Week 7
12th February 2024 to 18th February 2024
Last updated
12th February 2024 to 18th February 2024
Last updated
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Judith [facilitator], Vanessa [documenter], Judith, Peter, Vanessa, Guillermo, Curtis, asfr s40, Grace Rachmany, WaKa, Samuel Wilson, esewilliams, Headelf, Mikasa
Town Hall Number: 85
The Ambassador Town Hall is a recurring event happening live on the Ambassador Zoom channel https://www.youtube.com/@SNET_Ambassador each Tuesday at 19:00 UTC.
00:00 Introduction By Judith 00:30 Topic Of Rebranding In The Ambassador Program And Town Hall 04:25 Ideation Around The Rebranding Topic 23:03 Test Vote On Rebranding 24:20 Governance And Discussion: Purpose Of The Ambassador Program By Grace 34:15 Discussion Around Purpose Of Ambassador Program 44:35 A Suggested Framework For Brainstorming: Explorer, Artist, Judge, Warrior 47:30 More Discussion Around Purpose Of Ambassador Program 01:09:00 What Is Unique To This Community? Nobody Mentioned Beneficial Agi 01:09:50 Comments From Peter 01:12:24 Ending Discussion
topics covered: the Ambassador role, experiment, Governance, Supervisory Council, community engagement, Value of Ambassador Program, Purpose of Ambassador Program, Devil's advocate, Extreme position, renaming, renaming Ambassador program, metrics, Nobody talked about beneficial AGI, ethics of AGI
emotions: insightful, analytical, Discursive
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Headelf [facilitator], Slate [documenter], malik, Peter, Slate, osmium, esewilliams, will tatz, Rojo
Purpose: ACP Video/Infographics,Budget Discussion, Decision Making Software
Other media: [Link](https://www.canva.com/design/DAF8OZ12qB4/RZQN8Y6ANeyERtxQFgKaCg/edit?utm_content=DAF8OZ12qB4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton, https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1100390675293413436/1207090036617773096/Dark_Illustration_7_Steps_Personal_Development_Infographic_Poster.png?ex=65de6133&is=65cbec33&hm=f9f05289d045c3b0b591f50464656d2e9f51c757034befd4e39bdc889c090e81&)
Working Docs:
Education Guild - Budget Request
Ambassador Certification Program Infographic by Ese Williams about Awakening - Health
Ambassador Certification Program Video by Osmium about Mindplex
Discussion started with the Education Guild Budget Request for Q1 2024
After having a look on the treasury guild last meeting, concerns were raised for the amount being put for the facilitation and management
On note to that, Headelf decided to cut off the facilitation/management and planning along with the dework task management completely.
30 USD for scribing is a fair amount or not ?
On this question Rojo said that it is a standard amount now for scribing meeting notes (which led to agreement of this amount)
Then EseWilliams infographic on Awakening Health was discussed
The infographic quality was good and most of the details were mentioned
Headelf pointed out some minor grammar mistakes and Peter said that Hong Kong, China should be changed to just Hong Kong
Rojo said that the graphic is good and just needs some minor rework and can be audited by next week
Then Osmium Video on Mindplex was discussed.
The Reviews on the video are as follows : 1) Graphic couldn't be read 2)Voice sounded a little AI 3) AI voice is okeay-sh (Rojo), Visual is good (Rojo), Transition was good (Rojo), Good video (Rojo). 4) AL instead of ai (Peter), San Francisco HeadQuarters needs research
Video needs a bit rework before auditing (Headelf)
Should we post these videos to the public?(Rojo) They are pretty good
30 USD for scribing in these meeting is a fair amount
[rationale] because it's standard across many workgroups
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
[action] Complete decision software work [assignee] everyone assigned [due] 21 February 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Post the meeting summary [assignee] Slate [due] 21 February 2024 [status] done
[action] Decide where do we post these videos; should we post them in the youtube channel ? [assignee] participants [due] 26 February 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Meeting Summaries, ACP, Videomaking, infographic, Budget
emotions: Collaborative, contructive criticism, prickly, frustrated, budget request problems
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Rojo, Guillermo [facilitator], Guillermo [documenter], Curtis, Vasu, Duke, WaKa, Franklyn, Onyeka
Purpose: R&D Final Budget & Development Roadmap for Q1 Objectives
The overall purpose of the meeting was to go over the new R&D Guild final fitted budgetl, the workgroup operations strategy and roadmap for development. Final Guilds fitted budget discussion, rational and retrospective.
Members that participate presenting final budget adjustments to the treasury guild debrief the guilds members about the outcome and present the case and points of discussion.
The members discussed the arguments presented before the Tresury Guild and the discussion that arises about the need to establish an order of priority to adjust developments to the assigned budget.
Treasury members offered a solution and the guild members responsible for presenting the budget developed the ideas and defense arguments that we then presented at our weekly meeting.
Franklin, a new member of the community has participated in the meeting and was updated on the process to present proposals to the guild to be taken into account in the next Q and will be taken into account to be added to the task force in the developments in process.
