How rewards are distributed

Where do Ambassador Program rewards come from?

SingularityNET’s Supervisory Council gives 1/3 of its allocation to the Ambassador program. This is currently 48,086 AGIX monthly for Q4, 2024. Any unspent budget carries over to the following month(s).

This is distributed to the WorkGroups according to the funding requests they have submitted, in line with their quarterly budgets. WorkGroups might reward members directly for their work, or create Dework bounties.

Workgroup task rewards tend to be around $10 to $20 per hour.

Disbursement of rewards

This is done by Treasury Guild on Tuesdays, using the system they developed for reward distribution. You can view the dashboard here.

AGIX (the SingularityNET native token) are sent on the Cardano blockchain. To get rewards, you need to provide your public Cardano wallet address. You can submit your wallet + Discord username in this form.

To find out more

If you're interested in learning more about how we manage funds, attend Treasury Guild meetings.

Last updated