Week 33
Mon 12th Aug - Sun 18th Aug 2024
Monday 12th August 2024
Strategy Guild
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Ayo [facilitator], Effiom [documenter], Ayo, Effiom, PeterE, Gorgasiagian, YemiSolves, LordKizzy, Kateri Nick, Hogantuso, Mikasa, Cjfrankie, Photogee, Merryman, Billy, Ese Williams, King David, AJ
Purpose: Strategy Guild Workshop Day Three - Solution Framework Session Two
Other media: Link
Working Docs:
INTRODUCTION - Ayo delivered a welcome address. He stated that this meeting was the 3rd session of the workshop, being that we already had the Ideation session which was the 1st session, and the last meeting was the 2nd session. He highlighted that the next session would be the close-out session and it would be focused on report analysis, adoption, and adaptation.
ACTION ITEMS CHECKBOXES FROM THE LAST MEETING - This was led by Ayo, items DONE were closed and others were left OPEN:
Everyone to contribute to the Strategy Guild Working Document [OPEN]
Core members should indicate interest in facilitating the new sheet in the working doc [OPEN]
Effiom to share previous meeting summaries and this meeting summary [DONE]
YemiSolves to document and share the Workshop Session [DONE]
Adopt Last Meeting Notes - 05.08.2024 [DONE]
Effiom to verify the 5 people who have already met the requirements for the Core member tag [DONE]
ONBOARD NEW MEMBERS/CORE MEMBER ROLL CALL - Since the last meeting, 3 new people (i.e. Photogee, Kenichi, and Cjfrankie) have indicated an interest in becoming core members of the Strategy Guild.
Having met all the requirements, Kenichi was welcomed as a core member of the Strategy Guild. The document on how to become a core member of this guild is the Strategy Guild Membership docx
STRATEGY GUILD Q3 RESEARCH - Effiom shared updates on the Strategy Guild research and the positive collaborative nature of this survey.
THE OUTBOUND WGs/Gs WORKSHOP SOLUTION SESSION PHASE TWO - The Workshop documenter will share the notes for this session. See reference to notes below:
Strategy Guild Workshop Day Three Solution Framework Session Two docx
Notes: Strategy Guild Workshop Day Three Solution Framework Session Two docx
A.O.B - Ayo expressed gratitude to the participants and provided an overview of the plan for the next sessions
Decision Items:
The next meeting will be focused on report analysis, adoption, and adaptation.
[rationale] This is based on the outline for the Strategy Guild workshop
[opposing] None
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Participants from other WGs are to join the next sessions
[rationale] Representatives from Video WG, Writers WG and Marketing Guild are required for the Workshop and were duly notified
[opposing] None
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Action Items:
[action] Continue contribution to the Guild’s working document [status] todo
[action] Core members should indicate interest in facilitating the new sheet in the working doc [status] todo
[action] YemiSolves to document and share notes of the Workshop Session [assignee] YemiSolves [due] 16 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Effiom to draft and make meeting notes available [assignee] Effiom [due] 19 August 2024 [status] done
[action] YemiSolves to create and share a sheet for Guilds/WGs rep to add other contributions to aid the report and analysis of the workshop [assignee] YemiSolves [due] 16 August 2024 [status] done
topics covered: Guild Membership, Workshop Ideation, Core Membership, Research, survey, participation, contribution, Video WG, Marketing Guild, Writers WG
emotions: Brainstorm, planning, Ideating, interesting, Collaborative
Tuesday 13th August 2024
Ambassador Town Hall
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: PeterE [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], PeterE, Effiom, hogantuso, CollyPride, Will Tatz, Sucre n Spice, osmium, Billy, Zalfred, Cjfrankie
Purpose: Regular weekly get-together for the Ambassador Program. Discussion of community-wide issues; sharing of updates and info; and in the last meeting of each month, an update from each Workgroup on what they have been doing
Town Hall Number: 110
Timestamped video:
The Ambassador Town Hall is a recurring event happening live on the Ambassador Zoom channel https://www.youtube.com/@SNET_Ambassador each Tuesday at 19:00 UTC.
00:00 Intro 00:11 Agenda 01:24 What Is The Ambassador Program? 01:58 Mentions 02:02 Agi-24 Conference Currently Live; Livestream Presentations Plus Chillout Room Run By Ai Ethics Workgroup. 02:28 Budget Constraints Due To Fall In Token Price - Opengov Wg 03:58 Onboarding Wg - Training Session On Documentation Skills 05:25 Open Round 05:44 Quick Temperature Check On Budget Consent Process
Town Hall Summary:
Today's Town Hall was short, since attendance was low due to it being August and many people being on holiday, and overlap with the AGI-24 virtual conference.
Mentions this week included:
AGI-24 conference opened today (13th-16th Aug 2024) https://agi-conf.org/2024/, with livestream presentations each day plus a chillout room/watch party run by the Ambassador Program's AI Ethics Workgroup
Possible budget constraint implications of the recent fall in token price - will be further discussd in Open Goverance WG on Thurs
Forthcoming training session from Onboarding WG on 15th August, on documentation skills
Timeline has been established in today's Governance WG call for the Q4 budget decision process:
Budgets and Q3 reports submitted: Monday 9th Sept 23:59 UTC
Deadline for first consent form: Thurs 12th September, 23:59 UTC
Individual forms are shared for any WGs that have a "don't consent" Fri 13th Sept
Deadline for core contributors to submit these: Monday 16th Sept, 23:59 UTC
First discussion meeting: Tues 17th Sept in the Governance WG call.
