Week 27

Mon 1st Jul - Sun 7th Jul 2024

Monday 1st July 2024

Strategy Guild


The meeting began with technical issues being addressed and the meeting agenda being shared and made accessible to all team members. The team discussed the use of routine tools and resources such as Discord SNET server, Zoom, and Google Docs. Ayo suggested discussing the budget first due to time constraints and the relevance of the topic. The team discussed the quarterly budget, focusing on the Agix token prices and its impact on the budget.

They calculated the approximate value in dollars and compared it to the previous quarter's budget. The discussion revolved around the allocation of the budget across different workgroups and guilds. There was a focus on ensuring fair distribution and maximizing the value of the available budget, with concerns raised about excessive allocation to certain areas and the potential impact on the community.

The team discussed reducing hourly rates and increasing work hours to maintain the total budget at $30. There was a debate on the appropriate hourly rate and the amount of work required for different tasks, leading to a decision to continue the discussion asynchronously on Discord. Gavriel proposed compensating core contributors with $4,000 for 15 hours of strategy development and discussion, with each core member expected to contribute 5 hours.

Billy suggested reducing the hours to 5 or 6 per week for three core members, and emphasized the need to learn and adjust as they go. Gavriel and others discussed the complexity of developing a knowledge management and dissemination strategy, emphasizing the need for strategic alignment across the community. There was a debate about the role of delegation and the overlap with the Knowledge Base workgroup.

Billy and Gavriel addressed concerns about the budget. Ayo clarified the distinction between weekly meetings and workshops, and encouraged everyone to access the strategy budget proposal document for further discussion and input.

Decision Items:

  • An agreed number of hours to be put into supporting and influencing strategic alignments across the community per week

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Overlap of knowledge management and dissemination strategy in budget with Knowledge Base WG

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Keep notes, create summary for today's meeting, and move to summary tool [assignee] Effiom [due] 5 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Share the strategy budget proposal document in the public space and make it accessible for everyone to read and make comments [assignee] Ayo [status] todo

  • [action] Post the reviewed and updated Strategy guild Q3 budget before the deadline [assignee] Ayo, SoundWaves [due] 1 July 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: Budget , Strategy Guild, Documentation, contribution, Workshop, Tasks, management, Facilitation

  • emotions: Collaborative, decisive, progressive

Treasury Guild

Agenda item 1 - Review of Increase in Q3 Budget - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • How would budget-fitting be managed?

  • The need to inform Guild/WG whose budget have been approved of a tentative lowering percent figure before budget-fitting is finalised

  • Possibilities of increasing the budget of the entire Ambassador Program

  • What should be the tentative lowering percent figure be?

Decision Items:

  • Budget fitting will be applied to all Q2 budget request once all proposals are finalized

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • The proposal budget can be reduced and increased after submission in each iteration

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • If the budget is increased above 10% after first submission, a new consent round is needed

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Each Guild/WG manages their own budget and decides what to they don't do or where they lower funds

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Work on budget-fitting for Q3 [assignee] Tevo [due] 8 July 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Next Steps on finalising Q3 Budget - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Discuss on the new timelines for the final phase of Q3 proposals

  • Proposed dates for the final iteration

  • Would there be need for another iteration and consent round?

  • Potential retrospective look at Q3 budget process during Gov WG on 16th July

Decision Items:

  • Another consent round might be needed if WG completely change their proposals

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Gov WG Review 9th July

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • IF NEEDED: new Consent Forms on 10th July

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • The proposed timeline for the consent round is 10th - 14th July 2024

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Final Treasury Guild Review 15th July

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Gov WG Retrospective on whole process on 16th July

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Prepare consent form for next round if required [assignee] Tevo [due] 9 July 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Summer Time - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • Outlook of program activities during summer break

  • The effectiveness of having a vacation calendar?

