Week 30

Mon 22nd Jul - Sun 28th Jul 2024

Monday 22nd July 2024

Strategy Guild


Action Items Checkboxes from the last meeting Ayo led the discussion on the action items from the previous meeting. The focus was on the completion of the Guild working documents and the development of survey questions. Only 3 people had filled out the working document at the time of the meeting.

Onboard New Members/Core Member Roll Call This is a new segment introduced to acknowledge new core members, onboard first-timers, and explain how everyone can contribute and be a part of what is happening within the Guild.

Q3 for the Guild in Perspective The importance of the research and workshop for Q3 was highlighted. Research - Contributing to the survey questions is the first step in expressing interest in joining the research team. Workshop - Getting two or three representatives from each guild (Marketing, Video, and Writers WG) is the first action item. Ayo reinforced the Guild’s inclusive principle.

Adoption of Tools The use of GitHub in the Guild will be explored and members should share their email addresses or reach out to Ayo in DM to be added to the group.

Guild Leadership Leadership structure was discussed, with emphasis on decentralized leadership structure, and active member participation.

Budget Update Our Q3 budget has been approved. A subsequent conversation on budget fitting will take place.

Decision Items:

  • Extend an invitation to other WGs for next meeting

    • [rationale] This is to reinforced the guild’s inclusive principle, and also kickstart the workshop project

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • The meeting time remains unchanged

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Volunteers (i.e. Ayo, Tuso and Onyeka) will engage Writers WG, Video WG, and Marketing Guild respectively to ensure they have representation at the next meeting [status] todo

  • [action] Continue contribution to the Guild’s working document [status] todo

  • [action] Continue contribution to the possible survey questions document [status] todo

  • [action] Create a new sheet in working doc for interest in meeting facilitation [status] todo

  • [action] Core members should indicate interest in facilitating the new sheet in the working doc [status] todo

  • [action] Share previous meeting summaries and this meeting summary [assignee] Effiom [status] todo


  • topics covered: Q3 Objectives, Q3 budget, budget fitting, Core member, Guild Membership, survey, research, Q3 Report, tools, meeting time, participation, contribution, facilitation, leadership, decentralization, Video WG, Writers WG, Marketing Guild

  • emotions: Collaborative, interesting, insightful, fun

Treasury Automation WG

Agenda item 1 - Introduction to Workgroup and Project Proposal - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • introduction video: https://youtu.be/RENONEarwWM

Action Items:

  • [action] include Swarm Treasury System Miro Board link in the Relevant Links area [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Planning process for proposal deliverables - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • Which Deliverables should we start from?

  • What can we build by the time we meet at the next session?

Decision Items:

  • We start building solutions parallel to the documentation

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We update data mapping documentation after the solution is implemented

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Draft documentation for new process map [assignee] Effiom [status] todo

  • [action] Build API header to receive data [assignee] André [status] todo

  • [action] Build API body as JSON which includes multiple data tables required for bundle transaction [assignee] Tevo [status] todo

Agenda item 3 - Other Treasury Updates - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Participation vs Contribution Tooling: The Recent update can be found in Dework PBL Summary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMSKB79fkbg\

  • Treasury Manager can now be used to register new contacts and accounts by Zoom Export

  • Treasury Manager can now be used to assign participants to pre-configured meetings

  • The dashboard is updated with Q3 budgets

Decision Items:

  • Participation vs Contribution Tooling, future updates will be shared in this WG

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Build solution to mass import Zoom meetings into Treasury System [assignee] Tevo [status] todo

  • [action] New overview columns for the dashboard, cumulative values and reallocations [assignee] André [status] todo

Agenda item 4 - Treasury Service for NuNet - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • What would it cost to set up a new treasury system?

  • How could we integrate NuNet Dework tasks into the SingularityNET Ambassador Treasury System?

  • Who is interested in coordinating the treasury operations?


  • topics covered: Treasury System, Miro Board, Automation, tooling, participation vs contribution, process, API, Backend, Documentation, json, projects, Nunet

  • emotions: insightful, reflective, decisive, bit quiet

AI Ethics WG


Sucre was delayed so Vani facilitated. Worked thru the GitHub board, beginning with "in progress" items.

The 3 strategy drafts (research strategy, ethics strategy, knowledge management strategy) are written, and are now handed over to their respective editing teams, with a deadline of 2nd August.

Discussion on how to pay the strategy-writing teams. They each have a total of $300, originally planned as $100 per person - but what is fair when not everyone in each team took part? Should someone be docked money for adding their input a couple of (weekend) days late? If people didn't contribute anything, or contributed less, to their group's doc, what should they be paid, if anything? How should we approach things if someone was ill? etc. Some discussion on the importance of deadlines vs the importance of a degree of flexibility; the need for communicating any blockers to the rest of your team; and the difficulties and rewards of asynchronous working in small teams.

