Week 20
May 8th 2023 to May 14th 2023
Last updated
May 8th 2023 to May 14th 2023
Last updated
1.Rojos CIP-1694 Workshop Discussion
2.Discuss Haley’s video about SingularityNet Ecosystem inclusivity as it relates to education and participation.
Link to video below
3. Safe space formation and discussion. No limit on what constitutes a safe space or for what reason.
4.There has been mention about learn to earn initiatives. Let's discuss if we want to follow up on this and if so, how can we implement this?
Support from ecosystem partners for tokens?
What information?
What platform?
5. Designate a learning channel to post all educational content within. Ask our ecosystem partners to utilize this channel as they post educational materials.
6. What did we as a group and individuals learn this week?
headelf, blankgodd, fly you fools, crandano, kenichi, rojokaboti, ericS, thefreysdefi
Check-in with Broadcast styles - Preparation style / Guerilla style
Platform Discussions
Possible Broadcasting workflows
Questions for lawyer
Plan Broadcasting development. Discuss opportunities to develop & collaborate with other workgroups and guilds. Ideation of topics.
Discussed separate tracks: 24/7 streaming / Recorded / Spontaneous content
Non-technical viewer base focused on inclusivity
Platforms (see slides)
Chill / discussions / vibe / character?
Ecosystem attractors: Thought leadership, decentralised benevolent AGI, related Taboo topics?
Agreed on need for Foundation / Ecosystem Calendar
Collaborative process tied into education & marketing & writers (see slides)
Suggestion: Dework task for writers guild, (use AI), scripted out. H/E records & publishes. Emphasis on collaborative process.
Need for quality professional creators
Create spontaneous content edited by video workgroup (Video workgroup are in planning style)
Discussed Broadcasting timezones (see slides)
Planned "What is necessary" for each content style (see slides)
Hosted by Tommy Frey
New Ambassadors voted for last week were introduced. TheFreysDeFi and Stephen Whitenstall.
The Ambassador programme relationship with the Supervisory Council was discussed. Feedback was sought on Supervisory Council election ideation.
Please feed back to Supervisory Council election ideation pools above, feedback period is until 18 May
Topic 1: The Council’s key responsibilities
Topic 2: The length of the council’s commission
Topic 3: The compensation of the council members
Topic 4: The voting mechanism
Topic 5: Other suggestions that do not fit any of the topics above
Hosted by Peter Elfrink
Hosted by Tevo Saks
Meeting Summary Context: How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities.
Context: We Prioritize critical Ambassador Activities and cover process changes
Meeting Notes : https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO0WVUBA=/?moveToWidget=3458764553658838455&cot=10
Proposal roadmap ideation
Decision - we keep all proposal stages open all the time to make them more fluid Decision - Our goal is to refine proposals to be accepted
Decision - If the proposal has no budget some proposal stages can be skipped
Decision - Incubation Workgroup will be used to help with proposal to until to Submission stage
Decision - Proposal Approvals are done in Treasury Guild Ambassador Role or Guild Privileges
Decision - Ambassadors follow the same process as everyone else
Decision - Ambassadors or Guilds will not get a budget to push proposals through on their own
Proposers have a chance to take their ideas to Incubation Workgroup to refine them for Submission
We will have a Proposal Approval Session this week at Treasury Guild
Attendees: slysyl, iain, stephen, headelf, peter, felix, freys, fly, cran, randall Agenda Items:
Incubate the Archive Proposal:
To provide a setting for questions, opinions, feedback, and ideas for Archive’s proposal
Brief Summary: We began the meeting with Stephen[QADAO] going over their current work with the archive of the Ambassador Program along with their proposal. Afterwards, the meeting was open for questions. Budget was among those questions and something the program is still putting their feelers out for the best way to move forward for things like new workgroup proposals. The Archive Proposal will continue to be discussed in Thursday’s Treasury meeting.
Other questions and subjects: Training LLM’s with any particular objectives? Revenue streams for this data and work? Could this be supplemented at some point by avenues like a Deep Funding proposal? Partnerships potential Ambassador Program is still working on the best way forward for decision making which was highlighted at the end. Where do we vote and how? It seems many agree with the potential of anonymous voting.
