • We agreed the minutes of the last meeting. Vani raised the point that if corrections are made to a summary by WG members, then the documenter needs to make the relevant changes when they add the summary to the meeting summary tool. (In the last meeting summary, the documenter unfortunately didn't do this.)

  • Skillshare matrix: The regular call-out for members to add their skills to the skillshare matrix, both the ones they intend to learn and the ones they currently have.

  • Onboarding Journeys: As an extension of the work on Onboarding Journeys, Onize has created and shared a Googleform ("Onboarding Journeys Quick Survey") to ask people in the Ambassador Program about their own onboarding journeys, and any barriers they have faced. There has been only 1 response so far, but it was interesting - the person "felt all alone and had to catch up with the Ambassador's program's purpose which honestly doesn't feel completely clear yet". So we need to think about how we will address issues that come up in the form; and we also need to keep sharing it. We agreed the Onboarding Focus Group will look at this when they meet tomorrow; and Onize will keep sharing the form every now and then.

  • Onboarding Journeys: Lord Kizzy suggested having monthly/quarterly surveys tackling challenges facing new members.

  • Research on decentralisation: Kateri briefly discussed the research that she and Ayo are working on. They will be asking their questions in small-group interviews, which will be recorded. We agreed that we'd like to see a little more info on the planned research methodology (e.g. how interviewees will be selected; how the interviewers will ensure a valid and ethical approach).

  • Potential collab with R&D Guild: We discussed a collaboration with R&D Guild on skills info - i.e. their Collaboration Skills Database and our Skillshare Matrix.

Questions were raised on the use of the term "soft skills/hard skills" in R&D's database, which some people find quite dismissive of the range of "non-developer" skills; and we discussed whether the work that Onboarding has done in our Skillshare Matrix on describing and defining different non-developer skills might be useful.

Advanceameyaw and Lord Kizzy, as members of R&D Guild, said R&D intends that the info in the database could be used by Onboarding in signposting new people to tasks and WGs that suit their skills. Some concerns were raised about whether this connects with Onboarding's existing processes, and whether the Collaboration Skills Database info is in a useful format: the Database currently uses a lot of free text, which can take time to interpret; and we queried whether controlled vocabs would be better and would give more usable info. We also noted that if this was done, then "non-developer" skills would need to be defined in ways that make sense to people who actually have those skills; we noted that previous iterations of the Database, which did use controlled vocabs, didn't really succeed in this.

Questions were also raised on privacy and data protection issues: AdvanceAmeyaw noted that these have been considered, but Vani said they may not have been been considered thoroughly enough.

We agreed that a dedicated meeting between Onboarding and R&D would be useful.

  • Marketing WG is asking for 2 people from each WG to be responsible for adding material to their new Content Calendar - so if a WG needs any marketing or promotional material to be produced, they add it to the calendar, and Marketing will produce it. We agreed the Onboarding Focus Group will select 2 people when they meet tomorrow.

Decision Items:

  • R&D will consider not using the ‘hard skills/soft skills’ terminology in the in the Collaboration Skills Database

    • [rationale] The term can be unclear (people vary on what they define as a "hard/soft skill"; and the terms can be experienced as somewhat dismissive.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • The 2 forthcoming skillshare sessions (Monitoring and Evaluation on 21st Nov; Decentralised Governance on 5th Dec) are to be publicized with an infographic.

    • [rationale] Presenting both sessions on one infographic means less work, and also shows that it's a "program" of skillshare sessions, not just a couple of random one-offs.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We noted that the skillshare session on Monitoring and Evaluation is on Thurs 21st Nov, not 25th Nov

