Week 48

Mon 25th Nov - Sun 1st Dec 2024

Monday 25th November 2024

Treasury Automation WG

Agenda item 1 - Month of November Development Updates - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • End to End testing of JSON Generator is tested and implemented

  • A lot of bug fixing in Treasury Manager is caused by filtering changes

  • Update Video: https://youtu.be/LjhQkgkk8UM

  • Zoom API layer created by Andre to request relevant participation info trough treasury system

Agenda item 2 - Quarter 4 2024 Report - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • We shared Quarter 4 2024 report https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hx1Bjzucisv7rQDg16xx75Kueeu_uYoO44nnWxcg4GM

Agenda item 3 - Quarter 1 2025 Proposal - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • We updated the Q1 2025 proposal budget https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19q6KtuU8F7PQLW1sTMEDxCYFI3ig1sOeUbdf2Bm5kLY/edit?gid=1852063843#gid=1852063843

  • We shared the Q1 2025 proposal https://docs.google.com/document/d/13nenax4GhArFaISTrDq1zGmO6ClwphhNQl2c7pp-cSU

Tuesday 26th November 2024

Governance Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: CallyFromAuron [facilitator], LadyTempestt [documenter], PeterE, CallyFromAuron, CollyPride, LadyTempestt, photogee, TheFreysDeFi, guillermolucero, Sucre n Spice, Duke, SubZero, Kateri, kareem, Clement Umoh, Valola, osmium, AshleyDawn, Effiom

  • Purpose: Weekly Governance WG meeting


We went through the Governance WG tasks sheet to remind people to put down their names or other people's names for tasks they know they have done so they can be added to dework and sent out for payment.

Do we need extra planning for next week's Tuesday governance meeting to discuss budget objections if any? Meetings like that can get quite wordy to document and a bit tasky to facilitate. Peter did step up to facilitate and since he has done it before, we do not need any preparation.

Kareem’s Design Initiative: Kareem gave an overview of the initiative where he highlighted that it is looking to use the New Ideas budget to solve the problem of unifying brand guidelines that has been in the program for a while. Vani asked “What is the long-term sustainability for it?” Kareem responded that the core and starting point of the initiative is to create design stuff and have some kind of test run to see and observe its impact in the ambassador program. Vani then asked how Kareem plans on delivering a report on the initiative and what metrics he would use. She added that if he is testing running something there should be a way of assessing whether it's useful. Kareem emphasized that WGs have a way of showing their stats/numbers in terms of deliverables so this can be monitored from that. Guillermo asked if Kareen had gone back to discuss internally the whole point of “folding the design initiative into Marketing Guild” with the Marketing Guild to which Kareem replied that it's been addressed. Kareem also clarified that the deliverables in the initiative document will be done this quarter(Q4). Love found Kareem's answer to long term goals and having the initiative folded in Marketing Guild unsatisfactory so Kareem clarified that they are for 1) trying to establish a very consistent style guide for designing which is the templates they want to create will come in and that depending on how the community feels about it they might move forward with newer things like motion graphics and illustration. 2)He spoke with the Marketing Guild and they have some sort of understanding that the initiative is something that is going to be under the Marketing Guild. We also discussed how long the templates Kareem would be creating this quarter(q4) will last, he said they will be live and valid for like Q1. Vani pointed out a few of the templates(banners and visuals for announcement) that could be used for a longer period of time though. TheFreysDeFi suggested getting different WG leads to kind of spearhead and unify the whole design thing but still added that he likes Kareem’s design initiative under Marketing Guild. Kareem also emphasized that there is a content calendar to post on social media platforms for all WGs/Guilds under Marketing Guild already instead of having meetings to discuss it so it is properly organized. We asked if anyone objects to this initiative becoming a reality and if they think it's unsafe to try. We had no outstanding objections.

