Week 34
14th August to 20th August 2023
Last updated
14th August to 20th August 2023
Last updated
No summary given
No summary given
We prioritize critical Ambassador Activities and cover process changes
Description - Sharing Statistics of participation and contribution in Process Guild and using that to propose more optimal path forward. [Decision] - Process Guild sessions will be stopped [Decision] - Process Guild Discord channel will remain Dework [Action] - All Agenda and Action Items from Process Guild Miro board to be moved to Process Guild Discord threads to have easier access to pick these items up Insight - Interesting dashboard to look at in meeting notes Insight - Onboarding WG may require most help at current stage Insight - Process Modeling WG will continue to be active Learning - Process Guild has fulfilled its goals and we now have a lot more members in the community who are running spaces and workgroups.
Description - There was another annoying Troll attack in Ambassador Townhall [Decision] and [Action] - Change all ambassador zoom account meetings to require email registration Insight - people are starting to use their own Zoom accounts to create workgroups Insight - Not every ambassador has the ability to use Google Authenticator [Decision] - we won't use our own GDPR text for Zoom registration, instead the default Zoom one.
Continue looking out for action items in Discord and Dework.
not this week
This Workgroup focuses on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework on the Andamio platform in collaboration with Gimbalabs and Governance Guild.
Description - Activities, estimated time allocation and project duration to contribute a lesson to PBL course [Decision] - Move Finalization Stage before Audit to indicate lesson writer opportunity to do final changes. [Decision] - Audits make the decisions to edit, include or withhold lesson from publications. Insight - Andre interested in Auditing role
Description - This window is used to create a snapshots of PBL lesson development statuses. Insight - 3 new Background lesson tasks were picked up Insight - We have completed 2 lessons Insight - We have 4 to be finalized Insight - 4 lesson more in editing stage [Decision] - 22nd Tuesday is final date for finalizing and then starts auditing stage.
Description - Form to gather feedback from Dework PBL participants https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMKxVYILl1gPksYgE3ZrmbQl6x26hvu0b4wH4LzCQOwr9xUw/viewform Dework [Action] - Form to be updated and checked again next meeting Insight - In meeting we gathered a lot of feedback to improve Feedback form.
[Action] Audit finalized lessons and add updates to Andamio [Action] Set up services to host PBL content courses online
Establishing or maintaining processes to help community members to efficiently collaborate together
Video Summary:
Description - What are the requirements to establish a workgroup or a program? [Decision] - To establish any workgroup, related to team structure we always need to know Cardano Wallet Address, Discord name and the skills required for the workgroup to run. [Action] - Come back to Team section and describe onboarding differences for each workgroup type. Insight - if possible we always would like estimation of resource costs and work rate both actual and real rate Insight - real rate is average market rate for the time. Insight - Seed workgroups do not require measuring their workgroup, but establish workgroups and programs do Insight - Seed workgroups do not require proposal to be established, but beyond that it is required. Insight - to create a program you would require a process model documentation.
Next meeting we will cover roadmap section.
Code of Ethics for SNET Ambassador Cadre.
2.25 hours.
Walter aka WaKa; Kenric; Iain; Psychonaut Guy; Rojo; Sucre n Spice; Mayor Defi; Devon Hardy; Mickylala; Headelf [Facilitator].
A wide ranging, passionate and civil conversation was held. It was part of the meeting and Guild ground rules that all participants respect all others, no hand raising needed but also no speaking over another speaker. Headelf rambled on about the Ambassador Program, direction, past and the reasons for looking into a code of ethics. Kenric stated that pushback on the term “Leadership”in a decentralized organisation is difficult and there was a need to maintain the term. Rojo did not have an issue with the term or the word or the image. His background is a “leader" is chosen by the people to serve and the opposite is called a dictator. [ACTION]: Rojo suggested a definition of the term “Leader” be laid down. There are many cultures and prejudices involved so an agreeable definition may be good.
Kenric stated four roles were required in a meeting (continued discussion on leader): 1. Facilitator - runs the meeting and makes the agenda; 2. Secretary - takes notes and minutes and documents; 3; Representative- an elected position to represent the constituency; 4. Leader - elected with a side note that an effective leader is one who serves. WaKa indicated the organization needs a unified vision. More possibly than stated on the Snet website. Tom indicated that with unity out of debate and diversity requires ethics and civility.
