Week 29

Mon 15th Jul - Sun 21st Jul 2024

Monday 15th July 2024

Strategy Guild


Becoming a Strategy Guild Core Member Ayo explained why the guild has a set of unique core member requirements as represented in the Strategy Guild Membership document

Budget Proposal Update The Guild budget was already technically approved based on the open treasury session but concerns on the Guild’s budget needed to be documented in the next governance meeting. Ayo encouraged all core contributors to attend to their consenting responsibilities.

Q3 in Perspective Ayo explained that there are only two objectives for the Guild in Q3: 1) to understand the needs of the program and how contributors in the program expect the Guild to function; 2) to facilitate a workshop in partnership with Writers and Video Workgroups and Marketing Guild. Ayo shared that the Q3 report will be based on the outcome of these two objectives.

Discussion on Survey Ideas and Participation There are two open documents to which people are expected to contribute. The Possible Survey Questions [Strategy Guild] and the Strategy Guild Working Document.

Discussion on Tools and Meeting Time After contributions from Ayo and Clement, consensus was that the Guild will be open to exploring whatever tools can best serve the interest and uniqueness of the Guild. The meeting will remain at 4pm UTC weekly on Mondays.

Discussion on Guild Leadership and Rotating Facilitation Peter broached the discussion of Guild Lead and Facilitation rotation, Ayo acknowledged the vote of confidence from Gorga, who suggested that Ayo should be the Guild Lead. It was decided that because of time it should be put into the 22nd July Guild meeting agenda so it can be properly discussed.

Decision Items:

  • Meeting time for Strategy Guild remains unchanged

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Discuss Guild leadership in next meeting

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Everyone was asked to contribute to the Guild’s working document [status] todo

  • [action] Everyone to contribute to the possible survey questions document [status] todo

  • [action] Ayo to include Guild lead as an item in next meeting Agenda [assignee] Ayo [status] todo


  • topics covered: Guild membership, Q3 Objectives, Q3 Report, tools, meeting time, participation, contribution

  • emotions: interesting, Collaborative, fun

Treasury Policy WG

Agenda item 1 - Reviewing Responses for Budget-Fitting Policy - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Response link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tlq_125RZp3C_uESRUy7mhYP1q7nbf7jdSE3b3iU46g

  • Should the review be rewarded?

  • What should be done with the feedback?

Decision Items:

  • Feedback that expects policy modifications can be addressed by creating new policy submissions

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Feedback won't be rewarded.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Check if there are more responses on policy in the next session [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Review of New Policy Feedback and its process - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Policy Submission link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-tAwCD3vrXNSbUdQApljTVMfFGVDJo6PBdM39CO73Uk

  • There is a new New Policy submitted - Slow Start

  • Where would you like to go to find policies and give feedback?

  • Define policy execution timeline. How long should a policy take effect?

  • The involvement of core contributors in this process.

Decision Items:

  • Core contributors should be notified to provide feedback

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Share new policy and ping people [status] todo

  • [action] Update form to include a new column for policy duration and experimentation timeline [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Policy WG Retrospective Planning - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Has policy Workgroup and its new policies had any impact?

  • Thoughts on the effect minimum policy requirements and incentives rules

  • How to get more people involved in the WG?

  • What are reserve policies?

Action Items:

  • [action] Prepare for Retrospective Deep dive in next session [status] todo

  • [action] Move topic about Reserve questions to Treasury Guild [status] todo

Agenda item 4 - What are our current processes for adopting policies? - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • nsights are listed under Treasury Policy Template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g-INSEasp4TsEWgGQSoTIxe-KLX79tXqzF3rhWbSI3M

  • 4 Insights were shared by people present in the meeting from Core Contributor, Strategy Guild and New member perspectives

Action Items:

  • [action] Get more insights from other workgroups [status] todo

Agenda item 5 - Drafting Process chart for Policy creation - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Should there be any deadlines?

  • When do we notify people considering the steps in the process?

Decision Items:

  • Once a week check for submissions and notify members if new ones are submitted

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Include Policy discussion into the Treasury Guild agenda after two weeks has passed and only positive reviews for Policy

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople


  • topics covered: Miro Board, Rewards, Policy Creation, Policy, Timelines

  • emotions: informative, bit quiet

Treasury Guild

Agenda item 1 - Review of Writers' WG Budget Proposal - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • WWG Q3 Proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KjAjQlW5xl5m4Sq30yb4p1epW0O_2y2gljBL_QKSYrE/

  • Reviewing of concerns raised in WWG consent form

  • Discussion on the lack of effective reporting by the WG in capturing deliverables

  • If all expected changes are addressed, is that enough to pass the budget?