    • [rationale] It has previously been recorded in error in meeting summaries as 25th Nov.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Lord Kizzy to add dates for meetings and Skillshare sessions to the calendar. [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 4 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Onize to re-share the googleform for the "Onboarding journeys quick survey" to the ambassador-general Discord channel [assignee] Onize [due] 14 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] CjFrenkie will prepare and deliver our Town Hall updates for 26th November. [assignee] Cjfrankie [due] 26 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Lord Kizzy and Advance will schedule a meeting for further discussion on collaboration between onboarding and R&D on the Skills Database. [assignee] LordKizzy, advanceameyaw [due] 14 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Clement will facilitate the next meeting and Tuso will document. [assignee] Clement Umoh, Hogantuso [due] 14 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Lord Kizzy will prepare the meeting agenda for our next meeting [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 14 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] In their meeting tomorrow the Onboarding Focus Group will work out how best to work on insights from Onize's Onboarding Journeys form. [assignee] Sucre n Spice, LadyTempestt, CallyFromAuron [due] 1 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] The Onboarding Focus Group will select 2 people from the WG to be responsible for adding material to the new Content Calendar that Marketing WG is doing [assignee] Sucre n Spice, LadyTempestt, CallyFromAuron [due] 1 November 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: skills matrix, research, meeting dates, collaboration skills database, skills database, skills audit, R&D guild, Marketing Guild, content calendar, hard and soft skills, Town Hall update, Onboarding focus group, onboarding journeys, barriers to onboarding, barriers, skillshare sessions, monitoring and evaluation, decentralized governance, Decentralization, useful documentation, Documentation

  • emotions: Collaborative, Casual, speedy , contructive criticism

AI Sandbox/Think-tank

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Meeting Coordination and Introduction: Lord Kizzy welcomed everyone and addressed the confusion between him and Peter regarding the meeting link.

  • Osmium gave an introduction to what AI TOOLSET EXHIBITION is, and reflected upon the purpose behind it including this segment in the first half of AI SANDBOX sessions and walked through the key takeaways.

  • Showcasing the first presentation of the exhibition made by osmium on the HeyGen.ai: he shared the link to the presentation https://www.canva.com/design/DAGU_GoaEO4/ki_gr7RNZMpLqEtLLLIA8A/view?utm_content=DAGU_GoaEO4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor where he highlighted

  • a) Overview of the toolset (Detailed Description and Use Cases)

  • b) Architecture and Technology Stack (Library or repository of the framework of AI model or visual or graphical representation of the architecture through diagrams or flow chart)

  • c) Demonstration (live demo or tutorial/ video walkthrough)

  • d) Outcome Report or Results and Impact (illustration through case studies or showcasing measurable results eg. key performance metrics)

  • R&D Guild MeTTa Coder Lab / @SNET_Ambassadors Program Survey: Lordkizzy shared the survey form and the call and asked for more participation from members

  • AIS [artificial immune system]: Osmium gave a brief introduction to the topic and we decided to have further discussions on it in the next session

  • Details of next Think-tank session: Lordkizzy shared a document https://docs.google.com/document/d/18mYSY9PgU5aYiRRKMOLzaflD1r9vJob6SUvO2o4AhJI/edit?tab=t.0 for the theoretical debate in the next think-tank session, to give more context to the contestants

For the next Sandbox session: Lots of members expressed interest in hosting our next sessions, including Gorga, Malik, Kateri and Advanceameyaw

Decision Items:

  • we decided to further the discussion on AIS [artificial immune system] to the next session

    • [rationale] this was decided due to time constraints

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided that Malik, Gorga, Kateri and Advance are all going to host our coming sandbox sessions on AI tool exhibition

    • [rationale] They expressed interest in doing the task

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Members who want to document these meetings should indicate their interest in the group's Discord channel [assignee] All Members [due] 7 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Lord kizzy to create a repo for the next call where members can submit codes and documentation for the AI tools. [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 7 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Malik, Gorga, Kateri and Advance to host the next AI sandbox session [assignee] Malik, Gorga Siagian, Kateri, advanceameyaw [due] 7 November 2024 [status] todo

To carry over for next meeting:

  • AIS [artificial immune system]


  • topics covered: Video Demo, AI Tool Exhibition, Hygen.ai, AIS [artificial immune system], MeTTa Coder Lab

  • emotions: Welcoming, interactive, Thoughtful , entertaining

African Guild

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Clement Umoh [facilitator], martinsoki [documenter], Eric Davies, Kateri, LadyTempestt, Jay Bhagat, Ayo, Onize, Clement Umoh, advanceameyaw, CJFrankie, martinsoki, esewilliams, Sucre n Spice, Effiom

  • Purpose: The African Guild weekly meeting and progress updates.

