Week 21

Mon 20th May - Sun 26th May 2024

Monday 20th May 2024

Strategy Guild

No Summary Given

Tuesday 21st May 2024

Governance Workgroup


We noted that the objections raised in round 1 of consent process to Marketing Guild’s budget have been resolved, so Marketing is now approved.

Objections in Consent Round 1 to Writers’ WG were because their budget was not submitted in time. But it has now been updated, and there have been further objections in this consent round. The objections are shown in the budget calculator sheet; they include asking for:

  • detailed budget breakdown, including hours spent on tasks

  • clearer deliverables

  • tracking of past achievements, including more detail on outputs - e.g. number of posts, conversion rate to followers on social platforms, email signups

  • reasons for increased budget, plus the overall size of the increase (50% higher than Q1)

  1. and 2. The meeting accepted that there is a detailed budget breakdown and info on deliverables, including hourly rates; altho the link to it wasn’t obvious and had been missed by some people. (learning point for the group: make the link a bit more obvious next time.)

  2. Info on past achievements is in the group’s Q1 report. The meeting noted that Zealy’s free plan has limitations on analytics, but it can track number of participants and number of quests claimed, and these have been included in the Q1 report. On article views on Substack and Medium, the meeting noted the difference between views and actual reads: Kenichi said the number of reads was not in the report, but shared his screen to show read numbers - due to export limitations, detailed analytics are only shared during WG meetings. (Learning point:for all workgroups, try and include your achievements in your budget somehow.)

  3. The budget increase is for

  • mainly, the points system (which rewards various tasks and supports onboarding new scribes)

  • new social media (Twitter in Pidgin, French, and Spanish)

  • Zealy (supporting Zealy Sprints, which were previously biweekly but are now monthly at $450 per sprint, with rewards for top contributors and random participants). No other items saw an increase.

Questions were raised on creation of additional Twitter accounts - is there collaboration with Translation workgroup, LatAm or African Guild, rather than expanding the budget? Kenichi said he plans to talk to Inés about Spanish translations, and engage native Spanish and French speakers for Twitter channels.

The meeting noted Video WG’s social media budget is lower; but Writers’ WG’s social media has wider responsibilities.

Discussion of centralised approach and distribution of responsibilities in WWG: the budget was not submitted in time because Kenichi was ill and nobody else could do it. Kenichi said there are efforts to improve: Scribe role can now manage tasks like budget submission.

Discussion of the points system: several people felt it is untransparent, and that it pushes the WG’s budget up. Kenichi acknowledged that it is untransparent, but assured that it is designed fairly; he also argued it improves engagement and scalability, with rewards scaling based on participation and a fixed budget cap.

R&D Guild members raised concerns about governance consistency: similar issues re R&D’s budget have been handled differently from Writers’ issues. (Specifically, one R&D Guild project was accidentally omitted from R&D’s total budget; it was added before the deadline, but the total on the budget spreadsheet was accidentally not updated, so if people were looking at the total rather than at R&D’s budget, they might have been consenting to the wrong total - and the decision was made in a previous meeting to remove the late-added project from R&D’s budget). There was a suggestion that the Experiments pool could be used to address the extra R&D proposal.

Discussion Points:

  • Marketing WG's Q2 budget was approved

  • Discussion of objections to Writers' WG Q2 budget

  • Discussion of WWG's points system and reward structure

  • Discussion of error which led to omission of one of R&D Guild's project from the budget total

Decision Items:

  • Marketing Q2 budget is now approved.

    • [rationale] Objections have all been addressed

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Kenichi will share a written response addressing all raised objections.

    • [rationale] Objections to the Writers' WG budget are not resolved; people who are not in this meeting might need to see a full response addressing all the points.

