Week 18
Mon 29th Apr - Sun 5th May 2024
Last updated
Mon 29th Apr - Sun 5th May 2024
Last updated
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: PeterE [facilitator], CallyFromAuron [documenter], PeterE, Tevo, Stephen [QADAO], CallyFromAuron, Elizabeth Cusma, CollyPride, WaKa, Olokoji, hogantuso, Felix, Clement Umoh, PureRelativity(Curtis), Gorga Siagian, jay05|judithW, Mikasa, Nebula1224, Nicola Salvagni, Duke, Robert Bedoya, osmium, Billy
Purpose: Regular weekly get-together for the Ambassador Program. Discussion of community-wide issues; sharing of updates and info; and in the last meeting of each month, an update from each Workgroup on what they have been doing
Town Hall Number: 95
The Ambassador Town Hall is a recurring event happening live on the Ambassador Zoom channel https://www.youtube.com/@SNET_Ambassador each Tuesday at 19:00 UTC.
00:53 Agenda 01:05 What The Ambassador Program Is 19:14 Workgroup Updates - Treasury Guild Operations And Treasury Guild, Knowledge Base Workgroup, Dework Pbl Workgroup, And Process Guild 26:10 Archives Workgroup 32:42 Education Workgroup 37:00 Onboarding Workgroup 40:07 Marketing Guild 42:50 Writers Workgroup 49:29 Moderators Workgroup
This week's Town Hall began with discussion of the Decentralisation Blueprint produced by the Supervisory Council, including issues around open source approaches, and the attribution of community contributions to it.
Then, as it's the last Town Hall of the month, it continued with updates from each Workgroup on their work this month.
The report from Treasury Guild at 20:00 includes some insights on the budget consent process for Q2, and on the role of Core Contributors. The report from Archives WG at 28:44 includes information on the RAG retrieval process that is being worked on.
topics covered: consent, consent decision making, Q2 budget, core contributors, Decision Making Process, Treasury, Archives WorkGroup, R&D guild, Education Guild, Knowledge Base Workgroup, Marketing Guild, Writers WorkGroup, moderator workgroup, onboarding workgroup, RAG retrieval process, AI searches, archives search, AI ethics, open source ethos, open source, Governance GitBook, Decentralization Blueprint, attribution, Creative Commons, Intellectual property
emotions: long
Type of meeting: Weekly
Present: Felix [facilitator], Felix [documenter], Felix, CallyFromAuron, PeterE, guillermolucero, SucrenSpice
Purpose: Weekly GovWG Meeting
Item: How to make decision-making purely contribution based? anyone can submit consent forms, but decoupled from contributors. We will only count contributor input as valid. Consent discussion meeting will be only for contributors
Item: Updating Contributors list each decision/consent process we hold will trigger a new update on the contributors list Contribution gets recognised on a weekly basis by Treasury Guild
Item: Name changing we start to prepare for decision making process on whether to change the term “Core Contributors” through a 2-phased approach Decision making process on if we want to change the name Decision making process to define new name Onboarding WG has started to draft the context setting document for the Naming decision
topics covered: Governance, Ambassadors, Naming, core contributors, onboarding workgroup, consent process
emotions: Collaborative, speedy , Thoughtful