Week 40

25th September to 1st October 2023

Monday 25th Sept 2023

Education Guild


Headelf [facilitator]; Freysdefi [documenter]; WaKa; Peter; Rojo; Osmonium; Fly.


Video education series.


Meeting began with showing video that Headelf created using Invideo about Snet. Discussion followed with comments and critiques.

Peter went next and showed his Invideo on the Rejueve s\ecosystem. Discussion and critiques followed.

More discussion went into what should be included in videos to achieve a similar educational content. It was casually agreed that the following would be included: Founding date and founder, CEO, Tokens, Info on server, Links to video in call to action, Relevant links.

It was stated by someone that reading blogs was more effective then video.An extreme amount of pushback occurred in discussion about the need for educating ambassadors.

Headelf made a comment about the amount of pushback and volume made him think education should discontinue then, if the group did not feel we should educate or use videos to do so. Fly indicated that video education was not the type of education he was interested in. FreysDefi asked about purpose of Ambassador. Discussion followed.

Meeting length:

1 hour

Action items:


Tuesday 26th Sept 2023

Governance WorkGroup

No summary given

Ambassador Town Hall

No summary given.


Incubation Think-Tank

Facilitated by:



  • AI ethics & tooling framework

  • RnDAO / TogetherCrew on Community Health - https://rndao.mirror.xyz/fsCGRlYR5rieDCVPnAnSAGL98wNWJyFbf1T_A2r-_6Y . Went through article and reflected on questions

  • Looked at conflict resolution approaches

  • Discussion - pros/cons of centralised platform tooling, privacy and decentralisation

  • Current practices on tools / Stories from SingularityNET Foundation


  • Fostering an engaged, collaborative community

  • Ensuring responsible development of AI

  • Exploring decentralised and ethical alternatives

  • Smoothing role-change and offboarding processes

  • Gathering feedback to improve community processes


  • How can we make new members feel welcomed and valued?

  • What guidelines can we create for ethical AI practices?

  • Are our current tools aligned with our values of privacy and decentralisation?

  • How can we gather constructive feedback from all members?

  • What incentives or recognition can we provide for contributions?

  • How can we improve the health of our community?

Next steps:

  • Develop more (cybernetic) feedback loops for the Ambassador Program

  • [Action] Add anonymous feedback form to onboarding “getting started” with key info and contacts

  • [Action] Develop an AI ethics code from a grassroots perspective, for review by community - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DOO2TKNkLBKSFFa5jvgAHm30wjNpRj0uXiVz6YRtI9E/edit

  • Trial alternatives & decentralised tools like huddle01 and compare to current tools - Zoom & Discord

  • [Action] Design (anonymous) feedback forms for meeting improvement

  • [Action] Design (anonymous) feedback form for offboarding

  • [Action] Schedule deep dive into SingularityNET whitepaper and key points (Lord Kizzy)

Wednesday 27th Sept 2023

Archives Workgroup

Not this week

Dework PBL Workgroup

Meeting Summary Context:

This Workgroup focuses on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework on the Andamio platform in collaboration with Gimbalabs and Governance Guild.

Meeting notes:


Meeting video summary:

Agenda Items

1) Reviewing Dework PBL Content on new Front End

Description - We now have a new structural design for Dework Learning Content [Decision] - We will do Sentiment Analysis async using Google Form [Action] - Create a Google Form that includes all lessons separately Insight - Based on quick analysis, sentiment brings out differences in our perspectives of content quality Insight - Going over lessons: https://youtu.be/jjupaRC22S4 Learning - Having long voting sessions on Miro can cause issues or early voting closing

2) Andamio Feedback

Description - How could we further improve the learning experience? [Action] - Create content for the home page that teaches about PBL structure and use of learning targets Insight - There were small technical changes we will look further into if possible to change Insight - Formatting is something that is done in upcoming weeks.

3) Dework PBL Feedback

Description - How could we further improve the learning experience? [Decision] - Create a specializing lesson about meeting templates, other than the meeting recordings method [Action] - Participate in Sentiment Analysis Google Form Insight - Including the option to provide textual feedback to the scoring Google Form

Next elegant steps (general action items)

[Action] In the next meeting, we will be ideating on the action items that demonstrate the Dework module lessons learned. [Action] Prepare a Dework Playground where the PBL Team has access to edit and change stuff.

