Week 39

Mon 23rd Sep - Sun 29th Sep 2024

Monday 23rd September 2024

Strategy Guild


INTRODUCTION - This meeting aims to discuss the Q4 plans and the concerns raised in the 2nd consent iteration.

ACTION ITEMS CHECKBOXES FROM THE LAST MEETING - Ayo led the discussion on the action items from the previous meeting. Items DONE were closed and others were left OPEN:

  1. Continue contribution to the Guild’s working document [OPEN]

  2. Intending members to update their records in the working document as they meet the Core membership requirements [OPEN]

  3. Effiom to draft and share last meeting summary [DONE]

  4. Proper documentation of Gorga’s allegation for further discussions [OPEN]

  5. Submit the Strategy Guild Q3 Report and Q4 Budget before the deadline [DONE]

  6. Adopt Last Meeting Notes - 09.09.2024 [DONE]

ONBOARD NEW MEMBERS/CORE MEMBER ROLL CALL - As an intended member, Clement was advised to add his name to the working document before it is closed. We have 10 core strategy members and 5 members. Tentatively, the document will be closed by the end of Q3.

Ayo advised the 5 who have indicated interest in becoming core members of the Guild but are yet to meet all the requirements, to ensure they update their records as they meet the pending requirements.

THE STRATEGY GUILD Q4 TASKS ROSTER - The Strategy Core members and Members were asked to go through the Guild Budget and indicate what roles they are interested in undertaking in Q4. See the Q4 task roster in the working documents.

TRANSPARENCY AND FEEDBACK: Q3 RETROSPECT - Tuso suggested in Discord that a three-person team should investigate Gorga’s claims against Ayo and Effiom. He indicated interest and volunteered to lead the committee. Cjfrankie also showed interest in being a member of this committee.

Billy asked why members needed to indicate interest in the Q4 roster. Ayo and Clement clarified the process.

THE Q4 BUDGET CONCERNS UPDATE - The summarized objections raised in the 2nd iteration are in the Q4 budget objection summaries document.

A.O.B - Ayo expressed gratitude to the participants and provided an overview of the plan for the next sessions.

Decision Items:

  • The Q4 Task roster has been created and members who want to contribute should indicate interest in the Working Document or Discord

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • The Strategy Guild working document will be closed by the end of Q3.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Tuso and Cjfrankie are members of the committee investigating Gorga’s allegations

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Continue indicating interest to the Q4 Task roster on Guild’s working document [due] 1 October 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Members are to update their records in the working document as they meet the Core membership requirements [status] todo

  • [action] The committee to investigate Gorga’s allegations of Ayo and Effiom [assignee] Tuso., Cjfrankie [due] 7 October 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Draft and make meeting notes available [assignee] effiom [due] 7 October 2024 [status] done

Treasury Automation WG

Agenda item 1 - Month of September Development Updates - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • 23.09.24 Development Updates: https://www.youtu.be/2xuSGF2KuNg

  • Updates are being tracked on Swarm Dework

  • No new updates were made to the documentation

Decision Items:

  • The JSON generator still remains the main priority for development

    • [rationale] This is the main project in the Q3 proposal, hence why it is top priority

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Next month, include the snapshot of previous month updates that were not shared [status] todo

  • [action] Test API calls for getting the hash of recognition IDs to ensure it works as intended [status] todo

Discussion Points:

  • Backlog Updates

  • Participation vs contribution tooling updates

  • Treasury Support - Transaction reversal

  • Improvements on handling of Duplicate proof

  • The effect of the updates done by Mesh

  • Adopting this template for project management: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVM7pbrUY=/?moveToWidget=3458764598084062992&cot=10

  • Should we have a better way to track Backlogs and recognize priority?

Decision Items:

  • For now, we will manually create a mechanism to filter based on new metadata standard, because there might be some infrastructure change in the near future

    • [rationale] There might be infrastructure change

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Creation of the JSONs for dashboard updates will be manual because the Treasury incident rarely happens

    • [rationale] The treasury incident of 17.09.2024 rarely happens so the JSON creation can be manual for now

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Create New Metadata Standard that redacts/filters/nullifies on-chain Recognition Metadata Standard [assignee] Tevo [status] todo

  • [action] Add calculation of INF token distribution for previous cycles to Treasury Guild action item [status] todo

  • [action] Updates to Treasury dashboard to filter out faulty transactions [assignee] André [status] todo

  • [action] Create a guiding document on how the rewards are calculated for participation reward tooling [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Treasury Automation WG Q4 Proposal and Budget fitting - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • Treasury Automation WG Budget: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19q6KtuU8F7PQLW1sTMEDxCYFI3ig1sOeUbdf2Bm5kLY/

  • What is the plan for Budget fitting for Treasury Automation WG?