The Knowledge Management team's decision was made very rapidly in the meeting itself; the Ethics strategy team have had some prior discussion and are not all agreed, but they may prefer to leave it as it is and avoid a dispute; the Research strategy team seem to be agreed.

We ran through the work that has been done by the WG admin roles (Jen''s reportback to the GEI; internal WG management; WG async support, co-chair, and co-chair mentor). See GitHub Board for details.

LadyTempestt as async work support raised the point that it can be hard sometimes to "be in the middle" and not to intervene.

Discussed what Clement's fee should be for AI Ethics Forum moderation.

Discussed how to fund documenting the GEI meetings as well as our WG meetings.

Agreed to pay Colleen for the small amount of co-ordination work she did in Q2.

Discussed open tasks in the Q3 budget - "AI Ethics conversations" and "Interviewing".

Noted that our Q3 budget line for "Producing educational resources" will have to be moved to Q4 due to budget-fitting. Also noted that Education WG is making some video learning resources on AI this quarter, so if we do decide to do this in Q4 we will need to be aware of what Education WG has produced, and be sure not to duplicate.

Discussed possible tasks for AGI-24 conference, August 13th-16th; and for the pre-event on 7th August. To be funded via the match-funding of this WG's Q2 budget that Esther secured from the Foundation. We noted that nobody from the WG is now going to Seattle in person due to high flight prices, so we will focus on virtual activities - fishbowl interviews; a virtual chillout room; etc. Noted that due to short timescale, we need people who don't need training or support to do these tasks; and noted the need for people to be honest about their skills.

Decision Items:

  • We agreed that each strategy writing team will decide between themselves how to distribute their $300. The WG Admin team are available to adjudicate if requested, but won't do so otherwise. Teams will post in the relevant GitHub Issue to say how they have decided to distribute their money and why, so that it's public.

    • [rationale] Decentralised approach, and allows each group to base their decision on their own specific circumstances and their context

    • [opposing] No objections; but slight concern on whether those who are more self-effacing would lose out if they are not able to advocate strongly for themselves

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Learning point that we are not yet that good at working async in small teams - but it's something we might need to keep trying to improve on

    • [rationale] because we are in such a wide range of time zones, we can't easily meet, so async work is important

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed that for now, only the strategy-editing teams will edit the 3 strategy docs. They will be open for contributions from everyone later.

    • [rationale] To maintain clarity.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Clemenrt will keep a note of any moderation work he does in the AI Ethics forum; but he is also being paid to be "on call" even if he doesn't actually do any moderating. We will look at Moderators WG to work out what is a fair amount to pay

    • [rationale] because at the moment, we have only said that this will come from our contingency budget; we haven't definitely agreed how much.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We agreed that Jenn will document the GEI meetings every other Tuesday, and this will be funded from our Q2 budget. Vani has checked with André (Treasury Guild) if this would be feasible, and it would.

    • [rationale] Because it would be useful to have the GEI meetings documented, and because we forgot to budget for this in our Q3 budget - but we do still have an underspend in Q2.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Agreed to reward Colleen $15 retrospectively, from the Q2 budget, for the small amount of co-ordination work she did in Q2 - see https://github.com/SingularityNet-Ambassador-Program/AI-Ethics-Workgroup/issues/33

    • [rationale] because we agreed several meetings ago that anyone who had done any Q2 co-ordination work should be paid. Colleen was the only person apart from Vani who had.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Moderators of AI Ethics Forum - Clement, and others TBC if needed. Roles might need to be assigned - Peter? [assignee] Clement Umoh, Peter [due] 14 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Vani to create recurring meeting invite at 1400 UTC fortnightly on Mondays - Peter to add to Ambassadors Calendar [assignee] CallyFromAuron, Peter [due] 14 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Create Discord DM goups for strategy writing and editing groups and invite LadyTempestt as well [assignee] all [due] 9 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] all to add ideas to "AI Ethics Workgroup Stuff" spreadsheet for "AI conversations" work, to be discussed next meeting [assignee] all [due] 22 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] all to add GitHub names to AI Ethics WG tag and username list, or DM to Vani or Sucre, asap - some people still need to do this [assignee] all [due] 5 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Clement to consult Peter and the Moderators WG to work out what is a fair amount to pay for his moderation of the AI Ethics forum. Aim to get a definite amount in the issue on the board by the end of the quarter. [assignee] Clement Umoh [due] 19 August 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Eevryone to add their ideas in the "AI Ethics Stuff!" google sheet for the "AI Ethics conversations" and the "Interviewing" tasks that we have budget for in this quarter, and we'll discuss next meeting. [assignee] all [due] 5 August 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vani to add signup sheets for open tasks - "AI conversations", "Interviewing" and tasks at AGI-24 conference [assignee] CallyFromAuron [due] 26 July 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: drafting strategy documents, strategy, money, share, moderation, async, async working practices, AI ethics forum, forum, forum moderators, fair pay, AGI-24, virtual round table, virtual conference, honesty, honesty about skills, skills, strategy documents, editing, interviewing, interview, fishbowl interviews, anthropomorphism, Indigenous protocol, indigenous, Rewards