Rojo cited the American constitution and their checks and balances system. He indicated the need for it in Snet and had the thought that if you receive money or rewards the individual must be accountable. [ACTION]: A monthly or quarterly meeting on a longer then normal call for all WG and Guild Leaders to present what has been accomplished and to let the community be involved in the checks and balances system.
WaKa brought up that we (Snet ambassadors) are part of a larger organization and we need to fit in. He questioned about the Foundation about how they view us. Iain had some very insightful comments on the Foundation but more on his view about the Ambassador Program with two observations or questions: 1. What is effective? 2. Why is the Ambassadors Program a good idea? In five simple words he summed it as “To get the word out”! More convo followed and one takeaway for me (Headelf) was the concept that the Foundation (or him/ not certain on the ideation) wanted the Ambassadors to have an intangible definition and that our role should be self-defined. Ambassador education is an important item. Accepting change and questioning if a particular guild is not of value. The convo was circled back to the agenda item of ethics. It was a consensus topic that ethics should be mostly common sense of base civility. Things that go against these ethics should be handled by somebody in some fashion. There was a long convo about this but the consensus was to draw up a doc which Sucre n Spice suggested be pinned to the Discord. The base or starting point for the doc is to be a scraping of Discord room rules. | [ACTION]: headelf to draw up a doc based on Discord rules. It was agreed this Ethics doc needs to be concise.
Headelf brought up the next question of what should occur if someone violates an ethics principle. A very spirited discussion ensued. Rojo and/or Sucre n Spice initiated the idea that a violation should initiate a call to have a “nice” conversation and possible resulting after all sides were heard in a first warning. A second violation would bring a consequence. More spirited discussion held about what the consequence should be. Expulsion was most mentioned but no consensus was reached, and this was tabled until the initial doc of ethics was drafted, though it was reached consensually that the individual being addressed for an ethics violation could and would have the right to object. It was brought up that a definition is needed for Guild leadership and that this thought needs further ideation. We should focus on a worst case scenario and focus on Guild leadership. It was suggested and agreed that a group/body above the guilds is needed. Iain brought up a simple but profound concept that with an ethical statement - no one is above the law. It is needed to make certain leadership is distributed and that no one in leadership gets off, since if one is let off, the system would be worthless. [ACTION]: a need to have a wider convo about this with the Ambassadors.
It was suggested by Psyconaut Guy that the issue could be part of an NFT and regulated by a smart contract. A 51% vector was mentioned after which the Net would be burned. Kenric thought it needed to be a unanimous consent and not a vote. He brought up the concept and principles of Sociocracy For All - www.sociocracyforall.org . He indicated it should be held within the guild system. But what if wider than Guild (worst case scenario) was brought up. He indicated this needed to be considered a Judicial action and like a trial by peers needs to be unanimous. Iain brought up that the key word in this action is Consensus. He suggested a range of actions such as a 30 day time-out for an out of character outburst, etc. There was a convo around required margin for a judicial action such as we were discussing. The range was from 51%, 2/3s to unanimous. If there were a close friendship for alliance the person should/could excuse themself. This was a two hour ten minute meeting. We had several action items, thinking to do and further discussion next Wednesday at Strategy.
”Leader” - define the term for Snet use.
A regular (monthly/quarterly) meeting for Guilds to justify their budget and production.
Headelf to start a concise ethics doc based on a combo of Discord channel rules.
Initiate a wider Ambassador conversation on this initiative.
Sucre’nSpice, Headelf [facilitator] Vani, Tevo.
Onboarding Workgroup minutes, 17th Aug 2023
accessibility of meeting links & calendar, and whether it’s a problem that many ambassadors are unable to start meetings
numbers who have joined as a result of the recent onboarding email (c. 38 people)
improvements to Getting Starred channel
planning onboarding session in early Sept.
[ACTION]: Sucre, Ash and Vani to continue 1-2-1 contacts. There are 43 people on the list.
[ACTION]: Tommy to ask Walter whether he wants to lead on improvements to Getting Started channel
[ACTION]: All to use GETTING STARTED CHANNEL to add the info that should be there.
[ACTION]: Slate to be invited to share draft of Graphics WG proposal for comment whenever it’s ready
[ACTION]: At next meeting on 24th, firm up exact date of onboarding session
[ACTION]: Vani to draft slide-deck structure for next meeting, and Sucre and others to add content.