WGs with outstanding concerns after this meeting have till Sunday 22nd Sept, 23:59 UTC to amend and resubmit their budgets
Last round of consent forms go out Mon 23rd Sept
Deadline for core contributors to submit forms Weds 25th Sept, 23:59 UTC
Final discussion meeting: Thurs 26th September in the Open Governance meeting
topics covered: AGI-24, conference, chillout, chill room, AI Ethics WG, Budget , Documentation, training, Onboarding WG, token price, budget constraints, consent process, Q4 budget decision
emotions: relaxed, brief, short, friendly
LatAm Guild
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: Guillermo [facilitator], Ines [documenter], Ines [translator], Guillermo, Ines, Martin Rivero, Caue
Purpose: Alliance Strategy between SingularityNET LATAM & MetaPool / Operations Updates
Transcript: Link
Working Docs:
Agenda item 1 - Agenda Item 1 - Review of Tasks and Workshop Progress - [carry over]
Guillermo and Caue reviewed tasks completed in May and June, including translations and workshop activities. The discussion centered around the importance of rewarding participation in meetings with a minimum of $10 USD, and assigning tasks afterward via DeWork. They also reviewed the operations document, ensuring tasks and values assigned to Guild members were clearly traced and validated. Opeartions and budget allocation and disbursement for guild members. Review of operations system and track files.
Decision Items:
Opeartions and budget allocation and disbursement for guild members
Action Items:
[action] Start preparing documentation for the X Spaces [assignee] Ines, Guillermo [due] 14 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Contact ParaBuilders Brazil for collaboration [assignee] Thiago, ines ganina [due] 14 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Final revision of tasks and deliverables and assets disbursement [assignee] Guillermo, Martin Rivero [due] 19 September 2024 [status] todo
Agenda item 2 - Communication Strategies - [carry over]
Inés contributed translations for articles, which were discussed for publication across platforms, with no ethical concerns raised. Additional translations of Twitter, LinkedIn posts, and articles will be transferred to TikTok by Caue, though it was noted that videos have excessive noise, requiring improvement.
Decision Items:
Decisions TBD on media preferences and focus
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Final revision on material en deployment of media actions [assignee] Ines, Guillermo [due] 15 September 2024 [status] todo
Agenda item 3 - Marketing and Social Media Strategies - [carry over]
Caue proposed unifying the handles for Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, with the Twitter account renamed to “SingularityNET LATAM Community.” Martín shared his experience from the Aleph Growth event, where he presented SingularityNET and Deep Funding, and reviewed his involvement in the ADN event.
Decision Items:
ADN event post event zction items
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Blog for AGI-24 & translations of the summary Andrea wrote [assignee] Guillermo, Ines [due] 8 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Create a list of articles for Caue to translate and publish [assignee] Ines [due] 16 September 2024 [status] todo
[action] Upload 3 videos of the ADN event to TikTok [assignee] Caue [due] 15 September 2024 [status] todo
Agenda item 4 - Operations Sub-Group - [carry over]
Members showcase deliverables and follow up Next month improvement work on GitHub. Guillermo shared operational framework for guilds followup on google account.
Decision Items:
Track task and deliverables from guild members
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Final revisions on system for tracking task and deliverables from guild members [assignee] Guillermo [due] 18 September 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Creating tasks on DeWork for Guild members [assignee] Guillermo [status] todo
topics covered: Roles, Collaboration, Translation, GitHub, Tasks, deliverables, transparency , ADN-Event, Decentralized Science, Workshops, Rewards, Social Media Strategy
emotions: Collaborative, challenging, creative, Friendly, productive, Reflective, Task-focused, efficient
Governance Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: PeterE [facilitator], Onize [documenter], CallyFromAuron, CollyPride, PeterE, Clement Umoh, LadyTempestt, Ayo, Duke, lord kizzy, Onize, esewilliams, martinsoki, AshleyDawn, Effiom, Eric Davies, malik, Advanceameyaw, Sucre n Spice, guillermolucero, YemiSolves, LordKizzy
Purpose: Weekly Open Governance session
We covered the Q4 budget proposals, core contributor engagement, financial strategies, and AGIX considerations. Key discussions included scheduling the Q4 budget decision process, creating a context-setting document to explain the Q4 decision process, and recalculating who is a core contributor for Q4.
We discussed why some Core Contributors do not participate. Peter has DMd those who didn't, and has had some interesting replies - several did not know they were a core contributor, or didn't know the dates or how to take paert in the consent process. This all suggests we need to do more publicity about the budget consent process. Peter will create a doc with the (anonymised) replies he got; Guillermo will produce infographics to help publicise dates and process for Q4 so people are more aware; and Ese will create documents during the process to keep people up-to-date wuth what the objections are, which WGs' budgets are still not agreed, dates of discussion meetings, etc. We also noted the im[ortance of creating and sharing a context-setting doc to explain the process.
We discussed financial strategies to address token price fluctuation, risks of converting Program reserves to e.g. a stablecoin, and market implications. We also discussed (but did not definitely agree on) using a percentage of reserves (suggestions ranged from 10% to 50%) to cover WGs' budget shortfalls due to drop in token price during Q3. We noted that 10% is already set aside to cover token price drops; there was discussion of whether WGs themselves have reserves they could use; there was a suggestion that each WG could put forward one thing from their Q3 budget to be funded from reserves. There was also concern about dipping too much into reserves to cover the shortfall, and a suggestion that WGs should simply re-fit their budgets and prioritise, although it was also recognised that with such a big price drop, this could be very detrimental to WGs' work.
We discussed how to improve Workgroup representation at governance meetings.
Discussion Points:
Establishing the schedule for Q4 budget decision process.
Creating a context-setting document for the Q4 budget process.
Recalculating who qualifies as a core contributor for the current iteration.
Addressing the challenges of predicting AGIX's future value.
What are the potential risks of converting reserves to other tokens (stablecoins)?
Suggestions around receiving rewards in AGIX to mitigate the impact of fluctuating USD values.
Analyzed market conditions and their implications for the program's assets.