Action Items:

  • [action] Kenichi will share the scribe and scribbler requirement documents, and the WG entry tests, with the Governance workgroup for review and feedback. [assignee] Kenichi [due] 22 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Kenichi will share info on today's discussion in the Writers Workgroup Discord today to get more comments on the first draft of the budget, and will work towards making it better and fairer for everyone. [assignee] Kenichi [due] 21 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Kenichi to provide a written response addressing all objections listed to their budget proposal. [assignee] Kenichi [due] 23 May 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Points system, Scribe role, Scribblers, Zealy, medium, Substack, Writers WorkGroup, Marketing Guild, consent process, Q2 budget, Translation, Twitter/X, Twitter, Pidgin, French, Spanish, LatAm, African guild, R&D guild, social media, social media management, Governance, transparency

  • emotions: Frustration , Impatience, Optimism , Confidence , Collaboration, engagement, Cautious Optimism , Uncertainty, Satisfaction , Desire for Clarity , Openness, concern, determinatiion, skeptical, open

AI Ethics WG (GEI Open Office)

No Summary Given

Ambassador Town Hall

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: jay05|judithW [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], jay05|judithW, Billy, Olokoji, CollyPride, WaKa, Duke, Clement Umoh, Will Tatz, Temiloluwa Hamzat, Ese Williams, Sucre n Spice, oep, Effiom, hogantuso, Tevo, Kenichi, Gorga Siagian, Zalfred, osaborme Ehiz, osmium

  • Purpose: Regular weekly get-together for the Ambassador Program. Discussion of community-wide issues; sharing of updates and info; and in the last meeting of each month, an update from each Workgroup on what they have been doing

  • Town Hall Number: 98

Timestamped video:

The Ambassador Town Hall is a recurring event happening live on the Ambassador Zoom channel https://www.youtube.com/@SNET_Ambassador each Tuesday at 19:00 UTC.

0:32 Agenda 1:29 Interest In Marketing Lead 1:54 What Is Expected Of A Marketing Lead 7:31 How Do We Appoint/select The New Marketing Guild Lead? Could It Be Anyone? Do They Need A Marketing Background? Should They Submit A Cv? Should There Be A Vote? 10:33 How Would You Present Your Skill Set? Should We Prioritise Education Or Experience? Should We Ask Applicants What Kpis Or Deliverables They Would Want The Guild To Achieve? 14:47 How Would Everyone Vote On A Proposal? 57:27 Analyzing The Marketing Guild 1:18:59 Conclusion

Town Hall Summary:

This Town Hall was mainly focused on discussion of how to select a new lead for Marketing Guild, following Judith's resignation.


  • topics covered: Marketing Guild, guild lead, lead, marketing task force, community engagement, voting

  • emotions: long, in depth

Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Dework PBL

Agenda item 1 - Documentation for Gamers Guild about Dework PBL - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • Who is the main facilitator or lead of the Dework PBL and would like to become the main NPC character for providing WG or Guild details?

  • Are there any specific roles for someone to contribute to the Dework PBL?

  • What are the key objectives and the goals of the Dework PBL?

  • What resources, expertise, or support does the WorkGroup need to effectively showcase the work of the Dework PBL?

  • Characters to be included as NPCs?

  • What symbol/graphic do you need for the Dework PBL?

Action Items:

  • [action] Share the document with Gamers Guild https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sPPnM-yUggs8IYLjcbkStvdsCaNh1KGNT1f4ooYM5M0/edit?usp=sharing [status] done

Agenda item 2 - Customizing reward ratio based on contributions and participation for Participators - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • How do we recognize participation vs contribution?

  • Looked at the table of aggregated values for task labels

  • Looked at the dashboard to understand the difference between USD and hours spent

  • Looked at the dashboard2 to understand the scale of cost between different labels

  • What labels are associated with participation?

  • What labels are associated with contribution?