Discussion Points:

  • Governance WG Tasks Sheet

  • Budget objections

  • Kareem's Design Initiative

Decision Items:

  • We consented to Kareem’s Design Initiative Proposal and gave him the go-ahead to use the New Ideas budget for it and figure everything out himself including the Dework space he would use

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Anyone who has done a task in Governance WG at any point last quarter(Q3) should jump into this sheet Governance WG, tasks sheet and put down their names on their respective tasks and add a link to it where possible. [status] todo

  • [action] Peter to facilitate next week Tuesday’s Governance/Budget objections call. [assignee] PeterE [due] 3 December 2024 [status] done

  • [action] All core contributors at the meeting were reminded to go and consent to Q1 budget proposals. [due] 13 December 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: Design Initiative Proposal, Governance WG Task sheet, tasks, rewards, brand kit, Marketing Guild, New Ideas budget, deliverables

  • emotions: interesting, contributive, Deliberative

Wednesday 27th November 2024

Research and Development Guild

Agenda Items:

  • Welcoming new members and Introduction

  • Review of last meeting summary Action Items

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: EC-Entity-Connections, W3CD-Web3-Contributors-Dashboard, CSDB-Collaboration-Skills-Database, Social-Media-Dashboard, Reputation-System-using-SoulBound-Tokens-SBTs

  • R&D New Metta Coder lab

  • Q1 Budget and Tier system

  • Facilitation in Q1 2025

  • Feedback from the Strategy Guild workshop

Discussion Points:

  • Review of last meeting summary Action Items: Guillermo went through the action items for the previous meeting and we had a brief introduction for new members

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: Teams are currently working async on their projects and will give an update at the end of the month

  • R&D Guild Metta Coder Lab Initiative: Guillermo didn't have the chance to speack with the METTA team due to the event in Bangkok and he shared the full folder on the METTA libary: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EpETWEyKp2EaEIHopotWb7kCkupCZ8KF?usp=sharing, we also had discussion on the early topics for the METTA initiative in Q1 2025

  • Follow up on the CSDB: Advance spoke on the progress so far, he also noted that 80 % of the project has been done, and also mentioned a call with the Onboarding Workgroup and highlighted the impact of the call and he is hoping to have another call with the Reps of Onboarding Workgroup for clarity on some things that could be kept into consideration

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: Governance Dashboard, lordkizzy couldn't have a call with Guillermo due to his busy schedule but promised to host one in the coming week

  • RFPs and Initiatives on OpenCog Hyperon for the R&D Guild: Guillermo mentioned the creation of a proposal from R&D Guild for the Metta coder lab initiative and so highlighted a possible collaboration with Education Guild

  • UPDATE STATUS ON DEVELOPMENT: Legacy System: he noted that he is currently working on the Cardano side of this using Plutus, and AJ is going to help out with the project documentation

Action Items:

  • [action] CSDB team to finish and get ready for redeployment by 25th of NOV [assignee] AJ, Advanceameyaw [due] 4 December 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Lordkizzy will schedule a call with representatives from the onboarding work within the week. [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 27 November 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Lordkizzy and guillermo to have a call to discuss on the governance dashboard project [assignee] LordKizzy, guillermolucero [due] 4 December 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] AJ to give a presentation on his updates to the CSDB in the next call [assignee] AJ [due] 27 November 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Members to express interest in the sheet for facilitation [assignee] All members [due] 11 December 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Lordkizzy and Guillermo to schedule a call with the team to discuss the automation of core Contributors by Treasury guild [assignee] LordKizzy, guillermolucero [due] 11 December 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Tool Development, AI tooling, Presentation, Operations, Workshop, Facilitation, CSDB, collaboration skills database, Onboarding WorkGroup, Cardano, Plutus, Legacy system, Governance dashboard, RFP< Open Cog Hyperon

  • emotions: Casual, Welcoming, Thoughtful, Friendly, Collaborative

Education Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], Gorga Siagian, AshleyDawn, Malik, martinsoki, rebel, SubZero, Tevo, TheFreysDeFi, Zalfred, kenichi, hogantuso

  • Purpose: Regular weekly meeting of Education Guild, covering: Certification Program Discussions; Website / Wiki Integration Updates; AI For Beginners Updates

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Certification Program Discussions

  • Website / Wiki Integration Updates

  • AI For Beginners Updates

Discussion Points:

  • Slate started the meeting by greeting everyone

  • After the introduction, the meeting began with the the topic of the CCCP (core contributors certification program) with the current situation. The discussion was regarding whether a person should be allowed to take the quiz if they exceed the time limit.

  • There were mixed opinions, though the main factor was that if a person is allowed, that might cause other contributors to request the same thing or the ones who are leading the leaderboard to raise concerns regarding this.

  • Another major factor is that an update would also be needed in the backend to allow this, which could cause delays for others. Also, with the certification program about to end, it would be hard to implement.

  • We concluded that if many people agree on the request, a second try would be allowed; it depends on the Core Contributors' feedback in the certification channel on Discord.

