Week 15
Mon 8th Apr - Sun 14th Apr 2024
Last updated
Mon 8th Apr - Sun 14th Apr 2024
Last updated
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Peter [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], Peter, Haley, Judith, Guillermo, Grace Rachmany, Billy, CollyPride, Clement Umoh, CallyFromAuron, 5oundwave5, WaKa, Mikasa, Zalfred, Photogee, Slate, hogantuso, oep, Jan Horlings, Olokoji, Carlos Sainz, Nebula1224, Iain, Philip, Curtis
Purpose: Workgroup progress and podcast updates
Town Hall Number: 92
Working Docs:
The Ambassador Town Hall is a recurring event happening live on the Ambassador Zoom channel https://www.youtube.com/@SNET_Ambassador each Tuesday at 19:00 UTC.
00:00 Intro 00:51 Ambassador Program Overview 04:28 Merger Discussion Start 14:55 Kyc Discussion 20:45 Reputation Weighted Voting 23:26 Issues With One Token One Vote 37:06 Community Involvement In Decisions 57:19 Importance Of Open Debates 01:05:00 Centralized Vs Public Benefit 01:08:00 Role Of Centralization & Decentralization 01:13:00 Reputation System Blueprint 01:14:00 Conclusion & Appreciation
Discussion of the token merger between AGIX, FET and Ocean Discussion of approaches to voting (KYC, one-person-one-vote, reputation-weighting, plutocracy aka 1-token-1-vote) Discussion of community involvement in decisions, who has power, who gets input. This was also one of the earliest suggestions of a quarterly report or spending report for the previous quarter being a requirement for Workgroups to submit a budget for the next quarter (2:01)
topics covered: Token merger, voting, plutocratic, one token one vote, voting reputation, reputation weight, KYC, fetch and ocean, Governance workgroup, Q2 budget decision process, Q2 budget, Q1 quarterly report, moderator workgroup, moderator, Telegram, Discord, Deep Funding Focus Group, Decision Making Process, community governance, community engagement, power, debate
emotions: interesting, engaging, critique, insight
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Felix [facilitator], Felix [documenter], Felix, CallyFromAuron, PeterE, guillermolucero, SucrenSpice
Purpose: Weekly GovWG Meeting
Working Docs:
Topic: Ambassadors Naming Issue: how do we name ambassadors/contributors blocker: time & people to solve it
Topic: Q2 budget Issue: submitting Q2 budget for Governance WG blocker: time & people to solve it; also need to create a budget calculator sheet for Q2
Topic: governance tools & know-how Issue: what are good tool use cases blocker: clear use cases and use of tools
Topic: uniFires & SNET issue: how to connect uniFires to SNET Blocker: available time & people
1P1V & Governance momentum
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Peter mentioned the merge of SNET, Fetch & Ocean which will also enable collaborations with their respective Ambassdor programs, something to look and think about
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
1P1V is a major strategic objective of GovWG
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
Peter mentioned the idea to set up a Moderators WG, enable resources for folks like Demonix (server admin)
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
[action] create a document on Naming context https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cFhmCL9ip8I8UoglDU1_hhpL5PMHpTVoAnNgTZjhG_k/edit?usp=sharing - define process how to get reflection & insights from current contributors & Ambassadors (plan a retrospective on what worked & what didnt) [assignee] Felix [status] todo
[action] Ask treasury guild to set up Q2 budget sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BBogj9rAO52cpdGP3uvp8hAHNa4Qw66lz9JLjSC2yVs/edit#gid=2094170945 (copy Q1 sheet) - Get all Guild/WG budgets - Update and improve budget requirements - budget reports [assignee] Tevo [status] todo
[action] Set up governance sandbox - reach out to contributors & ask if they can engage in tool testing - license reports & documentation under opensource licences (e.g step by step guide) [assignee] all [status] todo
[action] - Guillermo shows interest, reach out to some SNET folks and ask them to engage, establish a small group of SNET folks to engage at uniFires - create a blog post on 1P1V with uniFires - bring the topic up in SNET AMB TH [assignee] guillermolucero, all [status] todo
topics covered: Governance, Q2 budget, Naming, community governance, 1p1v, tool testing, Unifires, Polkadot, fetch and ocean, fetch, ocean, Token merger, one token one vote
emotions: Friendly, Collaborative, Conclusive
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], Slate, esewilliams, Clement Umoh, Photogee, duke peter, GorgaSeagian, Peter, malik, osmium
Purpose: Completion of videos and infographics for Ambassador Certification Program (ACP). Reviewing Team For ACP quizzes Set up and processes finalized. Budget request presentation (module-based approach). Platform for ACP teams: Google Classroom or Mentimeter? Assignment of the quizzes to all the present participants
Working Docs:
Completion of videos and infographics for Ambassador Certification Program (ACP)
Reviewing team For ACP quizzes set-up and processes
Finalized budget request presentation (module-based approach)
Platform for ACP teams: Google Classroom or Mentimeter?