Decision Items:

  • We colored different label names on the Miro Board to represent it as Participation or Contribution.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Create a tool that makes it easier to summarize together the time and hours separately for the type of label association. [status] todo

  • [action] Continue figuring out the reward ratio for participators. [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Course Website - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Creating our first space and managing filters https://youtu.be/8xx_qa2eKvU

  • Suggesting improvements as we go through content

Decision Items:

  • Provide Dework links in advance at the start of the session to reduce the potential long waiting times when we do the Dework Course

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Review Lesson 102.2 for typos: Example: Dework [status] todo

  • [action] SLT 201.02 - add image about clicking to empty Status area to add new column https://instance-dework-pbl.vercel.app/course/module/201/2012 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Roblox, Gamers Guild, participation, participation vs contribution, contribution, Rewards, labels, task labels, tracking tasks, course website, Dework

Research and Development Guild

Agenda Items:

  • Welcoming new Mmembers and Introduction

  • Review of last meeting summary Action Items

  • Discussions on the research proposal on inclusivity for individuals with disabilities in SingularityNET ecosystem.

  • Operations update: operations structure and procedures

  • Onboarding of new members

Discussion Points:

  • Discussions on R&D Guild budget and Duke's proposal ( Research on Inclusivity for Individuals with Disabilities in SingularityNET Ecosystem.): there are still ongoing discussions on the apporoval of the budget, but the guild has given Duke a go-ahead on working on the proposal.

  • Discussions on Colleen's game proposal

  • Discussions on community concerns about our Q2 budget. Majority of the members, "My only concern is that as the projects and initiatives increase in this Guild we have not properly addressed the Operations increase that is impacted by that. As the iniatives grow there are more and more operations and internal processes that are not accurately captured by the budget." : we have agreed to improve our workflow in terms of Operations.

  • Discussions on decision-making tool and processes

Decision Items:

  • We decided to adopt and implement a bi-weekly report on progress, and also conduct bi-weekly workshop

    • [rationale] Majority of members felt this was important for the Guild in terms of operations

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Guillermo suggested that all core members of the Guild should be available for a discussion on tool development

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Guillermo to have a call with Ubio on providing assistance to the multilingual project by conecting them with Celeste's team (Audio to text AI DF awarded project) [assignee] Guillermo [due] 8 May 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] WaKa & Rojo to add their contributions to the R&D _ Q1 Proposal Report _ Template. [assignee] WaKa, Rojo [due] 29 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Kenichi to share his evaluation doc for the Writer's WG with the R&D Guild [assignee] Kenichi [due] 29 May 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Kenichi to create a basic explanatory document on his initiatives for the Ambassador program website and present it in the next meeting [assignee] Kenichi [due] 29 May 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Duke to write down a short response on the concerns that was presented on Q2 budget for the guild. [assignee] Duke [due] 29 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Guilermo to ideate to see how Vasu cam collaborate with guild members on project [assignee] Guillermo [due] 29 May 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Colleen to email Guillermo on her gaming proposal for it to be added to the next meeting's agenda [assignee] Colleen [due] 29 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Guillermo and Lord_Kizzy to meet up and have a discussion on creating a Github board repository for the guild [assignee] Guillermo, lord kizzy [due] 29 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Ayo to draft out a report on how he could contribute to the Guild [assignee] Ayo [due] 29 May 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Guilds , Budget , Tool Development, Proposal, AI tooling, API, deliverables, Meeting Summaries, Budget Request, Q2 budget, Social media Dashboard, social media, agenda creation, GitHub, Workshop, Introductory task, Evaluation criteria

  • emotions: Collaborative, productive, Thoughtful , speedy , Welcoming, Friendly

Education Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], Slate, Clement Umoh, Photogee, osmium, WaKa, Billy, esewilliams, malik, hogantuso, Kenichi, Mikasa

  • Purpose: ACP Implementation Discussion - ACP Blueprint discussion - What is ACP (Kenichi’ Questions) - Education Guild Blueprint

In this meeting we discussed:

  • ACP Implementation discussion

  • ACP Blueprint discussion

  • What is ACP (Kenichi’s questions)

  • Education Guild Blueprint

  • Waka’s "Ambassador DF Proposals" collective doc for proposals in DeepFunding Round 4 submitted by people in the Ambassador Program