  • What changes are expected to be made?

Decision Items:

  • Approve Writers' WG Budget Proposal

    • [rationale] Those present agreed that the concerns raised have been addressed

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Concerns raised in consenting rounds will be carried over to future rounds to check for improvements

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Agenda item 2 - General Overview/Feedback on Budget Request Process - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Report Template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OkteXe_-UvvYuXh4hxrR4iRtOBHDKS_7ft8Yhn0EZpE/

  • Review Template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zuE49nwVETFL7LbB7Q0uKkbMLCjzuKsmIYeneD0vHVk/

  • How much power should "no consent" have?

  • Proposal reporting and consent templates for the program

  • How do we write reports?

  • Should we implement majority approval for proposals?

  • What is a reasonable quorum for proposals?

  • How to avoid popularity contest between core contributors?

  • Uncertain if people understand the value of iteration rounds

Decision Items:

  • WGs should be advised to use report templates if their reporting style is unclear for many

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Discussion Points:

  • Should strategy budget be passed?

  • What changes were made to the budget proposal?

Decision Items:

  • Budget not passed till concerns have been read out in a meeting (will be done in Governance WG meeting on 16th July)

    • [rationale] There was not enough time to do it in this meeting; but the person objecting wanted objections to be on the record

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Read and discuss concerns raised on Strategy Guild budget in 16.07.24 Governance WG session [assignee] all [due] 16 July 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: consent form, Reports, Iteration, templates, Budget , concerns, Strategy Guild, Writers WorkGroup, quorum, majority approval, majority, popularity, popularity contest, no-consent, Decision Making Process, understanding

  • emotions: Both progressive and a learning moment for decision making, Deliberative, retrospective, decisive, progressive, learning moment, enlightening

Wednesday 17th July 2024

Education Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], Clement Umoh, kateri, osmium, WaKa, malik, Slate, Photogee, GorgaSeagian, Peter, Yemi Solves, Effiom, MartinSoki, esewilliams

  • Purpose: - Dework Go through - Osmium video on Nunet (Rework) - Awakening Health Video - Ai for Beginners Initial Document by Ese - resouce sheet revamp - Website building

  • Working Docs:

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Dework Go through

  • Osmium video on Nunet (Rework)

  • Awakening Health Video

  • Ai for Beginners Initial Document by Ese

  • resouce sheet revamp

  • Website building

Discussion Points:

  • Slate started the meeting welcoming everybody

  • Notified and discussed tasks assigned and the updates on the tasks on Dework

  • We then went through Osmium's video on Nunet - Everybody liked the video and approved

  • Then Ese gave presentation of the project "Ai for Beginners" and took feedback from everybody

  • Then there was a discussion on rework of "Awakening Health Video"

  • Slate mentioned that we need to organize the current delieverables we have into a more specific style

  • Malik agreed to do so as he is the current SMM of video wg and can carry out putting unlisted videos there

  • Regarding the website building Slate said that he will be taking sample websites from those who are interested in building of websites

  • Osmium mention we can use Notion for implementing demos

Decision Items:

  • Malik and Slate to start the revamp of the sheet

    • [rationale] Malik being SMM and Slate knows where all the resources can be extracted

    • [opposing] Nil

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Slate to take website samples from those interested in creating website for CCCP

    • [rationale] Able to deliever fast and research properly

    • [opposing] nil

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Add Comments on AI for Beginners document

    • [rationale] Better understanding and implementing better ideas

    • [opposing] nil

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Assign task for Revamping sheet to Malik and Osmium [assignee] Slate [due] 17 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Take sample websites from the Applicants [assignee] Slate [due] 24 July 2024 [status] in progress


  • topics covered: task rework assignment , review team , Blueprint documents, Rework discussions, budget discussion, projects merger, Dework Go through, Initial docs, Quiz deadlines, Resource sheet revamp, Ai for Beginners

  • emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike.

Research and Development Guild

Agenda Items:

  • Welcoming new Members and Introduction

  • Review of last meeting summary Action Items




Discussion Points:

  • Welcoming of new members: AJ introduced himself to the Guild.