  • Summer break might aid WG in managing their budget for Q3

Decision Items:

  • Entire month of August off for Treasury Guild

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Guilds/WG to decide how they would navigate their activities during the summer break

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • No significant decision to be made during the summer break

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople


  • topics covered: Budget fitting, Q3 budget, consent, Summer break, Lowering percent, management, Iteration

  • emotions: decisive, bit quiet, Collaborative

Treasury Policy WG

Agenda item 1 - Review of Submitted Treasury Policies - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Discussion on the proposed budget-fitting policy

  • List of policies: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-tAwCD3vrXNSbUdQApljTVMfFGVDJo6PBdM39CO73Uk/edit?usp=sharing

  • The impact of budget-fitting on the activities of guilds/WGs in the program

  • Incentivise lowering budget for guilds and WG

  • Is funding of only core activities an ideal approach?

  • Should we have a maximum amount of a budget for core costs?

  • Should equal budget-fitting be considered?

  • Is the incentive of lowering budget and making sure only core activities are covered, good or bad?

Action Items:

  • [action] Make report template public [assignee] Tevo [due] 8 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Review of previous quarters to aid with budget-fitting for Guilds/WG [assignee] all [due] 15 July 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Minimum Requirement to submit Policy Feedback - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • What counts as a Treasury policy?

  • How do we define scope in the creation of a Treasury policy?

  • Is anyone within the program allowed to submit a policy or just members of the WG?

  • Key questions to be asked in the feedback form?

  • How relevant is asking if policy is within scope? It seems obvious

Action Items:

  • [action] Provide feedback on policies through feedback form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSev-uthFleaINLCJivcNWT4TWjTfx4AwbH1kSkKNrgM9dTxsg/viewform [assignee] all [due] 15 July 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: WG Budget, Feedback Form, Budget fitting, scope, Core activities, Rules, Decentralization

Tuesday 2nd July 2024

AI Ethics WG


Safety and Ethics across sNET

  • Esther is sitting in on interviews with people in the ecosystem re safety and ethics issues

  • Matthew Newman (was on 1st Supervisory Council) is working on creating a structure for developing safety and ethics internally in sNET as a whole

  • LeeLoo is working on similar with the spinoffs

How to gauge interest from Ambassador Program in attending AGI24?

  • Visa concerns will be stronger as it's in the US and it's soon.

  • Can offer a letter of invitation from Program chair, which might help people secure a visa.

  • Virtual engagement is possible too - GEI is planning a virtual Round Table on 7th August and a 6-month followup.

  • Hoping to have some of the roundtable discussions at AGI24 virtually too - would be great to have Ambassador program involved

Naming competition

  • Want to announce the GEI's existence at AGI24 - hence, naming competition will launch soon.

  • If winner is inappropriate, how will we choose?

  • Planning to use Jokerace - but should there be a proxy vote system for those who don't wish to connect a wallet?

  • How is voting weight determined on Jokerace? Group members will test it. If it is plutocratic (i.e. 1 token 1 vote) we will not use.

  • How to publicise it on socials?

  • A 1-pager has been written to outline what the GEI is and ensure people understand what they are naming. Guillermo will transdlate to Spanish and Portuguese.

Asia/Pacific Internet governance networks

  • Jenn is working with these - they have an initiative to learn about AI ethics. Can it be integrated with the GEI?

  • LeeLoo: education is a huge part of the GEI, but in the longer term. Current focus is on gathering the public's opinion. We can connect in a few months, when we move more towards education.

Scope of GEI survey Clement: is it within sNET< or wider? Haley: It's for all voices, including those not in WEb3 groups. LeeLoo: I have a good grasp of marginalised communities that don't use much tech, and how to engage them.

Licensing of materials collected from surveys and interviews

  • Agree Creative Commons all the way!

  • CC BY-NC sharealike preferred

  • Do we licence material to individual interviewees? Always best to licence to a person, not an organisation, since organisations change; but this could be fiddly to manage and a problem if people do not want to be named.

  • To be discussed further

Decision Items:

  • Naming competition will be launched in next week or two, with a 1-week window for people to sugggest names. Probably using Jokerace. $50 prize.

    • [rationale] need to get new name in place ideally before AGI24

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We'll link up with Jenn's Asia-Pacific Internet Governance networks at some point in future months

    • [rationale] because at the moment the focus for GEI is on collecting opinion, not education

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We'll return to the discussion on licencing and Creative Commons in a future meeting

    • [rationale] need to determine WHO we should licence material from interviews to?