Decision Items:

  • In Q4, we would focus on pulling first for API wallet address and task updates

    • [rationale] Based on priority, pulling is first and then posting can be done later

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We are taking out Import GitHub API and Tasks to Treasury Manager task for Q4

    • [rationale] GitHub PBL budget hasn't yet been approved and even if it gets approved, this might not be top priority for them in Q4

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We are taking out creation of tool to automate generating Core Contributor lists

    • [rationale] The current manually process can still be used for now

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Update the Q4 budget to reflect these decisions [status] todo

Agenda item 4 - Open Topics - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • How can others track more real time what updates happen?

  • Would a monthly update on Discord be enough?

  • How to address the updates that happen after meeting and before next month?

  • When should we reward ourselves for the Q3 proposal?

Decision Items:

  • The best template for sharing updates in between meetings would be that we don't have to change information

    • [rationale] Because we won't have to change the information and the message would be a reference

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Updates should be posted in discord Bi-weekly

    • [rationale] Since the WG meetings are Monthly, Bi-weekly is ideal. That way members get updates twice before the next meeting

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Effiom to create the meeting summary and Andre to review

    • [rationale] This was the outcome of the voting system on Miro used during the meeting

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Create a template message that reminds the last Summary and links to it. Then Shares live tasks (Swarm Dework Board) and roadmap to see future plans [assignee] effiom [status] todo


  • topics covered: Miro Board, Development, tooling, Updates, Swarm Dework, JSON Generator, Backlogs, Budget fitting

AI Ethics WG


Tasks on Github

We started by going through tasks “in progress”; -We went through feedback from the Admins (Co-chair and mentee by Vani & Colleen, WG async support by LadyTempestt, GEI reportbacks by Jenn and the WG internal management by Sucre) on Github where Sucre suggested that we pick 2 or 3 skilled documentors for our meetings to rotate by Q4 and that meeting summaries need to be completed before the end of the week so they can be closed out. These issues will be closed next week and Vani will create a fresh one against quarter 4 if we get funded.

-Event in Nigeria: Duke gave an update on the event holding in Nigeria in collaboration with African Guild this week; he said they are currently publicizing the event, everything is going as planned and it will take place this weekend(on Saturday). He said that he will share the virtual link for those who will watch online. Vani added that by next week we should be able to get a report back from Duke on how everything went. Moderation of the AI Ethics forum: The admin team will take a look at what is the best way forward for payment before the next meeting.

-Leeloo gave an update on payments for the AGI-24 pre-conference and the main conference contributors said that GEI is still working on how to make it seamless through the ambassador program or GEI directly instead of using the foundation’s suggestion of an invoice since some people involved might not be allowed to use that payment method. She added that Esther would reach out to Vani concerning the people who can send invoices for their payment.

-Documenting GEI Open Office: Jenn is doing them in batches and will get the second one in by Wednesday this week.

We went onto tasks in “to-do”; -We talked about paying people who came to the training session for interviews now that the token price is good.

-Q4 budget: We got one objection( the objector said they were not clear on what exactly our WG does or our main objectives) but it is not really a strong one since we have made this clear in our reports and WG description so every core contributor was requested to go approve our proposal if they think we should get funding. We also discussed a few items on the budget.

-Concerning the Q3 interviews, the task has been transferred to personal issues for everyone involved and every assigned person is expected to move their issue on GitHub to “in progress” once they begin the process and add comments on how the interview went I.e hours spent, reference number, any thoughts on what can be changed and improved. Clement is the first interviewer who got the task done, he said that he followed the steps gotten from the interviews’ training and it made everything seamless. Ese asked if interviewers are to formulate questions for the interview themselves and Vani said that there were not any definite rigid questions but there are general principles about what kind of questions one needs to focus on in the slides Interview training AI Ethics WG from the interviews training session and if she or anyone is unsure, they could post their questions to seek advice in the private channels for Interviewers.

-Q4 Interviews: We asked anyone up for it to jump in and put in their name although the budget for it will be dependent on what we get for funding next quarter. Duke and Vasu expressed interest in it. We will be clear about the budget next week.