Best Practice -Facilitating a Virtual Meeting.
Community discussion - Organizing and Facilitating a Virtual SNET meeting.
Set a goal(s) for yourself for what the meeting is going to achieve. You do not need to share as this beginning step is to guide you as you ideate on the meeting topics. One high priority goal is typically best. This is the one item you want to achieve before the meeting ends. Several secondary goals are often good to have but not needed.
Set an agenda for the meeting. This could be one major concept or 3-4 topics of what the meeting is planning to cover. You may want to number the agenda items for effect. There are several purposes for the agenda. First is for you as the facilitator to act as your guide throughout the meeting. Second is for your audience. It provides a gentle pre-notice of the allowable topics to be covered so your meeting goal is achieved. Third, it acts as guard rails for when the conversation gets off topic either unintentionally or when an actor hijacks it. You can use the agenda offensively (but not in an offensive manner) with your audience to bring the meeting topic back on track.
Print the agenda for your audience and either hand out at an in-person meeting or post it for a virtual meeting. Make certain that all of your audience is able to read a copy of the agenda prior to the meeting or at the very beginning.
Welcome everyone to your meeting. If it is a smaller group, welcome and thank them for attending. You establish a positive connection with your audience by mentioning their name. During a meeting try to make everyone feel special.
At the very beginning of any meeting you should cover Housekeeping items. In an IRL meeting this might include telling everyone where rest rooms and emergency exits are located. In a virtual meeting tell your audience what your ground rules are. Do you want a raised hand that you will recognize with a Mic off policy or is it okay for a respectful open Mic discussion. How long do you expect the meeting to last. Break timing, etc. It is your meeting but you need to manage expectations to get the most from your audience. By setting rules and attending to Housekeeping you are demonstrating your concern for them.
As you start the meeting after Housekeeping you should consider using the age old speaker technique of:Tell them what you are going to tell them; Tell them; Tell them what you told them. Translated - Tell your audience what the agenda items are. Then get into the meeting. At the end of the meeting, summarize by telling them what you covered.
Start your meeting with the very first agenda item. Hint; A professionally run meeting is when the facilitator does very little talking. Your role is to frame the agenda item and start eliciting response from your audience. You should be jotting notes of the key points your audience is covering. Recap what your audience said - as you heard it. This can be used as a tool to curtail discussion or lead an interesting concept into deeper discussion
Calling on participants is a method to engage everyone and get shy or reluctant participants involved. Hint: do not ambush anyone. Give everyone a heads up before you call on them. It might be something like “ oh in a minute I’m going to ask John for his view on ….” Say a few other things and then go back and ask John for his view. By doing this you gave John time to prepare.
Cover your agenda items in order. However, do not rush your meeting just to cover all items. If an agenda item is not finalized you can either sidetrack it for further discussion, kill it if it is too difficult or work the meeting until you solve it and bring closure. Now you should realize the importance of the goal setting in step one. Did your meeting meet your goal?
At the beginning of the end of the meeting, wrap around to summarize what was covered and what everyone achieved by having the meeting. This shows respect for peoples time and demonstrates your gratitude for what was achieved. Also include here a reminder of any and all action items from your notes.
The end of the meeting, after your summary should first ask if anyone has final thoughts and then thank everyone.
Hosted by Tevo Saks
How to structure Ambassador rules around payments, tasks and anything related to financial activities.
