Week 51
11th December to 17th December 2023
Last updated
11th December to 17th December 2023
Last updated
Headelf [facilitator] [documenter], Curtis (PureRelativity), Rojo, Malik, Kenichi
Infographics, Platform, Video
Meeting jumped into a long convo on which educational platform to use for the ACC. Discussed at length were Kahoots, Andamio and Google Classroom. All had proponents and pros and cons. While Google Classroom may be the more expensive or on a par with Kahoots, it was felt to be the quickest and easiest to set up and use. Andamio would require some coding.
Curtis, who also was a proponent of Andamio, asked about the use and scalability of Google Classroom for beyond Education Guild. Headelf stated that one consideration was that Strategy Guild might also use the platform for training in mediation. Curtis was interested if we could use it for marketing, etc and what the expense would be. TBD.
[decision] Consensus was reached that Google Classroom was easiest and should be tried.
We are waiting on several infographics still.
1 hour
[action] Enroll in Google Classroom. [action]Build out rest of infographics. [action] Rojo to do the infographic for OpenCog Hyperon.
Nascent group that has begun to meet, but is not yet documenting
Meeting was moved to Weds 13th December 2023
Not this week
This session was a retrospective of 2023 in the Ambassador Program. Those present talked about what they felt had worked well (and not so well) this year, and what they hope for in 2024.
00:00 Introduction by Felix 02:12 Ambassador Program's timeline 16:50 Q&A 18:16 Feedback format on Miro 20:14 Peter's feedback 25:16 Judith's feedback 35:28 Vani's feedback 45:30 Guillermo's feedback 56:27 Kent's feedback 01:01:12 Curtis' feedback 01:09:33 Rojo's feedback 01:21:45 Iain's feedback 01:25:11 Erik's feedback 01:36:13 Ubio's feedback 01:45:00 Open discussion 01:52:20 Ending by Felix
No summary given
Not this week
Dework PBL meeting was replaced by Knowledge Base Workgroup rescheduled from Monday 11th Dec 2023. Knowldge Base Workgroup may move permanently to this slot.
Tevo, Andre, Peter
Aggregating Ambassador Program assets and relevant information under GitBook.
Discussion Points By default, it's better to use when2Meet without specific days for reusability
Decision items [decision] Change bi-weekly sessions from 09:00 AM UTC to 10:00 AM UTC
Action items [action] Update the ambassador calendar and zoom settings [action] Check the Getting Started page and if any updates are needed
Discussion points We discussed how to prioritize update areas to be most efficient We found GitBook updating to be less intensive work than we initially expected
Decision items [decision] We created a new title "How do we manage Financial Resources?" under the rewards section [decision] We prioritized the use of the existing GitBook structure where possible
Discussion points We improved the Onboarding sections Clarified workgroup roles and proposal impact
Action items [action] Update roadmap and estimated cost section from the past 2 session insights and experiments
Topics: Proposal, Workgroup, resource management, tools, planning, Ambassador Gitbook, Miro Board
Sources: Meeting planning tool: https://www.when2meet.com/?About New GitBook page: https://snet-ambassadors.gitbook.io/home/rewards/how-do-we-manage-financial-resources Knowledge Base Workgroup - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lb9DwNSzmToyMhl5qZG9QEFipH9ZmlnDNaVU1jYeqFc/edit?usp=sharing
How the meeting felt: We had a great time, we covered all the topics and got good results by stepping through GitBook update activities
Not this week.
Headelf [facilitator] [documenter], Rojo, Osminium, Peter
Topic Town Hall meeting, Round Table, Product Development
The first half of the meeting was lacking Peter. The attendees discussed the positives of the TH meeting on 12th December 2023 that did a retrospective of the year.
We discussed the Round Table document and the continued need for a Mediation team. It was suggested that perhaps the Strategy Guild should evolve, and add in Mediation as part of its responsibilities since it brought about the Document.
Rojo suggested we adopt the Round Table parameters within Strategy Guild as part of its mandate. That way we could explore its parameters without affecting anyone outside of the Strategy Guild. If another individual or guild would like to use the principles, they would do so within the Strategy Guild. This was tabled for further ideation.
Peter joined the meeting at the halfway point as he had messaged he would. The conversation turned to what was the difference between the Round Table and the Mediation team. Long conversation followed. It was questioned and noted that only one actual ambassador had not consented to the document, and that editing outside the group had started up again after the Town Hall on 12th Dec, by individuals that had not commented on it during its 5 week comment period.
1 hour
[action] Ideation on a Mediation Team. [action] Ideation on Strategy Guild adopting the Round Table principles.
SucrenSpice [Facilitator], Onyeka [Documenter], Vani, Love, Peter, Kent, Cjfrankie
Minutes from the last meeting.
Action items from last meeting
Our next Ambassador TH Update.
Onboarding Survey
Continuous Onboarding
Budget for Q1, 2024.
Treasury issues about Onboarding budget
Q4 Quarterly report
The Twitter thread about onboarding.
[decision] We agreed to present the Survey analysis in the next Town Hall [decision] We agreed to take this meeting as the last meeting of the year. [decision] We agreed to present the Q4 Quarterly report in the next Town Hall [decision] We agreed on rotating the meeting facilitation in Q1 of 2024. [decision] Kent to get the Onboarding Workgroup tag, if he attends the next meeting
[action] Sucren to rephrase the comments in the FAQ section of the Getting Started doc. [action] Vani to ask Tevo to drop his feedback on the Continuous Onboarding Survey on Miro.[action]Peter to ask Fly to asynchronously drop his feedback on the Continuous Onboarding Survey on Miro. [action] Sucren to ask Tommy to asynchronously drop his feedback on the Continuous Onboarding Survey on Miro. [action]Vani to ask Tevo to add the necessary changes to the Getting Started Channel once Sucre has rephrased the text. [action] Love and Onyeka to create an infographic for the Twitter thread Doc. [action] Peter to assign Cjfrankie the Onboarding Workgroup tag on Discord.