Assignment of the quizzes to all the present participants
Meeting started with Slate welcoming everyone to the meeting
Slate shared the infos and videos sheet and went over some uncompleted task and got updates from them
Then he mentioned that we have completed all the tasks regarding infos and video except for one which is also underwork
Slate then shared the reviewing team which has been set up for ACP quizzes and will be reviewing the quizzes and also the process of how they are going to be doing it
Current reviewing team has two members: Osmium and Vanessa
Then Slate shared the finalized budget that he reworked according to the remarks from the previous meeting
Peter said that the budget request looks solid
Most of the participants agreed with the budget request
Then Slate assigned some of the quizzes which were open to the present people
Then open discussion was held regarding which learning platform to be used. Peter suggested Andamio, and Slate suggested that we create a presentation on each of the main sugested platforms.
So for the next meeting most of the presentations would be held regarding Google Classroom, Teams, Andamio and Mentimeter
Work on Presentations
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Nunet Video completion
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Presentations [assignee] Slate [due] 15 April 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Invideo Subscription [assignee] everyone assigned [due] 16 April 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: ACP, review, Budget , platform, quizzes
emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike., speedy
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Curtis, Guilermo [facilitator], Onyeka [documenter], Photogee, Ubiodee, Tevo, 5oundwave5, William, Curtis, Guillermo, Onyeka
Purpose: R&D discussions on quarterly report for Q1
R&D discussions on Q1 quarterly report.
Discussions on project deliverables
Discussions on Q1 quarterly report and plans for the upcoming quarter.
There were some introductions from new members.
We decided to use the MIRO board for Q1 RoadMap and Operations
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Rojo to continue building the backend and conduct the backend testing with members of the project who manage the social media account; once that is done, then build the front end [assignee] Rojo [due] 3 April 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Guillermo to assist the other teams to get some deliverables [assignee] Guillermo [due] 3 April 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Curtis and Rojo to create a document for showcasing our progress (deliverables) in the Guild [assignee] Curtis, Rojo [due] 3 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] Curtis and Guillermo to have a call to see where we are as a Guild, how we integrate with Treasury and Archives workgroup works [assignee] Curtis, Guillermo [due] 3 April 2024 [status] done
[action] Guillermo to attend the next Treasury meeting on the 5th of April,2024 [assignee] Guillermo [due] 11 April 2024 [status] done
[action] Guillermo to have a call with Ubio on providing assistance to the multilingual project through some Brazilians [assignee] Guilermo [due] 11 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] Guild members to add their contributions to the docs [assignee] All Members [due] 17 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] Ubio, Waka, Rojo to add their contributions to the R&D _ Q1 Proposal Report _ Template. [assignee] Ubiodee, WaKa, Rojo [due] 17 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] Onyeka to message Rojo on how he could contribute to the automated social media project. [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 17 April 2024 [status] todo
topics covered: Guilds, Budget, Q2, Tool Development, Proposal, AI tooling, API, deliverables, incentives
emotions: Collaborative, productive, Thoughtful , speedy
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: Tevo [facilitator], Tevo [documenter], Tevo, André, Guillermo, Photogee, hogantuso, Sound Wave
Purpose: This Workgroup focuses on creating educational project-based learning material for Dework on the Andamio platform in collaboration with Gimbalabs and Governance Guild
Miro board: Link
Other media: Link
Shared Dework PBL WG's quarterly report for Q1 2024 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s09ifUK8J921X-oJRJzVAyPQKWO0FCKGEoYPDXyi66M/edit#heading=h.ftfioj9c9q2h
[action] Edit, suggest, comment, do whatever you think should be highlighted about our Q1 results. [status] todo
Described new lesson to take position of lesson 101.2 - introduce Action Paragraphs and the first action is to ask for a Dework role
Should we re-structure onboarding section into different headers?
