LLM Development

An overview of how the Archive Workgroup is using generative models

This page is currently in draft

Large Language Models (LLM) are familiar from notable implementations of generative AI such as Open AI's Chat GDP.

LLMs need to be fine tuned to provide more specfic contextual responses. This is typically done with Prompts.

SinguarityNet's Ambassador programme is made up of workgroups. Since 2022 the Archive Workgroup has been gathering record keeping data on the activities of workgroups in the Ambassador program.

The Archive workgroup aims to use generative models for -

  • Self-taught learning (didactic learning) materials - to promote learning by doing in the Archive Workgroup

  • Data Analysis - to supplement knowledge management and data mining of the intellectual property of the Ambassdor Program.

  • Enhanced Record keeping - supporting decentralised governance through enhanced analytic data on decision-making

  • Augmentation - that applies a local context and enforces ethical standards.

Last updated