  • emotions: brisk, one speaker, good humoured, full of information

Tuesday 23rd July 2024

LatAm Guild

Agenda item 1 - Agenda Item 1 - WG Comunicación ADN / RoundTable #1 - [carry over]


The conversation revolved around AI, IoT, and personal growth. Emphasized AI and Iot's potential to enhance home security and comfort. Raised concerns about their impact on the Latin American community, particularly around regulation and oversight. There was a broader discussion on the importance of personal growth, professional development, and financial education, with focusing on cryptocurrency investments and the need for professional advice. Discussed about filling out and submit the application forms and create forum posts in the Spanish section for both events to motivate engagement and onboarding.

Decision Items:

  • RoundTable #1 Program and invitations

Action Items:

  • [action] Share information on the upcoming event in the Telegram group [assignee] Guillermo [due] 28 August 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] #Revisions on RoadMap Document [assignee] Martin Rivero, Guillermo, Ines, Caue, Andrea Dekovic [due] 25 July 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Recommend joining the Telegram group for continuous updates [assignee] Martin Rivero [due] 24 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Look into live streaming on Instagram and TikTok [assignee] Caue [due] 24 July 2024 [status] in progress

Agenda item 2 - Communication Strategies - [carry over]


Discussions about IoT market trends and communication strategies continued. members touched on AI-generated content, privacy concerns in telemedicine, and energy conservation strategies. Members discussed Latin American politics and blockchain technology as ways to empower local communities.

Decision Items:

  • Draft Onboarding Strategy Focus on Brasil and Colombia

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Invite Thais [assignee] Caue [due] 25 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Draft design of specific actions for collaboration with members [assignee] Guillermo, Ines, Andrea Dekovic [due] 25 July 2024 [status] done

Agenda item 3 - Marketing and Social Media Strategies - [carry over]


The team discussed communication strategies for marketing the upcoming ADN event and rondtable, including leveraging social media platforms like Telegram, Instagram, and TikTok to boost community engagement. There was debate around balancing the quality and quantity of participant interactions across these platforms.

Decision Items:

  • ADN event Action items July 31

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] SingularityNET T-Shirts for ADN [assignee] Guillermo [due] 25 July 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Draft questionnaire for ADN [assignee] Ines, Andrea Dekovic [due] 25 July 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Create Tik-Tok Account [assignee] Ines [due] 22 July 2024 [status] done

Agenda item 4 - Operations Sub-Group - [carry over]


Members discussed content of upcoming workshop for github operations and project management.

Decision Items:

  • Github WorkShop

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Github WorkShop [assignee] Caue, Guillermo [status] in progress


  • topics covered: Rewards, Governance, Meeting Summaries, Onboarding, Budget , Roles, Collaboration, Translation, GitHub, Google Analytics, ADN, agi-24

  • emotions: Collaborative, Friendly, Thoughtful , entertaining, challenging, growth, socialmedia

  • other: Step by Step, moving forward, scalability

Wednesday 24th July 2024

Archives Workgroup

Decision Items:

  • OpenSource paradigm presentation See https://github.com/SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive/issues/164 - we decided to look at how the work will be presented after the holidays, in September

    • [rationale] The wish to engage more people with the issues around Open Source culture and ethos

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • Governance WG paying Ese to upload their backlog of summaries to the Tool: Vani Dework task is created, covering 12 meetings at $10 per meeting, and Ese is nearly finished

    • [rationale] Gov WG has budget to cover this, and they have a backlog of summaries written and ready to upload. For the future, summaries are being added to the Tool by other documenters e.g. Ayo

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • we decided that the best way to collect information for the Summary Tool redesign is by brief, targeted 1-2-1 chats with those who use the tool most

    • [rationale] People often do not fill in surveys; plus a survey would not be the best method to reach the core people whose feedback we want

    • [opposing] There was some concern that the budget we have ($100 - reduced due to budget fitting) is quite low for 1-2-1 conversations - but if they are brief and targeted, it should be OK.

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

  • We agreed to pay 4 contributors $25 each for the comments they have added to the AI Ethics policy draft doc. See issue: https://github.com/SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive/issues/161 Then in September, we will decide who should work on actually writing the policy; that work will be costed in Q4

    • [rationale] 4 people have made substantial comments in the doc, so the $100 we have for this in Q3 should be shared between them. Vani and Stephen also commented extensively, but are waiving their costs.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Summary tool redesign: André has created base components, and added routes to them. Next he will make the navigation more mobile-friendly. See issue https://github.com/SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive/issues/181

    • [effect] mayAffectOtherPeople

Action Items:

