Week 40

Mon 30th Sep - Sun 6th Oct 2024

Monday 30th September 2024

Treasury Guild

Agenda item 1 - Policy Submission and Feeback - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Are there new Policy submissions? We began by checking the spreadsheet from the form.

  • Have there been any feedback/enactment for new policies?

Decision Items:

  • We agreed to check next month for new policy submissions

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Update the ideas doc with feedback and try out of the policies [assignee] Tevo [due] 14 October 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Add checking for new policy to next meeting agenda [assignee] Tevo [due] 14 October 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Policy Ratification and Review - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Policy Ratification? The current ratification process is slow as we are not getting a lot of responses

  • Discussions on the expected quorum which is 10% of core contributors (i.e. 5.6 people)

  • Policy did not reach the Threshold

  • We weighed the reactions gotten from last time, and figured out if discord reactions count Do we accept Discord Reactions too? First version had 6 reactions

  • Should people share reason for No and abstain reaction for the policy ratification? What if there is no reason for Yes consent?

Decision Items:

  • We agreed to use and accept discord reactions in the consent ratification process of a policy

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We agreed that a reaction has to have a comment when it's an objection and if the consent is yes without any comment, we assume the consenter agrees with the policy hypothesis

  • If the reaction is Abstain, then they also have to add a comment

  • When adding a policy to GitBook, we agreed to add link to the Discord thread IF rule is accepted

Action Items:

  • [action] Create a thread for reasons in the decision-making channel after posting the policy for ratification [assignee] Anyone [due] 14 October 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Treasury Guild Administration Changes - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • Treasury Guild Budget Proposal: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PnqBEh4eidAh-MqyfLOorQX4XhA-z4zOlgqxjyJKzh4/

  • We implemented changes around budget fitting to take us through Q4

  • What is the engagement number on the bitly links? In Quarter 3 we only had 2 clicks

  • Are there additional insights we can get as a Guild from Bitly links activity chart?

Decision Items:

  • We updated Proposal Bitly Link on Agenda as we agreed to report the activities on bitly links as a metric in Q4

    • [rationale] To help us track progress mostly on the proposal implementation

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Use when2meet to ask for time zone change for Treasury Guild calls

    • [opposing] None

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed to remove 2 meetings from Q4 and also remove rewarding onboarding within the treasury guild in Q4

    • [rationale] For budget fitting purposes

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Move any specific onboarding to Operator call, where people can ask questions. The general onboarding can be done by Onboarding WG members

    • [rationale] Reduce workload and budget fitting

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Reduce Documentation costs by 75%; Only Focus on Policy publicity and Consent Dashboards and forms

    • [rationale] Budget fitting

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Meeting summary to be created by Onize [assignee] onize [due] 30 September 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Meeting summary notes review done by Effiom [assignee] Effiom [due] 30 September 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Create when2meet and ask for preferred meeting time for Treasury Guild and operation's call - Tevo Include bityl metric in Quarter 4 Report [assignee] Tevo [due] 14 October 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Miro Board, Policy Submission, Ratification, Budget, consent, feedback, Quarter 4, Budget fitting, voting, bitly links, policies for budget

  • emotions: educational, interactive, interesting, Brainstorm

LatAm Guild

Agenda item 1 - Operations ASI X Solana Copa America AI Track initiative. - [carry over]


On September 12th, the SingularityNET Strategic Alliances team requested support from the SNET_LatAm team for the ASI X Solana Copa America AI Track initiative. 'Building Cross-Chain AI Agents with Fetch.ai and Solana'

This hackathon aims to challenge participants to leverage Fetch.ai agent tech and Solana’s blockchain to build applications that automate complex workflows and interactions in decentralized systems. We have outlined three levels of problem complexity—easy, medium, and complex—each presenting its own challenge.

In this follow-up meeting, the SNET_LatAm Ambassadors team met with the Strategic Alliances team to finalize the operational strategy for introduction WorkShop for the ASI -fetch.ai- solana-hackathon, which will take effect on Tuesday, October 1st.

The LatAm team will provide support through communication channels and human resources to assist the Fetch technical team. Their responsibilities will include moderating discussions, serving as intermediaries for participants in Spanish and Portuguese, clarifying questions, and facilitating the exchange of ideas during the virtual Copa America Hackathon.

It was agreed during the meeting that the LatAm team would help with the introduction in Portuguese in charge of Andre and Daniela, supporting Rob and Sergey, who will handle the introductions in English and Spanish. Following the introduction, the team will participate in the first workshop of the event.

Additionally, the LatAm team will document each intervention and action, establish a methodology for tracking action items, and create a form to collect participant inquiries, which will help streamline a funnel of questions and answers.

The amount to be given to the winners will be established and shared by Rob to the ASAP team in order to incorporate it into the communication and the call to action.