Merged Dework requirements (101.2) into About Dework (101.1). Both content now in a single lesson.
[action] Update Miro Board structures - Tevo [assignee] Tevo [status] todo
[action] Create a Discord Account lesson [status] todo
[action] Collaborate with Deep Funding Academy to include their wallet registration lesson in our Dework PBL WG [assignee] Tevo [status] todo
[action] Include Metamask wallet guide to give them the idea of cross-chain opportunities [status] todo
[action] Update Dework PBL Onboarding structure into 3 different headers related to: Dework lesson, this course specific lesson, and blockchain tooling requirements that Ambassador program members use [status] todo
Shared new Andamio instance design, look and capability
Current version does not do automatic updates, latest changes are currently only seen on GitHub.
[action] Coordinate with Andamio team to update Dework PBL course into newest version [assignee] Tevo [status] todo
Would Ambassador Program be ok to be serviced by Governance Guild for maintaining the Dework PBL Andamio site?
How to be prepared for scaling?
Support makes it easier to integrate with other Ambassador Workgroup work
Accept Governance Guild hosting service offer of 20USD in AGIX per month
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
What would we like to do in the next session?
If the opportunity presents itself, we will review the new site and try to do the course ourselves in the new design.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Let's have a workshop to create a new lesson for example creating a new Discord Account
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: LadyTempestt [facilitator], lord kizzy [documenter], Vanessa, SucrenSpice, Cjfrankie, duke peter, Photogee, Billy, Kenichi, osmium, Gorga Siagian, Peter, hogantuso, Olokoji, 5oundwave5, Clement Umoh
Suggestions (to be confirmed in meeting on 25th report back on Treasury session on 18th, and link to video of it? Share our Q1 quarterly report? Say we are working on some onboarding journeys? Say we have implemented a buddy system to mentor new members? Invite people to our meetings and explain how you become a member?
Minutes of the last meeting
Action Items from the last meeting
The Token Merger
Onboarding Journeys
Q2 Budget
Creating a doc on the "Renaming the Ambassador role" decision
Facilitation and Documentation next time
Money and Payments session with André on 18th April
Next Town Hall Updates on 30th April
We decided that Olokoji will facilitate the next onboarding workgroup meeting on the 25th of April, 2024, if Peter isn't available
[rationale] Peter might not be available due to the ASI Merger discussion
We decided that Clement's idea on a complilation graphic for new members will be implemented in the next Quarter.
[rationale] we decided to use this quarter to track new members that are coming into the program
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We decided to add Gorga 's proposal for educational resources on Spinoffs in Indonesian and Japanese to our Budget for Q2
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We decided QA-DAO will create a zoom meeting link for André's workshop on the 18th (next week) just in case Peter won't be available to start up the session.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We decided LadyTempestt will assist André as the Co Host for the treasury session on the 18th
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
We decided that in principle, we are interested in creating a doc to support core contributors iwith the decision-making process about whether or not to rename the Ambassador role - but first, it should be clarified in a Governance WG meeting exactly what is being decided on.
[rationale] There's a bit of unclarity about whether it's just the name of the role, or the name of the Program itself, or even the whole "roles and levels" issue
[effect] mayAffectOtherPeople
We agreed on the main activities for Q2 and their costs - see budget sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12fxnBJNRqkV7D9O28q2yYU4jLyoCC9TVKimncG_TtVw/edit?usp=drivesdk
[rationale] We decided that some things suggested would be better in Q3 since they don't feel ready to do in this Quarter.
