Week 22

Mon 27th May - Sun 2nd Jun 2024

Monday 27th May 2024

Strategy Guild

No Summary Given

Deep Funding Town Hall

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: none [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], others unknown

  • Purpose: DeepFunding Town Hall is a (usually) fortnightly meeting (although for a short period, it has been weekly) led by the SingularityNET Ambassador community, where we share updates, presentations & conversations about topics that relate to Deep Funding and SingularityNET.

Town Hall Summary:

In the last week of May 2024, Deepfunding Town Hall organised 3 "Spotlight Day" events, where proposers in Deep Funding Round 4 could present their proposals with a 3-minute video pitch.

These events took place on:

  • Mon 27th May

  • Weds 29th May

  • Thurs 30th May.

You can view all the pitches on the following YouTube playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_2LlWfxxoeDVDDlq8GLIfzuHQ9_PbDp


  • topics covered: deep funding round 4, DeepFunding, money, Proposals, proposers, pitch, Marketing

  • emotions: informative, varied, money-led

Tuesday 28th May 2024

LatAm Guild

Agenda item 1 - Strategy Sub-Group - [carry over]


The first meeting for the regional expansion of the Ambassador program for the LATAM region was a small success, with 11 participants and a strong sense of community. After a short introduction and a small personal presentation of those present we start with the meeting agenda.

In this introductory meeting, we share with the community the proposal voted and approved by the global community of ambassadors. We went through the objectives and strategy for this starting phase.

The tools used by the community were presented, Discors, Dework and the Oracle archive

Decision Items:

  • Beginning Onboarding evaluation and selection of members

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Evaluate the execution of workshops on the tools used by the community [assignee] Guillermo [due] 21 June 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Onboarding Sub-Group - [carry over]


The onboarding strategy was communicated to those present and the next steps to follow in the formation of the core contributors team for this initial stage were proposed, onboarding evaluation and selection.

At the end of the meeting, the onboarding form for the LATAM regional expansion program was shared.

Decision Items:

  • Beginning Onboarding evaluation and selection of members

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Edit Onboarding form and perform an update on two languages, Spanish and Portuguese [assignee] Guillermo [due] 23 June 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Marketing Sub-Group - [carry over]


Marketing efforts at the moment are based on generating documentation for meetings and calls, as the sub WG and assigned tasks are formed, the efforts will address other needs.

Decision Items:

  • Beginning Onboarding evaluation and selection of members

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Agenda item 4 - Education Sub-Group - [carry over]


The need was established for Initial documentation translated into Spanish to begin educating members on the forms and methodologies of the program.

Decision Items:

  • We develop the titles by priority and agree on the translation work to be shared in the next meetings.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Selection of documents and translation [assignee] Guilermo, Ines [due] 24 June 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Rewards, Governance, Meeting Summaries, Onboarding, Budget , Roles, Collaboration

  • emotions: Collaborative, Friendly, Thoughtful , funny , entertaining

  • other: All beginnings are challenging and full of responsibility, we hope to achieve the objectives

Ambassador Town Hall

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: PeterE [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], PeterE, Tevo, WaKa, CallyFromAuron, Clement Umoh, hogantuso, guillermolucero, Will Tatz, Felix, Mikasa, Zalfred, Ese Williams, Onize, aetherblade, Boaz, Effiom, Haley Lowy, Ayo, Nefertiti Strong, Kenichi, Holly Rankin, Nicola Salvagni, lord kizzy

  • Purpose: Regular weekly get-together for the Ambassador Program. Discussion of community-wide issues; sharing of updates and info; and in the last meeting of each month, an update from each Workgroup on what they have been doing

Timestamped video:

The Ambassador Town Hall is a recurring event happening live on the Ambassador Zoom channel https://www.youtube.com/@SNET_Ambassador each Tuesday at 19:00 UTC.