  • [action] Video walkthru of how to use the GitHub Board - see https://github.com/SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive/issues/116 - reassigned to Ayo; he needs to be added to the GitHub organisation, and will bring another draft when we return in September. [assignee] Ayo [due] 4 September 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Town Hall presentation on Ubio's work, see https://github.com/SingularityNET-Archive/SingularityNET-Archive/issues/150, will take place on 6th August [assignee] Ekemini Samuel, esewilliams [due] 6 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Stephen to decide how best to present the "Open-source paradigm" work: tbd in September when we return [assignee] Stephen [QADAO] [due] 4 September 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Vani to create issues on the GitHub Board for all the forthcoming Q3 work, in time for meeti ng on 10th July - not done yet as we are still waiting for definite info on budget-lowering percentage. Postponed to 24th July [assignee] CallyFromAuron [due] 24 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Vani to DM Ayo about the GitHub Board walkthru video [assignee] CallyFromAuron [due] 24 July 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: github board, AI ethics, Ethics, good meeting summaries, open source, GitHub video walkthrough, meeting summary tool redesign, community engagement, summary backlog, archives backlog, Q3 issues, Governance workgroup, holiday

  • emotions: Organised, new people present, short, focused

Research and Development Guild

Agenda Items:

  • Welcoming new members and Introduction

  • Review of last meeting summary Action Items




Discussion Points:

  • SHOWCASE FINISHED PROPOSAL: We are trying to present deliverables on completed projects to the community. We weren't able to further discuss this because core members of respective projects weren't in attendance

  • LAST MEETING FOLLOW UP: FOLLOW UP DISCUSSIONS ON NEW OPERATIONS OBJECTIVES, DESIGN NEW OPERATIONS SYSTEM / R&D Guild Going Forward: Guillermo highlighted the need for proper reporting and documentation and also the need for only core contributors to be able to present proposals; if an existing member that isn't yet a core contributor wants to present a proposal, they must have a core contributor on their team. We also believe that community voting gives us a precise scope on what the community needs and how it gets implemented, also it helps to avoid overlapping between proposals with other Guilds.

  • Discussions on the voting system for proposals: we highlighted that Core Contributors will be allowed to VOTE due to their extensive knowledge of the ecosystem and its gonna be 1 person one vote, and a percentage quorum for proposals

  • Skills Collaboration Database: The last part of the development of this project is going to be assigned to AJ for completion and AJ presented what he has worked on over the week and requested for assistance on the BackEnd development for the project.

  • Discussions on provision of incentives for contributions: Kenichi suggested an incentive for the first 3 members that participate in the Research survey form for Guilds and workgroups, and asked if they could be rewarded by the end of the month rather than quarterly. Lord kizzy requested for more time to discuss this internally and get Kenichi a feed back

  • Voting Pools: Kenichi highlighted the need for this, so that proposals might align with a precise scope

  • Vasu presented a project on "SingularityNet's ChatGPT " to the guild for testing and reviews

Decision Items:

  • We decided that AJ was going to continue the "Skills Collaboration Database" previously done by Curtis

    • [rationale] This selection was done based on AJ's skills and also due to lack of communication with Curtis

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Guillermo to have a discussion with Rojo and kenichi on similarities between their projects and to see if there is a possibility for collaboration [assignee] Guillermo [due] 10 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Clement to reach out to as to his's project presentation [assignee] Clement Umoh [due] 24 July 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Guilds, Tool Development, AI tooling, contributors, Operations, Deliverables, Core team, Presentation, Voting process, skills database, skills, reporting, documentation, core contributors, overlapping, incentives, voting pools

  • emotions: Casual, Collaborative, speedy , Welcoming

Education Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Slate [facilitator], Slate [documenter], Slate, osmium, AndrewBen, Photogee, Ayo, kateri, GorgaSeagian, Kenichi, malik, Yemi Solves, esewilliams, Clement Umoh

  • Purpose: - Dework Go through tasks - Clement's Video - Ai for beginners comments discussion by Ese - Gorga and Malik presentation on OCEAN infographic

  • Working Docs:

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Dework Go through tasks

  • Clement's Video

  • Ai for beginners comments discussion by Ese

  • Gorga and Malik's presentation on OCEAN infographic

Discussion Points:

  • Slate started the meeting welcoming everybody

  • Notified and discussed tasks assigned and the updates on the tasks on Dework

  • We went through the "Ai for beginners" document and discusssed its comments

  • Had a discussion on what type of video format should be used

  • Videos script should be there or not discussion

  • SEO discussion

  • At the end Ese said to set up a Notion page for starting things off and for setting up a proper background

  • Then we went over Gorga and Malik's infographic on OCEAN Protocol; some minor adjustments were suggested by Osmium

  • Then we went over Clement's video; suggestion were given on video improvement

Decision Items:

  • Ese to set up a Notion page with Osmium

    • [rationale] Best suited for the job, Ese having experience with Notion

    • [opposing] Nil

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • Clement for adjustment in his video

    • [rationale] Task assigned to him

    • [opposing] nil

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Take sample websites from the applicants [assignee] Slate [due] 24 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Notion set up task for Ese and osmium [assignee] esewilliams, osmium [due] 25 July 2024 [status] done


  • topics covered: review team, Dework Go through, Dework, Initial docs, Notion, Ai for beginners, video adjustments

  • emotions: productive, Collaborative, Businesslike.