R&D Guild Requested $8100 > AGIX 28929 Final Fitted > AGIX 23288 Research & Development Guild Proposal _ 100124 $7763 08.02.24
The decision of the group was to equitably adjust the budget and not discard any proposal.
[rationale] The team has committed to working as a team to achieve results that we hope to begin presenting to the community in the coming months with the delivery of tools that generate a positive impact on the results of the group.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Next step is the blueprint, roadmaps and schedule for development. [assignee] All Members [due] 12 January 2024 [status] done
[action] Members in charge of different proposals are working on documents to share with the different WG and guild to get finall feedback before starting to build. [assignee] All Members [due] 26 February 2024 [status] todo
[action] Curtis & Guillermo , they have been participating in parallel meetings and created a document on the proposal COLLABORATION SKILLS DATABASE and generated the following document with the aim of polishing the proposal, / Feedback Request WANTS/NEEDS / WaKa has intervened and created a substantial contribution to the document, promoting the action. Once feedback finished the team in charge of the development started building with the help and participation of other members of the guild. [assignee] Curtis, Guillermo [due] 26 February 2024 [status] todo
[action] Rojo and Walter are leading two proposals and working on a final bluprint and potential roadmap. Later will follow the same path and involve the community in final feedback before starting to build. As their projects are straigh forward this process will probably take a shorter period of time to exchange and interact with the community. [assignee] Rojo, WaKa [due] 26 February 2024 [status] todo
[action] Ubio is leading a third proposal and will debrief on the upgrades and advances to the guilds member in the upcoming meeting. Documentation will follow. [assignee] Ubiodee [due] 26 February 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Guilds , Budget , Tool Development, Proposal, Q1 projections, Quarter 1, AI tooling
emotions: Collaborative, productive
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Peter [facilitator], Onyeka [documenter], Vanessa, Onyeka, Peter, Duke, LadyTempestt, Boaz, tone, SucrenSpice
Minutes of last meeting and process for corrections
Action items from last meeting
Video of the Onboarding session on 8th Feb
Our next Onboarding session
Whether the program is ready for lots of new members, whether there is the budget for it; whether having more people would make it possible to be more ambitious in what we do
Overall Ambassador budget allocation
New Welcome video
We agreed NOT to upload the video of onboarding session from 8th Feb to Youtube, but for Duke to record a narration of the slides instead, for use in future Onboarding sessions
[rationale] Due to a recording error, we only have a Read.ai video of the event on 8th Feb, which is quite low-res; plus it's very similar to the last session so it's repetitve
[opposing] None
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We agreed to have a simple Q&A session - no slides - as our next Onboarding session, on 21st March
[rationale] Less overhead to organise, and more lowkey. Also the date is Spring Equinox - symbolic of new beginnings :-)
[opposing] None
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
We agreed that the new Welcome video looks nice visually, and content is mostly good, but we would like to see the script to check as some minor script changes might be needed; also, audio is too slow; and sometimes not synced with what's on screen.
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
[action] Record a version of the Onboarding slides, for use in future Onboarding sessions [assignee] Duke [due] 22 February 2024 [status] todo
[action] Give Duke access to the onboarding slides [assignee] Vanessa [due] 15 February 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Post the script of the new Welcome video in the Onboarding Discord channel for people to view [assignee] SucrenSpice [due] 16 February 2024 [status] todo
[action] correct minutes of our previous meeting on 1st Feb, and upload via Meeting Summary Tool [assignee] cjfrankie [due] 21 February 2024 [status] todo
[action] Updates on Intro tasks on Dework [assignee] Sucren [due] 22 February 2024 [status] todo
It would be useful to know what other WGs'capacity is for taking on new members within their current budgets
Continuous Onboarding Report by Onyeka
Ideas and Improvements doc by LadyTempestt
Draft process for approving a WG by Vani
Idea for a "matching new people with WGs" Discord channel
topics covered: Welcome video, Overall Ambassador Program budget, Onboarding sessions, Onboarding Slides, Process for correcting erros in meeting summaries, Program's capacity for new people
emotions: funny , Friendly, Slightly too many things on agenda, Did new people feel unsure what was happening?, Confusing when discussing process for correcting errors in meeting summaries, confusing, entertaining, warm
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: hogantuso [facilitator], devon [documenter], lord kizzy, malik, Slate, hogantuso, devon
Purpose: The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss social media management, budget constraints, content creation, and technical challenges.
Discussion turned to managing social media tasks, specifically focusing on the frequency of video uploads in light of budget limitations.
Concerns were raised about maintaining the flow of content and engagement despite limited resources.
Various updates were provided, including social media metrics such as subscriber counts, views, and engagement across platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.
Participants highlighted efforts to upload videos and engage with the audience.
Task updates were shared, including issues with video uploads and applications to join the video group.
Suggestions were made regarding reposting previous content to keep accounts active, but concerns were raised about the impact on audience reach, especially on platforms like YouTube.