Emphasized the relative nature of the program's budget compared to its initial stage.
Discussed the importance of not solely relying on reserves to cover budget gaps.
Explored alternative strategies for maintaining financial stability amidst market volatility.
Expressed concerns about the negative impact of cutting workgroup budgets for Q3, and highlighted the challenges of accomplishing planned work and maintaining productivity with reduced budgets
Discussed the varying differences in how workgroups and guilds define "essential tasks" especially during budget tightening
Decision Items:
We agreed there's a need to educate core contributors (especially new ones) about the budget process.
[rationale] To make people more aware of the importance of budget fitting; to encourage core contributors to take part in the consent procerss
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
We will use infographics as a key tool for communication and ensure a clear call to action is included in communications.
[rationale] To make sure every workgroup is aware of deadlines and requirements for submitting their budgets and reports, and that Core Contributors are aware of deadlines for submitting their consent forms.
[opposing] There were suggestions of paying $50 or $30 for creating infographics; the middle ground was selected ($40).
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
On WG representation at governance meetings - we will reach out to workgroups to ensure better representation in the upcoming governance call on Thursday 15th Aug.
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Action Items:
[action] Update the context-setting document to refer to the Q4 decision. [assignee] CallyFromAuron [due] 20 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Create a sheet analyzing reasons why people didn't participate. [assignee] Peter [due] 20 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Guillermo to create infographics to visually communicate key budget information, including a call to action to engage core contributors effectively. [assignee] guillermolucero [due] 20 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Ese to create educational material to keep people engaged with the Q4 budget process - for example, summaries of what the objections have been at each round, and governance "memos" to remind people where we are in the process [assignee] esewilliams [due] 30 September 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Decision Making Process, consent decision making, consensus decision making, Proposal, Q3 budget tasks, numbers cap, retrospective, capability, Rewards, decentralised, essential tasks, budget tightening, budget cap, Infographics, core contributors, consultative decision making, Engagement, context-setting docs, publicity, Stable Value, stablecoins, reserves, ambasador program reserves, workgroup representation at Governance meetings
emotions: conflicting, tense, Collaborative, quick, progressive
Wednesday 14th August 2024
Research and Development Guild
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Guillermo [facilitator], lord kizzy [documenter], Kenichi, AJ, Rojo, osmium, WaKa, Advanceameyaw, Clement Umoh, lord kizzy, Guillermo
Purpose: R&D Updates and Discussions
Working Docs:
Agenda Items:
Welcoming new Members and Introduction
Review of last meeting summary Action Items
Discussion Points:
Review of last meeting summary Action Items: Lordkizzy went through the action items for the previous meeting
UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: AJ and Advanceameywu gave the updates on Collaboration Skill Database; they presented the one-pager document highlighting the scope of the project and they are currently focused on the skills form and database. Rojo suggested that the database could be in the same place as the exsisting database because it would be great if the databases are interconnected, he also suggested an initial design on an Excel sheet showing the relationship of form with the database.
UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: Rojo gave a presentation on the Web3 CONTRIBUTIONS Dashboard, and we had discussions on how it could be intergrated with Legacy and Collaboration Skills Database
UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: Rojo gave a presentation on the initial report for the Social Media Automation and he explained the Fund Request. The discussions was centered around where this tool could be used and if we plan to monetize it to other projects.
Decision Items:
We have decided to procced with the transition from the development of the Social Media Automation tool to an Open source platform called MixPost
[rationale] a poll was conducted to approve this decision, and a final report will be presented at the end of the Quarter.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Rojo to present an initial report on Social Media Automation [assignee] Rojo [due] 14 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Guillermo to disburse funds to Duke (The final part of project's allocation) and Rojo (for licenscing and hosting) [assignee] Guillermo [due] 21 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Guillermo and Lord kizzy to present the final draft for the new Operations System [assignee] Guillermo, lord kizzy [due] 21 August 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Guilds, Tool Development, AI tooling, contributors, Operations, Deliverables, Core team, Presentation, pools, MixPost, Social Media Automation, Rewards, skills database
emotions: Casual, Collaborative, speedy , Welcoming, Thoughtful
Education Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], Kenichi, Billy, Clement Umoh, esewilliams, malik, osmium, Mikasa, Yemi Solves, lord kizzy, kateri, King David, martinsoki, Merryman, Photogee, thisruti, WaKa, Slate, Gorga Siagian
Purpose: - Overview of the overall progress with the Core Contributor Certification Program - Slate Automation Setup for Core Contributor Certification Program - Quizzes Distribution - Malik NFT for Certification - Kenichi's Presentation Series Project
In this meeting we discussed:
Overview of the overall progress with the Core Contributor Certification Program
Slate: Automation setup for Core Contributor Certification Program
Quizzes Distribution
Malik NFT for Certification
Kenichi's Presentation Series Project
Discussion Points:
Slate started the meeting welcoming everybody
Then Slate explained the overall progress with the "CCCP" , in which he mentioned that we have complete all the 17 spin off project infographics and their videos
Then he moved over to the quizzes progress in which he showcased that out 17 quizzes, 12 have been reviewed and paid out while 5 are in progress whose completion is necessary for the CCCP to go live
Then he showcased the automation he set up for the certification program. it was mentioned that since we are going to be having 17 classrooms, one for each spin-off project, each classroom will have three things: an infographic, a video and the quiz for that spin-off project
Inititally 1 classroom code is going to be shared with every core contributor, and in order to receive the next classroom code the core contributor will have to pass the quiz for that specific classroom. If they are not able to pass in one attempt, the journey for the certification will come to an end and that core contributor will have to wait till the next batch of the certification program.
In case of passing the quiz , the automation will come in place and take it from there and will automatically evaluate if you have passed the quiz or not. If you have, you will receive an email to your given email address, which will give you the classroom code for the next classroom, and so on until you reach the end of certification program and complete all 17 spin off projects.