  • ACTION ITEMS MEETING: Lordkizzy went through the action items from the previous meeting summary

  • SHOWCASE FINISHED PROPOSAL: We are trying to present deliverables on completed projects to the community. We weren't able to further discuss this because core members of respective projects weren't in attendance.

  • Discussions on "Avoid overlapping between proposals with other Guilds and WorkGroups": We had already had discussions on this in our previous call and Kenichi highlighted the differences in a document (https://docs.google.com/document/d/10v3sUgdtRGkIU_a8K5roGA21-6xNzDLKEkImEiFdZdk/edit?usp=sharing)

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT TO FILL REPOS!; Waka refused to give the update status on the Entity connections project that he was working on. Other core members weren't present in the call

  • Discussions on "Proposals must not receive funding from Ambassador and DF": Waka expressed that those opinions weren't valid since there hasn't been a case of "double dipping" in the program. Clement highlighted that we should also be trying to prevent something like that from happening in the future and suggested that "if someone is bringing up the level of deep funding, it means there has to be working deliverables that, you know, you have to show for, that it was completed at the level of the ambassadors program. you're going to put up things that you intend to complete, building up from what you've completed, and then try to describe to us the reason for the extra requirements or the extra request for resources." Kenichi indicated that "the whole idea of this is that when you say you want to take a project, we don't know about it from them, definitely they can have their own process. But from the Ambassador Program, especially from the Research Guild, which this is concerned, while any of these projects are individual suggestions and individual proposals, it's still technically for the ambassador program. And in that regard, for the research, you should be the one pushing out the project to do saying, hey, we're building this in our guild, and we believe is a great project and we'd like extra funding. This is coming from the entire guild. Then that will give it much more credibility, which is what we should be looking for. So whenever it's highlighted, okay, where did this project start from, you should be able to say it started from ambassadors. I feel like we need that recognition too. It started from the ambassador program, went to deep funding, got funded, did great stuff."

  • Discussions on "Proposals must have a minimum of two people in charge" - There was a suggestion that a team should be decided based on the project complexity. Clement also suggested that if the individual is capable to deliver within the required timeframe then he or she can work on the project alone. Kenichi suggested that we focus more on milestone deliverables, so if an individual has been able to provide milestone deliverables and stops been active, then the guild should communicate with the individual depending on the severity of the project and see if it can be assigned to someone else. We decided to have a poll on it and majority suggested that two people should be a standard going forward.

Decision Items:

  • We decided that projects could receive funds from both deepfunding and the ambassador program but only under some specific conditions (if the project gets funded first from Deepfunding, then there won't be any need for more funds to be requested but if the project gets funded from the ambassador program and there is need for more funds after presenting deliverables, then the R&D Guild will push the project to DeepFunding)

    • [rationale] the Ambassador program may not provide the funds to completely sustain the development process of the project

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We decided that projects should have a minimum of 2 core members included in the proposals

    • [rationale] We decided to put this to a vote

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Guillermo to have a discussion with Rojo and Kenichi on similarities between their projects and to see if there is a possibility for collaboration [assignee] Guillermo [due] 10 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Clement to reach out to as to his project presentation [assignee] Clement Umoh [due] 24 July 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Guilds , Budget, Tool Development, Proposal, AI tooling, Budget Request, Budget preparation, contributors, Operations, doubledipping, Deliverbles, Core team, Documentation, Presentation, DeepFunding

  • emotions: straightforward, questioning, Casual, lengthy, challenging

  • other: Kenichi suggested a process that should be implemented by the Guild: if someone working on a project has been able to provide deliverables and after a while stops work on the project, then the entire project should be on hold and no rewards distributed; but if the project is of high relevance to the guild then the guild should communicate with the individual that proposed the project and suggest going ahead with what they can and what they have. If the individual has any plans of coming back at any point in time and wishes to recontribute to the research and development guild, they will have to finish that project before they are allowed to take up a new one. Unless they claim that they have no interest anymore in the project and at that point in time. then that member shouldn't be given the opportunity to work on another project.

Dework PBL

Agenda item 1 - Participation vs contribution Tooling - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Current Status video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMSKB79fkbg

  • How should we construct the algorithm to be fair and incentivize expected behavior?

  • What are the expected behaviors if we reward participation based on task labels?

  • Should we consider the contribution amount?

  • Should we consider the contribution ratio compared to other contributors?