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Find out feasibility of Ambassador Program attending the 2 forthcoming AI events: still considering; will depend on budget. GEI has secured some funding from the Foundation for this (they have matched the AI Ethics WG's Q2 budget, c. $3,800) [assignee] Haley, Esther [due] 16 July 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Request Info Merge for Current Regulations Worldwide from Janet: done, and in LeeLoo's https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cmHgsHqsESL-OPu8GPOUQIvdQ3ZtlOJM0THrSt5X2zE/edit?usp=sharing doc [assignee] LeeLoo, Esther [due] 2 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Meet with Ecosystem to aggregate information on what ethics policy or committees we have already - big piece of work, and will be ongoing indefinitely - maybe assess progress at the end of the quarter [assignee] LeeLoo [due] 30 September 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Haley will write something on what Ambassador Program attendees at AGI24 need to achieve [assignee] Haley [due] 16 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Guillermo will raise the iissue of Ambassador attendance at AGI24 at Ambassador TH [assignee] Guillermo [due] 9 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Guillermo will translate the 1-pager about the GEI for the naming competition into Spanish and Portuguese [assignee] Guillermo [due] 16 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Colleen, Esther, Haley and Clement to test Jokerace [assignee] CollyPride, Clement Umoh, Esther, Haley [due] 16 July 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: AI ethics, Global ethics initiative, AGI24, visa, Jokerace, naming competition, plutocracy, 1 token 1 vote, education, survey , survey scope, marginalised communities, inclusion, Creative Commons, licensing, Asia Pacific, Internet governance network, South East Asia, SE Asia, Translation, virtual participation, virtual round table

  • emotions: Businesslike., interesting, Organised, good humored

Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Education Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], esewilliams, Clement Umoh, Slate, sakujennbornean, martinsoki, oep, malik

  • Purpose: - Budget Cuts Distribution -Ese assignment of AI for beginner project - ACP Blueprint deadline - redistribution of tasks

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Budget Cuts Distribution

  • Ese assignment of AI for beginner project

  • ACP Blueprint deadline

  • redistribution of tasks

Discussion Points:

  • Slate started the meeting welcoming everybody

  • we had a discussion on how to fit our budget with all the projects

  • Ese to take up blueprint of Ai for beginners to highlight its objectives and tasks related to it

  • Commenting of ACP blueprint will last till friday

  • Task redistribution was done to active members for delayed tasks

  • Clement said that he is sick and will soon be deleivering his info as he gets better

Decision Items:

  • Ese task creation for blueprint

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • merge "Ai for beginners" and "understanding Decentralized Ai" docs

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup


  • topics covered: ACP, Blueprints , Budget , project assignment , AI for beginners

  • emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike., speedy

Research and Development Guild

Agenda Items:

  • Welcoming new members and Introduction

  • Review of last meeting summary Action Items






Discussion Points:

  • Welcoming of new members: Advanceameayew, Clement and Dan Watkins introduced themselves

  • Discussions on ASI Merger updates: Peter gave a few updates on the ASI token merger and highlighted that we are currently in the first phase of the transaction. He also indicated the increase in the number of scams that might occur due to the migration

  • ACTION ITEMS MEETING: Lordkizzy went through the action items from the previous meeting summary

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT TO FILL REPOS! Duke indicated that he has completed the research project on Inclusivity of people with Disabilities and it has been uploaded to the Repo.

  • NEW OPERATIONS SYSTEM / R&D Guild Going Forward - Guillermo highlighted the structure of operations going forward to the team, he indicated some rules like: Proposals must contain a core team of at least two members, also Guild members can't be involved in more than one project at a time, Proposals must highlight a precise timeline and milestones. Guillermo also reflected on the previous decision, that "50% of tokens will be distributed once a project achieves 80% completion".