00:00 Introduction By Peter 01:10 Deep Funding Round 4 02:17 Beyondthecode.ai 16:32 Workgroup Updates 17:08 Knowledge Base Wg 18:35 Dework Pbl Wg 19:35 Treasury Guild 22:05 Archives Wg 27:49 Educational Wg 30:01 R&d Guild 33:08 Latam Guild 38:25 Onboarding Wg 40:46 Marketing Guild, And The Issue Of Guild Leadership And How To Select Guild Leaders 44:20 Writers Wg 50:31 Video Wg 53:26 Strategy Guild 54:40 Governance Wg 57:16 Ai Ethics Wg 1:00:27 Open Discussion - Should We Start Recognising Participation In Town Halls Again? We Used To, But Now Do Not. 1:12:00 Waka's List Of Deep Funding R4 Proposals That Are From People In The Ambassador Program

Town Hall Summary:

Today's Town Hall consisted mainly of the regular monthly updates from each WorkGroup.

There was also a presentation from https://www.beyondthecode.ai, an immersive documentary series about Ben Goertzel and AGI.

There was also a discussion on whether we should start recognising participation in Town Halls again? We used to, but now do not. Main points raised:

  • Could Video WG's summaries of TH include listing who is present?

  • Can we use a Dework template for it? We used to do so - but around Town Hall #49 the template was changed

  • How do we handle it if anyone present at TH does not have a Dework account? Can we ask them async to create one, and thus support the onboarding process?

  • It is best to have one person responsible for capturing TH attendees via Read.ai, Zoom signups, etc - ideally someone who knows the community and will recognise people's Discord names

  • Should we try to catch up on the THs where we did not capture attendance? It would be a lot of manual work. Or should we just say that we used to do it, it was a useful experiment and we learnt from it, and look now at how we can improve the process so we can start afresh?


  • topics covered: workgroups, monthly updates, beyondthecode.ai, documentary, deep funding round 4, RAG retrieval process, Knowledge base, ambassador system design, dework PBL, students, Treasury, Treasury Policy, Q3 2024 proposals, Q2 2024 report, LLMs, open source, document management, archival dissociation, ethics strategy for Archives, GitHub, good meeting summaries, google doc header, doc header, spinoffs, fetch, ocean, quizzes, videos, Infographics, learn with AI, certification, R&D guild, transparency, budget concerns, prototypes, Q2 2024 budget, disability, disability research, LatAm, new members, Argentina, Colombia, Brazil, regional expansion, Translation, Decentralization Blueprint, global ethics document, treasury training session, Onboarding survey, Marketing guild lead, guild leadership, Medium publications, Trivia sessions, trivia topics, Zealy, pupil tag, Pidgin, Spanish, Twitter/X, Notion, Writers WorkGroup, video WG, Strategy Guild, strategy guild revival, Q1 budget allocation, Q2 budget, retrospective, budget retrospective, governance experiments, Core Contributor, renaming Ambassadors, decentralized decision making, Governance workgroup, AI ethics, research, GEI, Global AI Ethics Initiative, town hall participation, Dework, template, people without Dework account, deepfunding R4

  • emotions: informative, detailed, friendly

Governance Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Felix [facilitator], LadyTempestt [documenter], PeterE, CallyFromAuron, guillermolucero, sakujennbornean, billy, Duke, Effiom, Sucre n Spice, Onize, kenichi

  • Purpose: Weekly Governance WG meeting


Status of Writer’s WG budget proposal: What is the progress? Writers WG has resubmitted their budget proposal so we have to relaunch the consent process and Treasury Guild will set up the consent form and run it again. Do we as governance WG guide this or is it purely treasury conversation? It might be a good idea to have a consensus call or coordinate around the topic here. Another point raised was that if the objections raised during the last consent round have been addressed then there might be no need for another consent round but if they haven’t then that might be an issue. Vani suggested that we transfer all the things we said we would do to improve the quarter 3 consent process to our next meeting or Treasury Guild’s meeting to try and set up how to avoid these issues(stuff like having quarterly report handy, improving budget proposals structure/writing with maybe a template? and not hiding the link to your budget so no one can see it) in Q3. This could be on our next meeting agenda or the treasury’s agenda if they don't have something on their plate already.