-AI Ethics conversations: This issue on Github will remain under “to-do” for a while since we have done that already during the AGI-24 Pre-conference and the chill-out rooms during the main conference although it might be revisited when we come to look at our budget for Q1 2025.

-AI Ethics WG: Money questions If a person does a task badly, should we pay them? And who decides what is bad? Is there an issue about capability when assigning tasks? Does the WG have the capacity to mentor people? Colleen suggested an Ad-hoc decision cos it's subjective and a voting system. Love asked how do we rate “How badly a task is?” PG suggested having expectations for a task established in advance, and measuring what people do against guidelines. Leeloo suggested a rotation of self-elected reviewers. Ese asked “How do we judge “badly”? Sometimes task execution style varies per organization. She made an example by saying that what she might view as bad might be different from what Vani sees as bad. Vani pointed out that PG’s suggestion above might sort that out and that if a task is so bad that it has to be done again then that becomes a problem. Leeloo suggested that maybe just seeing things as either incomplete(didn't do the task) and partial complete (did the task but missing needed material?) might work.

-Vani and Love also shared a belief that If someone does not know how to do a task, they should not step up. They could also ask for mentorship - but this is ONLY if the WG has the time and money to do that; LeeLoo agreed by adding that we will always make out time to train people when necessary like we did for interviewers so they should come for it if they are interested and that if there is no time for such training then WG members should evaluate their skills and make sure they are not putting themselves up for something they can not do. Vani also added that there are going to be times when the WG won't have the time or money to offer mentorship. On the topic of subjective; Vani pointed out that just because something is subjective it doesn't mean that we can not decide on it and that so many things we think are objective are not.

-We also discussed some guidelines(what is expected from the interviews) and possible issues that could come up with payment for WG members doing interviews this quarter and the next. The guidelines are in this sheet AI Ethics Workgroup stuff! and have been posted in the private channels for interviewers.

Decision Items:

  • We agreed to use the stated guidelines for the interviews this quarter and the next.

    • [rationale] This was to clarify what we expect from the interviews assigned to some WG members

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed that having expectations on a task in advance is a great idea.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed to meet again next week so as not to mess up the current calendar.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed to have as many interviews done by October 14.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Vani to get in touch with Jenn so she can add a document with an update on GEI reportbacks for 10th September. [assignee] Vanessa [due] 30 September 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vani will reach out to Clement and agree on how much moderating the AI Ethics forum really costs after meeting with the admin team. [assignee] Vanessa [due] 30 September 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vani to create individual issues for people involved in tasks during AGI-24 pre-conference and the chill-out rooms during the main conference. [assignee] Vanessa [due] 30 September 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vani to pin the link to the consent forms for the interviews in the AI Ethics WG channels. [assignee] Vanessa [due] 30 September 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Duke is to post the link to watch the AI Event in collaboration with the African Guild online in the AI Ethics WG channel. [assignee] Duke Peter [due] 30 September 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: Q3 and Q4 interviews, Budget , money issues, Event In Nigeria, AGI-24 payments

  • emotions: contributive, interesting, Deliberative

Wednesday 25th September 2024

Research and Development Guild

Agenda Items:

  • Welcoming new members and Introduction

  • Review of last meeting summary Action Items

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: EC-Entity-Connections, W3CD-Web3-Contributors-Dashboard, CSDB-Collaboration-Skills-Database, Social-Media-Dashboard, Reputation-System-using-SoulBound-Tokens-SBTs

  • R&D New Operations System Retrospective

Collective decision Guild Members on the Entity connections

  • Follow Up > New Operations System Deployment.

Discussion Points:

  • Review of last meeting summary Action Items: Lordkizzy went through the action items for the previous meeting and we had a brief introduction.

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: Collaboration Skills Database: AJ and Advanceameyew gave updates on the hosting of the database: the teams have decided to host the database locally and they have made updates to the fields. Now the final testing is ongoing and results will be provide by this Friday, 27th Sept.

  • Discussion on Discord marketing bot: Subzero opened discussions on the developments of a Discord bot and channel that will amplify our Tweets on Discord for engagement. Lordkizzy suggested that a proposal could be created for the initiative and it could be presented to marketing guild as a community initiative, since the R&D Application process is temporary closed for now.

  • New Operations System Deployment: Lordkizzy announced that the voting system is live and he invited members to vote on the projects they wish to move forward on in Q4. He also spoke on getting feedback from the community for the system and areas for improvements.