Process Modelling Workgroup

Not this week

Strategy Guild

In attendance:

Tommy Frey [facilitator] [documenter]; Fly; Defrey; Osmium; Kenichi; Vast


Conflict Resolution Document

Meeting went off agenda to various strategic thinking issues. Discussion was held on elevation process in conflict resolution, but pivoted to the difficulty in finding documents. Defrey mostly uses mobile and finds it hard to find things. Osmium questions where do we find relevant documents.

Question was then raised about “The purpose of Ambassadors”. Vast was concerned about lack of translation into Hindi . The conflict resolution document would be put into Hindi. As a side note Osmium or Vast discovered Cardano while planting trees in Nigeria and Kumar.

Discussion held on comment about paid FR and getting paid $10 for engagement.

Discussion pivoted to the importance of training people in mediation and conflict resolution. It was suggested to put it out to SNET for team training for Ambassadors in Mediation.

Meeting length:

1.5 hours

Action items:

[Action] Conflict resolution over HIndi issue, money and translation. [Action] Mediation training.

Incubation Guild

Not this week

Thursday 28th Sept 2023

Onboarding Workgroup


Tevo [facilitator], Vani [documenter], Sucre n Spice [workgroup lead], Peter, LadyTempestt, Vasu, Onyeka, Chad.

Miro board:


Minutes of previous meeting:

Onboarding Meeting 9/21/23 Agreed as correct record with minor tweaks

Action items from last meeting:

All either done, or in progress

We discussed:

1) Getting Started channel:

Amended text is now added to the channel. Has had positive comments, and all in the meeting are happy with it [Action] Only problem is Calendar link needs correcting. Tevo will do. [Decision] Agreed to keep the doc open for future changes - suggestions should be added as comments, not directly in the text, so it’s easy to see; and each meeting we’ll check if there are any.

2) Supporting Onboarding in other WGs

[Decision] Deferred to next meeting.

3) Finances and how we pay tasks in this WG

See SNET Onboarding WG Task Reward Sheet and https://app.dework.xyz/singularitynet-ambas/onboarding-workgroup

The discussion covered:

  • It’s almost Q4; there might be changes to how budgets work

  • What we pay for is a measure of what we value; rewarding “invisible” work; what do we consider to be “work” and how do we determine that?

  • The issue is gendered - work that tends to go unrewarded and to be more invisible is often done by women; important to be conscious of this

  • How we measure Discord engagement - micro-engagements with new people are really valuable, but the overhead of clocking them can end up taking more time than the work itself

  • Onboarding in Telegram and Discord is work - it’s different from just chatting

  • Should rewards for a task done in all workgroups (e.g. facilitation) be standardised across all WGs?

  • How much is usually costed for facilitation? (seems to be $20-$30). Is it sustainable? Different models for how people cost it (e.g. some groups include agenda prep, documenting, longterm planning, etc)

  • Question to meeting attendees “how much would you expect for facilitating a meeting” - maybe $30. Note the need to prepare, especially if you are new to it. As you get more experienced, do you need to prepare less? Maybe - not necessarily

  • Peter - $30 is unsustainable. Budget is not growing, altho community is. Partly depends on AGIX price

  • LadyTempestt - Perhaps facilitation for a workgroup meeting should not be charged for - it’s a voluntary contribution that you make to your wg - so maybe only for official/public meetings?

  • Tevo - all of the workgroup meetings are public tho

  • Sucre - merge facilitation and agenda creation as 1 task? Treasury knows how much we’ve got to spend - share it between all the Workgroups?

  • Vani - Take turns to facilitate, like we do in this group, so the pay is shared? Particularly pay the new people (i.e. maybe a bonus if it’s your first time),, to reward taking the risk of jumping in and facilitating?

  • Onyeka - Facilitation is not easy - introverts find it harder - it shouldn’t be free cos it takes time

[Decision] To be further discussed in next Onboarding meeting in the light of what comes up in Treasury Guild discussion later today (28th Sept 2023) [Action] Some attendees at this meeting will also attend Treasury discussion later today.

