
Document Process

Ideation phase

  • April 9th to April 26th:

  • Snet Ambassadors & Community members to review and take off, change or add content, comments, remarks, suggestions

Refinement phase


  • Series of Ambassadors group calls to discuss the document

Change to 2 to 3 weeks

Finalization Phase


  • Finalizing the document to its finished format and content


  • Consent session to agree on the finalized documents status and the agreement of implementing the framework to the Ambassadors program

  • Submitting document on the Blockchain


When starting to look at Governance, let's start with some assumptions first:

  1. Governance process should be separate from monetized tokens.

  2. Governance decisions should be weighted towards engaged contributors instead of large token holders (whales).

  3. Governance decisions should encourage agreement processes alternative to voting. The Ambassador Guild has been working with Consensus (Consent) via engaged discussion which should be considered as the defacto process and be further explored.

  4. Keep things small in order to scale to large

  5. Start small and start somewhere and let ideas evolve

  6. Governance agreements should be documented on and off-chain.

  7. Governance should avoid popularity

  8. Governance should highlight diversity and inclusion rather than uniformed environments and processes

  9. Governance should avoid any representative roles and processes

  10. The best decisions are made by those who have real engagement and contribution to the cause, the activity and operations of the program

  11. It should be understood the purpose of the guild is to promote The SingularityNet Ecosystem and partner projects in a responsible manner with a vision aligned with the foundations.

  12. Actions or decisions of the SingularityNet Ambassador Guild should be weighed against perception regarding SingularityNet and responsible AGI as a whole.

Refined Assumptions:

Assumptions of Governance in the Ambassador Program:

1. The purpose of the Ambassador Program is to grow awareness of the importance of decentralized, benevolent AI/AGI.

2. Start small and start somewhere with the intention to allow ideas to evolve.

3. Governance agreements should be documented on and off-chain.

4. Governance should avoid any strict representative roles and be weighted towards contributors with real engagement to the cause, activities, and operations of the program.

5. Governance should be willing to experiment. Currently, the Ambassador Program has been working with Consensus via engaged discussion in a live setting. This and other methods should be further explored.


Last updated