In order for everything to be transparent, a "Dashboard Sheet " will also be shared with everybody which will automatically fetch all the data from all the classrooms and display everyone's results and how much progress they have made.
Then Slate advised Malik to start the creation of the NFTs for certification.
Slate also prepared a small test for testing the automation, in which 3 forms were given to everybody and each form was completely automated. The automations were perfectly tested and finalized.
Then Slate distributed some quizzes to the meeting participants
Then Kenichi gave a presentation for the project he proposed which is "Presentation Series", everybody really liked the presentation.
The automation also received a lot of positive remarks and everybody is looking forward to the final product.
Decision Items:
70% will be the passing score for each quiz
[rationale] most of the group agreed
[opposing] Nil
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Test the automation
[rationale] nil
[opposing] nil
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Gorga and Osmium to shift all the quizzes from Google docs to Google forms
[rationale] nil
[opposing] nil
Action Items:
[action] Work on completing the automation [assignee] Slate [due] 21 August 2024 [status] done
[action] task assignment for NFT to Malik [assignee] Slate [due] 14 August 2024 [status] done
topics covered: Automation , Presentation, Testing, Task Assignment, passing criteria
emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike.
Dework PBL
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: Effiom [facilitator], Gorga Siagian [documenter], effiom, Gorga Siagian, malik434, Eric Davies, lord_kizzy, Bernard, Celiwe Ngwenya, Onize, Jason Kaleb
Purpose: This Workgroup focuses on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework on the Andamio platform in collaboration with Gimbalabs and Governance Guild
Miro board: Link
Other media: Link
Agenda item 1 - WG Introductions and Onboarding - [resolved]
Discussion Points:
Overview of the Dework PBL WG
Welcoming the 3 new students that joined the call
Introductions from new students
How to get started with the Dework PBL course
Agenda for today's meeting
Agenda item 2 - Dework PBL Course Feedback from Treasury Operations - [carry over]
Discussion Points:
Course content: https://instance-dework-pbl.vercel.app/course/module/101/overview
Treasury Operators faced challenges in taking the course - e.g. Onize reported confusion about signing in, and whether it was a requirement to take the course.
Understanding action items was a challenge - action items were unclear in some course modules
Discussion of the course outline
We noted the effectiveness of the async support provided by Tevo
Decision Items:
Based on feedback, there is still a need to give ongoing support to Dework PBL students
[rationale] Dework PBL students still require live and async support
[opposing] None
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Agenda item 3 - Dework PBL Q4 Repositioning Discussion - [carry over]
Discussion Points:
Explanation of WG's current purpose and repositioning plans
Review of Q2 deliverables and Q3 proposal
What should Dework PBL Workgroup be doing in Q4? Suggestions from meeting participants on Q4 Deliverables (see below)
Agenda item 4 - Suggestions on Q4 deliverables - [carry over]
Discussion Points:
Train SNET ambassador members on how to use Github for project management
Collaborate with Education Guild on ACP project
Create PBL course content on Task Management on Github
Repurpose WG for tracking in Treasury - Treasury Management PBL
Repurpose the tool and educate other Gs/WGs on the purpose of the tool
Collaborate with another platform other than Andamio to develop Github PBL course content
Decision Items:
Dework can still serve as a repository for task assignment
[rationale] This is currently integrated to the Treasury Manager tool
[opposing] None
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Get more info on possible collaborations within the program
[rationale] There are potential deliverables for Q4 based on these collaborations
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Agenda item 5 - Workgroup Administration - [resolved]
Discussion Points:
Discussion on exporting participation data from Zoom
Challenges for WGs who are not using Zoom for meetings - should all G/WGs be required to move their meetings to Zoom?
Who has access to open Zoom calls?
Meeting Facilitation on 28.08.2024
Decision Items:
Add explanation of participation vs contribution algorithm to next call's agenda
[rationale] This was requested by members of the WG
[opposing] None
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
New changes to when someone completes the Dework PBL course
[rationale] For better distinction
[opposing] None
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Change Discord role "Dework PBL Student" to "Graduated Dework BBK"
[rationale] For better distinction
[opposing] None
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Decided on the facilitator and documenter for next meeting (Makik facilitating; Effiom documenting)
[rationale] Tevo is on break and we would need a facilitator to the next meeting
[opposing] None
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Malik to facilitate next meeting. Effiom to document [due] 28 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Effiom to coordinate with Tevo or Andre to open the Zoom call for the next meeting [assignee] Effiom [due] 28 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Gorga will try to draft meeting summary for 14.08.2024 [assignee] Gorga Siagian [status] done
topics covered: Dework, dework PBL, GitHub, tools, Zoom Calls, Zoom Meeting, deliverables, task assignment, Q4 2024 Deliverables, Suggestions, zoom, participation data, access to open Zoom, collaboration, Treasury Guild, Education Guild
emotions: Fun, interesting, interactive, Collaborative, planning
Thursday 15th August 2024
African Guild
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Clement Umoh [facilitator], Cjfrankie [documenter], Clement Umoh, Advanceameyaw, Duke, Cjfrankie, SucrenSpice, kateri, Yemi Solves, Eric Davies, Ayo, Martin Soki, Isaac Daniel, Photogee
Purpose: The African Guild weekly meeting and progress updates.
The meeting started with Clement welcoming everyone, and highlighting the meeting agenda. Advance, Kateri, and Yemi extended their greetings in their native languages.
After the action items from the last meeting, the meeting started strongly with the Initiative and Contribution Framework document. Ayo stated that the document is ready and that people only need to put in valuable comments and feedback.