  • Discussions on R&D New Operations System Retrospective: Lordkizzy presented the R&D New Operations System Retrospective document that will be used to gather feedback from the community to the group. In the next call, we can have an interactive session where members can provide feedback on the system. Here is the Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UzCa_pVjdCQ2WJkPXfNDa-4ic-YGjJQ-sH45gx4P_xg/edit?usp=sharing

  • Discussion on the Collective decision for Guild Members on the Entity connections: Lordkizzy indicated that a call was held to review the milestone deliverables on the project so far and noted that only 15-20% of the entire project deliverable has been submitted in the repository. Further discussions will be made on this going forward.

Decision Items:

  • We decided to extend the discussion on the Entity Connections progress.

    • [rationale] We had a small house and we felt it's best to make decisions with a larger house.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Duke to give the presentation of the Ideation Project on Impact of Lingual Differences [assignee] Duke [due] 1 October 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] AJ and Emmanuel will provide final updates on the skill database proposal [assignee] AJ, Emmanuel(advanceameyaw) [due] 1 October 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] AJ, ameyaw, kenichi to give a 3-minute presentation for the final deliverables on CSDB and Legacy system at Townhall [assignee] AJ, Advanceameyaw, Kenichi [due] 1 October 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Lordkizzy to create a group to discuss the review of the entity connections [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 25 September 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: Guilds, Tool Development, AI tooling, Operations, Deliverables, Presentation, Documentation, voting, Operations, Entity Connections, Marketing initiative, retrospective

  • emotions: Casual, speedy, Welcoming, Thoughtful, Friendly, lengthy, argumentative

Education Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], osmium, esewilliams, Billy, Kenichi, SubZero, TheFreysDeFi, Gorga Siagian, Kateri, Malik, photogee

  • Purpose: Regular weekly meeting of Education Guild, covering: Minimal Budget Request Submitted - Classrooms for 17 Spin off Projects Completed - Automation Setup Announcement - AI For Beginners and Video WG Members - AI for Beginners Demo Startup Video

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Minimal Q4 2024 budget request submitted

  • Classrooms for 17 spin-off projects completed

  • Automation setup announcement

  • AI For Beginners and Video WG members

  • AI for Beginners demo startup video

Discussion Points:

  • Slate started the meeting by greeting everyone

  • Slate let everybody know that Education Guild's budget request for Q4 2024 has been submitted for consent and that Education Guild will be requesting only a minimal budget this Quarter, as discussed previously, and working mainly from its reserves

  • Slate notified everybody that the Google Classrooms for the 17 spin-off projects have been created and are ready to be put into action

  • Slate notified everybody that we are just waiting for the quizzes to be uploaded so they can be integrated to the classroom platform, so we can start the testing for the automation

  • We discussed that Video WG members could be off assistance to Education Guild when we will be putting the "AI for Beginners" project to action. Slate reminded Ese to reach out to Video WG regarding and to discuss this potential assistance

  • At the end Osmium showcased his demo video for the AI for Beginners project, which will set the baseline for the quality for the rest of the videos

Decision Items:

  • Use Video WG members assistance for creating videos for the AI For Beginners project

    • [rationale] most of the group agreed

    • [opposing] Nil

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Start the integration for the quizzes [assignee] Slate [due] 2 October 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Start the automation setup [assignee] Slate [due] 2 October 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Reach out to video wg [assignee] esewilliams [due] 25 October 2024 [status] in progress


  • topics covered: CCCP, ideation, video WG, Q4 2024 budget, Q3 2024 report, Google Classroom, spinoffs, ai for beginners

  • emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike.

Thursday 26th September 2024

Onboarding Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: CollyPride [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], LadyTempestt, CallyFromAuron, SucrenSpice, kateri, Clement Umoh, lord kizzy, Tuso., CollyPride, TheFreysDeFi, PeterE, Duke

  • Purpose: Weekly meeting discussing how to onboard people to the Ambassador program

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Business:

  • We gave the standard reminder for new people to add their skills to the skillshare matrix

  • We agreed the minutes of the last meeting

  • We checked action items from the last meeting

  • We checked facilitation and documentation next meeting

  • Town Hall Updates - we confirmed that Tuso delivered them on the 24th as planned

  • Onboarding Journeys

  • Q4 Budget

  • Github Project Management Training

  • Gorga’s apology

Decision Items:

  • Facilitation next meeting: We reassigned Jenn's facilitation role to LadyTempestt

    • [rationale] because Jenn has not been around much lately; and because she was not present today, so missed the chance to be mentored as a facilitator.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We approved the graphics for the Onboarding Journeys. We decided we will propose a session to share them with the rest of the community on Thurs Oct 10th, at the Open Gov session. This will be led by Duke and ideally Onize as the writer of the scripts, if she is free; with CJFrankie supporting if he's able to be there.