  • Next, we discussed the website/wiki integration. Gorga showcased the scraped data, showing that the format in the sNET Ecosystem page will be the same as we are using for the inforgraphics.

  • Then Gorga showed the design for the education website main page, which was a in a mock format showed like windows floating in the design for the education projects. There was a suggestion to add the ambassador program guilds and wgs as well

  • Then Slate notified that the CCCP will end in 2 days; and then a survey will be done on what worked and what did not.

  • Kenichi's presentation series will be discussed in next week's meeting.

Decision Items:

  • Allow Colleen a second try at the Certification Program quizzes, based on her feedback in the certification program channel about timing issues

    • [rationale] most agreed

    • [opposing] Might be hard to implement as would be needing backend changes and may be unfair for other contributors

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Gorga to remove the "technologies" section of the website with the ambassador program projects

    • [rationale] everyone agreed

    • [opposing] nil

Action Items:

  • [action] Slate to have a call with Gorga and Franklyn [assignee] Gorga Siagian, Slate, Franklynstein [due] 4 December 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Accoording to the feedback in the certification channel implement the changes to the system [assignee] Slate [due] 4 December 2024 [status] in progress


  • topics covered: CCCP, core contributors, certification, wiki, education website, fairness, quizzes, time limit

  • emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike.

Thursday 28th November 2024

Governance Workgroup

Meeting was cancelled

Onboarding Workgroup

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Agreed the minutes of the last meeting

  • Skillshare matrix: regular reminder to everyone to add their skills to the Skillshare matrix if they haven't done so

  • Action items from the last meeting.

  • Facilitation and documentation next time.

  • Onboarding journeys survey

  • GitHub project board: Onboarding WG will be managing itself via a Project Board on the Ambassador Program GitHub Organization as of January. Anyone not yet a member of the Ambassador Program GitHub Organization, please send your GitHub username to Sucre n Spice as soon as possible so that she can add you.

  • Budget consent process - any Onboarding WG member who is also a Core Contributor should please complete a consent form for Onboarding’s budget.

  • Skillshare matrix and collab with R&D: some members of Onboarding had a call with R&D on 22nd Nov; R&D have made some changes to their Collaboration Skills Database based on feedback from Onboarding and once they are done they will present it to the workgroup.

Decision Items:

  • LordKizzy to prepare the Facilitating/Documenting roster for Q1 2025.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Cjfrankie to publicize the upcoming skillshare session on “Decentralized Governance.” [assignee] CJFrankie [due] 5 December 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vani to lead Decentralised Governance session on 5th December. [assignee] CallyFromAuron [due] 5 December 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] LordKizzy to reach out to CJfrankie to facilitate and Ayo to document for the next meeting. [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 12 December 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] LordKizzy to prepare the Facilitating/Documenting roster for Q1 2025. [assignee] LordKizzy [due] 12 December 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Onize to give an update in the next meeting on any interesting replies to the Onboarding Journeys survey [assignee] Onize [due] 12 December 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Onize to timestamp the M&E session from 21st Nov and add it to YouTube. [assignee] Onize [due] 12 December 2024 [status] todo

To carry over for next meeting:

  • Onboarding journeys survey

  • Onboarding to Decentralization research


  • topics covered: skillshare matrix, onboarding journeys, Q1 2025 budget, budget caps, skillshare session, monitoring and evaluation, M&E, decentralized governance, collaboration skills database, R&D guild, publicity, decentralization research, Decentralization, research project

  • emotions: speedy, Friendly, Casual

AI Sandbox/Think-tank

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Meeting Coordination and Introductions: Osmium welcomed everyone and gave an overview of the AI Tools Exhibition, talked about the mission, and highlighted the key takeaways and its relevance to the Ambassador program. All the information concerning the mission and key takeaways is linked in the Working Docs.

  • Showcasing the third presentation of the AI Toolset Exhibition series, by Malik on Zapier: a workflow automation tool that can help you automate routine tasks. We learned that Zapier connects over 5,000+ apps from various categories, including productivity, marketing, e-commerce, and customer support. Malik highlighted some of the popular integrations, such as Google Sheets, Slack, Trello, Salesforce, Shopify, and Mailchimp.

  • The session continued with Malik taking us through the following:

  • a) Overview of the toolset: A simple workflow on building a Zap by linking your Google Drive to YouTube for automated uploads.

  • b) Architecture and Technology Stack: The Zapier site link (https://zapier.com) was shared to highlight more on this.

