Week 5
Mon 29th Jan - Sun 4th Feb
Last updated
Mon 29th Jan - Sun 4th Feb
Last updated
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Peter [facilitator], Vanessa [documenter], Judith, Tevo, Vanessa, Peter, Boaz, lord kizzy, Headelf, Curtis, Guillermo, Daniel, Kenichi, Sharon, Will Tatz
Town Hall Number: 83
The Ambassador Town Hall is a recurring event happening live on the Ambassador Zoom channel https://www.youtube.com/@SNET_Ambassador each Tuesday at 19:00 UTC.
00:00 Intro 01:08 What The Ambassador Program Is, And What We Do WORKGROUP Updates 02:58 Archives Workgroup 07:37 Dework Pbl Workgroup 16:40 Education Workgroup 20:44 R&d Guild 30:37 Bgi 24 Preparation 49:10 Onboarding Workgroup 51:28 Video Workgroup 53:54 Writers Workgroup
topics covered: BGI 2024 summit, meeting summary tool, transition from manual archiving to use of meeting summary tool, workgroup updates
emotions: interesting, informative
Type of meeting: Weekly
People present: Headelf [host], Slate [documenter], Slate, devon, osmium, Headelf, malik, duke peter, Peter
Purpose: ACP Video/Infographics and Setting Up Quizzes
ACP Quizzes discussion
Slate's "TrueAGI" video
Feedback and further discussion
Headelf welcomed everyone and discussed the ACP quizzes system which were supposed to be set up
The one good point which was raised was by Duke Peter that whether or not to include repetitive questions in each spinoff projects. He also asked whether the question are going to be open book or not ? because if not then there might be some scenarios for cheating and answering questions by keeping the video and infographics infront of them to answer them.
HeadElf replied to Duke concerns through an example that having open book exams are not that effective as its kind of a rat chase where people start to cram through everything they find which may or may not be useful and is not a good way to keep information in your mind.
Slate said that his video on "True AGI" is completed he would like to show his video to everyone after approval of his request headelf screenshared his video which then everybody saw.
Headelf sought opinions on the video's content and quality
Everybody liked the video overall and were happy with the quality of the video
Peter pointed out a mistake in the video which was that "True AGi " was not invented by DR ben goertzel but rather was just popularized by him.
Slate said that he will rectify the mistake and post the video on dework.
HeadElf then shared the document for the SNet infographics and marked the one which are done as dark green and green for the ones which are assigned. He then assigned left infographics to the present particpants between (Malik,Osmium & Duke Peter).
HeadElf also notified that he has assigned some task for the app research for strategy guild, and would love everybody's participation and hard work for the reports.
Slate Video was approved
[opposing] Change invented to popularized
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Assigned the rest of the infographics to the participants
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Work on the reports and the infographics [assignee] everyone assigned [due] 7 February 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Post the meeting summary [assignee] Slate [due] 31 January 2024 [status] done
[action] Fix the video and post it on dework [assignee] Slate [due] 31 January 2024 [status] done
topics covered: Meeting Summaries, ACP, Videomaking, infographic, quizzes
emotions: Collaborative, contructive criticism
Type of meeting: Biweekly
People present: Tevo [host], Tevo [documenter], Tevo, André, Peter, Sucren, malik
Purpose: This Workgroup focuses on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework on the Andamio platform in collaboration with Gimbalabs and Governance Guild
Miro board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVM7pbrUg=/?moveToWidget=3458764575517374325&cot=10
Working Docs:
Are there any other lessons we should have?
What do we do with the Meeting Summary Lesson?
How do we manage various Course Feedback?
The "Sentiment Analysis" Lesson is good enough
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
The "Course Feedback" Lesson is good enough
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
The "Outreaching Dework Tasks to wider Dework Community" Lesson is good enough
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] The "Feedback Loop" lesson will be slightly updated [assignee] André [status] todo
[action] Update Lesson Feedback Form with newly added lessons [assignee] Tevo [status] todo
topics covered: Feedback Form, Outreach, Error, PBL, Dework, Miro Board, Lessons, Google Form, Andamio
emotions: The meeting was quick and progressive
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Curtis, Guillermo [facilitator], Guillermo [documenter], Vasu, Duke, WaKa, Onyeka, Ubiodee
Purpose: R&D Purpose & Proposal
The overall purpose of the meeting was to go over the new R&D Guild proposal, the new workgroup operations strategy final edits including guilds members contribiutons on the document. Next following guilds inputs and team decision and agreements, team members in charge of operations followed to update the budget including all members proposed ideas agreed and submitted at yesterday 's meeting. Details can be found on the budget sheet.
We discussed and agreed on guilds files sharing protocol and permissions strategy.
We discussed and agreed on guilds operational files sharing protocol and permissions strategy
We discussed and the members have reached an agreement to reduce the budget allocated to operations, meeting schedules and other operational matters. Agreed on reduce the budget to the minimum for this first phase and learn from experience to save budget for development
Proposals and template; It should be noted that almost all of the guild members have presented proposals that have been considered. The proposals have been integrated into the template format created by Walter, helping to standardize the methodology to present the ideas to be developed.
We continue with the discussion on Governance; Those present at the meeting agreed to establish internally in this phase one, the order of development priority for the proposals according to the assigned budget. Next Q2, the proposals will be presented to the ambassador community for a vote, giving members the opportunity to select the order of development priority according to their understanding of the benefit they will bring to the community.
AGIX Price $0.27 Q1 Total Estimated Cost in US Dollars $7,300 Q1 Total Estimated Cost in AGIX 27,037
Final estimated budget needed for development for proposals presented to treasury guilds. The number of proposals has been limited in this first phase to a total detailed
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Budget Fitting and adjustments before next treasuty meeting [assignee] Rojo, Guillermo [due] 5 February 2024 [status] done
topics covered: Guilds , Budget , Onboarding, Roles, Tool Development, Proposal, Q1 projections, Quarter 1, AI tooling
emotions: Collaborative, productive, challenging, Friendly
No Summary Given