How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities?
Description - The SNET Supervisory Council provides a third of their allocation to the Ambassador program, currently 57,648 AGIX per month until 20th May 2024 Insight - We are reaching the limit of monthly budget (not enough AGIX rewards to distribute for all tasks) Insight - We have around 70k AGIX left to reach quarterly budget limit
Description - New feature idea for Dework Task Labels Insight - When bounty task includes specific tag or specific combination of tags the task can have different rate of rewards based on task points (most commonly used as hours)
Description - Where time is spent and what we are building [Decision] - Changing to Bi-Weekly meetings [Decision] - Create 1250$ fund request for awesome tools and features Andre has been building to automate Ambassador Program Treasury Management [Decision] - Reward up to 50h per month of Treasury Tool Development contributions at the rate of 25$ per hour for next quarter Insight - Improving online Dashboard with Group information for Ambassador Program, estimated 2 months of development time Insight - Current online Dashboard https://treasuryguild.com/Singularity%20Net/Singularity%20Net%20Ambassador%20Wallet
[Action] Next Treasury Guild space is used for Grassroots Governance Community Forum. Governance Challenges and Collaborative Solutions - facilitated by EszterG from SingularityNet Foundation Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYuc-qhrTkpH9VH8SbIAf4PL7tWJ6lIR_7L [Action] Next Treasury Guild Session will take place 7th September (where we go over Ambassador budgets planning)
No summary given
Rojo [facilitator] [documenter], Agus, Mahesvara, Slysyl.
Discussed workgroup progress (projects, social media,…)
New joiners presented themselves
Discussed Agus’new Deep funding video in Spanish
Discussed the ongoing vote for clips
Discussed the growth in our social media
[action] Joining the ongoing vote for clips.
Kenichi [Workgroup lead] [facilitator], Mikasa, Slate [documenter], Sucre n Spice, Devon, Cjfrankie, Rafael Jeff.
Article status: The group currently has three articles in its inventory.
Engagement on Medium: Attendees were encouraged to interact with the group's Medium posts by leaving claps and comments to enhance engagement.
Test submissions: There were two submissions for the tests. Kenichi invited everyone to review the new test.
Test review: It was proposed to review the submissions for new people together. Devon's submission was particularly appreciated.
New Scribbler: Devon's submission qualified him as a new Scribbler.
1-on-1 call: The other two participants with submissions will be scheduled for a 1-on-1 call with Kenichi.
Tasks status: The only pending task was related to "AI and Beyond."
Tweet Deck issue: The use of Tweet Deck was addressed. It now requires a premium subscription, prompting Kenichi to liaise with Ambassadors to address the situation. Consequently, there won't be any tasks related to Twitter for now.
Article suggestions: Two article suggestions were presented during the meeting.
Input session: A planned input Session among scribblers was discussed, with a proposed payment of $10 for each participant.
Blog performance: The third blog post gained traction with increasing views each month. Four articles have been published so far.
View analytics: The blog views were presented: 35 in May and 76 in June. Most views come from sources beyond current subscribers, including email and Twitter.
Visualization of performance: The group plans to visualize performance using Miro board charts.
Article release plan: The goal is to release at least three more articles before the end of the month, including "Mindplex Episode 11."
Partnership discussion: A potential partnership for the Deep Funding round 3 proposal was considered, though engagement might be affected due to lower Twitter engagement.
Monthly overview: The group is preparing to release its official first monthly overview soon. Kenichi will assume the role if no scribe is available.
Atomic essays: Kenichi inquired if anyone was familiar with atomic essays, which are 250-word essays focusing on a single idea. These might be included in the next quarter, aiming to offer concise education in the education series.
Welcoming RafaelJeff: RafaelJeff was welcomed to the program, and Kenichi offered an overview of the writer's workgroup's contribution process.
Contributions overview: Kenichi explained that contribution involves bringing article topics to meetings and showcasing content related to the topic.
Guidance for RafaelJeff: Kenichi shared the test link and editing framework with RafaelJeff.
Reviewing articles: Kenichi encouraged participation in the contribution system by reviewing articles to earn meeting rewards.
Article presentation: Slate presented his article on "Converting Theory to Reality: Case Studies of AI Solutions Built on SingularityNET."
The meeting adjourned after covering these key points, fostering an atmosphere of productive collaboration among the writers.