At 18:00 UTC RoOb shared a text with the opening remarks for the Workshop. <>

The tentative schedule for Tuesday, October 1st, is as follows:

10:00 AM BRT (UTC-3:00): Opening remarks with Sana Wajid and Alex Blagirev 10:30 AM BRT (UTC-3:00): "Built on Fetch.ai" session with Abhi 11:00 AM BRT (UTC-3:00): AI Agents Workshop with Abhi The remaining event schedule can be accessed via the hackpack: Hackathon Hackpack.

Decision Items:

  • SNET_Latam Ambassadors Guild and @SIngularityNET Collaboration for the ASI X Solana Copa America AI Track initiative Operations and Suggestions

Action Items:

  • [action] WorkShop Summary, following the LatAm Guild summary template Sergio will participate in the meeting, activating his read .ai and taking complementary notes to make a complete summary with action items and follow up items [assignee] Sergio [due] 30 September 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Continue designing the decentralized governance topics for discussion [assignee] Guillermo, Ines, Martin Rivero [due] 25 August 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Follow Notes and Participant Questionnaire form [assignee] Guillermo, Sergio, Martin Rivero [due] 30 September 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Follow channel "innovation-lab" in Fetch Discord [assignee] Guillermo, Martin Rivero, Sergio [due] 30 September 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Prices award in $. The amount to be given to the winners will be established and shared by Rob to the ASAP [assignee] Rob Intriago [due] 30 September 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Send first thingtuesday Oct 1, pervious to WorkShop link for online space [assignee] Rob Intriago, Guillermo [due] 29 September 2024 [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Marketing Strategic Communications - [carry over]


The LatAm team will be supporting the communication efforts and call 2 action for participation and event monitoring. Reinforcement of actions, encourage the LatAm community to participate in the event.

Action Items:

  • [action] Send communication and promotional elements of Solana and ASI to translate and amplify the arrival and potential participation [assignee] Rob Intriago, Guillermo [due] 30 September 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Educational Content, Participant Questionnaire, content calendar, Prices , Rewards, Copa Solana , Fetch Ai, Teamwork

  • emotions: Collaborative, Strategic, Task-focused

  • other:

AI Ethics WG


Tasks on Github We started by going through tasks “in progress”;

-We went through feedback from the Admins (GEI reportbacks by Jenn(she will get paid for all the reportbacks she did last quarter), moved to done and ready for payment) Co-chair and mentee by Vani & Colleen, WG async support by LadyTempestt, and the WG internal management by Sucre) on GitHub. All these tasks were moved to “Done” and made ready for payment.

-Event in Nigeria: Duke says the event was excellent while giving us a recap! There is a written report here Report for the "Ubuntu and AI" EventConference with quantitative and qualitative data(e.g. how many people showed up virtually and in person at the event, topics of discussion, and the rest) on how everything went. We also discussed how to sort out payment for speakers where Duke said that he paid one speaker up front so Ubio will get payment, while Esther and Leeloo's payments will go to the volunteers of the event; they both confirmed this. This task was moved to ”Done” and ready for payment this week. Moderation of the AI Ethics forum: There is no agreement on this yet. Will be done later today. Documenting GEI Open Office: We are yet to hear from Jenn concerning these documents.

We went onto tasks in “to-do”;

-Q3 Interviews: Clement has done a few interviews. Colleen will get to do them this week. Ayo said he has started today and Ese said she will get started this week and give an update later on GitHub. They were all reminded to move their individual tasks to “in progress” and put down comments or updates as soon as possible.

-Q4 Budget: The Budget passed but we decided to work on budget fitting, currently it's around 21.68% or so(it should be less after WWG adjusted budget and current AGIX price). We checked a few items that we might need to reduce or cut down due to budget fitting which included interview hours and expenses(Ayo said he would have a few interview expenses), meetings, survey, and educational resources. There are a few other items we might consider cutting if necessary and possible.

Decision Items:

  • Duke will redistribute Leeloo’s payment($150) to volunteers who were at the Ubuntu and AI event in Nigeria.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed to use 25 hours only for interviews in Q4.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed to meet once a month next quarter seeing as most of our tasks will be done async.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We are not doing learning/educational resources next quarter.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed to pick another co-chair mentee in Q4, but no assignee yet.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Whatever deadline is agreed upon after the 14th for Q3 Interviews to be done is the final deadline.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Duke will document the next meeting on the 7th of October, Colleen will take the 4th of November documentation, and LadyTempestt will take the 2nd of December documentation.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Vani to reach out to Esther about submitting her wallet for payment as a speaker at the Ubuntu and AI event in Nigeria. [assignee] Vanessa [due] 7 October 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Vani to reach out to Jenn concerning her progress in the Q3 interviews and documenting the GEI open office seeing as she's been unavailable for a while. [assignee] Vanessa [due] 7 October 2024 [status] in progress


  • topics covered: Event in Nigeria, Budget , Interviews, Documentation

  • emotions: quiet, timely, Deliberative

Last updated

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