Knowledge Base Workgroup

Agenda item 1 - Configuration and testing of ChatGPT model - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Continue improving ChatGPT model with guiding material and organizing structure

  • Are the results from the LLM what we expected?

  • Surprisingly good results and insights that are useable

  • Does the insight from the test gives us better understanding of the next steps in training GPT?

Decision Items:

  • We will take GPT model into use if we continue to organize new items

    • [rationale] From the test done, the results were good and the insights are useable

Action Items:

  • [action] Create an Excel file to feed our history and add our historic data of how we organize items to GPT to learn from [assignee] Tevo [status] todo

Agenda item 2 - Reviewing Item - Ambassador Program Analysis (Miro Board) - [resolved]

Discussion Points:

  • Asset link: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVM7pbrUY=/?moveToWidget=3458764557891618718&cot=14

  • What is the difference between identification and resolution of conflicts?

Decision Items:

  • We kept the Item in Category Behavioral Patterns under the section 'How do we resolve conflicts and tensions?'

    • [rationale] The item falls under that category and the section

Agenda item 3 - Q2 Proposal Report - [carry over]

Discussion Points:

  • Q2 Report: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cgDDAvaKOKf6oqIOGDu1pRW0yIP3XFQxJ_3UFmNhTQM/

  • Shared current progress made of the Q2 Proposal Report

Action Items:

  • [action] Draft Knowledge Based section of Q2 Report [assignee] Effiom [status] todo


  • topics covered: LLM development, ChatGPT, Testing, Results, Insights, review, Conflicts, Q2 quarterly report

  • emotions: educational, insightful, Collaborative

Thursday 25th July 2024

Onboarding Workgroup

Town Hall Updates:

  • Mention that we have selected a set of Onboarders

  • Skillssharing - We are having a session on documentation on 15th Aug, led by LadyTempestt

  • Budget fitting? How we did the fitting (the amount we lost and what we are left with)?

  • New onboarding process. Channels are live

In this meeting we discussed:

  • Minutes from the last meeting, 18th July

  • Action Items from 18th July meeting

  • Q3 budget update: We took a look at BUDGET-FITTED Onboarding WG budget Q3 2024, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SCBv9Fi8MZLefKSs-ezzfVnIpDJfu6BqcT2uVU6glmk/edit?usp=drivesdk

  • Facilitating and documenting next week: Clement facilitating, and mentoring Colleen; CJFrankie documenting and adding to Summary tool, and mentoring MartinSoki.

  • Town Hall updates: Clement is to schedule a call with Gorga after the meeting to mentor him. There were suggestions on what could be added to the town hall updates: - Skillsshare update; We are having a session on 15th by LadyTempestt - Mention that we have selected a set of onboarders - Budget fitting, How we did the fitting (the amount we lost and what we are left with)? maybe not - New onboarding process. Channels are live

  • Skillshare matrix; -Session on “Documentation” on the 15th August - Tuso was assigned to timestamp and post the recording (budget is $30). Session on GitHub for project management - Vani suggested that we ask Colleen if she would be available to do it before we assign it to her or even set a date for the session. -We decided to extend the conversation on "What would be the 3rd training for this Quarter" to the next meeting since we weren't getting enough responses from the members in the call

  • Assigning other work we budgeted for: We decided via an in-meeting vote that Ayo and Kateri will work on the research interview design. Research analysis will be done in Q4; Vani will either join the team or replace one of them, depending on budget.

Decision Items:

  • We decided via an in-meeting vote that Ayo and Kateri will work on the research design in Q3, and then, when we get to writing the Q4 budget, we'll decide what we want to allocate to the execution and analysis of the research, which will determine how many people work on those.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Clement to mentor Gorga to take on town hall updates on 30th July. [assignee] Clement Umoh [due] 30 July 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Sucre to drop the welcome message draft in the onboarders channel later today. [assignee] Sucre n Spice [due] 25 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] LadyTempestt to chase Onize this week about posting the onboarding journey scripts in the onboarding WG channel and see what everyone thinks about it. [assignee] LadyTempestt [due] 18 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] Vani is to ask Peter to give Martin Soki the onboarding WG tag. [assignee] Vanessa [due] 25 July 2024 [status] done

  • [action] CJ Frankie to meet Gorga and get a suitable time for us to meet and discuss his allegations against the WG [assignee] Cjfrankie [due] 1 August 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Vani to make a document on Gorga’s accusations so everyone can put in what he alleged at some point against the WG and its members. [assignee] Vanessa [due] 1 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Tuso to timestamp and post the recording for the forthcoming training session on “Documentation” [assignee] hogantuso [due] 22 August 2024 [status] todo

To carry over for next meeting:

  • “Onboarding journeys” scripts (10 mins) Onize has the scripts ready to show. What format to use them in? and what funding is needed to make whatever-it-is?