  • Discussions on the overlapping concern presented by the community: "I do not understand the value of this project, should be further brought up in the General Ambassador Program, because I read it as the system we have already in place. Or if it's only related to the R and D guild then include that scope that is something you build for your own workgroup." Guillermo highlighted the similarities between Rojo's project on Web3 contribution dashboard and Kenichi's project on Loyalty system. Kenichi highlighted the difference between the Treasury dashboard and the loyalty system. Guillermo also requested that Kenichi writes a 1 page document addressing concerns about the overlapping proposals and collaboration with existing projects.

Decision Items:

  • We decided that Duke was going to receive half of the initial budget allocation in Q2 Distributions and the remainder will be sent out in Q3

    • [rationale] The budget allocation was not well addressed by Treasury in Q2 but the Guild gave a go ahead to Duke on the project so the remaining payments will come from Q3

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Guilermo to ideate to see how Vasu can collaborate with guild members on project [assignee] Guillermo [due] 3 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Colleen to draft out a proposal for her initiative on The Quest for AI Game Design [assignee] Colleen [due] 3 July 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Guillermo to work on the R&D GUILD Q3 QUARTERLY REPORT / UPDATE PROPOSAL and present it to treasury [assignee] Guillermo [due] 3 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Kenichi to write a one page document addressing concerns about the overlapping proposals and collaboration with existing projects [assignee] Kenichi [due] 10 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Dan Watkins and advanceameayew to fill in the Onboarding Document and share that with the group [assignee] Advanceameyaw, Dan Watkins [due] 10 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Guillermo to have a discussion with Rojo and Kenichi on similarities between their projects and to see if there is a possibility for collaboration [assignee] Guillermo [due] 10 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Guild to create a infographic to present the two completed projects to the community [assignee] Guild [due] 10 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Guillermo and Lord kizzy to prepare the first draft of operations of the R&D Guild going forward [assignee] Guillermo, lord kizzy [due] 10 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Duke to prepare a short text to share with the community on the Disabilities research project and to invite them to the document to make comments. [assignee] Duke [due] 10 July 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Guilds , Budget , Tool Development, Proposal, AI tooling, deliverables, Budget Request, Q2 budget, Budget preparation, contributors, Rewards, Overlapping projects, Community Concerns, Operations, Disablities, Research, game design, operations system, proposal rules, Rules, inclusion, Token merger, scams, contribution dashboard, contribution, loyalty system

  • emotions: straightforward, questioning, speedy , Casual, Friendly

Dework PBL

  • Type of meeting: Biweekly

  • Present: Tevo [facilitator], Tevo [documenter], Advanceameyaw, decentralrenegade, Effiom, Gorga Siagian, lord kizzy, malik, martinosoki, Tevo

  • Purpose: This Workgroup focuses on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework on the Andamio platform in collaboration with Gimbalabs and Governance Guild

  • Miro board: Link

  • Other media: Link

Agenda item 1 - Reviewed PBL course edits based on previous session feedback - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • Going over general changes

  • Skimming through all BBK activities for reviewing

Decision Items:

  • We have concluded 3rd iteration of the Dework PBL Course and it is fit for async use

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Continue to hold space in regular bi-weekly sessions for onboarding and asking people to if they need help [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Participation Reward Calculation Tools and Dashboard Designs - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Reviewed dashboard designs for reviewing labels, members and time allocated to contribution type

  • We made different scenarios and raised thoughts on how different reward weights can affect participation reward

  • How could other workgroups benefit from these tools?

Decision Items:

  • The Tools for algorithm design will be built into the Treasury Manager.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Connect design with functions to request the expected data into the dashboards [assignee] Tevo [status] todo

  • [action] Create base algorithms and functions to combine different inputs into expected results [assignee] Tevo [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Next Steps - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • What should be our next collective activity?

  • How should we approach creating a Quarterly Report?

Decision Items:

  • Continue building out the Reward Calculation Tooling as it will be adopted by Knowledge Base WG, Treasury Guild and Treasury Policy WG.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Draft framework for Q2 Proposal and fill with Dework PBL Q2 relevant links [assignee] Effiom [status] todo


  • topics covered: PBL, Dework, Miro Board, Lessons, Google Form, Andamio, Q3 quarterly report, contribution, reward weights, rewards, contribution type, Treasury Manager, reward calculation

Thursday 4th July 2024

Onboarding Workgroup

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Agreeing to the minutes of the last meeting. We also agreed to add some neutral information regarding why the meeting was "argumentative"; the summary also lacks relevant tags. Kateri noted she didn't include them because she thought she wasn't meant to add them.