Action items:

[ACTION] - Sucre to chase Video WG re: uploading recording of 7th Sept onboarding session to YouTube (https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/196qlZoefYy8z5MfFTTql9f66oFILMqK7) [ACTION] - All to continue to add ideas to doc re: supporting other WGs with onboarding Onboarding WG - how can we support other WGs to onboard new people in their meetings [ACTION] - Tevo to fix calendar link in Getting Started channel

Date of next meeting:

5th October 2023 at 13:00 UTC

Treasury Guild

Meeting Summary Context:

How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities?

Meeting notes:


Agenda Items

1) Archival Workgroup Fund Requests

Description - Requests did not pass initial voting and ambassadors required more clarity on how to integrate reporting with the ambassador program [Decision] - Reward Archival Workgroup Fund Requests [Action] - Research options on how to make it easy to create, collect, transact with or manage Workgroup wallets [Action] - Integrate Archival Workgroup project budgeting data with Swarm Treasury Manager

2) Q4 Treasury Discussions

Description - What expectations and standards do we experiment, remove or keep for next quarter? Insight - Budget Considerations from Stephen https://docs.google.com/document/d/10t2S7H5iG-_-hv6Es36dmJ9_V1WG740vkq0tsP2k-Z0/edit#heading=h.hiilhy4e7vmt Learning - By removing budget limits from all workgroups and proposals we made budgeting ambiguous Insight - An ambiguous budget reduces Transparency & Accessibility, which makes it hard to predict costs and plan the next steps [Decision] - In Quarter4 we bring back Workgroup Budget Limits [Action] - Create a separate Budget Management Document under Ambassador Account to list all the behaviors and assets we have in place to answer Budget Consideration document expectations [Action] - Collect information about the real rate of the contributions Insight - we could collect real rate info through workgroup proposals

3) Townhall Video Editing and Upload Tasks

Description - Turn Ambassador Townhall video editing tasks to bounties, and coordinate rewards with similar tasks Dework [Action] - Create a Dework bounty Template for the Townhall Video bundle task under Video Workgroup Insight - Fly would like Video Workgroup help to coordinate task costs and expected time. Insight - Video Workgroup Structure https://docs.google.com/document/d/1utrpPNQSa0iDdE13LXfk3jyrbmEGx-MJ/edit

Insight - Education and Writers Workgroup used bad date formats on task names, examples on meeting notes Learning - The month name in the task name assumes the contribution date to be the last date of the month Insight - Some tasks, like article translation or writing, can include the month in the name as the article topic. [Decision] - If the month name is in the task title but is not the correct contribution date. Include the exact date or week format in the Dework task title.

Next elegant steps (general action items)

Tomorrow (Fri 29th Sept), new Treasury Guild call

Incubation: AI Sandbox

No summary given

Deepfunding Town Hall

Not this week

Friday 29th Sept 2023

Q3 Treasury Review session


How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities?

Meeting notes:


Agenda Items

1) Q4 Treasury Discussions

Description - What expectations and standards do we experiment, remove or keep for next quarter? [Decision] - We should answer "What do we want to do if we go over budget in Q4?" [Decision] - Limit workgroup leads to request more funds if we are over the Q4 Ambassador budget [Decision] - Treasury Guild does not reward Workgroup if it goes over budget and notifies members [Action] - Treasury Guild will implement budget lines on the Live Dashboard Insight - Workgroup leads can manage fund distribution themselves to their team Insight - Workgroups can have their own Workgroup wallet Learning - Allowing each workgroup to request funds to pay for tool licenses will create quick overhead for the budget Insight - Each member should manage their own tools based on their needs [Decision] - Each tool can have only 1 license cost under the Ambassador Account [Decision] - Requires proposal to prove multiple license requirements [Decision] - Ambassador Tool Licenses go under specific Workgroup or Open Budget category [Decision] - Introduce 2 budget categories: Open Budget and Retainer Budget Insight - Open Budget includes: tooling and services new workgroups and ideas investment to reserve transaction fees Insight - Retainer Budget includes all the existing accepted workgroups [Decision] - Remove Ambassador Role Rewards or replace it with a different incentive module [Action] - Create Google Sheet to customize workgroup budget limits and create comparable example versions with Average reward, max month reward and standard rate

Insight - do not copy icons or odd characters into the Dework task name https://app.dework.xyz/singularitynet-ambas/test-38287?taskId=e70335ec-f62f-411a-9109-b841653ef79a Insight - include task points for bounty tasks so that we have an understanding on time spent (reward can be the same regardless of the task points)

Next elegant steps (general action items)

Next special Treasury Guild Call about the budget will be 04.10.23 at 12:30 UTC.