  • Asking other WGs about the skills new members should have and can learn in their WG


  • topics covered: Budget, skills matrix, Research Work, Town Hall updates, assigning tasks

  • emotions: argumentative, long, Collaborative, Well-attended, interesting

African Guild

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Duke Peter [facilitator], Advanceameyaw [documenter], Duke Peter, Ese Williams, Ayo, Kenichi, Nebula, Yemi Solves, Kateri, Photogee, Bassey Udom, Effiom, Martin Soki, Sucre n Spice, Eveline Trinite, Advanceameyaw, lord kizzy, Clement Umoh, Tuso

  • Purpose: Identify and touch base virtually with other AI/Web3 communities across Africa


The meeting started with our general welcoming greeting to recognize our diversity. Duke Peter emphasized the importance of reviewing our meeting summary notes to ensure accuracy, noting that members can be rewarded for each comment on a mistake or missing details.

Ayo addressed the lack of contributions to the Initiative and Contribution Framework document, despite the availability of templates and guidelines. To resolve this, he proposed forming a small team with a two-week deadline to ensure the framework's timely completion. He explained that this document is critical for the African Guild's mission to democratize AI in Africa, serving as a blueprint for organizing initiatives and ensuring the guild's efforts are aligned with its long-term goals.

Nebula, a new member, introduced himself and expressed a need for guidance on AI and SingularityNet. Duke welcomed him and suggested he work with Ayo on the Initiative and Contribution Framework document, highlighting the importance of mentorship for new members.

Clement updated the group on ongoing discussions about merchandise with the African Leadership University, and the importance of community input on research documents. Ayo proposed forming a team with Yemi and Nebula to work together on research and documentation, ensuring that new members are integrated and contributing effectively to the guild’s activities.

Duke Peter proposed the creation of a document review circle to ensure that the guild's documents are thoroughly reviewed before submission to the ambassador program. This team would consist of qualified members who would work with document creators to make necessary modifications, thus maintaining high standards. Additionally, he raised concerns about the potential use of the guild's documents outside the SingularityNet ecosystem, with Ese Williams advising against such usage due to sensitive information and copyright issues. Duke suggested that the guild might consider a Creative Commons license and proposed the creation of a GitHub repository to solidify the African Guild’s work and ensure proper credit is given.

AI Ethics Expo update: Duke provided updates on the planning for the SNET African Guild and AI Ethics Expo, emphasizing the importance of selecting an appropriate location in Nigeria, with Lagos and Abuja as potential options. The event will involve a team handling content curation, documentation, media, and event evaluation, with virtual participation from key figures in the GEI (Global AI Ethics Initiative).

Q3 Budget update: Duke Peter announced a reduction in the Q3 budget by $2,000 to meet quarterly requirements, affecting areas such as facilitation, meeting summaries, and AMA sessions. The budget now stands at $6,680 USD. Despite these cuts, Duke encouraged members to continue proposing initiatives and projects through the Members Collective document, emphasizing that funding is still available for initiatives that contribute to the guild’s growth.

African Guild Survey and Soulbound Token Project: Kenichi introduced a survey related to the African Guild’s responsibilities, offering incentives for participation, including early access to a new website and involvement in a loyalty system. The project involves creating a website for the ambassador program featuring a Soulbound token, a non-transferable NFT used for claiming badges and building a reputation system.

AOB: Tag for Members: A tag for African Guild members will be created to better identify and engage contributors in the region.

Action Items:

  • [action] Ayo to schedule a call with Yemi and Nebula on Discord to discuss forming a team on the collaborative framework document and put them through what is required for their research and documentations. [assignee] Ayo [status] todo

  • [action] Clement to update at Town Hall for Tuesday, 30th of July. [assignee] Clement Umoh [status] todo

  • [action] Kenichi to create a tag for African Guild members [assignee] Kenichi [status] todo


  • topics covered: African Guild Survey, Q3 Budget, AI Ethics Expo, Budget cuts, Soulbound tokens, reputation, loyalty system, GEI, tag, membership, documents, document review, review, new member, merchandise

  • emotions: Exciting, Collaborative, inclusive, fun

Friday 26th July 2024

Video Workgroup

Discussion Points:

  • Updates on task management: Malik indicated that he had created the monthly recurrent tasks on Dework and there were 3 new applications which were all rejected after the review process. There was a short clip submitted by Rojo and Lily and it's an animated clip and they requested for $50 per person. The whole group took a look at the video and commended the work but the major concern was the compensation for the work. Lordkizzy made emphasis on the tight budget the video WG are currently working with for Q3 and says it will be outrageous to pay $50 per person ($100) for a clip when we have a budget of $20 each for 12 clips. Lily dropped in and mentioned that the entire video was created from scratch and we should consider it as a long video rather than a clip. Slate indicated that once we pay this out someone can perform similar task and be expecting the same pay which is not feasible for us, so Lordkizzy suggested we compensate their efforts with $30 each and we decided to put it to a poll since the conversation was taking a while. Malik also indicated that he had a discussion with Lordkizzy on the quality of our Town Hall videos