  • Action items from the last meeting.

  • Quarter 3 Budget

  • The new set of onboarders.

  • The Buddy System Reports.

  • Update on the onboarding Skillshare matrix.

  • Suggestions towards better Onboarding processes.

  • The onboarding facilitation/documentation roster.

Decision Items:

  • Following a discussion with the “onboarding WG facilitation/documentation roster,” we decided that we would have two people document meetings (an old member and a new member), and then we would make a comparison between the two summaries — this idea will help first-timers spot their mistakes and improve on their next try. The same goes for meeting facilitation.

    • [rationale] Give people a chance to showcase and learn confidently those skills they're passionate about.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • In view of the Skillshare matrix document, we have spotted the skills that group members consider to be "core" skills, namely (report writing, documentation/note-taking, facilitation, community engagement/co-production, understanding decentralized governance, and understanding the ecosystem). We decided to use the skillshare matrix to identify someone in the WG who has any of these skills so he or she would have a session with others to teach the skill(s) to them. However, this decision is also budget-dependent. If we have a good amount after the cut, we can pull this off.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Vanessa to chase Kateri for a one-on-one call to show how the summary tool works and how to do proper meeting documentation with it. [assignee] CallyFromAuron [due] 11 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Sucre to revamp the getting started document. [assignee] Sucre n Spice [due] 11 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Lady Tempestt to share the Buddy System Report document in the ambassador’s channel. [assignee] LadyTempestt [due] 11 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Gorga Siagian to fill out the Whentomeet form for the forthcoming onboarder orientation meeting. [assignee] Gorga Siagian [status] done

  • [action] Other WGs and guilds have used a Buddy System mechanism. Vanessa to find out where this information was mentioned, to share our report with them [assignee] Vanessa [due] 11 July 2024 [status] done

To carry over for next meeting:

  • Q3 budget — following a discussion with Q3 budget cut and knowing how to move forward with delivering the top selected skill sets from the Onboarding WG Skillshare Matrix.

  • “Onboarding journeys” update


  • topics covered: Relevant tags, Q3 budget projections, onboarding processes, the onboarders, skills matrix, buddy system reports

  • emotions: informative, productive, cheerful, Friendly, Collaborative, supportive

African Guild


The meeting started with Clement greeting everyone, whilst Ese was not around to greet in all languages, Emmanuel (advanceameyaw) was on the spotlight to greet in his but had background noise challenges. Action items from the last meeting: Identify and touch base virtually with other AI/Web3 communities across Africa https://www.wada.org/ https://www.wims.io/ African Leadership University (ALE) Rwanda Sucre and Love to create an onboarding structure for new members (everyone is free to participate) - Completed Clement to conduct research on best countries to spread and penetration strategies (Phase 1 completed) Clement apologized for delays in the second phase of the project due to health issues. He plans to integrate recommendations from the last meeting summary and aims to complete this by the next meeting.

Ayo to create Initiative and Contribution Framework Document. Ayo emphasized that while the document framework has been established, the focus now shifts from creation to active contribution. Given its comprehensive nature involving multiple sections, Ayo stressed that completing it shouldn't fall solely on one person but should be a collective effort. He highlighted the importance of avoiding redundancy within the document, noting specific sections like onboarding influenced by Sucre n Spice's work and strategy linked to other aspects. Ayo underscored the need for initiative and widespread contribution, proposing a timeline dedicated to collaborative contributions to finalize the document efficiently.

Discussion item: How do we get more African countries to join the guild and participate in the program? (takeaways from suggestions made in last meeting - surveys, merchandise, virtual meets, physical workshops, etc).

Clement recapped the last meeting's takeaways, including conducting surveys and collaborating with other institutions to promote the guild and SingularityNet initiative. He requested input on potential partner organizations and announced that he will create a document for these recommendations in the second phase of research. Clement also reminded the guild to contribute resources to support individual projects that align with the guild's objectives.