Marketing Guild Lead: Guild members are trying to figure out who will be the Guild Lead and there was no consensus at the end of last week's discussion. We noted that so many people are interested in the role but that wanting it is one thing and that having the ability and skills to step into the role is another thing. Peter mentioned that Judith posted a summary of the main ideas that came out of the last town hall session so everyone could check it out. Peter finalized by saying that in terms of the Marketing Guild Lead, we should go for someone who knows a bit if not much about the project and not just someone who reads about Web3 marketing:-)

Retrospective across the Quarter: How will this work? We can have the session next week on what worked, and what didn't work plus suggestions for improvement. We can also do async with a form of Polis as agreed previously. Vani has drafted a starting point for the Polis session. She added that a few of us could go off and come back with fitting statements. Peter suggested having a WG Leads call to go through the proposal writing aspect. Vani reminded us that we had yet to decide on the renaming of the core contributor role and that if you sit on a decision for a while until it is accepted, you don't need to make a decision, but is that ethical? Is it fair? It was suggested we look at it as part of the reflective process.

Loomio Test Run: We will go ahead with purchasing a subscription to the Loomio decision-making software and Core Contributors could simply use it to vote on items. Do we play around with it and see how it works for decision-making? There is currently a six-month contract and Deep Funding is currently exploring tools. Vani suggested making a little video about how it works and sharing that. Guillermo added that Judith shared it as it is something the whole SingularityNET community will be able to use. Felix suggested we focus on retrospective and ideating improvements for the next decision-making thing. Once this is done, we should ideally already have a nice list of stuff we want to do better, where we can see already, how can we do this directly through the first voting experiment on the renaming core contributor role thing with Loomio, and then we can move towards quarter three.

WG Documentation: Is it possible to include adding meeting notes to the summary tool as part of the documentation of a meeting? Or do people need a walkthrough? We all thought it was a good idea. Jenni said she might go for documenting our meetings from maybe the next one. Till further notice. Is there enough budget for it? Felix says there is according to the Q2 governance budget sheet.

Discussion Points:

  • Status of Writer’s WG budget proposal

  • Marketing Guild Lead

  • Retrospective across the Quarter

  • Loomio Test Run

  • WG Documentation

Decision Items:

  • We will include adding meeting notes to the summary tool as part of meeting documentation

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We all agreed that it is a great idea to have a walkthrough video on how to use the Archives WG’s summary tool.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We agreed to have actual budget issues retrospective and look at what improvements and changes we want to make to budgets in June week 1(4th?).

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We will look at the governance process itself and discuss everyone getting on board with using Loomio in June week 2 and possibly week 3.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • The renaming of the decision-making role should be moved to quarter 3.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Felix to check with the Treasury Guild concerning the consent for the Writers WG budget proposal. [assignee] Felix [status] todo

  • [action] Vani to dm Felix about the checklist on who was there in the previous meetings we have had and get access to recordings if any. [assignee] CallyFromAuron [status] done

  • [action] Jenni to go through WG meeting documentation from the past and get back to us if she would like to document future sessions. [assignee] sakujennbornean [status] todo

  • [action] Vani to possibly meet Jenni and Billy to walk them through documenting and adding the notes to the summary tool. She might also dm Onize too to see if she fancies joining an archive session. [assignee] CallyFromAuron [status] todo

  • [action] Felix to reach out to Duke concerning the walkthrough video on Loomio. [assignee] Felix [status] todo

  • [action] Felix to share the Q3 budget draft and Q2 report for Governance WG on Discord so we can all chip in comments. [assignee] Felix [status] done

  • [action] Felix to give town hall WG monthly updates today. [assignee] Felix [status] done


  • topics covered: Consent decision-making process for Budget proposals, Quarter 3 2024 plans, Marketing Guild Lead, Loomio, decision-making tooling, Pol.is, meeting documentation, retrospective

  • emotions: Deliberative, interesting, contributive

Wednesday 29th May 2024

Research and Development Guild

Agenda Items:

  • Welcoming new members and Introduction

  • Review of last meeting summary Action Items

  • Discussions on the research proposal on inclusivity for individuals with disabilities in SingularityNET ecosystem.

