Budget Change Request
Problem Policy Addresses To enable WG budgets to be more responsive, and resolve the problem of when a WG needs to make budget changes mid-Quarter to respond to new circumstances. To clarify what level of community consultation needs to be done, so that it's transparent.
Policy Rule
Workgroups can change budget mid-quarter,
Rule Activation Dependencies
If a WG wants to change mid-quarter what some of their budget will be used for: If the changed budget line is 0-5% of a WG's total quarterly budget, the WG can change this at their own discretion without any consultation (1x per quarter). If it's 5-35% of the total quarterly budget, the WG should submit the suggested change to #decisions-to-be-made Discord channel, tagging @Core Contributor, and there will be 1 week for any objections to be registered. (If no objections, the WG can go ahead: but if anyone objects, discuss in a Governance meeting and try to resolve.) A 35% + change request needs to be included in the WG's budget proposal for the following Quarter (note that it would be separate from, and in addition to, their budget cap for that Quarter. So if a WG has a cap of 5k AGIX for Quarter 2 2025, and has 1k AGIX unspent from Q1 that it wants to reallocate, it will therefore have a total of 6k AGIX to work with). If a WG has unused budget at the end of a Quarter that they still intend to use as originally planned, they don't need to do anything special - they just do the work as and when they can.
Will enable WGs to be more quickly responsive to new circumstances, and make a change to their agreed budget if they need to. Will make any changes transparent and give a chance for people to object, and will avoid people being able to make massive changes to what they spend budget on without approval.
Implementation Start Time as soon as ratified
Implementation End Time check at the end of Q1 2025
Last updated