Meeting notes: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVO0WVUBA=/?moveToWidget=3458764553503763495&cot=10
read.ai License
Action - Peter will buy a monthly subscription fee 15$/m (without video playback feature)
Decision - All kinds of product Licenses will be handled by Peter
Decision - Reimbursement will be done in AGIX + 20% tax
Decision - Tooling and Licenses costs will be calculated once per month
Proposal - Archive Workgroup Decision - The proposal leads will get 2500 AGIX per month incentives if there is no pushback before until next Treasury Guild Call on 18.05.2023 Decision - Once accepted Proposal will be allowed to spend 2500AGIX in the month of May (including retrospective rewards if proposal team decides so) Action - Treasury Guild's decision about this Proposal will be shared in the next Townhall 16.05.2023
Proposal - Swarm Treasury System Decision - The Treasury System continues to use the existing fee structure 800$ cap if AGIX price is above 0.35 and fee price goes down by the same percentage when the price goes below 0.35 Each transaction will have a 1% fee Action - Treasury System Fee will be looked at again in next two months
Proposal - Process Modelling Workgroup Decision - The proposal is accepted and rewards will be reallocated from Process Guild Action - Process Modeling Workgroups will start next week (date and time will be announced next Townhall 16.05.2023)
Proposal - Dework PBL Decision - Proposal Declined
Proposal - Dao Lens - Participation Recognition Pipeline Action - to be looked at in the future
Mindplex content translations Mindplex is offering translation tasks which we would need to reward ourselves at the start, but will be reimbursed on later date Action - Look at how work could be commissioned from ambassadors
Next elegant steps (general action items) Decision - In future new proposals can be budgeted from Misc without added complexity Decision - If Guild or Role budget is not used in a month, it's rolled over under Misc Treasury Rewards Decision - If the workgroup or proposal budget is not used in a month, it's added to next month workgroup budget
Hey guys!
Sorry, I completely missed this.
I just added this comment to the google docs form but I notice that there hasn't been much action on it since it was first floated so I will post it here to make sure it isn't missed.
In respects to:
"Resource generation: The stake pool can generate additional income for the SingularityNET Ambassador program, supporting the development of new AI services and the expansion of the platform."
With the current hardware requirements for a Stake Pool, you will need to run 2 relays with 16GB Ram, with at least another 4GB of Swap memory. Unless someone is willing to provide bare metal for the servers, the cloud costs for this on average is $80-$110 a month each.
The block producer needs 32GB of Ram and this usually becomes a dedicated CPU rather than a shared. The costs jump dramatically to around $300-$400 for this instance.
Total being around $500 a month on a cloud provider.
With the current price of ADA, you will need around 30m ADA staked to break even on this endeavour.
This is including tax considerations, and the costs of someone running the pool and marketing efforts.
I'm not exactly a fan of this idea. It is INCREDIBLY difficult to attract stake to a pool and you would need to be offering significant amounts of SNet universe tokens to attract any meaningful amount of stake... even with the reach that SNet already has.
I think that this idea should be parked until ADA has recovered to a significantly higher value of around $1-$1.50
Until then, I think that we should follow NuNets lead and work with community pools who have always been favourable towards AI or SNet.
We could get these pools onboard and have them talking to their communities in exchange for some small random airdrops of tokens.
Running a pool now is likely to cost us money rather than generating additional income.
All of the other outcomes that we are aiming for can be achieved by working with established community SPOs
Community empowerment - We will achieve wider decentralisation by working with 10-20 SPOs rather than a singular stakepool of our own
Enhanced collaboration - People will be more willing to work with us if it attracts stake to their pool and we can harness the already established communities.
Financial incentives - Same as if staking to a SNet pool
Greater visibility - I believe working with established communities pools would give us greater visibility again
Can help facilitate creating the staking service on Cardano, For instance if SingularityNet follows the AMM model the ada funds can be staked to generate income. - This is where running our own pool will be ideal HOWEVER, with liquid staking like we have in Indigo, people may prefer that their ADA stays staked in their pools that they are currently in, rather than having it staked to a pool that we/SNet dictates to them.