  • Operations update: operations structure and procedures

  • Onboarding of new members

Discussion Points:

  • Discussions on R&D Guild budget and Duke's proposal (Research on Inclusivity for Individuals with Disabilities in SingularityNET Ecosystem): there are still ongoing discussions on the approval of the budget, but the guild has given Duke a go-ahead on working on the proposal.

  • Discussions on Colleen's game proposal

  • Discussions on community concerns about our Q2 budget. Majority of the members, "My only concern is that as the projects and initiatives increase in this Guild we have not properly addressed the Operations increase that is impacted by that. As the iniatives grow there are more and more operations and internal processes that are not accurately captured by the budget." : we have agreed to improve our workflow in terms of Operations.

  • Discussions on decision-making tool and processes

Decision Items:

  • We decided to adopt and implement a bi-weekly report on progress, and also conduct bi-weekly workshop

    • [rationale] Majority of members felt this was important for the Guild in terms of operations

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Guillermo suggested that all core members of the Guild should be available for a discussion on tool development

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Guillermo to have a call with Ubio on providing assistance to the multilingual project by conecting them with Celeste's team (Audio to text AI DF awarded project) [assignee] Guillermo [due] 8 May 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] WaKa & Rojo to add their contributions to the R&D _ Q1 Proposal Report _ Template. [assignee] WaKa, Rojo [due] 29 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Kenichi to share his evaluation doc for the Writer's WG with the R&D Guild [assignee] Kenichi [due] 29 May 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Kenichi to create a basic explanatory document on his initiatives for the Ambassador program website and present it in the next meeting [assignee] Kenichi [due] 29 May 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Duke to write down a short response on the concerns that was presented on Q2 budget for the guild. [assignee] Duke [due] 29 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Guilermo to ideate to see how Vasu cam collaborate with guild members on project [assignee] Guillermo [due] 29 May 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Colleen to email Guillermo on her gaming proposal for it to be added to the next meeting's agenda [assignee] Colleen [due] 29 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Guillermo and Lord_Kizzy to meet up and have a discussion on creating a Github board repository for the guild [assignee] Guillermo, lord kizzy [due] 29 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Ayo to draft out a report on how he could contribute to the Guild [assignee] Ayo [due] 29 May 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Guilds , Budget , Tool Development, Proposal, AI tooling, API, deliverables, Meeting Summaries, Budget Request, Q2 budget, Social media Dashboard, social media, agenda creation, GitHub, Workshop, Introductory task, Evaluation criteria

  • emotions: Collaborative, productive, Thoughtful , speedy , Welcoming, Friendly

Archives Workgroup

Decision Items:

  • RE competition for best meeting summary: the winning meeting summary is Knowledge Base WG esp 15th May meeting. Archives WG was 2nd and R&D was 3rd but they cannot win

    • [rationale] Criteria that were used were: content of summary matches tasks; decision rationale and opposing arguments are included; working docs have been added

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Duke to create a video walkthru of how to use the GitHub Board, based on Stephen's training session - see https://github.com/SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive/issues/116 Still needs to be shared [assignee] duke peter [due] 12 June 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Sucre to add the Q1 quarterly report to Ambassador GitBook when ready [assignee] SucrenSpice [due] 29 May 2024 [status] done

  • [action] All to add comments to AI ethics doc async [assignee] all [due] 12 June 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Vanessa to start writing guide on how to make a doc community-owned - i.e. a process for how to work with a doc to avoid stuff like deleting it, deleting comments, etc - still writing [assignee] Vanessa [due] 12 June 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Sucre, Clement and Lord_Kizzy to pick 2 "best meeting summary" winners from early June summaries, which they will share at next meeting on 12th June - see this issue https://github.com/SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive/issues/152 [assignee] SucrenSpice, lord kizzy, Clement Umoh [due] 12 June 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Andre to draft a doc on Ubio's work, to help Ekemini and Ese create a presentation for TH See this issue https://github.com/SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive/issues/150 [assignee] André [due] 12 June 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Vanessa to sort out how we split up the work on the Backlog to hand it over to the rest of the team. Interested: Onyeka, Ayo, Clement, Onize, Jenn, Photogree, Gorga [assignee] Vanessa [due] 12 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Stephen to invite Ekemini to github @Tabintel and he and Ese to liaise outside the meeting re presentation on Ubio's work [assignee] Stephen, Ekemini Samuel, esewilliams [due] 12 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vani to invite Photogee to discord chat re tag taxonomy, so we can progress the TH presentation about it with Ese, Onyeka and Ekemini [assignee] Vanessa [due] 12 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vanessa to start a draft quarterly report [assignee] Vanessa [due] 12 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vanessa to DM Duke about his video walkthru of the project board [assignee] Vanessa [due] 12 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vanessa or Sucre to post something in a public Discord channel - probbaly Ambassador-General - to share about the "Good Meeting Summaries" competition and that Tevo won this time [assignee] Vanessa, SucrenSpice [due] 5 June 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: document management, github board, AI ethics, Ethics, ethics of AGI, Town Hall presentation, good meeting summaries, LLMs, LLM development, AI tooling, open source