    • [rationale] We agreed some time ago that we want to share the journeys with the wider community in an Open Gov call - looking at the infographics and discussing the barriers we identified and how the community might work to overcome them.

    • [opposing] none, although CJFrankie is unsure whether he'll be free to attend.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Budget - we noted that Onboarding WG has passed the consent process, with no objections. However, as budget fitting of around 20% will still be needed, we agreed:

  1. we will move to meeting fortnightly (this will save approx $450 in itself, plus another $350-ish on Dework and Miro work)

  2. we may move part of the research project on "onboarding to decentralisation" to Q1 2025

  3. we may decide to lose or reduce the budget line for contribution to documents

  4. the Focus Group will meet to finalise these issues and will bring a proposal for a fitted budget to the next meeting on 3rd Oct.

  • [rationale] Because the lowering percentage is likely to be around 21%, so we will need to lose around $1,200 from our budget

  • [opposing] no objections, but some concerns raised about postponing the research project any further, since it has already been postponed from Q3 to Q4

  • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • GitHub Training session was confirmed for Mon 7th Oct, and is on the Calendar already. There have been some small changes made to the publicity for the session; and the title has been changed from "GitHub Project Management" to "Project Board Demo". Also a Zoom link has been added to the publicity blurb that will be posted.

    • [rationale] Marketing had inflated it to something more extensive than it will actually be (it's not a complete guide to project management), so it has been toned down a bit to avoid giving a false impression.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • In last week's meeting on Gorga’s allegations against the WG, Gorga agreed to apologise in writing in the WG Discord channel channel, after which we will give our agreed response in writing (i.e. that if he makes any further unfounded allegations, he will be suspended from the WG for a period and will be ineligible for paid tasks). Gorga has not done this yet. We agreed that we would still like him to do so; but that if he does not do so by next week, we will still issue our agreed response in writing

    • [rationale] For clarity and transparency.

Action Items:

  • [action] Next week's facilitator: LadyTempestt. Documenter: Kateri [assignee] LadyTempestt, kateri [due] 3 October 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Tuso will give Onboarding WG town hall updates on the 24th of September. [assignee] Tuso. [due] 24 September 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Vani add clarification to the quarterly report about the onboarding work group's purpose; the purpose of closing the work group; the fact that we ARE tracking numbers of people onboarded and the time it takes; and why we find it valuable to use our shadow-mentorship approach to sharing tasks such as documentation. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dfpDaS8rNmsDbHAZipDG3XQ5BEfMmlRblq_328jbOhM/edit?usp=sharing [assignee] CallyFromAuron [due] 26 September 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Vani to send the documentation session video to Tevo, and Tevo to upload it to YouTube - see https://youtu.be/sTRa37Hslts [assignee] CallyFromAuron, Tevo [due] 26 September 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Peter to add GitHub Project Management Training to the Ambassador account Zoom calendar [assignee] Peter [due] 26 September 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Lord Kizzy to coordinate with marketing guild team to create graphics and publicize the GitHub training event on 7th Oct [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 7 October 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Photogee to timestamp the recording of the Github Board training session on 7th Oct [assignee] Photogee [due] 10 October 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vani to contact Onize to ask if she will help lead the session on the Onboarding Journeys on 10th October [assignee] callyfromauron [due] 30 September 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Onyeka to rework the Q4 roster to reflect our decision to meet fortnightly in Q4 [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 3 October 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Colleen to approach Gorga and ask him to post his written apology by the end of the month [assignee] CollyPride [due] 30 September 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Focus Group to do budget-fitting for Q4 budget [assignee] Sucre n Spice, LadyTempestt, CallyFromAuron [due] 3 October 2024 [status] todo

To carry over for next meeting:

  • Budget fitting

  • Q4 roster

  • Gorga's apology


  • topics covered: TH Update, Onboarding Journey Scripts, skills matrix, Onboarding WG Objection Summary, Q4 2024 budget, Q3 2024 quarterly report, GitHub training, GitHub, github board, Budget fitting, apology, allegations, Focus Group, research, Marketing WG, fortnightly, biweekly, meeting dates

  • emotions: small, low attendance, chatty, Friendly, analytical

LatAm Guild

  • Type of meeting: Biweekly

  • Present: guillermolucero [facilitator], SergioBenaR [documenter], guillermolucero, Martin Rivero, SergioBenaR, Daniela Alves, Andrea Dekovic

  • Purpose: @SNET_LatAm Invitation to contribute with Copa América Solana; next activities for Q4 2024.