Video Workgroup


Rojo [facilitator] [documenter], Agus, Judith, OEP, Peter, TUSO, Lilycupcake, Standrew, Fly, Lord_kizzy, Slate, Hogantuso.

In this meeting we:

  • Discussed workgroup progress (projects, social media,…)

  • Talked about the progress of the weekly Town Hall summary videos.

  • Talked about progress on the Quarterly Update video.

  • Talked about progress on the onboarding process to the Video workgroup.

  • Had questions from workgroup applicants about the process of onboarding and task details.



Action items:

[action] Make documentation about the onboarding process to the video workgroup.

Writers' Workgroup


Lord Kizzy, Godspower Joseph, Cjfrankie, Slate [documenter], Mikasa, Kenichi [facilitator], Devon Hardy, Peter, Judith, Hogan Tuso, Lady Tempestt [new Scribbler]



Main Points Discussed:

  1. The meeting commenced with Kenichi welcoming Lady Tempest as the newest member of the Writers' Workgroup, marking her first official participation.

  2. Since the last meeting, the group successfully released two articles, and Kenichi shared the respective article links with the attendees.

  3. Kenichi encouraged everyone to read the articles and provide comments to enhance the quality and engagement of the content.

  4. Felix has proposed a request to Marketing Guild, suggesting the creation of Twitter threads for DeepFunding proposals. Kenichi expressed his support for this idea and announced his intention to assign tasks related to this to Marketing Guild.

  5. Marketing Guild will be responsible for creating approximately nine videos, with the IdeaFest involving around 150 videos. This initiative is seen as a valuable opportunity to improve the group's thread creation skills.

  6. There is a consideration for an article that will comprehensively cover the entire marketing pool, including the Twitter threads. Kenichi plans to assign tasks accordingly.

  7. A task was assigned on Dework related to renaming SingComDAO, and Workgroup members were encouraged to participate actively in this task.

  8. Kenichi highlighted the group's increasing engagement on Twitter, emphasizing that Twitter threads will continue to be a crucial aspect of our strategy.

  9. Another task related to an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session of the Supervisory Council was added to Dework, indicating a busy schedule ahead for the Writers Workgroup.

  10. The upcoming weeks will involve a focus on urgent tasks and potentially increasing the monthly article cap from 6 to 10 in the next quarter.

  11. A new experimental budget allocation system was discussed. The idea is to allocate specific budgets to workgroups each quarter, promoting decentralization. If overbudgeting occurs due to new workgroup formations, unallocated funds from the Ambassador Program budget may cover it. Alternatively, Rejuve can assist with task rewards.

  12. Kenichi assigned Lady Tempestt the role of Scribbler officially, recognizing her as an essential part of the team.

  13. Godspower Joseph, who was initially unsure about the Writers Workgroup's activities, received an overview from Kenichi about the meeting and how to contribute to the group after successfully passing the startup test.

  14. Kenichi assured Lord Kizzy that he would receive a direct message regarding his submission.

  15. In the final minutes of the meeting, Kenichi shared a link to an article that required editing. Only those with the Scribbler tag who edit the article will be eligible for editing rewards.

  16. Kenichi provided LadyTempestt with guidance on the editing sessions, which occur biweekly in the last 10 to 15 minutes of the meeting.

  17. Judith Williams expressed her commitment to review article test submissions over the upcoming weekend.

Future Considerations:

The group plans to explore increasing the monthly article cap and is actively working on implementing a budget allocation system for workgroups in the next quarter. This system aims to enhance transparency and decentralization within the Writers Workgroup and can be supplemented by unallocated Ambassador Program funds or support from Rejuve if necessary.

The group's is committed to producing high-quality content and engaging with the community while continually improving their processes and efficiency.

Last updated