Marketing Initiatives for the Guild Ayo and Clement discussed marketing initiatives for the Guild, including incentivizing quality people to join and creating a template for sourcing individuals from other African countries. Ayo proposed forming a four-person team to work on clear-cut marketing initiatives. So the team comes with a series of marketing initiatives for the next meeting that we all can discuss.

Bounty to upload our past meeting summaries Clement suggested uploading past meeting summaries to a summary tool developed by the Archives workgroup and proposed offering a bounty for volunteers interested in this task. Ayo and Isaac volunteered to do that.

AMA Session Update We reviewed the successful AMA session, which engaged five countries, with active participation from Kenya, Cameroon, and Ghana, and established contact with Rwanda. Ayo highlighted the need for a larger budget due to the extensive effort involved, with team members dedicating over seven hours each. Contributions from Ese, Clement, Onize and Ayo were praised. Clement emphasized customizing innovations to fit African needs, such as developing an African-specific language model. Overall, the session achieved its goals of outreach and meaningful AI discussions for Africa.

Q3 Budget Updates Clement noted that recent token prices are unfavorable, necessitating budget adjustments. Sucre suggested postponing final Q3 budget decisions until the treasury clarifies the percentage cut on July 10th, which is expected to be between 23% and 30%. While waiting, Sucre recommended identifying items to potentially reduce. Clement agreed to keep the Q3 budget pending, and Ayo concurred, especially since many guild members were absent. Clement emphasized that swift consent from the first batch of guilds shows strong support for core initiatives, allowing for a focused and strategic budgeting approach essential for solidifying the African guild's structure.

Decision Items:

  • We agreed to postpone the Q3 Budget for discussion after treasury clarifies the percentage cut.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Ayo to put a link to the framework document on the Discord channel (time frame should be included.) [assignee] Ayo [due] 20 July 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Everyone to contribute to the framework document. [assignee] All Members [status] in progress

  • [action] A session on Africa Guild Marketing Initiative. [assignee] All Members [status] todo

  • [action] Ayo and Isaac to upload our past meetings summaries in the summary tool. [assignee] Ayodele, Isaac [due] 18 July 2024 [status] in progress


  • topics covered: African, African guild, Marketing initiative, AMA Session Updates, Q3 Budget Updates, budget fitting, Kenya, Cameroon, Ghana, Rwanda, contribution framework, meeting summaries, language,

  • emotions: Friendly, funny , cool

Governance Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Felix [facilitator], OluAyoola7D, CallyFromAuron [documenter], OluAyoola7D, CallyFromAuron, Tevo, Kenichi, lordkizzy, Slate, Clement Umoh, Kareem, kateri, martinsoki, SucrenSpice, Effiom, Guillermo

  • Purpose: Open GovWG Meeting


Highlights: The effects of budget cuts on workgroups and guilds. The need for long sustainability in projects across WGs and Gs. Workgroups and Guilds have evolved over time.

WorkGroups Budget Consents: Felix list-mentioned the workgroups that have achieved budget approval consensus based off the last meeting. This includes R&D, Latam, Education.

Pending: Strategy, Marketing, Writers, Video. The concerns raised on Video WG were resolved, so it was agreed that they have now passed. RE Writers WorkGroup, Kenichi said no new changes had been made to the budget total, as the concern that was raised didn’t speak to their final adjusted budget. RE Strategy, they have redrafted their budget and cut it from $13,000 to $8,000. Vani called for ethical governance. Felix and Ayo agreed that it was not ethical to respond to old concerns based on new budget requests.

After discussion, we noted that we believe the concerns raised on Strategy, Writers and Marketing have either been addressed by the WGs making changes to their budgets, or are not relevant/are addressing something that has already been resolved; so we agreed to run a new round of consent to check if Core Contributors agree it's all resolved. Closing date for submission of forms will be Mon 8th July 2024, with final discussion in the Governance call on Tues 9th July.