Just writing all of this here because the meeting times usually fall in times that I can't attend. 🙂
Hosted by Felix Weber and Jan
Welcome & Introduction Proposals related to the council’s key responsibilities Proposals related to the length of the commission Proposals related to the compensation of the SC members Voting mechanism Generic Pool Insight sharing from breakout rooms Closing workshop
Notes by Grace Rachmany
Responsibility Brainstorm Jan * Involvement in governance decisions (important) * Intermediary to community/foundation * Write whitepaper / Define SinComDAO Curtis * Facilitating of getting feedback from community to decision-makers EricS * Intermediaries between different community groups * Define what the community is. * Oversight / supervision 21:42:41
From Grace Rachmany To Everyone: Grace * Decide on mission / outcomes * Create whitepaper/ constitution * Serve as ombusdman / make sure constitution is implemented. 21:43:27
From Grace Rachmany To Everyone: Jose: * Ensure implementation aligns with community desire * Channel for ethical issues * Being involved in governance actions * Supervising treasury 21:45:45
From Grace Rachmany To Everyone: Sebastian: * Manage financial sustainability of organizations (Prevent community from just spending funds without income source) 21:47:13 From Grace Rachmany To Everyone: * Take dynamic role w
Supervisory Council Election: Proposals related to the length of the commission
For how long should we be commissioning the renewed Supervisory Council? There are 2 main perspectives to take into account here:
1. The work and mandate of the Supervisory Council might evolve from SeedSingComDAO to early SingComDAO to matured SingComDAO. This might be a reason to call for a shorter period.
2. If we are aiming for high profiled individuals, they may be more interested in making an effort if the commission period is longer.
Peter proposal - Appoint the SC for full Seed phase duration
Seed-SingComDAO timeframe should guide SC election.
SC elected for the duration of Seed-SingComDAO.
New election once Seed-SingComDAO transitions to SCDAO.
Election period approximately 6-9 months.
Full ownership of seed-singcomdao process for elected SC members.
2-year appointment period for SCDAO.
Forced re-election after 2 years.
SC members can re-apply for re-election.
New SC should guide the first stage of SCDAO for a proper start.
Ensures implementation of proposals they have been part of.
Initial period: 3-6 months for Seed phase and another 6 months for startup.
Clarify responsibilities and time investment during this period.
Good starting point for the next election.
Initial stewardship should have limited involvement.
First phase: Create structures/whitepaper for SCDAO.
Second phase: Oversight of vision implementation (Startup phase).
Transition moment allows members to step down or be replaced.
New election may not be necessary for continuity.
Long-term council elections should occur annually.
Half of the council is replaced each year.
Two-year terms with at least half having one year's experience.
Rolling elections promote continuity of knowledge.
Mauro was concerned about the length of the election. Limit opportunities to re-election. 1 year is a lot of time in the blockchain environment.
6 months would be preferable. Define limits of re-election would 1 complete. 1 year of poor performance could be ingrained
Iain likes the overlap between candidates for continuity. Term limits.
Consideration of mechanism of recall to address performance contributions.
Mauro - if you do not limit power at the beginning that invites problems. Re-election 3 times in 2 year period as Grace suggests.
Iain - key if SC plays a role of connection between communities they have to have trust of community - so SC needs to be accountable. Endorsed by the community.
Looking at it in phases makes a lot of sense.
Mauro - always better in Seed testing with a short period of time - 6 months of terms. Then assess whether more time is needed.To anticipate people's frustrations. 6 months sufficient time to assess performance.
term limits. Too long length of time a concern
Legitimacy of council and proper oversight.
Staged re-election is a good idea to retain knowledge
Comment by Grace: It feels like we also might need a code of conduct so that someone could be eliminated from the Council for serious breaches or lack of activity.
Rojo [facilitator] [Documenter], Lilycupcake, Sucren, Agus, OEP, Cjfrankie, headelf, Syntronyx, Fly, Crandano, SlySyl, Stephen, Slate, TheFreysDefi, Linda.
Showed Monthly Update slides for April
Discussed workgroup progress (projects, social media…)
Noted that 25 videos were completed in April
Welcomed new members DevonHardy, Mahesvara and grego
Discussed the adoption of the Summon platform in future workgroup meetings
Discussed making an NFT for the workgroup.
[decision] Twitter will be the main focus for creating content [decision] We will roll out less content, with higher quality [decision] We will try to get more engagement from SingularityNET's socials
Hosted by Crandano and Fly
Written by Kenichi / edited by Slate
797 words
To be published on Medium