Decision Items:

  • Find a way to establish a minimum AGIX for participating

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Implement a few discussed algorithm ideas and create automation to Simulate Results [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Dework PBL Quarter 2 2024 Report - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cgDDAvaKOKf6oqIOGDu1pRW0yIP3XFQxJ_3UFmNhTQM

  • Review of Dework PBL WG Report Draft

Action Items:

  • [action] Format Dework PBL WG Report draft into Process Guild Report [status] todo

  • [action] Continue updating Dework PBL WG with relevant documentation and details [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Dework PBL Workgroup Planning - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • How do manage August sessions?

  • All the Workgroup expected assets are completed or canceled, what should we do next?

  • Budgeting for Dework PBL course support and meeting facilitation

Decision Items:

  • Maintain biweekly space to make sure everyone who needs help with Dework PBL Course can get live support

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Dework PBL Course support will be budgeted from the Process Guild

Action Items:

  • [action] Facilitate 14.08 and 28.08 Dework PBL Sessions - Effiom and Malik [status] todo

Agenda item 4 - Student-named spaces causing clutter in Treasury Operation Export table - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • How do we manage student-created Dework tasks and spaces?

  • How are student learnings recognized?

Decision Items:

  • We delete student Dework Space after course completion. It's still verifiable because recognition is on-chain

Action Items:

  • [action] Update the Treasury Operators Dashboard of those who have completed the Dework PBL Course [status] todo

  • [action] Automate Treasury Operator Dashboard recognizing the people who have completed the Dework PBL Course [status] todo

  • [action] Delete Student Dework Spaces who have completed Dework PBL Course [status] todo


  • topics covered: PBL, Miro Board, Dework, Lessons, Andamio, Treasury, contribution, participation, Rewards

  • emotions: Friendly, Collaborative, decisive, Both progressive and a learning moment for decision making

Thursday 18th July 2024

LatAm Guild

Agenda item 1 - Strategy Sub-Group - [carry over]


In the fifth meeting for the regional expansion of the Ambassadors program for the LATAM region, the conversation revolved around having a clear communication and community involvement. Speakers emphasized the need for a unified strategy and community input in decision-making. AI's potential to transform industries was highlighted, along with the importance of ethical considerations.

Decision Items:

  • Long term strategy for the LATAM Guild

Action Items:

  • [action] Design and coordinate @SNET_Latam Community events for Q4 [assignee] Guillermo, Andrea Dekovic [due] 28 August 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] #Revisions on RoadMap Document [assignee] Martin Rivero, Guillermo, Ines, Caue, Andrea Dekovic [due] 25 July 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Onboarding Sub-Group - [carry over]


We discussed several key strategies. Caue will invite Thais to join our efforts for Brasil, recognizing her potential to contribute significantly. We emphasized the importance of involving people who have previously shown interest and taken concrete actions. Our outreach efforts will extend to universities in Brazil, aiming to engage students and academic communities. Ale and Tomi from Nerdconf, known for their strong communication skills, will be involved in a specific action tailored to leverage their strengths. Nicola will continue her community outreach initiatives, while Arcella will engage with her unique talent, the cello, to attract and connect with new members. Additionally, Nath will bring in participants through her association with CriptoCuriosas, broadening our reach and diversity.

Decision Items:

  • Draft Onboarding Strategy Focus on Brasil and Colombia

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Invite Thais [assignee] Caue [due] 25 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Draft design of specific actions for collaboration with members [assignee] Guillermo, Ines, Andrea Dekovic [due] 25 July 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Marketing Sub-Group - [carry over]


We discusses branding and communication strategies for for the ADN Event. We outlined several future action items to ensure its success. We will develop live interview questions to engage participants and create a dynamic atmosphere. To foster a sense of community, we'll design T-shirts and e-memorabilia for those who win tickets and attend the event wearing them. We plan to put together a round-up by making a recording for those who cannot attend in person, which will be uploaded to the platform. Additionally, we discussed the possibility of live streaming the event to reach a broader audience. Our goal is to have our Instagram and TikTok accounts ready, featuring the same content for both, with Caue appointed as the admin. We also prepared questions for Charles and emphasized the importance of direct onboarding to Telegram, mentioning Deep Funding and the Town Halls Calendar in Portuguese. We divided tasks, considering the number of people we want to join, whether many or few, and the importance of maintaining order, progress, and harmony among participants from various countries and between men and women.