About the Consent process itself: we noted that participation in the 2nd iteration was low (at most, 6 Core Contributors submitted forms). "Consent fatigue" due to repeated consent rounds? or do people not fully understand the process/not know that they have to complete a form again? Do we need a quorum?

We had the idea of setting up some sort of standard header for proposals, outlining abit what consent means, also letting people know they need to read the proposals before stating yes/no consent

Felix and Ayo said the process should be more efficient: it may be more productive if WorkGroups can simply highlight concerns and responses to concerns. We suggested that WGs should document clearly in their budgets what changes they have made to address concerns raised.

We raised the issue of anonymity - Vani believes consent forms should stay anonymous, to ensure people feel free to raise concerns.

Discussion Points:

  • The Effects of Budget Cuts

  • Workgroup Budgets Pending Approval

  • A new round of consent on adjusted budgets

Decision Items:

  • Budgets for Marketing, Strategy and Writers will go through a new round of consent, to close on July 08, 2024.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • All WGs and Gs should address, and document in their budget spreadsheets, how they have resolved any concerns raised on their budgets during the consent process

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We should work on improving engagement in the consent process.

    • [rationale] because the numbers of core contributors taking part, especially in later consent rounds, is quite low, and drops off a lot from the numbers taking part in the first round.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] All Workgroups to address any outstanding and new concerns and prepare responses for the next governance workgroup session. [assignee] all [due] 11 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Treasury Guild will set up new consent forms for all proposals. [assignee] Tevo [due] 7 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Vani will draft a message to be DM'd to core contributors with the new consent forms. [assignee] CallyFromAuron [due] 7 July 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: deadlines, community engagement, Budget , Quarterly Report, Strategy Guild, Marketing Guild, Q2 2024 quarterly reports, q3 2024 budgets, quorum, anonymity, Writers WorkGroup, video WG, core contributors, governance participation, Budget cuts, consent decision making, consent process, participation

  • emotions: Constructive, inquisitorial, Collaborative

Friday 5th July 2024

Writers Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Kenichi [facilitator], cjfrankie [documenter], Kenichi, Mikasa, cjfrankie, LadyTempestt, devon, Gorga Siagian, Ayo, Ines, Emmanuel Issac, Advanceameyaw

  • Purpose: Regular weekly meeting of the Writers' WorkGroup in the SingularutyNET Ambassador Program


The purpose of this meeting was to cite the WWG Q2 journey and how we can move forward progressively. The meeting also focused on the points system allocation from June and Zealy updates.

The meeting started with Kenichi welcoming, and then he mentioned that we only had a few items to discuss on the agenda. He started by citing the WWG Q2 journey and how we can move forward progressively.

Secondly, he mentioned the points system allocation from June and the reward balance in the Treasury. He was impressed with the performances from June, and he pointed out that whether we increase Q3 deliverables or not or our budget gets slashed, we can also visit the points system reserve to draw more pools. He also shed light on the Q3 budget concerns and the need for members to consent to the budget proposal after the meeting.

Following a discussion with the points system, Kenichi shared his screen, and he showcased the publication matrix on Medium. In the month of June, 6 articles were published on the ecosystem page, which amassed 803 reads, amounting to 1.5k views. Owing to the fact that the SingulularityNET community page is still in its infancy, the page has also amassed over 133 views, 71+ reads, and 17 followers. Without hesitation, Advance Ameyaw suggested that we strive to increase the community page engagement and also attract new followers by implementing a system, where people can invite friends and get points. Kenichi appreciated his contribution and said that we already have a system that works, which is Zealy itself, and there is an invite-friend quest on the board!

Progressively, we moved over to the Zealy side of things, and Kenichi announced that the current sprint is 10 days away from ending. Following that, we discussed the X Spanish page; Kenichi also mentioned that he'd love to know how Mikasa and Ines are tracking their activity hours — the need for tracking activity hours is essential because it is part of the concerns that were raised in Q2. He also added that the Scribes and Scribblers should try to attend the governance call whenever concerns like this are raised.