GitHub migration: Clement asked whether the old tasks from Dework should be migrated to Github or it should only be the new tasks. Everyone was of the opinion that we should migrate all the old tasks, too, for the sake of accountability. Sucre also added that the entire program hasn't fully recognized GitHub, therefore the GitHub board will showcase the projects that were completed and marked as done. More so, the new tasks will still be created and assigned via Dework for the weekly payouts.
AI Ethics EXPO: Clements shed more light on the forthcoming in-person event in Nigeria. This African Guild and AI Ethics Alliance event will take place in September; however, the date of this event will be announced as we move further along! He added that there would be streaming platforms available to enable community members to catch a glimpse of the event from the comfort of their homes.
Clement talked about the Q3 budget reduction and the price of AGIX; momentarily, he cited a discussion from a recent Treasury meeting where workgroups were asked to consider moving minor tasks to Q4 whilst giving more hand to major projects within their workgroup.
Kateri raised a question about the African Guild documentation roster, and swiftly, Clement cleared the air by saying that the core team would get it done before the week runs out!
Decision Items:
In view of the AGIX token drop, we have agreed to focus primarily on key projects this quarter while rolling over minor tasks to quarter 4.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We have decided that Sucre should update the GitHub board with old tasks from Dework and then upload the latest entries.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Sucre to share the recently concluded documentation session slides and the session recordings in the African Guild channel. [assignee] Sucren [status] done
[action] Clement and the African Guild core team to make a documentation roster for the guild before the next meeting. [assignee] Clement Umoh [due] 22 August 2024 [status] done
topics covered: GitHub, AI Ethics EXPO, Q3 budget, Documentation Roster, Treasury, Event, Tasks, Dework, Quarter 4
emotions: short, informative, calm, insightful
Onboarding Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: LadyTempestt [facilitator], hogantuso, CallyFromAuron [documenter], LadyTempestt, CallyFromAuron, Eric Davies, Photogee, CollyPride, Sucre n Spice, Gorga Siagian, hogantuso, Onize, Cjfrankie, Advanceameyaw, Merryman, others unknown
Purpose: Weekly meeting discussing how to onboard people to the Ambassador program
Media link: Link
Working Docs:
In this meeting we discussed:
This week, our regular meeting was replaced by a training session on documentation skills, led by LadyTempestt.
Learning Points:
We cannot rely on unmediated AI summaries - so how CAN we make use of AI tools, and what CAN they do?
Do documenters need to be present at a meeting to document well? Probably yes - especially because you can ask questions if anything is unclear - although it is possible to do it from a recording.
How can we distinguish between a suggestion, and a decision? Often it's the facilitator who signals that an actual decision needs to be made
A good facilitator can support good documentation, e.g. by signalling when a decision is being made; noting when there is an action item to be done and making sure it's assigned; calling out the names of who is present; making it clear when the meeting moves to the next item on the agenda; etc
What exactly is an action item? It's something that is assigned to a particular person to do, ideally with a due date.
Should a documenter attribute comments to individuals or not? It might depend on the type of meeting. Attribution recognises what someone contributes, and makes sure people are heard. It might be less important in more routine, "businesslike" meetings, and more important in more discursive or ideas-orientated meetings.
Good documentation captures the interactive, fluid, non-static nature of most meetings, and the fact that people's thoughts develop and change during it.
To document well, you probably need to know the Program and the ecosystem quite well - it is probably not an entry-level task. It's good to attend 2 or 3 meetings of a workgroup before you try to document it.
topics covered: useful documentation, Documentation, action items, decisions, tracking decisions, sources , what is a meeting, conciseness, accuracy, decision rationales, AI tooling, ai tooling problems, limitations of AI, limitations of AI for documentation, read.ai, read.ai limitations, Ethics, speaker identification, subjectivity, dynamic conversations, attribution
emotions: warm, Discursive, informative
LatAm Guild
Type of meeting: One-off event
Present: Guillermo [facilitator], Ines [documenter], Ines [translator], Guillermo, Ines, Martin Rivero, Rous, Thiago
Purpose: 2nd Discuss bringing SingularityNET to Near governance, marketing strategy with MetaPool & Near, and planning future events and live streams
Working Docs:
Agenda item 1 - Agenda Item 1 - Possibilities Bringing SingularityNET to Near Governance - [carry over]
Metapool team presented the scenario and the team discussed the possibility of bringing SingularityNET into the Near governance structure. Thiago was asked to provide insight into the first concrete steps for this process, including access to Near funds through DAO participation. Guillermo shared current SingularityNET projects with Thiago for consideration in the exchange.
Decision Items:
Discuss bringing SingularityNET to Near governance
Action Items:
[action] Start preparing documentation for the X Spaces [assignee] Ines, Guillermo [due] 14 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Contact ParaBuilders Brazil for collaboration [assignee] Thiago, ines ganina [due] 14 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Final revision of tasks and deliverables and assets disbursement [assignee] Guillermo, Martin Rivero [due] 19 September 2024 [status] done
[action] Guillermo to explore DAO participation and the benefits for MetaPool and SingularityNET [assignee] Guillermo, Martin Rivero [due] 19 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Identify if SingularityNET LATAM can access Near Foundation funds through grants or another channel [assignee] Guillermo, Martin Rivero [due] 18 August 2024 [status] todo
Agenda item 2 - Communication Strategies - Marketing with MetaPool & Near - [carry over]
There was a need to call for Brazil-focused workshops once a month, though no budget is currently allocated for this. The team proposed allocating $50 to replicate the message on community channels such as #ParaBuilders. There was also a suggestion to utilize SingularityNET Foundation funds to hold an event in Brazil, with Thiago joining the alliance with MetaPool for planning.