  • Other media: [Link](http://singularitynet.africa/ | https://www.instagram.com/snet_africa?igsh=cDEzMWNmemFqdjVp | https://www.linkedin.com/in/singularitynet-africa | https://medium.com/@singularitynet.africa | https://x.com/Snetafrica | https://t.me/+5oS0y-KXEJczY2Y0 | https://www.youtube.com/@SingularityNet.Africa)


Kickoff: The African guild meeting began at 5:10 PM with Clement welcoming everyone and giving the reason why Duke is not available in today's meeting. Isaac Daniel was meant to be our documenter, but he was unavailable, so MartinSoki opted to step in. We glanced over the minutes from the last meeting summary; no one had any reservations.

Tripartite Partnership with African Guild: We had this partnership conversation in Q3 and now we are finalizing it, we are trying to work on the blueprint document. So, the African Guild is going to strike a partnership with three organizations, REMOSTART (https://www.remostarts.com/), STARHIVE (https://starhive.com/), and BETA AFRICA (https://beta.africa/). REMOSTART will be coming in as a technical partner - we are doing a lot of research and right now we are moving into actual development phases. STARHIVE comes in as a research partner, and we have BETA AFRICA as an educational partner. We are going to have these partnerships that will quest static over the period for which we will have a promotion of these AI tools that our team of brilliant people who are actually carrying out current research on how to work around this. We will be sending out letters to describe actual involvement and what we expect from them. We will bring it up here for everyone to have a more in-depth knowledge of when and where the boundaries for involvement are for us as a Guild and for them as independent organizations.

Updates from Research on Indigenous Tooling: Onize said they are making progress on collecting responses but so far, they have had just one. She asked for more time so they can collect more data. Clement suggested reminding people via DM to give responses, as well as posting in the Discord channel; and tagging people by name in the channel. Onize agreed.

Q4 A.M.A Session Update: Ese said they need to conclude on the speakers, and then they can start to publicise it. |The date is November 29th, 2024. Ese gave more detail on the event: that over time we have been discussing the need to Africanize AI tools, it is for Africa to step up their game. The focus of this A.M.A is practical action items to enable us to do all that we have discussed.

Update on Marketing Initiatives: Ese said the marketing team are planning two initiatives, and will discuss with the Focus Group about implementing them - will it be in Q4, or in Q1 2025? The 2 initiatives are:

  • UGC (user-generated content) on a theme of cultural perspectives on the sNET ASI Alliance, i.e people from different places, creating images inspired by what they think of when they hear "ASI". There will be three winners. Ese will share the documentation by the weekend with the focus group before sharing it with the whole SNET community. Timescale: two weeks, so if it's approved then it should be happening the second week of November.

  • a Pan African Mega SingularityNet X space, with all the team being inside Africa. A way to onboard startups and AI builders into the SingularityNET platform. Aim to onboard about 10 companies to join the discussion, who do not yet have anything to do with SingularityNET but are building AI based solutions. Timescale: first week of December.

Discussion on Contest and Community Engagement: Ese is thinking of taking it outside the Ambassador program. We need people that are doing something else outside to jump on it. And also talk about the ASI alliance because it has not been talked about.

Action Items:

  • [action] Duke to provide the email addresses of people who will have edit access to the Ambassadors Google Drive. [assignee] Duke [due] 14 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Duke to chase Ayo to get a clue on how many people will volunteer their presence in the BUI event run by Kenichi. [assignee] Duke [due] 14 November 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Sucre to translate articles from Ubuntu and AI events. [assignee] Sucre n Spice [due] 7 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Advance to publicize the research on Indigenous Tooling outside SNET. [assignee] advanceameyaw [due] 7 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] LadyTempestt to Document next meeting. [assignee] LadyTempestt [due] 7 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Sucre to continue the migration of tasks from Dework to GitHub, aiming for completion by the end of the quarter and reaching out for necessary GitHub IDs. [assignee] Sucre n Spice [due] 28 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Ese, Clement, Ayo and Onize to prepare and finalize the plan for the Q4 AMA session (it’s on the agenda) [assignee] esewilliams, Clement Umoh, Ayo, Onize [due] 21 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Ayo (team rep) to give an update on the research for developing Indigenous AI tooling [assignee] Ayo [due] 21 November 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: AMA Session Updates, community engagement, Marketing initiative, Partnership, Collaboration, Remostart, Starhive, Beta Africa, Indigenous tooling, research, Africanize, UGC, user-generated content, ASI token, ASI Alliance, X spaces, Onboarding

  • emotions: informative, short, Thoughtful , funny

Last updated