Agenda item 1 - Operations SubGroup - [carry over]


An invitation was received to support the Solana Cup in Brazil, where SingularityNET and Fetch.AI are sponsors.

Decision Items:

  • A team from the SingularityNET LatAm Guild will support the Solana Cup in the activities requested by the organizers, according to the available budget.

Action Items:

  • [action] The ambassador team members will provide support in the event's Discord channel, according to their availability and the schedules that will be assigned in the coming days [assignee] Martin Rivero, SergioBenaR, guillermolucero, inesgav, Andrea Dekovic, Daniela Alves [due] 30 octubre 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Martín and Sergio will host an X Space, alternating their participation and establishing times for news from the ecosystem, the LatAm community, and news from outside the ASI ecosystem [assignee] Martin Rivero, SergioBenaR [due] 18 octubre 2024 [status] done

Agenda item 2 - Strategy SubGroup - [carry over]


Next week, the Spanish ambassador to Brazil will be in São Paulo and will meet with Daniela Alves. The meeting could also address the topic of technology and SingularityNET.

Decision Items:

  • Daniela will meet with the Spanish ambassador in Brazil, listen to the Spanish government's approach and comment on the current situation of SingularityNET as a member of the ASI in terms of capabilities and infrastructure, to see if there is interest in forming a common agenda.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Daniela will meet with the Spanish ambassador in Brazil [assignee] Daniela Alves [due] 4 octubre 2024 [status] done

Agenda item 3 - Marketing SubGroup - [carry over]


Ambassadors are constantly invited to different events that will take place in the coming months. There is also the possibility of proposing events to different communities and organizations in various countries, to continue communicating the activities of SingularityNET and ASI, as part of the LatAm community activities for Q4. This week the main event of Nerdearla tiakes place, Martin was invited to participate as a representative of SingularityNET. Sergio presented an initiative to hold an event, taking advantage of contact with Deputy Mariela Baldivieso in Bolivia.

Decision Items:

  • Initiatives and events proposed by community members will be supported, provided they are aligned with the established objectives.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Martín will take photos, record videos, and generate content by asking 3 prepared questions to share on social media [assignee] Martin Rivero [due] 26 septiembre 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Sergio will present a one-pager about the event he proposed, detailing the objectives, date and requirements [assignee] SergioBenaR [due] 31 octubre 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Martín will present a proposal for possible content for the "evolution stage" within Bitconf 2024, where he could give a talk [assignee] Martin Rivero [due] 31 octubre 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Reproduce and amplify the work of Daniela and María in their proposal funded in Deep Funding Round 4, as well as propose translations into Spanish of the material they selected [assignee] guillermolucero [due] 4 octubre 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: content calendar, Rewards, events, strategy, Meeting Summaries

  • emotions: Collaborative, Strategic, Task-focused, teamwork

African Guild


Kickoff: After being away for a while, the African Guild meeting looks forward to a promising quarter (Q4). The meeting started with Duke welcoming everyone. To begin with, he expressed his heartfelt appreciation to all those who consented to the Guild's Q4 budget proposal; however, he hinted that there are still some minor fittings to be made.

Q4 Budget Walkthrough: Following that, we switched gears to tackle the Q4 budget proposal. With screen-sharing, Duke showcased the areas that needed to be funded, including but not limited to AMA sessions, task management, Town Hall updates, facilitation and documentation, projects, and initiatives! He also acknowledged and appreciated people who usually come to his DM to share cool ideas. He encourages such people to always come to meetings just so they can let the entire community be aware of their ideas.

Event Update: Duke shared an update on the forthcoming "Ubuntu and AI" event in Abuja, Nigeria; he mentioned that he would share a video with the community. Duke added that the initial participation threshold was 30 to 40 people; however, over 60 people have registered. To this effect, the team will have to shuffle names to select people who will attend in person randomly. More so, he said that he would share a form with the community to share their thoughts, concerns, and everything they’d like the team to consider. He urged everyone to register for the event and have them broadcast the event to other communities. Just so you know, registering for this event will give individuals access to stream the event virtually from the comfort of their homes.