Action Items:
[action] Final revision on material en deployment of media actions [assignee] Ines, Guillermo [due] 15 September 2024 [status] done
[action] Analyze Allocation for message replication on community channels [assignee] Guillermo, Ines [due] 19 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Organize the event in Brazil with MetaPool, María, and Dani [assignee] Ines [due] 19 August 2024 [status] todo
Agenda item 3 - Marketing and Social Media Strategies - [carry over]
Live Streaming & Governance Systems. Plans were made for live streaming AI governance discussions on X, LinkedIn, and YouTube, with options to host these either once a month or every 15 days. The topics would cover updates on AI, decentralized AI governance, and community news, with the first live stream scheduled for September 4. Members Discussed live stream frequency: every 15 days or monthly. Include a variety of topics and news updates. TBD
Action Items:
[action] Create a list of articles for Caue to translate and publis [assignee] Ines [due] 16 September 2024 [status] done
[action] Upload 3 videos of the ADN event to TikTok [assignee] Caue [due] 15 September 2024 [status] done
[action] Invite participants for the first live stream space on September 4 [assignee] Ines, Martin Rivero [due] 21 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Create publications and infographics for the live stream [assignee] Guillermo [due] 26 August 2024 [status] todo
Agenda item 4 - Operations Sub-Group - [carry over]
Operations discussion on regards of marketing and content topics. How to execute plalns and live streams. Task assignments and deliverables.
Decision Items:
Track task and deliverables from guild members
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Final revisions on system for tracking task and deliverables from guild members [assignee] Guillermo [due] 18 September 2024 [status] done
[action] Creating tasks on DeWork for Guild members [assignee] Guillermo [due] 26 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Operations tasks on regards of live stream plans [assignee] Guillernmo, Martin Rivero [due] 26 August 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Live Streams, Budget, Roles, content calendar, Schedule, Social Media Strategy, Accountability, Strengths, Team Work
emotions: Collaborative, creative, Friendly, productive, Reflective, Task-focused, Team Work
Friday 16th August 2024
Video Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Zalfred [facilitator], lord kizzy [documenter], hogantuso, malik, killy, Zalfred, lord kizzy, Merryman, King Daniel, oep, AndrewBen, Slate, Advanceameyaw
Purpose: Weekly updates
Discussion Points:
Updates on task management: Malik created a poll regarding closing the applications for the Video WG, and has informed the interested participants
Updates from Social Media Management; Tuso highlighted that 11 videos were posted during the month including the summaries and the town hall.
Updates from Lordkizzy: Lordkizzy gave the updates from the governance call, and also presented the calculations to the group which shows that the WG cannot operate efficently due to its budget deficiencies
Updates on Zealy: Lord kizzy expressed that he wasn't impressed with the level of engagement of the video WG contents on Zealy. Slate mentioned that Devon should be granted editoral access for the Zealy platform. Lordkizzy emphasized on the need of initiative for the contents of the video Wg
Quality control process: Lordkizzy presented the final draft of Blueprint for the Quality Control. The document will be posted in the WG channel for feedback, here is the document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1j-IvVfleiXHRZoduxcMxi7pQwon15qcY2vN9p_waXyU/edit#heading=h.z6fzop9orwn7
Discussions on animation platforms: The platforms mentioned included Videoscribe, Synthesia, Animaker, Whiteboard. Further discussions on this will be held in the next call
Decision Items:
We decided to close applications for new members to join the WG.
[rationale] The video WG had a poll on this and majority of the members were in favour of closing applications
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Workgroup members to ideate on possible human animation platforms [assignee] All Members [due] 9 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Task management was assigned to Malik for the month of August. [assignee] malik [due] 16 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Social media management was assigned to Tuso for the month of August. [assignee] hogantuso [due] 16 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Weekly Facilitation was assigned to Zalfred for the month of August. [assignee] Zalfred [due] 16 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Documentation was assigned to Lordkizzy for the month of August. [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 16 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Town Hall Summary edit was assigned to Andrew Ben for the month of August. [assignee] AndrewBen [due] 16 August 2024 [status] done
[action] The Town Hall edit was assigned to Killy for the month of August. [assignee] killy [due] 16 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Lordkizzy and Malik to draft out the Quality control blueprint and present it the workgroup [assignee] lord kizzy, Malik. [due] 9 August 2024 [status] done
[action] The Town Hall summary edit was assigned to Killy for the month [assignee] killy [due] 13 September 2024 [status] todo
[action] The Town Hall edit was assigned to AndrewBen for the month [assignee] AndrewBen [due] 13 September 2024 [status] todo
[action] Task management was assigned to Zalfred for the month [assignee] Zalfred [due] 13 September 2024 [status] todo
[action] Social media management was assigned to OEP for the month [assignee] oep [due] 13 September 2024 [status] todo
[action] Weekly Facilitation was assigned to Slate for the month [assignee] Slate [due] 13 September 2024 [status] todo
[action] Documentation was assigned to Tuso for the month [assignee] hogantuso [due] 13 September 2024 [status] todo
[action] Lordkizzy to make futher enquires on the presented animation platforms [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 23 August 2024 [status] todo
[action] Lordkizzy and Malik are the reviewers for the month [assignee] lord kizzy, Malik. [due] 13 September 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Weekly updates, Budget Reduction, Budget fitting, Zealy Updates, Rewards, Video production, Task Assignment, Contigency, Vacation, Quality Control, Tasks format, new members, closing workgroup, animation, governance, governance WG, governance calls, WG sync calls
emotions: Casual, productive, Organised, Thoughtful , warm, new ideas, lengthy, decisive, Friendly
Writers Workgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Kenichi [facilitator], Cjfrankie [documenter], Kenichi, Mikasa, cjfrankie, LadyTempestt, devon, Gorga Siagian, Advanceameyaw, Nebula, Merryman, King David, AJ, Emmanuel Isaac, Nengi, Darah-mola, Evelyn Robert, Nebula1224
Purpose: Weekly meeting of the writers workgroup
Other media: Link
Working Docs:
Q3 quarterly report
MixPost tool; and WWG alliance with the R&D guild and Video WG
Substack newsletter
Open Gov call, budgets, WG reserves, Treasury
WWG test applicants
The meeting kicked off with Kenichi welcoming everyone to the meeting. We started by checking the action items from the last meeting, which led to a lengthy discussion. First off, our discussion was centered around the Q3 quarterly report and what we're going to present in the Q3 report document.