Discussion Points:

  • Slate started the meeting welcoming everybody

  • Then he highlighted the agenda for today’s meeting

  • WaKa mentioned his doc in which he is collecting information regarding the people who have submitted a proposal in deepfunding round 4

  • Osmium said that he is iterating/ creating a blueprint regarding Education Guild and also reworking the ACP old blueprint doc

  • Kenichi had multiple queries regarding ACP as he was not able to attend meetings for education guild for quite some time - those queries were answered by Slate and Osmium respectively

  • Slate mentioned that we will be needing a process for implementing ACP on Google Classroom, which will most probably be discussed next week

Decision Items:

  • ACP and Education Guild Blueprint

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Osmium for setting up ACP and Education Guild Blueprint for transparency and clarity [assignee] osmium [due] 29 May 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Google cCassroom process implementation [assignee] Slate [due] 29 May 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: ACP, Google Classroom, processes, Blueprints , DeepFunding, deepfunding R4, Proposals

  • emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike., speedy

Thursday 23rd May 2024

Onboarding Workgroup

Town Hall Updates:

For 28th May Town Hall:

Give a recap of Onboarding session on 16th May - mention the Discord walkthrough Thank people for participation at the Treasury session (18th April) and share a link to the YouTube video https://youtu.be/Um7Zv5F9TyA?si=0kod7HN-2_h8suHn. Share the link to the Q2 Survey on Onboarding sessions and remind people it closes on Fri 31st May.

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Minutes from the last meeting (9th May) and action items

  • Feedback from 16th May Onboarding session. The following points were raised (but not finalised): Should we have onboarding sessions at all? or should we focus on doing it more 1-2-1? There is budget in Q2 for Sucre to delegate some 1-2-1 onboarding engagement work, would that help? Should we do what the survey respondents seem to be suggesting, and have weekly sessions? We wouldn't have capacity. Should part of each onboarding meeting be a mini "onboarding Q&A"? Would it be more helpful to share our existing resources - e.g. the voiceover video of the onboarding slides? Was the reason that we didn't have attendees this time just that there had not recently been any big influx of new people?

  • Onboarding Journeys update

  • Getting started doc/channel

  • Skills audit document

  • Town Hall Update

Decision Items:

  • We agreed to discuss the Q2 survey properly after the form closes on 31st May 2024.

    • [rationale] Vanessa gave a quick update based on results so far, but there will be a proper analysis when all the submissions are in.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed to have more discussions on how to improve our onboarding sessions at the next meeting.

    • [rationale] Ideas have been raised in the Onboarding Session on 16th, and in this meeting we didn't have time to address them all fully

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We agreed to have someone else re-do the summary of the Onboarding session on 16th

    • [rationale] The existing one didn't quite capture everything, as Gorga had problems recording

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Lord Kizzy to re-do the summary from the Onboarding session on 16th, and add to the meeting summary tool [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 30 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vani to add minutes from 9th May to the summary tool. [assignee] Vanessa [due] 30 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Lord Kizzy to chase Hogan Tuso to ask if he is still available to give the May 28th Town Hall updates from our WG. [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 26 April 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Everyone to add comments to the Getting Started document and the context-setting doc on the forthcoming Naming decision [assignee] all [due] 30 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Everyone to add their skills to the skills audit doc [assignee] all [due] 30 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Sucre to give the onboarding tag to Hogan Tuso. [assignee] SucrenSpice [due] 24 May 2024 [status] todo

Learning Points:

  • We need to explore ways to reach our target audience for Onboarding sessions.