  • emotions: positive, Friendly, Organised

Education Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], Slate, Clement Umoh, Photogee, osmium, WaKa, Billy, esewilliams, malik, Onize, kateri, Ayo

  • Purpose: - Onboarding WG mentorship discussion - blueprints for ACP and Education Guild - process for ACP implementation - process for saving artifacts such as infos, vids and quizzes - resolve nunet

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Onboarding WG mentorship discussion by Billy

  • blueprints for ACP and Education Guild

  • process for ACP implementation

  • process for saving artifacts basically the infos,vids and quizzes

  • resolve nunet

Discussion Points:

  • Slate started the meeting welcoming everybody

  • Then he highlighted the agenda for today's meeting

  • Billy discussed his concerns regarding onboarding wg mentorship

  • Slate highlighted that we would be needing a process for creation of blueprints for ACP and Education Guild, which at the end was agreed to be group creation and opening the doc for comments

  • osmium gave updates from the review team side

  • Slate also mentioned that we would be needing a way to secure these artificats that we have created for ACP most importantly the videos to a safe and permanent place

  • In that there was a suggestion of posting the videos on youtube as a unlisted playlist

  • Slate notified Waka regarding his missing video on Nunet

  • Then Slate discussed that we would also be needing a process for the implementation of ACP on Google Classroom which was initially meant to be a job for two people with a assigned activity list

Decision Items:

  • ACP and Education Guild Blueprint

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Securing ACP Videos [assignee] everyone assigned [due] 5 June 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Google Classroom process implementation activity list [assignee] Slate [due] 5 June 2024 [status] in progress


  • topics covered: ACP, Google Classroom, processes, Blueprints , implementation, unlistedvideos, Nunet, GroupforBlueprintsz

  • emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike., speedy

Knowledge Base Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Biweekly

  • Present: Tevo [facilitator], Tevo [documenter], Tevo, lord kizzy, André, Ayo, esewilliams, Effiom, hogantuso, Onize, Gorga Siagian

  • Purpose: Aggregating Ambassador Program assets and relevant information under GitBook

  • Meeting video: Link

  • Miro board: Link

  • Other media: Link

  • Working Docs:

Agenda item 1 - Review organized and reviewed items - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Reviewing SNET Ambassador Program - Webpage https://singularitynet.io/ambassador-program/

  • We had conflicting views on how relevant it is an item to demonstrating how we recognize the value.

  • Mostly everyone agreed to reasons and locations for this item

Decision Items:

  • We added an Item under the Agent Model under the guiding questions of "what services we offer" and "what are our limitations"

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] 8 new Items have been added to the Miro Task Board to be organized [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Retrospective on organizing process and async results - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • How do we resolve conflicting views?

Decision Items:

  • We achieved good enough results to async to proceed with the current model.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Conflicting Reviews are decided by simple majority.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Review only conflicting items in future collective review sessions [status] todo

  • [action] Gather for collective practice every now and then [status] todo

  • [action] Next session, continue discussions on documenting the process and making it easier to follow [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Elegant next steps - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Initiate one of the previous next steps to try use LLM to sort our items

Action Items:

  • [action] Let's prompt engineer ourselves a result next session, where input is the item, and output is the the list and rationale where item belongs [status] todo

Deep Funding Town Hall

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: none [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], others unknown

  • Purpose: DeepFunding Town Hall is a (usually) fortnightly meeting (although for a short period, it has been weekly) led by the SingularityNET Ambassador community, where we share updates, presentations & conversations about topics that relate to Deep Funding and SingularityNET.