Kenichi shared more insider tips on the MIXPost tool from the R&D guild! He highlighted how this tool will be beneficial to the WWG, especially for social media scheduling. He mentioned that the R&D guild will take care of the maintenance and licensing for three months. After this period, the video WG and WWG will take full responsibility. Lastly, Kenichi added that the project is still in its infancy, so he'd develop a close connection with Rojo to stay in the loop so the WWG would get the most out of the tool.
We also talked about how the Writers' workgroup could publish the monthly Substack newsletter a bit sooner; in recent times, the WG has been faced with some delays. Kenichi proposed the idea of signposting scribblers to WGs and guilds which they do not often attend, to capture actual facts about the meeting. He also added that he would create a column in the points system sheet to track these activities.
Following that, Cjfrankie shared an update on his discussion with Sandra regarding the articles the scribblers wrote for Cogito a little while ago. Sanda did mention that she'd reach out to Kenichi afterward to discuss the payments. Momentarily, with screen sharing, Kenichi shed light on how the WG could tap into Cogito for more article deals. He proposed the idea of making Twitter threads 🧵.
We switched gears to discuss the conversation around the OpenGov call held on August 15th. Lady Tempestt set the Thames on fire with conversations about digging into the WWG reserves. The discussion also featured talks around multisig wallets and the WWG allocation status.
We had a discussion on the tests taken by the aspirants — Kenichi mentioned that the result sheets would be announced in the next meeting.
From the Zealy side of things, Kenichi announced that July’s sprint will be ending in a few days; in light of this, he spoke about a 48-hour marathon, which involves adding quests on the board to enable the sprinters to boost their chances of topping the chart. Following the earlier discussion on the AGIX token price, Kenichi stated that the Writers' WG might reach out to the Marketing Guild to pull in some funds to back up the next Zealy sprint.
Decision Items:
Due to the AGIX depreciation, we have agreed to cut down on tasks and move some drafts to Q4.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Following a discussion on AGIX price, we decided that we would onboard only two extra scribblers this quarter! On the other hand, we decided that the other aspirants who took the test might get the scribbler tag, but no contribution until Q4.
[rationale] AGIX is dropping. So, the budget might not be enough to reward members for their contributions.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We have agreed that moving forward we will focus more on high-priority tasks for the SNET ecosystem page while the community page gets updated with content more often because the page is still in its infancy.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] Kenichi to chase Peter to get more clarity on the WWG Treasury Allocation Status. [assignee] Kenichi [due] 23 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Kenichi to add more Zealy quests on the board to enable sprinters to boost their chances before the sprint ends. [assignee] Kenichi [due] 18 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Kenichi to create a column in the points system sheet to track WGs and guild meeting reports. [assignee] Kenichi [due] 23 August 2024 [status] done
[action] Cjfrankie to announce the 48-hour Zealy marathon on the channel. [assignee] Cjfrankie [due] 18 August 2024 [status] done
Learning Points:
Multisig — a crypto wallet that requires two or more signatures to confirm and send a transaction.
topics covered: Zealy, medium, Cogito, AGIX, Twitter threads, Points system, WWG Test, Governance, MIXPOST, Treasury, Reserve, R&D guild, Marketing Guild, Video WG, Marathon, multisig, mutisig wallet, AGIX price, token price,
emotions: funny , Deliberative, insightful, informative
Marketing Guild
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: lord kizzy [facilitator], Photogee [documenter], Ayo, Photogee, Cjfrankie, Eric Davies, esewilliams, GorgaSeagian, Kareem, Kateri, Olokoji, lord kizzy, SubZero, Yemi Solves
Purpose: Marketing Guild weekly meeting.
Discussion Points:
There is going to be a monthly assessment that entails the proof of work of all core members and also taskforce.
Allocation for FIGMA has also been made and is ready for payment.
'Roles and responsibilities of members' document has been updated and has more clarification.
For the sake of working effectively in a ‘singular’ and not divided pattern, decisions being made in the marketing guild should not be made public and outside the guild henceforth.
Decision Items:
'Community-driven initiatives' will be moved to next quarter due to the fall in AGIX price
[rationale] Fall in AGIX price
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Zealy cross-collabs has also been moved from Q3 to Q4.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Allocation has been made for taskforce members in all sections of the marketing guild (ops, comms, design, analytics) that do their work ‘adequately’.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Action Items:
[action] A structure for the Rejuve cross-collab is to be made by Kenichi. [assignee] Kenichi [status] in progress
[action] Photogee to reach out to core team members on tasks assigned to them. [assignee] Photogee [status] done
topics covered: Tool Development, Rewards, Role Proposal Requirements, workgroup updates
emotions: Friendly, Casual, Collaborative, contributive, warm, exploratory
Saturday 17th August 2024
Gamers Guild
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], devon [documenter], lord kizzy, Gorga Siagian, Photogee, rebel, hotasiro, Berick, Tevo, Bles, martinsoki, kateri, malik, Merryman
Purpose: The meeting focused on budget problems, Sophiaverse collaboration, and the creation of video workgroup building.
Media link: Link
Working Docs:
The meeting commenced with Slate extending a warm welcome to all attendees. With everyone settled, Slate introduced an exciting new collaboration with Sophiaverse, where the focus would be on testing an advanced dialogue system within Roblox. The goal was to enhance NPC (non-player character) interactions using cutting-edge AI technology. Slate mentioned that a representative from Sophiaverse, Berick, would soon join the meeting to explain the details of the dialogue system.