Participants discussed the possibility of incorporating content from the Education Guild into their social channels, acknowledging the educational value and quality of such content.
Concerns were raised about the need for approval and potential edits to the videos before posting
Participants agreed that most of the videos were ready to be shared without requiring significant edits.
There was a request to share the document containing the videos for review and learning purposes.
Incorporating content from the Education Guild into social channels, acknowledging the educational value and quality of such content.
[opposing] First all videos need to be compiled
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Sustain social media presence despite budget constraints.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
topics covered: social media management, workgroup updates, Overall Ambassador Program budget
emotions: speedy , Casual
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Judith [facilitator], lord kizzy [documenter], Sucren, Slate, malik, Franklyn, Aguboss, Lex, Kenichi, Mikasa, hogantuso, Hamzat_iii, Judith, lord kizzy
Purpose: Assigning tasks for contribution to the branding and communication strategy of the Ambassador Program
Working Docs:
Renaming of the Town Hall and the Ambassador Program
Assigning of Marketing tasks to members
Possible collaboration with Gamers' Guild
We decided to create a poll where members of the ambassador could vote, if they are in support or not in changing the Ambassador program and Town Hall name
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
[action] Create and assign the tasks on Dework with task description [assignee] Judith [due] 19 February 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Marketing, Engagement, Roles, Task Assignment, Name change
emotions: Friendly, speedy , The meeting was quick and progressive
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Kenichi [facilitator], cjfrankie [documenter], Kenichi, cjfrankie, Slate, Mikasa, devon, Franklyn
Good news! Our Medium page has officially become a publication. After a few short weeks, Scribblers will be able to upload/add articles to draft for a review before they’re published. https://medium.com/@singularitynetambassadors
Slate gave us a quick update on his tasks.
Kenichi briefly shared more insights into how the point system works. Points are used to record tasks that were not otherwise recorded/assigned. Scribblers could earn more points via engagement, meeting note-taking, and much more! Our current points systems pool will serve us till March 2024.
Kenichi shared more insights into the “Scribe" role.
There was a quick onboarding session for Franklyn Okeke. He has all the resources and we’re looking forward to seeing his work!
Cj Frankie suggested an article: "Leveling up: Unleashing the Power of AI in the Gaming Industry".
New people - we note that we are still looking out for Duke's and Gorga’s submissions of the test to join the WorkGroup.
Slate suggested that we have a circle of editors that will work on the editing side of things
[rationale] to ease our workflow
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Kenichi to setup our first Medium publication article [assignee] Kenichi [due] 23 February 2024 [status] todo
[action] Kenichi to reach out to the graphics teams, to set up the Writers' WG's Medium publication so it aligns with our brand [assignee] Kenichi [due] 23 February 2024 [status] todo
[action] Cj Frankie to reach out to Lili (Cogito marketing person) [assignee] cjfrankie [due] 23 February 2024 [status] todo
[action] Kenichi to draft a document explaining what the “Scribe" role really means [assignee] Kenichi [due] 23 February 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Points system, Medium publications, Scribe role, Scribe, Marketing, brand, gaming, Onboarding, new people, gaming industry, editors, editing, branding, brand identity
emotions: quiet
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], devon [documenter], malik, rebel, hufiumer69, Gorga Siagian, Slate, TenBaseTee, ShankarUdaniya, duke peter, Flynn, oneforall, devon
Purpose: Project "Ambassador Program On Roblox"
Media link: Link
Presentation of MAP (3D Model Graphic) for the project Gaming Session - Game made By Slate - Maze Game Workshop By @Slate On basics of "How to Use Roblox Studio". Slate was not able to record the workshop because of screen lag, so proceeded to give the workshop without recording so that everyone can see it clearly. He will record it later for Youtube.
A lot of questions were asked by @Tenbasetee about doing certain things on Roblox Studio, which Slate effciently answered by showcasing how each thing works and is made inside of Roblox Studio.
Then the Gaming Session happened, and everyone was intrigued to ask who made this game and enjoyed it while playing.
After Flyn And Devon presented the MAP graphic (3D model), it got some feedback that the Ambassador Townhall should be put in the centre rather than on the corner
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We agreed to make the pathway in the 3D model more of a casual pathway rather than a road, as it's inside of a university and not an urban model
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Slate asked everyone whether he can record the meeting later on and post it on youtube, everybody agreed
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We agreed that whoever gets familiar with the usage of Roblox Studio and takes this workshop can work on the project collaboratively with the guild .
[rationale] Whether we need some prior experience in order to participate - answer to that was no
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Work on the Map graphic - do rework according to the University Type Model [assignee] devon, flyn [due] 2 March 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Record and Upload the workshop on Youtube [assignee] Slate [due] 2 March 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Post the Winner announcement [assignee] Slate [due] 17 February 2024 [status] done
The person with the least amount of deaths wins. Or the person who completed the Maze first.
1st rebel
topics covered: Rewards, Roles, Budget , infographic, Workshop, Roblox, participation
emotions: Friendly, Collaborative
games played: Roblox