Town Hall Summary:

In the last week of May 2024, Deepfunding Town Hall organised 3 "Spotlight Day" events, where proposers in Deep Funding Round 4 could present their proposals with a 3-minute video pitch.

These events took place on:

  • Mon 27th May

  • Weds 29th May

  • Thurs 30th May.

You can view all the pitches on the following YouTube playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_2LlWfxxoeDVDDlq8GLIfzuHQ9_PbDp


  • topics covered: deep funding round 4, DeepFunding, money, Proposals, proposers, pitch, Marketing

  • emotions: informative, varied, money-led

Thursday 30th May 2024

Onboarding Workgroup

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Minutes from the last meeting and action items

  • Onboarding Journeys update

  • Getting started doc/channel

  • Skills audit

  • Video and text documentation of onboarding processes

  • Further discussion of feedback from 16th May Onboarding session. We covered: Can we use our skills audit doc to support onboarding - e.g. by identifying core skills that everyone needs in the ambassadors program overall? How do we bridge the translation barriers for new ambassadors in getting-started channel and onboarding? Should part of each onboarding meeting be a mini "onboarding Q&A"? Would it be more helpful to share our existing resources - e.g. the voiceover video of the onboarding slides? Do we need to reach out to leaders of workgroups to ask them to direct new members to the getting-started channel?

Decision Items:

  • We agreed to discuss the Q2 survey properly after the form closes on 31st May 2024 - so next meeting, 6th June

    • [rationale] Analysis is in progress

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed to reach out to translators WG and LatAm for translating onboarding resources such as Getting Started

    • [rationale] because we are aware there might be language barriers

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We agreed on “pinning”/sharing the onboarding video by Duke https://youtu.be/ceOAl7ObJVU?si=3FN9EmfheGwlA1Tj

    • [rationale] because it's a useful resource that new people might not be aware of; and because more async/self-paced resources might help

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We agreed Duke will facilitate the next meeting on 6th June

    • [rationale] as Peter is on the roster but may not be free to do it.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Lord Kizzy to re-do the summary from the Onboarding session on 16th, and add to the meeting summary tool [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 30 May 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Vani to add minutes from 9th May to the summary tool. [assignee] Vanessa [due] 30 May 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Lord Kizzy to chase Hogan Tuso to ask if he is still available to give the May 28th Town Hall updates from our WG. (He was, and he did!) [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 26 April 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Everyone to add their skills to the skills audit doc, including new people who have not yet done so [assignee] all [due] 6 June 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Sucre to give the onboarding tag to Hogan Tuso. [assignee] SucrenSpice [due] 24 May 2024 [status] done

  • [action] LadyTempestt to mentor Onize on giving the TownHall updates from the onboarding group for June [assignee] LadyTempestt [due] 24 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Onize to give Town Hall update for the WG on 25th June [assignee] Onize [due] 25 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Sucre to rewrite text in Getting Started to remove the Introductory Task, which has been discontinued [assignee] SucrenSpice [due] 6 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Clement to add text to Getting Started doc about new WGs that started in Q2 (Africa guild, LatAm guild, AI Ethics, Moderators [assignee] Clement Umoh [due] 6 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Everyone to add comments to the Suggestions Towards Better Onboarding Processes document which Ayo created. [assignee] all [due] 6 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] LadyTempestt to add details of one particular conversation to Ayo's suggestions towards better Onboarding Processes document. [assignee] LadyTempestt [due] 6 June 2024 [status] todo

Learning Points:

  • We need to figure out how to direct people more reliably to the getting-started channel, as sometimes they are missing it

To carry over for next meeting:

  • Onboarding Journeys

  • Skills audit

  • Onboarding Sessions Survey

  • Suggestions towards better Onboarding Processes document


  • topics covered: skills audit, Getting Started, Translation, Town Hall update, mentorship, onboarding processes, new workgroups

  • emotions: interesting, interactive, expository, Friendly

Deep Funding Town Hall

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: none [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], others unknown

  • Purpose: DeepFunding Town Hall is a (usually) fortnightly meeting (although for a short period, it has been weekly) led by the SingularityNET Ambassador community, where we share updates, presentations & conversations about topics that relate to Deep Funding and SingularityNET.