  • c) Demonstration [live demo or tutorial/video walkthrough]: Zapier automation: How to build a Zap - Zapier 101

  • d) Outcome Report or Results and Impact: Talked about the impact and performance of Zapier increasing efficiency and boosting productivity.

  • Questions were raised around integrating with Discord, pricing, and monetizing automated workflows with YouTube, with a showcase of the process of integrating, visiting the pricing page, and uncertainty on monetization until explored by Malik.

  • Osmium showed the Roadmap of AI Sandbox/Think Tank, which emphasises the moderation phase, ideation phase, and iteration phase. He narrowed down on the iteration phase and getting a mechanism to take constructive feedback from people who have experienced our sessions so far. Kizzy stressed how ideally this feedback would help the program in terms of possible adoptions and comparison with other tools within the Ambassador program.

Decision Items:

  • We agreed to use Google Forms to take feedback on sessions so far.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided to get a Discord tag for members, and to ideate in Discord on possible tag wording.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Create a Google form for feedback from AI Sandbox/Think Tank sessions so far [assignee] LordKizzy, osmium [due] 5 December 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Members are to fill out the Google forms concerning feedback from various AI Sandbox/Think Tank sessions. [assignee] All [due] 19 December 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Advanceameyaw to document this call [assignee] advanceameyaw [due] 5 December 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: AI TOOLSET EXHIBITION, Zapier, Productivity, Efficiency, Automating Workflows, Roadmap of AI Sandbox/Think Tank

  • emotions: welcoming, informative, interactive, thoughtful, simple

Friday 29th November 2024

Writers Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Kenichi [facilitator], Cjfrankie [documenter], Kenichi, cjfrankie, Gorga Siagian, Emmanuel Isaac, Ines, Mikasa, devon

  • Purpose: Weekly meeting of the writers' workgroup


Kick-off: The writers' workgroup's weekly meeting started about 15 minutes past 3 o’clock. Kenichi welcomed everyone as usual and highlighted the reason we couldn’t join the call earlier — the marketing guild call was still ongoing!

Exploring Web3 Publishing Platforms: Momentarily, we delved into how we can move forward with our publications. Cjfrankie shared some of the research documents from the last two meetings. And we talked about how we can expand. Then Ines discussed getting some graphics for the recent article she wrote “The Consciousness Explosion,” which is around 19 minutes long. Kenichi added that he would edit the draft and schedule it for publication, while Gorga volunteered to make some graphics for the draft.

Budget Cap: Before now, we had so many views for Q1 2025, however, there’s a limit to what we can do — we hope AGIX pumps. This led to Gorga asking about the Indonesian page he proposed in Q3 2024. Kenichi cleared the air by saying that we’re at the limit of our agreed 10,500 AGIX budget cap, so we have removed items on our Q1 2025 budget so that we don’t go over budget. He added that new initiatives might not be able to come in, including the Indonesian page. He also discussed the importance of getting a separate wallet to enable the WWG to swap the budget to stablecoin, and reward writers with AGIX instead of USD-based rewards. Nonetheless, he added that the page can be created now, but it will have little attention.

Twitter Premium: Kenichi hinted that the writers' workgroup cannot get metrics from the Spanish page and the Pidgin page because we do not have any premium plans. He added that any page with 1,000 followers on X (formerly Twitter) will get a premium account, and the allocation for managing these pages will be different.

Monthly Stats: As we say goodbye to November 2024, we reflected on our journey since the beginning of the quarter. We glanced through all the social media accounts (X, Substack, Medium) to see how they performed in November, and the numbers and stats were quite impressive. We also revisited our Q4 2024 report to see if there are any changes we can make.

SingularityNET Ambassador community: Kenichi introduced the new SNET community launched on X. He hinted that the page is up and running, and he encouraged everyone to join the community including the social media managers, so he can make them moderators. From a bird’s-eye view, the community is built to unite, empower, and celebrate the SNET ambassador community by connecting and sharing knowledge. Lastly, he added that there should be more interaction on X by replying to questions from community members. As a matter of finality, Kenichi said that the points system rewards for November would go out next week on Tuesday, and he urged every writer to check the boxes.

Decision Items:

  • We have decided that any page that reaches 1,000 followers on X (formerly Twitter) will get a premium account, and the allocation for managing these pages will be different.