  • We reminded people that “contributing to docs” is a paid task that we have budget for, so they will be compensated $10 for adding ideas and comments to a doc

To carry over for next meeting:

  • Onboarding Journeys

  • Skills audit

  • Onboarding Sessions Survey

  • Improving Onboarding Sessions


  • topics covered: survey , Onboarding sessions, Outreach, Discord, 1-2-1, 1-2-1 onboarding, skills, skills audit, documents, contributing to documents, Budget

  • emotions: interesting, funny , long, insightful, busy

Friday 24th May 2024

Video Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Zalfred [facilitator], killy [documenter], DS9, lord kizzy, Photogee, hogantuso, AndrewBen, malik, devon, Slate, Billy, kateri

  • Purpose: weekly updates /tasks assignment

Discussion Points:

  • More updates on the Zealy platform.

  • Lord kizzy, as the task manager, provided weekly task updates.

  • Slate as our social media manager gave weekly updates on our socials.

  • Discussion on two members from our workgroup, one as a reveiwer and the other as a communicator for the Zealy program

  • Discussion on our budget for the Zealy program

Decision Items:

  • we decided to reward lord kizzy

    • [rationale] He was rewarded for his good and hard work in the Zealy program

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • 2 members fron our workgroup will serve as a reveiwer and the other as communicator for the Zealy program

Action Items:

  • [action] Task Management/ tag the task payment, either it is a monthly or weekly payment [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 24 May 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] facilitator [assignee] Zalfred [due] 21 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] town hall edit [assignee] devon [due] 21 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] DS9 is to tender a proposal concerning his idea and get back to us [assignee] DS9 [due] 24 May 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] task management [assignee] malik [due] 21 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] social media manager [assignee] Slate [due] 21 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] town hall summary [assignee] hogantuso [due] 21 June 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] meeting summarizing [assignee] killy [due] 21 June 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: social media management, new people, Videomaking, Task Assignment, rewards

  • emotions: Friendly, Casual, positive, speedy

Writers Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Kenichi [facilitator], Cjfrankie [documenter], Kenichi, Cjfrankie, LadyTempestt, devon, Nebula1224, Ines, Onize, hogantuso, Ayo

  • Purpose: Introduction to 'WWG Role Document V1' and Notion as a platform.

  • Other media: Link


The meeting started with Kenichi welcoming everyone to the meeting.

Kenichi shared insider tips on the Writers' WorkGroup role document v1, which he shared during the meeting.

Inés asked questions about how the articles written by the SNET Scribblers are published on Medium, when articles go out, and what’s next after the publication. Kenichi gave more thoughts on her questions.

Onize, who is just attending our meeting for the first time, was curious to know how she could contribute; Kenichi explained the whole WG process to her.

Discussion on working on the Notion page to foster collaboration and automation.

Updates on the rejected Q2 budget were discussed.

Ayo suggested that the writer's WG make a proper agenda for their weekly meetings, and he also stated the need for creating a getting-started doc for people who are interested in writing for the ambassador program.

Decision Items:

  • We decided that moving forward, we would have a look at our last meeting summary before proceeding with new meetings.

    • [rationale] This would help us stay organized while discussing things that matter most.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided that the Scribes will be reviewing dework article submissions in the absence of Kenichi.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided to find a perfect emoji or add the keyword “Scribe” to each of the Scribes Discord names so they'll easily be identified anywhere on the SNET Discord server.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided that Scribes would select a niche from the SNET ecosystem for providing tailored articles for the SNET medium publication.

    • [rationale] Everybody agreed: this would help us distinguish the Scribes from the Scribblers.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided to make the points systems more transparent so everyone would know their monthly performances and why they got a certain amount of rewards.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Kenichi to draft an onboarding doc for new people to catch a glimpse of the writer's workgroup. [assignee] Kenichi [status] todo

  • [action] Kenichi to create a Notion page for documenting the WG progress, setting up automation, and fostering collaboration among the writers. [assignee] Kenichi [status] done

Learning Points:

  • Notion as a platform to foster the writer's workgroup collaboration and for easy automation.


  • topics covered: Scribe, Points system, Miro Board, Notion, Dework, Q2 budget, participation, meeting agenda, Onboarding, medium

  • emotions: insightful, informative, interesting

Last updated