The discussion then shifted to the pressing issue of the ongoing low AGIX token price, which is expected to impact the payment structure. After a brief deliberation, the group decided to halt payments for game preparation tasks and refrain from assigning new mentors. Additionally, payments for asset creation will be delayed until the AGIX token price stabilizes.
Following this, Lord Kizzy took the stage to present the completed Video Workgroup building. In his presentation, Lord Kizzy provided a comprehensive overview of the building. Upon entering the video workgroup, players are greeted by Killy, an NPC who welcomes new members and encourages them to have fun. Inside, players can find details about ongoing meetings, which are held every Friday at 16 UTC. Devon, another NPC, operates the display, while Malik and CryptoFly NPCs participate in the meeting, and Slate NPC is seen recording the session. Rojo NPC, as the workgroup lead, is seen facilitating the meetings. Players can interact with him through a proximity prompt to ask questions about joining the video workgroup. Rojo introduces himself and engages players in conversation, providing information on how to join the workgroup. Another NPC, representing Cardano Class, welcomes members and provides information about tasks for senior members, including roles like task manager, social media manager, and meeting facilitator. Judith NPC is seen documenting the session. Players can also visit the workstation area, where they are greeted by LilyCupcake NPC. OEP NPC is busy working on a video, while in the Task Manager's Office, players meet Lord Kizzy's NPC, who is creating tasks for group members. The office also features a mini TV and refreshment center. In the Social Media Manager's office, players can view YouTube awards and meet Osmium NPC, who is editing social media content. The presentation was well received by the members.(Watch the workgroup video via the link in the media section for better understanding.)
Slate then showcased a new feature called the Rolling Camera for Workgroups. This feature automatically directs the camera to the required NPC when a player enters a workgroup building, enhancing the immersive experience.
The group then moved on to assigning the Q3 quarterly report task, which was given to Lord Kizzy.
With the formalities out of the way, the meeting transitioned into a gaming session, featuring the game "Capture the Flag." During the game, Berick, the representative from Sophiaverse, joined the session. He encouraged the group to continue enjoying the game while he made preparations for his presentation on the dialogue system. The group had a great time playing the game.
Once the game concluded, Berick delivered his presentation on the advanced dialogue system. He introduced a system designed to enhance narrative-driven interactions in Roblox by integrating a Large Language Model (LLM) to role-play characters. This system generates automatic prompts based on contextual information, such as available dialogue options and scripted dialogue. It then sends these prompts to the LLM, which processes them and returns responses, allowing characters to engage in unique, dynamic conversations each time, rather than relying solely on pre-scripted dialogue.
Berick highlighted several key features and functions of the system:
Dynamic dialogue generation: The system can take scripted lines (e.g., "Welcome to the Gamers Guild. What would you like to know?") and enhance them with additional context or flair, making each interaction slightly different and more engaging.
Contextual awareness: The system integrates contextual data, like the state of the game or events (e.g., an enemy attacking), into the prompt, ensuring that the character’s responses are relevant to the current situation.
Response handling: When a player asks a question (e.g., "I want to make games like this"), the system fetches the relevant scripted response, processes it through the LLM, and provides a personalized reply. The system is designed to guide conversations back to the game’s narrative if players go off-topic, ensuring a coherent and immersive experience.
Dialogue tree integration: While the system is primarily built around a dialogue tree structure, it can also incorporate other types of contextual data, such as ongoing or past discussions, allowing for intelligent off-topic chitchat while eventually steering the conversation back to the main narrative.
Character-specific knowledge: Each character in the game can have its own data container, meaning that they are knowledgeable only about specific areas relevant to their role. For example, a treasury manager would refer players to someone else for onboarding information, maintaining a realistic and immersive character interaction.
Looking ahead, Berick emphasized the importance of testing the system to identify and resolve potential issues, such as handling off-topic responses or preventing the LLM from generating irrelevant content. The ultimate goal is to create smarter, context-aware NPCs in Roblox that deliver more engaging and dynamic dialogues while adhering to the game’s narrative structure.
Slate concluded the meeting by thanking all participants for their contributions. Overall, it was a productive and engaging session.
Discussion Points:
Low AGIX token price was discussed
We had a discussion on advance dialogue system presented by sophiaverse representative
Lordkizzy presented the video workgroup building and NPC animations, which were well received.
Decision Items:
The group decided to suspend payments for game preparation tasks and not assign new mentors. Payments for asset creation will also be postponed until the AGIX token price stabilizes.
[rationale] To cope with the ongoing low AGIX price
Lord Kizzy will create the Q3 quarterly report.
[rationale] He has relevant experience in creating quarterly reports.
Action Items:
[action] Department Creation - Education Guild [assignee] malik, hufiumer69 [due] 31 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Department Creation - Treasury Guild [assignee] martinsoki, scare-crow [due] 31 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Department Creation - Archives Workgroup [assignee] GorgaSeagian, kateri [due] 31 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Department Creation - Dework PBL [assignee] rebel, Photogee [due] 31 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Department Creation - R&D Guild [assignee] oep, CollyPride [due] 31 August 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Q3 quarterly report creation [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 14 September 2024 [status] todo
Game Rules:
Capture the Flag: The first team to capture three flags wins. Red Team: Devon, Berick, Blesian Rusak, Kateri, Lord kizzy, Zaif Malik Blue Team: Hotasiro, Greatnessone4, martinsoki, Merryman, photogee
1st Red Team
topics covered: Roblox, metaverse, department creation, work updates, Collaboration, Game Development, mentorship, Dialogue Systems, Animation, sophiaverse, Q3 2024 report, token price, AGIX, LLM
emotions: Friendly, Collaborative, Deliberative, informative, focused on reporting
games played: capture the flag
Last updated