AGI-24 / Topic: AI-Human Collaboration. The nature of AGI in Politics, Social Sustainability, and the Common Good.

In our discussions, we explored the themes of AI, ethics, and creativity for an upcoming roundtable event. We delved into the intersection of AI, creativity, and ethics, considering how these elements influence each other. There was a thoughtful debate on the use of AI in outreach and onboarding guests and participants for the event, weighing its benefits and potential ethical concerns. We emphasized the importance of thorough preparation for events and interviews, including strategies for handling difficult questions. To promote the event effectively, we discussed creating engaging content and developing a content media chronogram to ensure a consistent and compelling promotional campaign.

Decision Items:

  • ADN event Action items July 31

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] SingularityNET T-Shirts for ADN [assignee] Guillermo [due] 25 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Draft questionnaire for ADN [assignee] Ines, Andrea Dekovic [due] 25 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Create Tik-Tok Account [assignee] Ines [due] 22 July 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 4 - Operations Sub-Group - [carry over]


In our recent discussions, we focused on creating a workshop for github operations.

Decision Items:

  • Github WorkShop

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Github WorkShop [assignee] Caue, Guillermo [status] in progress


  • topics covered: Rewards, Governance, Meeting Summaries, Onboarding, Budget, Roles, Collaboration, Translation, GitHub, Google Analytics, ADN, AGI-24, community, AI tooling, Tik-Tok, ethics, Charles Hoskinson,

  • emotions: Collaborative, Friendly, Thoughtful , funny, entertaining, challenging

  • other: Step by Step

Onboarding Workgroup

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Minutes from the last meeting 11th July

  • Action Items from last meeting, 11th July

  • Onboarders team

  • Q3 budget update: We took out some items to make it fit into the budget fitting for this quarter

  • Facilitating and documenting next week

  • Town Hall updates

  • Onboarding journeys Scripts; We will be taking out money for it from Q3 budget item "Async onboarding resources"

  • Holidays: Are we going on holiday next month or not? We will!😀

  • Skillsshare matrix; LadyTempestt will run the first session, on documentation next month (15th August)

  • AOB: Gorga’s allegations against the WG.

Decision Items:

  • We agreed to meet on 1st and 8th of August, and have a training session on documentation on 15th by LadyTempestt. We will have 23rd and 29th of August off.

    • [rationale] We decided that a break is due for all of us!

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We will be taking out money for onboarding journey scripts from the Q3 budget item "Async onboarding resources".

    • [rationale] Nothing might be left from Q1 (the original budget for it) to use.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed to ask a Bahasa Indonesia speaker to translate when we are meeting to address Gorga’s allegations this month or next.

    • [rationale] This is to avoid possible miscommunication

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Clement to mentor Gorga to take on town hall updates on 30th July. [assignee] Clement Umoh [due] 30 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Sucre to drop the welcome message draft in the onboarders channel later today. [assignee] Sucre n Spice [due] 25 July 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] LadyTempestt to chase Onize this week about posting the onboarding journey scripts in the onboarding WG channel and see what everyone thinks about it. [assignee] LadyTempestt [due] 18 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Vani is to ask Peter to give Martin Soki the onboarding WG tag. [assignee] CallyFromAuron [due] 25 July 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] CJ Frankie to meet Gorga and get a suitable time for us to meet and discuss his allegations against the WG [assignee] Cjfrankie [due] 25 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vani to make a document to gather all Gorga’s allegations together, so they are all in one place. [assignee] CallyFromAuron [status] in progress

To carry over for next meeting:

  • “Onboarding journeys” scripts (10 mins) Onize has the scripts ready to show. What format to use them in? and what funding is needed to make whatever-it-is?

  • Town Hall updates (5 mins) It’s Town Hall updates on Tues 30th. Can we assign who will do it and who will mentor; and can they come back next week with what they plan to cover? Gorga, Clement


  • topics covered: TH Update , Budget , skills matrix, Gorga's Allegations, holidays, training , Discord, onboarders team

  • emotions: argumentative, long, Collaborative

African Guild

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Clement Umoh [facilitator], esewilliams [documenter], Clement Umoh, LadyTempestt, esewilliams, Udonma Obu, Clement Umoh, AdvanceAmeyaw

  • Purpose: Identify and touch base virtually with other AI/Web3 communities across Africa


Research Strategy and Regulatory Environments The meeting began with Clement discussing the research strategy for the African guild propagation, focusing on regulatory environments in Nigeria, Cameroon, and Rwanda. He emphasized the need for contributions and partnerships, highlighted the challenges and opportunities in each country's regulatory landscape, and shared personal experiences with regulatory challenges in Nigeria. He outlined potential engagement strategies and partnerships with tech companies and academic institutions in the target countries.