Action Items:

  • [action] Kenichi to create some tasks on Dework [assignee] kenichi [due] 29 November 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Gorga to make graphics for Ines’s draft [assignee] Gorga Siagian [due] 6 December 2024 [status] in progress


  • topics covered: Web3 publishing platforms, Q1 2024 budget, budget caps, Twitter premium, Indonesian page, Medium, Q4 2024 report, retrospective, SingularityNET Ambassador community, Monthly stats, Points system, The Consciousness Explosion

Video Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Malik [facilitator], Zalfred [documenter], SubZero, Zalfred, Rojo, hogantuso, AndrewBen, malik, LordKizzy, killy, oep, devon, osmium, Slate

  • Purpose: Weekly meeting of the Video WorkGroup. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the activities of the video workgroup and possibly get an alternative social media automation tool; secondly, to resolve misunderstandings that transpired in the workgroup; and lastly, find solutions to the issue of uploading large files.

Discussion Points:

Update from Tuso, our Task Manager: Tuso gave a quick update on the various tasks he assigned to different members in the previous week, covering video submissions, etc.

Update from Rojo, our Social Media Manager: Rojo gave a brief update on the activities on our social media platforms, stating that he posted out our regular videos. He also addressed the issue of a missing Town Hall video and the issue of late Town Hall Video submissions.

We discussed alternative social media automation tool (Zaps) and possible solutions to the issue of how it handles large files

We resolved an interpersonal dispute that transpired in the workgroup's Discord channel

Decision Items:

  • Malik suggested that Zaps (part of Zapier) would be a great automation tool for scheduling and automatically posting out our Town Hall Video edits on time

    • [opposing] Rojo added that there are quite a few limitations to Zaps (an automation tool) as the file size that the software can handle is limited.

Rojo suggested that the Town Hall video editors could edit and upload Town Hall videos as fast as possible, and on the question of large video sizes, he added that compressing these videos will help mitigate the problem. He added that sometimes our Town Hall video sizes are as large as 5GB and so compressing these videos will be a great idea

  • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Concerns were raised about video quality, but Rojo reaffirmed that compressing these videos will not have any negative effect on the video quality.

    • [rationale] As the workgroup is quite aware that quality visual content is our top priority, Rojo added that compressing the background picture or templates of the Town Hall video before editing the zoom video into the template will solve this problem.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Resolving the interpersonal dispute or misunderstanding that transpired in the workgroup's Discord the previous week.

    • [rationale] Those present at this meeting felt that it was simply a case of misunderstandings and misinformation between affected parties. However, one of the parties was not present today, so Rojo was assigned to reach out to them to try and resolve the underlying dispute.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Rojo to compress the Town Hall Video Edit Templates [assignee] Rojo [status] todo

  • [action] Rojo to reach out to one of the affected parties to the recent dispute to try and resolve the underlying issues [assignee] Rojo [status] todo

  • [action] Town Hall video editors to edit and upload these high priority videos on time in future [assignee] Slate, SubZero [status] todo

  • [action] Tuso to review Malik’s approved video project [assignee] hogantuso [status] todo


  • topics covered: Town Hall videos, timeliness, video size, Zaps, social media automation, video quality, Discord dispute, conflict resolution,

  • emotions: Casual, Thoughtful , repetitive, Collaborative

Marketing Guild

Discussion Points:

  • Marketing Guild Budget: Marketing Guild's budget has been finalized and submitted, moving to the consent round for approval.

  • Graphics Initiative: Kareem reported that the Graphics Initiative has been approved by the program and is currently underway.

  • Restructuring the Marketing Guild: Various suggestions were made regarding the restructuring of the guild to improve efficiency and functionality.

  • Podcast Initiative: Lordkizzy asked members if the proposed role changes for the initiative should be implemented in the current quarter or deferred to Q1 2025.

  • Zealy Campaign: CJ Frankie requested clarity on the roles, requirements, and deliverables for the campaign.

  • Meeting Facilitation: Ayo proposed having a task force member assist him for the remainder of Q1. However, Lordkizzy raised concerns that this might disrupt the distribution of payments.

Action Items:

  • [action] Lordkizzy and photogee to review the guild and also present an initial draft for new roles and responsibilities [assignee] LordKizzy, photogee [status] todo

  • [action] Ese and Kareem are to prepare a Governance document [assignee] esewilliams, kareem [status] todo


  • topics covered: Budget, Q1 2025 budget, consent process, Governance, Roles, Zealy, podcast, Graphics initiative, Zealy, meeting facilitation, restructuring

  • emotions: Thoughtful, warm, Friendly, productive, constructive criticism

Last updated