Kenichi emphasized the need for having the “pupil tag,” while stating that we give the tag to people who attend our meetings. Since our Dework channel is private, people with the pupil tag will be able to see our channel and follow up on discussions around the WWG. More so, Kenichi headed over to the “Scribbler Onboarding Form” to see how many people had filled out the form. We spotted a new response, and we would reach out! Momentarily, Mikasa asked Kenichi why we paused the “biweekly cohort session.” Kenichi cleared the air by saying that people preferred having their onboarding session during the meeting rather than editing documents, he also added that the WWG might reinstate the cohort session once again.

As a matter of finality, Kenichi announced the launch of the new “Mindplex Series: Super AI.” Lastly, he stated that he will work on the first series while other Scribblers will write on the future series yet to come.

Decision Items:

  • Following a discussion with Zealy and the SNET community page, Kenichi decided that there should be a Spanish quest tailored to grow the X Spanish.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Kenichi to chase Mikasa and Inés to get updates on X management and how they track their hours. [assignee] Kenichi [due] 5 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Kenichi to chase the individual who filled out the Scribbler Onboarding Form to see whether he or she will be interested in taking the WWG test. [assignee] Kenichi [due] 12 July 2024 [status] in progress


  • topics covered: Zealy, medium matrix, community page, zealy quest, points system, Q2 recap, mindplex.AI, Dework, Onboarding, Q3 proposal, WWG Test, consent, cohort session

  • emotions: speedy , calm, Welcoming, forward-thinking, Collaborative, progress-oriented

Video Workgroup

Discussion Points:

  • Updates from the Task manager: we had multiple submissions by zalfred, OEP, killy, Lord kizzy (2 long videos and 2clips) which have been posted in the Video WG channel and reviewed by the group. Slate also asked if he could create a new task for Clips since the previous BGI clips task is outdated.

  • Updates from the Social Media manager: Malik highlighted that he had been granted access to our socials and he stated that 2 long videos (including the Town Hall video) and 3 shorts videos (including the Town Hall Summary)

  • Zealy updates: In the previous sprint, 3 videos were posted and new videos were prepared for the next sprint which is starting in 9 days. As regards the claims, Devon is yet to discuss with Kenichi. Devon suggested the Zealy payment could come from the Video WG rather than from the points system of the Writers' WG. Slate asked if there were two allocations for Zealy in the Video WG Budget and Lordkizzy stated that it was just one allocation and it was for the reward distribution for Zealy participation; the payment for the liaison was going to come from the Writers' WG.

  • Discussion on Operations going forward: Lordkizzy laid out some essentials that needed to be implemented going forward. He highlighted the roles and responsibilities of each member and encouraged better submissions for tasks and video contents submissions. He also stated that links to posted videos on our socials should be provided in our content sheet.

  • Discussion on Q3 budget and Q2 community concerns: The major discussion was regarding the budget cuts to get our budget fitted. We all had discussions around how we could get the budget fitted; Slate suggested we reduce the amount per video, Malik suggested we take one video person rather than 2 people working on a video.

Decision Items:

  • We decide to take a pause on video productions and task allocations till we have the exact figure for the cuts, and restructure our Budget based fitted amount

    • [rationale] Members felt we had a lot of videos that are yet to be uploaded (a total of 13 videos and 4 shorts) so we could keep uploading them while we wait

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided to have a frequency on how many videos are to be posted per week: the cap was 3 long videos and 2 shorts (including the weekly Town Hall videos)

    • [rationale] This decision was made to have a structured process on how frequently we upload videos on our socials

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Lord_Kizzy to edit the Q2 Budget and Q3 Budget Proposal [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 5 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Lord_Kizzy to reach out to Rojo about the Q3 Budget reduction and try to see if he could make the next Treasury call [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 5 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Lord kizzy to have a discussion with Devon and Kenichi on Zealy operations rewards [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 12 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Zalfred and Lordkizzy to reach out to Slate (as the Task manager) informing him on the decisions made in the meeting [assignee] Zalfred, lord kizzy [due] 12 July 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Weekly updates, Budget Reduction, Budget, Budget fitting, Treasury Guild meeting, social media, Zealy Updates, Rewards, Video production

  • emotions: Casual, speedy , productive, Organised, Thoughtful, warm

Last updated