Results from survey - quick outline, thank people for participating, and share doc
Our quarterly report - share it
Continuous onboarding sessions - say that analysis is coming, and thank the WGs we spoke to
Say when our next meeting is (11th January 2024)
Due to the possibility of the AGIX token depreciating in price, it would be wise to plan for the worst case scenario while planning on Q1 Budget.
The changes made to the Getting Started Twitter thread
The Q1 Budget discussion
Topics covered: Onboarding, Survey, Workgroup, TH Update, Guild, Budget, Roles.
Sources: Onboarding WG budget sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mwFPPabzXLixDG_LkKvFp5tRER30sxT_wGV3ySt-MZ4/edit?usp=sharing
GETTING STARTED CHANNEL / overview https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q4dhediWgcbgAP3Wfsky_-roVyfCUe6xi-dhBdHbU4s/edit?usp=sharing
How can we support other WGs to onboard new people in their meetings https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fYx3CXgT-NGi19TmBUxS3lTMu93Hx68cpGST8TED9cA/edit?usp=sharing
Session plan for Onboarding sessions with other WGs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mwNfAaQd3uvMO1T9EQXnnOXQ5jtGkst8mEteZBM6uiI/edit?usp=sharing
Onboarding Workgroup on Treasury Guild dashboard: https://treasuryguild.com/Singularity%20Net/Singularity%20Net%20Ambassador%20Wallet?tab=report&months=All+months&workgroups=onboarding-workgroup&tokens=AGIX&labels=All+labels
How the meeting felt: Contributive, Thoughtful, Friendly, Funny, Speedy
Tevo, Andre, Peter, Lady Tempestt, Sucren, Felix, Vanessa
How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities?
1) Treasury Guild Proposal
Discussion Points Finding treasury operators outside the SingularityNET ecosystem
Decision items [decision] The proposal should include: treasury training, space for budget discussions and continue documentation [decision] Starting from Q1, Treasury Guild videos should recorded by default [decision] If videos are used, they have to be timestamped [decision] Starting from Q1 there will be public Treasury Operations meetings.
Action Items [action] Draft Treasury Guild Proposal - Tevo, Felix, Vanessa - 11.01.24 [action] Find out who wants to be part of an independent group that audits workgroups
Discussion Points Shared journey of Treasury Guild meeting planning and topics in 2023
Discussion points Onboarding activities and related time consumption Who are we onboarding and what is the scope?
Decision items [decision] Onboarding Workgroup will try to implement a role-based reward for onboarding
Action Items [action] Create Onboarding Role policy - Sucren
Discussion Points Should the Ambassador program have an Ethereum Wallet to be able to accept USDT?
Action Items [action] Clarify if we are able to receive AGIX from Mindplex teams - Sucren
Topics USDT, Wallets, Mindplex, Onboarding, role based rewards, retrospective, proposal, Miro Board
Sources 2023 Meeting Notes History recap video: https://youtu.be/qBYgBw7sd-A
How the meeting felt Meeting was fine, we were able to tackle several open questions that were on participants' minds
No summary given
Video unavailable
no summary given
Kenichi [facilitator], Judith, Mikasa, LadyTempestt, Devon Hardy, CjFrankie [documenter].
Kickoff: It seems that everyone is preparing for the holidays already as we recorded low attendance today!
Mikasa shared insights into her task “The Evolution of Music Composition: How AI is Shaping the Sounds of Tomorrow.” We’re looking forward to seeing her submission.
LadyTempestt shared her experiences with the Cogito articles; according to her, Sandra has provided some detailed briefs so, we hope to see her deliver an exceptional write up.
We are just a few miles away from the anticipated launch 🚀 of our Zealy page. Kenichi and Peter will discuss a few parameters to make sure it’s fully functional, up, and running! In that same light, Kenichi also mentioned that all Scribblers can share their ideas/quests so it will be added to the Zealy page.
We’re thrilled to announce that our Medium page is growing exceptionally - kudos 🥳. Zarqa: The Next Generation of Neural-Symbolic LLMs and AI-Cryptography are the most viewed content so far! There’s a lot to look forward to, we’re aiming at over 1000+ views on each article for next quarter.
Starting from next quarter, Scribblers will be able to publish directly on the SNET Ambassador Medium page; we’re growing to commence the Medium Publication soon!
[action] Kenichi and Mikasa will hold a call to discuss about the ecosystem Twitter threads 🧵 that are rolling out. [action] In light of the branding kit, every Scribbler is urged to drop their email address in the writer’s channel on Discord.
Topics covered: Zealy, Branding Kit, Trivia, KPI, Cogito, Infographics, Quarterly Report, Twitter Threads, Cohort Session, AI Cryptography, Peer Review
Sources: The Evolution of Music Composition: How AI is Shaping the Sounds of Tomorrow https://docs.google.com/document/d/11pbdFS84p9x3D85931f1qBgrQOpFOiFTAHFSojiD48g/edit
Dr. Ben Goertzel Explores the Emergent Global Brain at N2 Conference https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W7_1i7EPaAlkVs6x2yQc1C3KDqRbwd5UeQDrCtQyo0Q/edit?usp=sharing
How the meeting felt: Quiet, Insightful.
No summary given