Decision Items:

  • A little while ago, our weekly meetings turned into a biweekly routine due to the fall of AGIX price and/or there weren’t enough funds in the Treasury; we have agreed to reinstate the African guild weekly meetings since Q4 is already looking promising and we have a lot to catch up on.

  • Due to the fact the members weren’t contributing to documents as they normally would, we have decided to take out the compensation for commenting on documents from the Q4 budget.

Action Items:

  • [action] Duke to share the Ubuntu and AI event video on the African Guild Discord channel. [assignee] Duke [due] 3 October 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Duke to share a link to the registration form so people can stream the event online. [assignee] Duke [due] 28 September 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: Event, Nigeria, Town Hall, Treasury, communities, Q4 2024 budget, AGIX price, meeting cadence, Budget fitting, Ubuntu and AI, consent process

  • emotions: forward-thinking, funny , interesting, insightful

Friday 27th September 2024

Writers Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Kenichi [facilitator], Cjfrankie [documenter], Kenichi, cjfrankie, LadyTempestt, Gorga Siagian, Emmanuel Issac, Ines, Mikasa, AJ

  • Purpose: Weekly meeting of the writers' workgroup, centered on the Q4 proposed budget.

  • Working Docs:


Kenichi started the meeting as he normally would; he welcomed everyone, and then he highlighted the meeting agenda. He started by asking the scribes if the published drafts on the community page had been edited. Cjfrankie answered that Gorga submitted his draft a few hours before the meeting, so the review will be done over the weekend. Kenichi also urged Ines to submit the Overcoming Nursing Challenge document to the community page. Moving forward, he shed light on the MIX POST social media tool; he hinted that Video WG is already using it and it’s time for the WWG to explore the tool. A lot of conversations happened in the Zoom Chat — Ines Gavina, Lady Tempestt, and Gorga took to the chat to talk about exploring more social platforms like Reddit, Quora, and LinkedIn, to expand our reach as a community. Gorga also showed interest in writing an article about the token event in Singapore featuring Jasmine from Rejuve.

Budget Update: We tackled the budget discussion together. Following a discussion in the OpenGov call on 26th September, it is clear that our budget only needs a slight edit to have it pass. According to the Treasury, we only have to make a 20% cut, and to this effect, we glanced through the budget sheet to see the areas we can adjust. Additionally, Kenichi mentioned that moving forward, we will be focusing more on ecosystem-related articles and Twitter threads while the community page takes a break since we have published quite some articles over the last couple of months. Kenichi talked about reducing Zealy allocation, and how WWG and Video WG are joining forces toward making Zealy a success. To keep Zealy fully functional, Video WG will send some allocation while we keep running Zealy three times in a quarter. Ines suggested that we take our Spanish page management from the WWG budget and have it led by the LatAm guild. Interestingly, we have reallocation funding coming into the WWG account; however, Kenichi is still in close contact with Tevo, and he will share more detailed information as we move further along. Kenichi stated that due to the low token price, Zealy is on hold till further notice and the Friday trivia game will become biweekly.

Decision Items:

  • We decided that the Zealy allocation will come from both the WWG and the Video WG to save cost, and we’re also looking forward to moving it to the marketing guild.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided to change the Friday trivia game from weekly to biweekly, due to budget constraints.

    • [rationale] Due to the token price and budget fitting, we might not be able to fund the trivia if it keeps running on a weekly basis. Rather, a bi-weekly schedule will save us some money.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] The scribes to edit the latest drafts submitted to the community page.

[assignee] Cjfrankie [due] 4 October 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Gorga to share the Rejuve token 2049 event topic idea in the writers' Discord channel. [assignee] Gorga Siagian [due] 4 October 2024 [status] in progress


  • topics covered: Q4 budget, Marketing Guild, Twitter threads, Triva, community page, Zealy, video WG

  • emotions: quiet, Discursive, calm

Marketing Guild

Discussion Points:

  • Notion Setup Completion: The Notion workspace has been successfully set up.

  • Documentation Aesthetics: Kenichi suggested improvements to the aesthetics of the documentation, noting that the current layout could be enhanced.

  • Budget Approval: The proposed budget for Q4 has been officially approved.

  • Ecosystem Navigation Chatbot: Kevin proposed the idea of introducing a chatbot to help new users navigate the ecosystem more seamlessly, improving accessibility and user experience.

  • Ideation Document Status: Ese mentioned that the Ideation document is not yet ready for review.

  • SingularityNET Promotion: Kareem Thomas shared ideas on promoting SingularityNET by organizing a mascot event

  • Onboarders' Feedback: CJ gave positive feedback regarding the onboarding of new members, highlighting their smooth integration into the team.