  • Updates on social media management: Tuso indicated that there hasn't been activity from his side, and he had posted the Town Hall videos and two other videos would be posted before the end of the week

  • Updates on Zealy: Devon indicated that he had a conversation with Kenichi earlier in the week to present Videos to be created as quests on the Zealy platform which would be commencing next week. Lord kizzy indicated that he also had a conversation with Kenichi to see how Devon could get the editorial access to the Zealy platform but Kenichi highlighted in the discussion that Devon hasn't been active in the Zealy program so it's difficult to grant him the editorial access.

  • Discussion on Updates from Lordkizzy and Quality Control Blueprint: Lordkizzy indicated that the current format for our Town Hall Recording is wrong and should be corrected going forward, and he has sent out the correct format to Malik (Task Manager). He also spoke on the Quality Control discussion from the previous meeting and how this could be implemented, group members shared their thoughts and opinions which will be reflected in the Quality Control Blueprint.

  • Discussion on Budget: Lordkizzy presented the fitted budget to the workgroup and explained the process going forward.

  • Strategy Guild Workshop: Ayo suggested that three members should represent the Video WG in this workshop session on Mondays 17:00 UTC

Decision Items:

  • We decided to reward Rojo and Lilycupcake $30 each for their amazing video

    • [rationale] We do not have the buget for $50 per person for a 60 secs video

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

  • We decided that Lordkizzy, Zalfred and Tuso are going to represent the Video WG for the Strategy Guild Workshop

    • [rationale] These are the members that expressed interest

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Workgroup members to ideate on possible human animation platforms [assignee] All Members [due] 26 July 2024 [status] todo

  • [action] Task management was assigned to Malik for the month of August. [assignee] malik [due] 16 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Social media management was assigned to Tuso for the month of August. [assignee] hogantuso [due] 16 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Weekly Facilitation was assigned to Zalfred for the month of August. [assignee] Zalfred [due] 16 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Documentation was assigned to Lordkizzy for the month of August. [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 16 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Town Hall Summary edit was assigned to Andrew Ben for the month of August. [assignee] AndrewBen [due] 16 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] The Town Hall edit was assigned to Killy for the month of August. [assignee] killy [due] 16 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Lordkizzy to draft out the Quality control blueprint and present it the workgroup [assignee] lord kizzy [due] 2 August 2024 [status] todo


  • topics covered: Weekly updates, Budget Reduction, Budget fitting, Zealy Updates, Rewards, Video production, Task Assignment, Contigency, Vacation, Quality Control, Tasks format

  • emotions: Casual, productive, Organised, Thoughtful, warm, new ideas, lengthy, decisive, Friendly

Writers Workgroup

  • Type of meeting: Weekly

  • Present: Cjfrankie [facilitator], Cjfrankie [documenter], Kenichi, Mikasa, cjfrankie, LadyTempestt, devon, Gorga Siagian, Ayo, Inés, Advanceameyaw, Nebula, Merryman, Eveline Trinité

  • Purpose: The purpose of this meeting is to cite and introduce the new Scribblers, check all the boxes for July and points system discussion.


KENICHI INTRO: Before the meeting commenced, Kenichi announced that the WWG had selected two new Scribblers and then the Scribes to chase them to get involved; he also mentioned that the Zealy sprint is up and running and the points system for July will be distributed next Tuesday.

The meeting kicked off with Cjfrankie welcoming everyone, and then he welcomed and introduced Gorga as one of the newest Scribblers in the WG. Momentarily, Gorga unmutes his mic, and he appreciates everyone for their support and love.

Following that, Mikasa expresses her concerns about the unpublished meeting summaries! July is wrapping up, and the Scribes need to deliver the “SNET Ambassador Program Recap.” Cjfrankie suggests we can get some of the summaries from the meeting tool by navigating down the site to download the PDF version.

Today's meeting marked the presence of Eveline Trinité, who introduced herself and showcased her keen interest in the WG. After the introduction, Mikasa said that she would reach out to her to help her get involved in the WG. In a flash, Merryman also introduced himself, and he expressed interest in contributing to the WG.

Cjfrankie also put AdvanceAmeyaw in the spotlight by asking him how he felt while taking the WG’s test, and he also hinted that the test was quite hard for him! Moved with enthusiasm, Advance asked a question “How does the WWG operate?” And if they also collaborate with the spinoffs. Cjfrankie cleared the air by highlighting the WWG's goals and mission. He also pointed out that the WG has worked with other spin-offs like “Cogito.” We have also written a couple of drafts for Cogito, and we have close contact with Sandra.