Town Hall Summary:

In the last week of May 2024, Deepfunding Town Hall organised 3 "Spotlight Day" events, where proposers in Deep Funding Round 4 could present their proposals with a 3-minute video pitch.

These events took place on:

  • Mon 27th May

  • Weds 29th May

  • Thurs 30th May.

You can view all the pitches on the following YouTube playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC_2LlWfxxoeDVDDlq8GLIfzuHQ9_PbDp


  • topics covered: deep funding round 4, DeepFunding, money, Proposals, proposers, pitch, Marketing

  • emotions: informative, varied, money-led

Friday 31st May 2024

Video Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Zalfred [facilitator], killy [documenter], lord kizzy, hogantuso, AndrewBen, malik, Slate, kateri, daniel effiom

  • Purpose: weekly updates

Discussion Points:

  • More updates on the Zealy platform.

  • malik, as the task manager, provided weekly task updates.

  • slate, as our social media manager, gave weekly updates on our socials.

  • weekly updates from the town hall editor.

  • lord kizzy gave us updates on the task assignment for the video workgroup members.

Decision Items:

  • lord kizzy is to reach out to devon to create a group of tests and training for our candidates

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • 2 members from our workgroup will serve as a reveiwer and the other as communicator for the Zealy program

Action Items:

  • [action] Creation of a group for test and training for our two candidates to serve as our reveiwer and communicator for the Zealy progeam [assignee] lord kizzy, devon [due] 28 June 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: social media management, new people, Videomaking, Task Assignment, Zealy, training, tests

  • emotions: Friendly, Casual, positive, speedy

Writers Workgroup


The meeting started with Kenichi welcoming everyone to the meeting.

Kenichi announced that the WWG Q2 budget increase proposal has been approved.

Kenichi shared a quick rundown of the Medium article performances. Clearly, our article from last year, “AI Cryptography,” is still gaining ground.

Then Kenichi shared his screen as we explored the readers' interest in AI Cryptography. Kenichi suggested that we write articles based on readers' interest, to enable the WG to reach more people via Medium.

Kenichi shared updates from the Zealy side of things. Currently, we have 65 Zealy participants, and the sprint is ending in a few days!

Discussion on finding someone to manage the WWG Spanish X page Inés said she would take the responsibility.

Discussion on Kenichi’s vision for the WWG community page: this community page will enable Scribblers to share more diverse articles outside of the SNET Ambassador Program niche.

Cjfrankie shared some article topics for the Scribblers.

Decision Items:

  • We decided to create a new channel for the Scribes; this channel will enable anyone to track the Scribe activities; however, they can only view the channel but cannot send messages.

    • [rationale] To enhance openess and fairness and to keep everyone abreast of what the Scribes are working on.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided that Inés would be the WWG Spanish page manager.

    • [rationale] Since she is a native speaker, she could potentially help us reach a wider audience.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Before now, only the Scribes suggested quests for Zealy sprints; we decided that Scribbler(s) should be a part of the Zealy exercise, so they can submit quest ideas moving forward.

    • [rationale] To make it more inclusive for everyone who has an idea to share.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Inés to chase Mikasa to get insider tips on managing the Spanish X page. [assignee] Ines [status] in progress

  • [action] Kenichi to chase Peter for the creation of the Scribe channel. [assignee] Kenichi [due] 1 January 1 [status] todo

  • [action] Cjfrankie to share his article suggestions on the WWG channel. [assignee] Cjfrankie [due] 31 May 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: Scribe channel, Q2 KPI, Q3 budget, Twitter management, Onboarding, Zealy, Medium, Native speakers, Spanish

  • emotions: Welcoming, Friendly, interactive, Discursive

Marketing Guild

No Summary Given

Last updated