[action] Duke, Onyeka, and Cjfrankie to continue work on Onboarding Journeys [assignee] duke peter, lord kizzy, cjfrankie [due] 4 April 2024 [status] in progress
[action] Vani to add minutes of the last meeting (14th March) to the Archive via meeting summary tool. [assignee] Vanessa [due] 25 April 2024 [status] done
[action] Lord kizzy to create a graphic to publicize the Ideas & Potential improvement Doc and Continuous Onboarding Report. [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 4 April 2024 [status] done
[action] Love to create a graphic to publicize the session with Andre on treasury operations [assignee] LadyTempestt [due] 4 April 2024 [status] done
[action] Peter to give Olokoji & Billy the Onboarding Workgroup tag - done during the meeting [assignee] Peter [due] 11 April 2024 [status] done
[action] Duke to mentor Clement on how to deliver the Workgroup updates [assignee] Duke, Clement Umoh [due] 25 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] Clement to do our Town Hall updates on Tues 30th April [assignee] Clement Umoh [due] 30 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] Gorga to write a short proposal for making SNET educational content - he'll present it at our next meeting [assignee] Gorga Siagian [due] 25 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] LadyTempestt to add some ideas on surveys to be implemented in Q2 to the Q2 Budget sheet [assignee] LadyTempestt [due] 25 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] SucrenSpice to send our Q2 Budget sheet to Treasury [assignee] Sucren [due] 25 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] SucrenSpice to check attendance records to see if Hogan Tuso is qualified to get the Onboarding tag [assignee] Sucren [due] 25 April 2024 [status] todo
[action] Lord Kizzy to collaborate with Photogee on editing the video of the Treasury session on 18th April [assignee] lord kizzy, Photogee [due] 25 April 2024 [status] todo
Vani got a new name from Peter (Vanilla)
Treasury session with André
Creating a doc about the Renaming decision
topics covered: Town Hall update, Q2 budget, Infographics, Education material, Collaboration, onboarding journeys, Treasury, Onboarding, workgroups, publicity, financial onboarding, survey , Videomaking
emotions: Friendly, funny , Deliberative, Discursive, Thoughtful
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Kenichi [facilitator], devon [documenter], Kenichi, Mikasa, cjfrankie, LadyTempestt, Slate, William, Gorga Siagian, ines ganina
Purpose: The meeting focused on article updates, zealy updates , platforms for articles, and workgroup operations.
Meeting video: Link
We discussed the progress of ongoing articles. Kenichi proposed featuring a Mindplex podcast in trivia with 5 questions. Kenichi provided an update on his article "Zealy Quiz modules." We talked about issues related to task applications. Kenichi detailed the onboarding procedure and the grading system, with 3 writers rated as grade A and 2 as grade B. He explained the rationale behind using Medium and Twitter for articles. William recommended translating the articles.
Include the last five episodes of the Mindplex podcast in the trivia.
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
[action] Kenichi will present the quarterly report at the upcoming townhall meeting. [assignee] Kenichi [status] todo
LinkedIn as a platform for articles
How to increase bonus system points
Point-based grading system
topics covered: Medium publications, Dework, Tasks, task priority, image generators, social media, contribution, monthly statistics
emotions: Collaborative, productive, Thoughtful
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], devon [documenter], malik, hogantuso, Zalfred, Photogee, osmium, killy, GorgaSeagian, 5oundwave5, oep, AndrewBen
Purpose: The meeting focused on task updates, Video suggestions, and onboarding process
Working Docs:
Weekly meeting agenda outlined by Slate
Malik, the social media manager, provided a rundown of the weekly updates and also shared information about Zealy.
Hogantuso, the task manager, provided updates on the weekly management tasks.
Acquintance and introduction of new applicants
Discussion on video suggestion by osmium on Hyperailbox
Discussion on the purpose of a video workgroup
[action] video suggestion by osmium on Hyperailbox [assignee] osmium, oep [status] todo
[action] Tuso to guide new applicant andrew [assignee] hogantuso [status] todo
topics covered: social media management, workgroup updates, new people, Zealy, Videomaking
emotions: Friendly, speedy , Casual, engaging new people, positive
Type of meeting: Biweekly
Present: Slate [facilitator], devon [documenter], malik, rebel, hufiumer69, lord kizzy, Gorga Siagian, 5oundwave5, flyn
Purpose: Task Assignment and Q2 outlook review
Working Docs:
The game was not played and not all agenda items were covered because the meeting ran late.
Slate outlined the meeting agenda
Slate showcased the workgroup and the upgrades made to the workgroup
Slate also showcased the NPC dialogue system and the questions added to the workgroup lead NPC
discussion on other platforms for game creation
Quarterly budget was discussed
timetable for gathering information from various workgroups.
2 department creation per month
[effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup
Schedule for collecting information
[action] Change stranger with mate/friend in NPC Dialogue [assignee] Slate [status] todo
[action] Collecting information from video workgroup [assignee] malik, devon [status] todo
[action] Collecting information from treasury guild [assignee] Gorga Siagian, hufiumer69 [status] todo
[action] Collecting information from educational guild [assignee] Gorga Siagian, malik [status] todo
topics covered: Rewards, Budget , Roblox, participation, NPC, Budget Request
emotions: Friendly, Collaborative, Thoughtful