MEETING AGENDA: Lady Tempestt emphasized the need for having a structured agenda for our weekly meeting to help us stay organized.

Ayo, from the Strategy Guild, talked about the forthcoming workshop scheduled for the 29th. According to Ayo, the workshop needs 2-3 persons who would represent the WWG in the workshop, and then Mikasa, Cjfrankie, and Gorga expressed their interests.

Decision Items:

  • We have decided that we will present a structured agenda during our meetings moving forward to help us stay organized.

    • [effect] affectsOnlyThisWorkgroup

Action Items:

  • [action] Mikasa and Cjfrankie to chase the Scribblers to help them with answering questions and give more details into how the WG works. [assignee] Mikasa, Cjfrankie [status] done

  • [action] Mikasa and Cjfrankie to chase the archival WG team regarding the missing meeting summaries in the gitbook. [assignee] Mikasa, Cjfrankie [status] done


  • topics covered: Scribblers, Cogito, Workshop, Strategy Guild, Zealy, Points system, meeting agenda, Spinoffs, July Recap, Summay tool, Meeting summary

  • emotions: Welcoming, Collaborative, Businesslike., inquisitive, funny

Saturday 27th July 2024

Gamers Guild

  • Type of meeting: Biweekly

  • Present: Slate [facilitator], devon [documenter], martinosoki, oep, lord kizzy, Gorga Siagian, flyn, Photogee, rebel, hufiumer69, hotasiro, Merryman, kateri, Eve

  • Purpose: The meeting focused on workgroup creation updates.

  • Media link: Link

  • Working Docs:

Discussion Points:

  • Slate outlined the meeting agenda

  • Malik updated us on the education guild department, highlighting the welcoming reception area and the questions that can be asked to the NPC in the reception, which is slate. He also presented a hologram themed around twin protocol and a hall displaying infographics about spin-offs. (Watch the education guild video in the drive folder link under the media section)

  • Martinsoki updated on the Treasury guild's progress, showcasing the guild building and its outdoor swimming pool, as well as the NPCs. He mentioned facing challenges in editing the department due to communication issues with his partner and are still in progress. (Watch the Treasury guild video in the drive folder link under the media section)

  • Gorga updated on the archives workgroup's formation, showcasing the NPCs and noting that the building's interior is still under construction. Members noted similarities to the video workgroup building, but Gorga asserted it was different, and Slate remarked that the building shouldn’t be too tall, as VR requires specific height constraints. (Watch the Archives Workgroup video in the drive folder link under the media section)

  • Photogee updated us on the Dework PBL creation. They've replaced the anime NPCs with standard ones but didn't provide names, as the information document from Slate only listed one member, Tevo. They haven't started animating the characters due to health issues. He showcased the building and the playground behind it, demonstrated a device for teleporting to the upper floor, and expressed his desire to create a workstation. Malik thought the chairs were floating because the second floor was transparent. (Watch the DeworkPBL video in the drive folder link under the media section)

  • Gorga showcased his segment of the video WG creation, highlighting NPC animations and dialogues. One NPC was turned to face the wall, but Slate suggested turning him around to face the entering players, which was implemented. Slate also recommended that dialogue pop-ups should only appear during interactions and proposed adding more animations for the NPCs.

  • Lord Kizzy presented his segment of the video WG creation, featuring various NPC animations and dialogues. He demonstrated the dialogue system with the Rojo NPC. Devon recommended breaking Rojo's lengthy responses into smaller segments for clarity.

  • OEP and CollyPride did not demonstrate their progress in department creation.

  • It was discussed whether we needed a holiday, and the majority of members responded affirmatively.

Decision Items:

  • Building should not be too big

    • [rationale] VR requires specific height constraints.

  • The next meeting is canceled due to the holiday.

    • [rationale] To give the Department creators sufficient time to complete their work.

Action Items:

  • [action] Department Creation - Education Guild [assignee] malik, hufiumer69 [due] 24 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Department Creation - Treasury Guild [assignee] martinsoki, scare-crow [due] 24 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Department Creation - Archives Workgroup [assignee] GorgaSeagian, kateri [due] 24 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Department Creation - Dework PBL [assignee] rebel, Photogee [due] 24 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Department Creation - RnD Guild [assignee] oep, CollyPride [due] 24 August 2024 [status] in progress

  • [action] Animation & Dialogue System (Video Workgroup) [assignee] lord kizzy, GorgaSeagian [due] 24 August 2024 [status] in progress

Game Rules:

Squid Game - the first to navigate the obstacles and reach the end wins.

players: Martinsoki, hufiumer, lord kizzy, hotasiro, eve, kateri, rebel, photogee, oep, gorga, flyn, merryman, Devon.


  • 1st Devon


  • topics covered: Roblox, metaverse, department creation, work updates, Collaboration, Game Development, mentorship, Dialogue Systems, Animation, holiday

  • emotions: Friendly, Collaborative, Deliberative, informative, focused on reporting

  • games played: SquidGame

Last updated