Marketing Initiatives and Onboarding Process The team discussed modifying strategies for the marketing section, and LadyTempestt raised concerns about the marketing initiative channel and meeting scheduling. Ese Williams explained the process of scheduling and justified the approach taken. The marketing section focused on the initial formation of a four-person group and the potential expansion of the team. Udoma Obu expressed interest in the marketing initiative. Clement and Ese addressed the onboarding process, noting that many new members are unfamiliar with the platform and have not completed the necessary steps. Ese outlined a plan for a marketing initiative to collaborate with new members from other parts of Africa and expand efforts in various locations, including translating materials into native languages.

AI Ethics Expo Clement led a detailed discussion on the AI Ethics Expo, covering the event's physical location in Nigeria, the roles of participants in content creation, documentation, media, and monitoring & evaluation, and the idea of project pitching as part of the event's content. Clement addressed the need to subsidize transportation for physical meeting attendees. The team also discussed the need for concrete updates on progress in the next meeting and the potential for wider participation in the event.

Budget Clement confirmed the budget lowering percentage at 23% and expressed hope for no further reductions in the future.

Time change and Zoom access Ese Williams took responsibility for reminding Peter about the time change updates and making a general announcement. There was a discussion about access issues with Zoom, and tasks were assigned for onboarding new members onto the platform; LadyTempestt was tasked to help with onboarding and reaching out to new members.

Decision Items:

  • What are the updates on the SNET African Guild and AI Ethics Expo?

  • What is the budget and the proposed dates for upcoming events?

Action Items:

  • [action] Clement will verify if the members have made submissions for the research [status] todo

  • [action] Clement will reach out to Duke for updates on roles for the AI Ethics Expo [status] todo

  • [action] Ese Williams will follow up with Peter for updates on the time change and make a general announcement on the channel [status] todo

  • [action] Clement will put out a notification on the channel about the change in time and reach out to Duke and Peter to make the updates on the official calendar. [status] todo

  • [action] LadyTempestt will onboard new members from different parts of Africa into Discord and assist with their wallets and work integration. [status] todo

  • [action] Clement will share contacts of new members with LadyTempestt for onboarding [status] todo


  • topics covered: Meeting, Guilds, Blockchain, Research, Event, Initiatives, Marketing, AI ethics, community engagement, Zoom, meeting time, budget, Q3 budget, AI Ethics Expo, Nigeria, Rwanda, Cameroon, onboarding, languages, regulations, regulatory environment, Partnership, scheduling

  • emotions: Friendly, Casual, Collaborative, interesting, accountability

Open Governance Workgroup

Meeting was cancelled

Friday 19th July 2024

Video Workgroup

Discussion Points:

  • Updates on task management: Slate shared some discussions he had with Vanessa on a wrongly uploaded Town Hall video that needed to be posted for archiving purposes; slate suggested that it should be posted as an unlisted video for archiving purposes rather than as a public video because the video is way back (2 years ago), majority of members felt the same way and also the created two tasks the usual Town Hall videos

  • Updates on social media management: Malik mentioned that he conducted some research on a content planner to see how frequently our videos should be posted and he gave us an hypothesis of 2 shorts videos and 1 long video, during the week he had uploaded 2 shorts and 2 long videos including the Town Hall videos

  • Updates on Zealy: Lordkizzy had a question for Devon on the updates so far on the previous Zealy sprint but Devon wasn't present in the meeting

  • Discussion on updates from Rojo: Lordkizzy presented to the group the updates from Rojo. Rojo suggested the Quality Control Review team should be a random team of two members selected each week to review all the contents that go out within that week and provide a report by the end of the week; some members felt it was a good idea but would rather see it being implemented in the next quarter. There will be a poll to decide this.

  • Discussion on Budget: Lordkizzy presented the restructured budget as to the budget fitting, and explained the process going forward. There was a discussion on the workgroup keeping the some of the contingency budget for the review team initiatives for Quality Control, and we decided that we are going to have a poll in the video workgroup to have a decision going forward.