  • Content and Engagement Update: Mikasa noted that there has been a lot of content and announcements recently, which have garnered significant engagement from the community.

  • Scheduling tools: kateri recommended Later for social media Automation

  • Kenichi mentioned that Singularity new ambassador Mascot initiative was fair enough

Action Items:

  • [action] Ese to present the Ideation document once it is ready. [assignee] Ese Williams [status] in progress

  • [action] Ese to update the necessary document so that Zealot can get started on their tasks. [assignee] Ese Williams [status] in progress

  • [action] Kareem Thomas to provide a detailed document outlining strategies for promoting SingularityNET in a fun and engaging way. [assignee] Kareem [status] in progress

  • [action] All members to submit their activities on Tally form [assignee] All Members [status] todo


  • topics covered: Onboarding, Documentation, Ambassador Program marketing, Zealot, mascot, chatbot, Notion, Q4 2024 budget,

  • emotions: Friendly, warm, ideas, progressive

Saturday 28th September 2024

Gamers Guild

  • Type of meeting: Biweekly

  • Present: Slate [facilitator], devon [documenter], Gorga Siagian, hotasiro, martinsoki, malik, CollyPride, SubZero, hufiumer69, rebel, TheFreysDeFi, scarecrow, kateri

  • Purpose: Regular meeting of Gamers' Guild. This meeting centered around participants showcasing their progress and discussing improvements for their workgroup models.

Discussion Points:

  • Slate outlined the meeting agenda

  • Slate began by noting that the Gamers' Guild budget was approved in the initial iterations, highlighting that the quarterly report was well-prepared and met everyone's expectations. He congratulated all the members of the guild.

  • Next, workgroup updates were presented, and Kateri showcased the Archives Workgroup model. It featured an impressive design that conveyed the ambiance of a library. Suggestions included enhancing the detailing and slightly increasing the length of the upper floor.

  • CollyPride presented the R&D Guild model, which required significant revisions as it resembled the Video Workgroup's building. Slate agreed to help help the creators in revamping it.

  • Photogee presented the Dework PBL Workgroup model, which featured an attractive design with a helipad on top. Inside, there were images of Dework displayed on the walls. Slate suggested arranging the pictures more orderly and recommended adding additional elements related to Dework PBL. He noted that the colors and textures should reflect the Dework aesthetic, but overall, it was a commendable model.

  • Martin presented the Treasury Guild, starting with an exterior view of the building, which featured "Treasury Guild" prominently displayed along with a dollar sign above. Inside, there was a depiction of the treasury dashboard and a counter where members were conducting transactions. A vault, guarded by security personnel, was also included, along with a newly added treasury meeting room. Suggestions were made for improvements, indicating that many additional elements could enhance the building.

  • Finally, Malik showcased the Education Guild building, which featured impressive interior design and a futuristic aesthetic, including a hologram representing a digital twin. The walls displayed infographics and NFTs. The main suggestion was to reduce the building's size, to which Malik responded that the Education Guild has many upcoming projects, and that space could be utilized to represent them.

  • Slate then announced the workgroup creators who will assist him in developing the VR map. The two modelers are Gorga and Kateri who created the Archives Workgroup. He also mentioned that he will soon select two additional workgroup creators as the quarter begins, noting that everyone now understands how to build on Roblox.

  • Slate also mentioned that he is exploring ways to incorporate the Sophiaverse dialogue system into the game.

Decision Items:

  • Kateri and Gorga will assist Slate in making the VR map

    • [rationale] This is due to their good development skills.

  • Treasury guild and archives workgroup models were finalized

    • [rationale] They are mostly complete.

Action Items:

  • [action] Animation & Dialogue System - Education Guild [assignee] malik, hufiumer69 [due] 12 October 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Animation and dialogue system - Treasury Guild [assignee] martinsoki, scare-crow [due] 12 October 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Animation and dialogue - Archives Workgroup [assignee] GorgaSeagian, kateri [due] 12 October 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Department Creation - Dework PBL [assignee] rebel, Photogee [due] 12 October 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Department Creation - R&D Guild [assignee] oep, CollyPride [due] 12 October 2024 [status] in progress

Game Rules:

No games played


  • topics covered: Roblox, metaverse, department creation, work updates, mentorship, Animation, Map creation, dialogue, VR map

  • emotions: Friendly, Collaborative, informative, Building, contributive

  • games played: no game

Last updated