  • Discussion on Vacation: most of the Video WG members are not going for vacations.

Decision Items:

  • we decided that we are going to have a poll in the video workgroup to have a decision on the budget going forward

    • [rationale] We felt the discussion was taking a lot of time

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided that slate should post the wrongly uploaded Town Hall video as an unlisted video rather than to the public

    • [rationale] We felt the video raises confusion for our viewers since the video relates to events that took place 2 years ago.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We decided to stick with Discord for our weekly meetings.

    • [rationale] Members felt Discord is perfect for us

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided on a criterion for task assignments, which is for members to attend at least two meetings in a month to be eligible for task assignments

    • [rationale] Members felt it would help for a better process and also increase participation in meetings

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Lordkizzy to have a discussion with Rojo on the changes and decisions made by the video WG and to get his feedback [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 19 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Workgroup members to ideate on possible human animation platforms [assignee] All Members [due] 26 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Task management was assigned to Malik for the month of August. [assignee] malik [due] 16 August 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Social media management was assigned to Tuso for the month of August. [assignee] hogantuso [due] 16 August 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Weekly Facilitation was assigned to Zalfred for the month of August. [assignee] Zalfred [due] 16 August 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Documentation was assigned to Lordkizzy for the month of August. [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 16 August 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Town Hall Summary edit was assigned to Andrew Ben for the month of August. [assignee] AndrewBen [due] 16 August 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] The Town Hall edit was assigned to Killy for the month of August. [assignee] killy [due] 16 August 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Weekly updates, Budget Reduction, Budget, Budget fitting, Zealy Updates, Rewards, Video production, Task Assignment, Contigency, Vacation, meeting venue, old video, Archives

  • emotions: Casual, productive, Organised, Thoughtful, warm, new ideas, lengthy, decisive, Friendly

Writers Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Kenichi [facilitator], cjfrankie [documenter], Kenichi, Mikasa, cjfrankie, devon, Emmanuel Issac, Ruti, Nebula, Boluwatife Ajumobi, Nengi

  • Purpose: Discussion on the recently concluded Zealy Sprint and writing more drafts for the community page.


The meeting started with Kenichi welcoming everyone to the meeting! We kicked things off from the Zealy side of things; thankfully, the Zealy sprint has ended, however, the random winners🏆 haven't been announced yet. Momentarily, Kenichi added that the next sprint should start immediately — July 22nd, to be precise. Kenichi also suggested that we should repeat some quests from last quarter; he also hinted that the last sprint had a low turnout rate and a decline in participation compared to other springs.

Dework update: Cjfrankie and Devon shared updates on the current tasks assigned to them.

Following that, Kenichi called the Scribblers' attention to the community page, and he added that the community page is out of draft. He also encouraged the Scribes to source more drafts. Kenichi added that he would dig into the inventory to source old, unpublished articles pending the time when new drafts will be ready!

From a bird’s-eye view, July looks like a transformative month for the WWG: we crossed our KPI of 200 followers on the ambassador Medium page, but we're not stopping there! We need more people to engage with our content.

Peer Review: Following a discussion with the Writers' WG test submission, Kenichi still emphasized the need for using suggestion mode to edit drafts so that the writers can see what changes were made. Kenichi also commended Nengi for her test; momentarily, he announced that Nengi is now officially a Scribbler and that he will get the Scribbler tag for her. He also encouraged the Scribes to keep sharing the WWG Scribbler Onboarding Form since we haven't reached our onboarding number for Q3.

Following the revamped marketing guild, marketing wants to join forces with the writers' workgroup. To this effect, Kenichi proposed a giveaway or airdrop initiative where people with the highest Zealy points get rewarded.

Action Items:

  • [action] Kenichi to announce the random Zealy sprint winners in the Zealy channel and also share the “New Zealy structure.” [assignee] Kenichi [status] done

  • [action] Kenichi to chase Peter to assign the Scribbler Tag to Nengi. [assignee] Kenichi [status] done

  • [action] Mikasa to chase Nengi to provide more clarity on the WWG structure and also help her answer any questions she might want to ask. [assignee] Mikasa [status] done


  • topics covered: Zealy, Medium, community page, Drafts, Zealy sprint, winners, Onboarding, Dework, Tasks, Giveaway/airdrop

  • emotions: Welcoming, Collaborative, insightful, calm

Last updated